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played a bit with docu

Former-commit-id: 2d3ca77254
sjunges 9 years ago
  1. 18
  2. 34


@ -1,19 +1,31 @@
# Building Storm
## Requirements
CMake >= 2.8.11
CMake is required as it is used to generate the Makefiles or Projects/Solutions required to build StoRM.
### Compiler:
A C++11 compliant compiler is required to build StoRM. It is tested and known to work with the following compilers:
- GCC 5.0
- GCC 5.3
- Clang 3.5.0
Other versions or compilers might work, but are not tested.
The following Compilers are known NOT to work: Microsoft Visual Studio versions older than 2013, GCC versions 4.7 and older.
The following Compilers are known NOT to work:
- Microsoft Visual Studio versions older than 2013,
- GCC versions 4.9.1 and older.
Boost >= 1.60
Build using the Boost Build system, for x64 use "bjam address-model=64" or "bjam.exe address-model=64 --build-type=complete"
## Instructions
### General
> mkdir build
It is recommended to make an out-of-source build, meaning that the folder in which CMake generates its Cache, Makefiles and output files should not be the Project Root nor its Source Directory.
A typical build layout is to create a folder "build" in the project root alongside the CMakeLists.txt file, change into this folder and execute "cmake .." as this will leave all source files untouched


@ -1,41 +1,37 @@
# Dependencies
Included Dependencies:
Carl 1.0
CUDD 3.0.0
## Included Dependencies:
- Carl 1.0
- CUDD 3.0.0
CUDD is included in the StoRM Sources under /resources/3rdparty/cudd-2.5.0 and builds automatically alongside StoRM.
Its Sourced where heavily modified as to incorporate newer Versions of Boost, changes in C++ (TR1 to C++11) and
to remove components only available under UNIX.
Eigen 3.3 beta1
- Eigen 3.3 beta1
Eigen is included in the StoRM Sources under /resources/3rdparty/eigen and builds automatically alongside StoRM.
GTest 1.7.0
- GTest 1.7.0
GTest is included in the StoRM Sources under /resources/3rdparty/gtest-1.7.0 and builds automatically alongside StoRM
GMM >= 4.2
- GMM >= 4.2
GMM is included in the StoRM Sources under /resources/3rdparty/gmm-4.2 and builds automatically alongside StoRM.
Gurobi >= 5.6.2
## Optional:
- Gurobi >= 5.6.2
Specify the path to the gurobi root dir using -DGUROBI_ROOT=/your/path/to/gurobi
Z3 >= 4.3.2
- Z3 >= 4.3.2
Specify the path to the z3 root dir using -DZ3_ROOT=/your/path/to/z3
MathSAT >= 5.2.11
- MathSAT >= 5.2.11
Specify the path to the mathsat root dir using -DMSAT_ROOT=/your/path/to/mathsat
MPIR >= 2.7.0
- MPIR >= 2.7.0
MSVC only and only if linked with MathSAT
Specify the path to the gmp-include directory -DGMP_INCLUDE_DIR=/your/path/to/mathsat
Specify the path to the mpir.lib directory -DGMP_MPIR_LIBRARY=/your/path/to/mpir.lib
Specify the path to the mpirxx.lib directory -DGMP_MPIRXX_LIBRARY=/your/path/to/mpirxx.lib
clang and gcc only
CUDA Toolkit >= 6.5
- CUDA Toolkit >= 6.5
Specify the path to the cuda toolkit root dir using -DCUDA_ROOT=/your/path/to/cuda
CUSP >= 0.4.0
- CUSP >= 0.4.0
Only of built with CUDA Toolkit
CUSP is included in the StoRM Sources as a git-submodule unter /resources/3rdparty/cusplibrary