STORM_LOG_WARN("The settings picked by the portfolio engine (engine="<<mpi.engine<<", bisim="<<mpi.applyBisimulation<<", exact="<<(mpi.verificationValueType!=ModelProcessingInformation::ValueType::FinitePrecision)<<") are incompatible with this model. Falling back to sparse engine without bisimulation and floating point arithmetic.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The settings picked by the portfolio engine (engine="<<mpi.engine<<", bisim="<<mpi.applyBisimulation<<", exact="<<useExact<<") are incompatible with this model. Falling back to default settings.");
STORM_LOG_WARN("The model checking query does not seem to be supported for the selected engine. Storm will try to solve the query, but you will most likely get an error for at least one of the provided properties.");