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Removed all references to LTL2DStar in Master branch

Lanchid 12 years ago
  1. 8
  2. 284
  3. 74


@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ message(STATUS "CUDD_INCLUDE_DIRS is ${CUDD_INCLUDE_DIRS}")
#Set all ltl2dstar references to the verion in the repository
set(LTL2DSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/3rdparty/ltl2dstar-0.5.1/src)
set(LTL2DSTAR_LIBRARY_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/3rdparty/ltl2dstar-0.5.1/src)
#set(LTL2DSTAR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/3rdparty/ltl2dstar-0.5.1/src)
#set(LTL2DSTAR_LIBRARY_DIRS ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/resources/3rdparty/ltl2dstar-0.5.1/src)
# Now define all available custom options
option(DEBUG "Sets whether the DEBUG mode is used" ON)


@ -1,284 +0,0 @@
* Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter.h
* Created on: 29.05.2013
* Author: Thomas Heinemann
#include "formula/Ltl.h"
#include "models/AtomicPropositionsLabeling.h"
#include "LTLFormula.hpp" //LTL2Dstar include file
namespace storm {
namespace adapters {
* @brief
* Conversion routines for creating an equivalent formula of the LTL2DStar classes out of storm formula classes.
* @note
* Storm allows bounded until and eventually operators, which are not available in LTL2Dstar
* These formulas are unfolded into an equivalent formula using nested next operators.
* This class uses the visitor pattern for traversing the LTL formula.
* Due to the limitations of templates in C++ the callback for the visit functions are of type void. As a workaround,
* intermediate result formulas are stored in the field intermediateResult.
template<class T>
class Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter :
public storm::property::ltl::visitor::AbstractLtlFormulaVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IAndVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IApVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IBoundedEventuallyVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IBoundedUntilVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IEventuallyVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IGloballyVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::INextVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::INotVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IOrVisitor<T>,
public storm::property::ltl::IUntilVisitor<T> {
virtual ~Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter() {
// TODO Auto-generated destructor stub
* Visit method for an ltl And formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the And formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitAnd(const storm::property::ltl::And<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p left = intermediateResult;
LTLNode_p right = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_AND, left, right));
* Visit method for an ltl Ap formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Ap formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitAp(const storm::property::ltl::Ap<T>& formula) {
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(apset->find(formula.getAp())));
* Visit method for an ltl Bounded Eventually formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* As Bounded Eventually is not supported in LTL2Dstar, the formula is unfolded into an equivalent
* formula using nested Next operators.
* @param formula Reference to the Bounded Eventually formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitBoundedEventually(const storm::property::ltl::BoundedEventually<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p child = intermediateResult;
//As ltl2dstar does not support bounded eventually, we transform it to (phi || X (phi || X ( ... ) ) )
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < formula.getBound(); i++) {
LTLNode_p nextOp(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_NEXTSTEP, intermediateResult));
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_OR, child, nextOp));
//TODO: Check if this works, even though the object child is never cloned, but referenced several time in the tree...
* Visit method for an ltl Bounded Until formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* As Bounded Eventually is not supported in LTL2Dstar, the formula is unfolded into an equivalent
* formula using nested Next operators.
* @param formula Reference to the Bounded Until formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitBoundedUntil(const storm::property::ltl::BoundedUntil<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p left = intermediateResult;
LTLNode_p right = intermediateResult;
//As ltl2dstar does not support bounded until, we transform it to (phi || psi && X (phi || X ( ... ) ) )
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < formula.getBound(); i++) {
LTLNode_p nextOp(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_NEXTSTEP, intermediateResult));
LTLNode_p andOp(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_AND, left, nextOp));
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_OR, right, andOp));
//TODO: Check if this works, even though the objects left and right are never cloned,
//but referenced several time in the tree...
* Visit method for an ltl Eventually formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* In LTL2DStar, the type for this formula is called "Finally".
* @param formula Reference to the Eventually formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitEventually(const storm::property::ltl::Eventually<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p child = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_FINALLY, child));
* Visit method for an ltl Globally formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Globally formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitGlobally(const storm::property::ltl::Globally<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p child = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_GLOBALLY, child));
* Visit method for an ltl Next formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Next formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitNext(const storm::property::ltl::Next<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p child = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_NEXTSTEP, child));
* Visit method for an ltl Not formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Not formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitNot(const storm::property::ltl::Not<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p child = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_NOT, child));
* Visit method for an ltl Or formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Or formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitOr(const storm::property::ltl::Or<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p left = intermediateResult;
LTLNode_p right = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_OR, left, right));
* Visit method for an ltl Until formula.
* Stores the converted formula (in LTL2Dstar classes) in the field intermediateResult
* @param formula Reference to the Until formula that is to be visited.
virtual void visitUntil(const storm::property::ltl::Until<T>& formula) {
LTLNode_p left = intermediateResult;
LTLNode_p right = intermediateResult;
intermediateResult.reset(new LTLNode(LTLNode::T_UNTIL, left, right));
* @brief
* Start the conversion of the formula tree
* As LTL2DStar uses the shared pointers of the boost library, the converted object is stored in these.
* @param formula The LTL formula to be converted
* @return A boost shared pointer to the converted formula.
LTLNode_p convertToLtlNode_p(storm::property::ltl::AbstractLtlFormula<T> const& formula) {
return intermediateResult;
* Returns an APSet object which contains all atomic propositions of the labeling parameter
* @param labeling The labeling of which the APs are extracted
* @return
static APSet_cp extractAPSetFromLabeling(storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling const& labeling) {
//TODO: Make sure that the index of the AP is the same in the labeling and the APSet.
APSet* apset = new APSet();
//Insert each AP of the labeling into the APSet
for (auto it = labeling.getNameToLabelingMap().begin();
it != labeling.getNameToLabelingMap().end();
it++) {
//Insert our object into the shared pointer
return APSet_cp(apset);
* Convert an LTL formula using the storm data structures into an equivalent one for LTL2Dstar.
* @note
* Storm allows bounded until and eventually operators, which are not available in LTL2Dstar
* These formulas are unfolded into an equivalent formula using nested next operators.
* @param formula The formula object to convert
* @param labeling A labeling that contains (at least) each AP that is used in the formula
* @return
static LTLFormula convert(storm::property::ltl::AbstractLtlFormula<T> const& formula,
storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling const& labeling) {
//First an APSet is extracted out of the labeling
APSet_cp apset = extractAPSetFromLabeling(labeling);
//The visitor has to be an actual object, which is created here
Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter adapter(apset);
//The return value is the result of the visitor object
return LTLFormula(adapter.convertToLtlNode_p(formula), apset);
* Constructor is protected, as the object should only be created in the static convert method.
* @param apset A set of atomic propositions (of LTL2Dstar)
Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter(APSet_cp apset) :
apset(apset) {
//Intentionally left empty
* Used to store the intermediate results of the conversion routine
LTLNode_p intermediateResult;
* Stores the apset information...
APSet_cp apset;
} /* namespace adapters */
} /* namespace storm */


@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
* Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest.cpp
* Created on: 01.06.2013
* Author: thomas
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "src/formula/Ltl.h"
#include "src/adapters/Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter.h"
#include "src/parser/LtlParser.h"
class Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest : public testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
//virtual void TearDown()
storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling labeling = storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling(1,2);
TEST_F(Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest, ConvertAndFormulaTest) {
storm::parser::LtlParser parser ("a & b");
LTLFormula ltlFormula = storm::adapters::Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter<double>::convert(*parser.getFormula(), labeling);
ASSERT_EQ(ltlFormula.toStringInfix(), "(a) && (b)");
delete parser.getFormula();
TEST_F(Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest, ConvertUntilFormulaTest) {
storm::parser::LtlParser parser ("a U b");
LTLFormula ltlFormula = storm::adapters::Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter<double>::convert(*parser.getFormula(), labeling);
ASSERT_EQ(ltlFormula.toStringInfix(), "(a) U (b)");
delete parser.getFormula();
TEST_F(Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest, ConvertNextEventuallyFormulaTest) {
storm::parser::LtlParser parser ("(F a) & X b");
LTLFormula ltlFormula = storm::adapters::Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter<double>::convert(*parser.getFormula(), labeling);
ASSERT_EQ(ltlFormula.toStringInfix(), "(<> (a)) && (X (b))");
delete parser.getFormula();
TEST_F(Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest, ConvertBoundedEventuallyFormulaTest) {
storm::parser::LtlParser parser ("F <= 3 a");
LTLFormula ltlFormula = storm::adapters::Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter<double>::convert(*parser.getFormula(), labeling);
//Bounded eventually is "unrolled", as Ltl2dstar does not support bounded operators
ASSERT_EQ(ltlFormula.toStringInfix(), "(a) || (X ((a) || (X ((a) || (X (a))))))");
delete parser.getFormula();
TEST_F(Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapterTest, ConvertBoundedUntilFormulaTest) {
storm::parser::LtlParser parser ("a U<=3 b");
LTLFormula ltlFormula = storm::adapters::Ltl2dstarFormulaAdapter<double>::convert(*parser.getFormula(), labeling);
//Bounded until is "unrolled", as Ltl2dstar does not support bounded operators
ASSERT_EQ(ltlFormula.toStringInfix(), "(b) || ((a) && (X ((b) || ((a) && (X ((b) || ((a) && (X (b)))))))))");
delete parser.getFormula();