@ -86,18 +86,25 @@ namespace storm {
uint_fast64_t infSet = std : : get < 2 > ( choice . first ) ;
scheduler . setChoice ( choice . second , modelState , ( automatonState * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ) ;
// TODO: shouldn't happen?
//STORM_LOG_ASSERT(!this->_unreachableStates.get()[(automatonState*(_infSets.get().size()+1))+ infSet].get(modelState), "Tried to set choice for unreachable state.");
// set non-reachable (modelState,memoryState)-Pairs (i.e. those that are not contained in _productChoices) to "unreachable",
// also: states that are never reached using the scheduler
// (extend Scheduler by something like std::vector<std::Bitvector>>
// + reachableSchedulerChoices; isChoiceReachable(..))
// + change definition of partialScheduler/undefinedstates (true if there are undefined states (undefined states are always reachable))
// + maybe states in trueUpsi are unreachable
for ( uint_fast64_t memoryState = 0 ; this - > _unreachableStates . get ( ) . size ( ) ; + + memoryState ) {
for ( auto state : this - > _unreachableStates . get ( ) [ memoryState ] ) {
// todo fails, memory state = 9
scheduler . setStateUnreachable ( state , memoryState ) ;
// Sanity check for created scheduler.
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( scheduler . isDeterministicScheduler ( ) , " Expected a deterministic scheduler " ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( ! scheduler . isPartialScheduler ( ) , " Expected a fully defined scheduler " ) ;
return scheduler ;
@ -290,7 +297,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Define scheduler choices for the states in this MEC (that are not in any other MEC)
for ( uint_fast64_t id : infSetIds ) {
// Scheduler that satisfies the MEC acceptance condition (visit each InfSet inf often, or switch to scheduler of another MEC)
@ -311,7 +317,6 @@ namespace storm {
// We want to reach the InfSet, save choice: <s, q, InfSetID> ---> choice
this - > _productChoices . get ( ) . insert ( { std : : make_tuple ( product - > getModelState ( pState ) , product - > getAutomatonState ( pState ) , id ) , mecScheduler . getChoice ( pState ) } ) ;
@ -441,68 +446,87 @@ namespace storm {
// TODO asserts _mecStatesInfSets initialized etc.
// Compute size of the resulting memory structure: a state corresponds to <q, infSet>> encoded as (q* (|infSets|+1))+infSet
uint64 numMemoryStates = ( da . getNumberOfStates ( ) * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ; //+1 for states outside accECs
_unreachableStates . emplace ( numMemoryStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , false ) ) ;
// Extract the choices of the REACH-scheduler (choices to reach an acc. MEC) for the MDP-DA product: <s,q> -> choice
for ( storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type pState : ~ acceptingStates ) {
// for state <s,q> not in any accEC <s,q, REACH> ---> choice
// Do not overwrite choices of states in an accepting MEC
this - > _productChoices . get ( ) . insert ( { std : : make_tuple ( product - > getModelState ( pState ) , product - > getAutomatonState ( pState ) , _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) ) , prodCheckResult . scheduler - > getChoice ( pState ) } ) ;
// For non-accepting states that are not in any accepting EC we use the 'last' copy of the DA
this - > _accInfSets . get ( ) [ pState ] = { this - > _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) } ;
this - > _accInfSets . get ( ) [ pState ] = { _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) } ;
// For state <s,q> not in any accEC <s,q, REACH> ---> choice. Do not overwrite choices of states in an accepting MEC.
this - > _productChoices . get ( ) . insert ( { std : : make_tuple ( product - > getModelState ( pState ) , product - > getAutomatonState ( pState ) , _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) ) , prodCheckResult . scheduler - > getChoice ( pState ) } ) ;
if ( ! prodCheckResult . scheduler - > isStateReachable ( pState ) ) {
this - > _unreachableStates . get ( ) [ ( product - > getAutomatonState ( pState ) ) * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) + _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) ] . set ( product - > getModelState ( pState ) ) ;
// Prepare the memory structure. For that, we need: transitions, initialMemoryStates (and memoryStateLabeling)
// Compute size of the resulting memory structure: a state corresponds to <q, infSet>> encoded as (q* (|infSets|+1))+infSet
uint64 numMemoryStates = ( da . getNumberOfStates ( ) * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ; //+1 for states outside accECs
// The next move function of the memory, will be build based on the transitions of the DA and jumps between InfSets.
this - > _memoryTransitions . emplace ( numMemoryStates , std : : vector < storm : : storage : : BitVector > ( numMemoryStates , storm : : storage : : BitVector ( this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) , false ) ) ) ;
for ( storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type automatonFrom = 0 ; automatonFrom < da . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + automatonFrom ) {
for ( storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type automatonTo = 0 ; automatonTo < da . getNumberOfStates ( ) ; + + automatonTo ) {
// Find the modelStates that trigger this transition.
for ( storm : : storage : : sparse : : state_type modelState = 0 ; modelState < this - > _transitionMatrix . getRowGroupCount ( ) ; + + modelState ) {
if ( ! product - > isValidProductState ( modelState , automatonTo ) ) {
// Memory state successor of the modelState-transition emanating <automatonFrom, * > not defined/reachable.
// TODO save as unreachable in scheduler
//STORM_PRINT("set to unreachable : <" << modelState <<" , " << automatonTo <<">");
// <modelState, automatonTo> is not defined in the Product. Thus, considered not reachable for the scheduler.
for ( uint_fast64_t infSet = 0 ; infSet < _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) ; + + infSet ) {
this - > _unreachableStates . get ( ) [ ( automatonTo * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] . set ( modelState ) ;
} else if ( automatonTo = = productBuilder . getSuccessor ( modelState , automatonFrom , modelState ) ) { //TODO remove first parameter of getSuccessor
// Add the modelState to one outgoing transition of all states of the form <automatonFrom, InfSet> (Inf=lenInfSet equals not in MEC)
// Add the modelState to one outgoing transition of all states of the form <automatonFrom, InfSet> (Inf=lenInfSet equals not in MEC)
// For non-accepting states that are not in any accepting EC we use the 'last' copy of the DA
// For the accepting states we jump through copies of the DA wrt. the infinity sets.
// and for the accepting states we jump through copies of the DA wrt. the infinity sets.
for ( uint_fast64_t infSet = 0 ; infSet < _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ; + + infSet ) {
// Check if we need to switch the acceptance condition
if ( _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . count ( infSet ) = = 0 ) {
// the state is is in a different accepting MEC with a different accepting conjunction of InfSets.
auto newInfSet = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . begin ( ) ;
_memoryTransitions . get ( ) [ ( automatonFrom * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] [ ( automatonTo * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + * newInfSet ] . set ( modelState ) ;
// TODO problem other inf set combis may not be reachable?
// this->_reachableStates.get()[(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + *newInfSet].set(modelState, true);
} else {
// The state is either not in an accepting EC or in an accepting EC that needs to satisfy the infSet.
if ( infSet = = _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) | | ! ( _infSets . get ( ) [ infSet ] . get ( product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ) ) ) {
// <modelState, automatonTo> is not in any accepting EC or does not satisfy the InfSet, we stay there.
// Add modelState to the transition from <automatonFrom, InfSet> to <automatonTo, InfSet>
_memoryTransitions . get ( ) [ ( automatonFrom * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] [ ( automatonTo * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] . set ( modelState ) ;
// TODO problem other inf set combis may not be reachable?
//this->_reachableStates.get()[(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + infSet].set(modelState, true);
} else {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] ! = boost : : none , " The list of InfSets for the product state < " < < modelState < < " , " < < automatonTo < < " > is undefined. " ) ;
// <modelState, automatonTo> satisfies the InfSet, find the next one
auto it = std : : find ( _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . begin ( ) , _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) , infSet ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( i t ! = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) , " The list of InfSets for the product state < " < < modelState < < " , " < < automatonTo < < " > does not contain the infSet " < < infSet ) ;
i t+ + ;
if ( i t = = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) ) {
auto nextInfSe t = std : : find ( _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . begin ( ) , _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) , infSet ) ;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT ( nextInfSe t ! = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) , " The list of InfSets for the product state < " < < modelState < < " , " < < automatonTo < < " > does not contain the infSet " < < infSet ) ;
nextInfSe t+ + ;
if ( nextInfSe t = = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . end ( ) ) {
// Start again.
i t = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . begin ( ) ;
nextInfSe t = _accInfSets . get ( ) [ product - > getProductStateIndex ( modelState , automatonTo ) ] . get ( ) . begin ( ) ;
// Add modelState to the transition from <automatonFrom <mec, InfSet>> to <automatonTo, <mec, NextInfSet>>.
_memoryTransitions . get ( ) [ ( automatonFrom * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] [ ( automatonTo * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + * it ] . set ( modelState ) ;
_memoryTransitions . get ( ) [ ( automatonFrom * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + infSet ] [ ( automatonTo * ( _infSets . get ( ) . size ( ) + 1 ) ) + * nextInfSet ] . set ( modelState ) ;
// TODO problem other inf set combis may not be reachable?
// this->_reachableStates.get()[(automatonTo * (_infSets.get().size()+1)) + *nextInfSet].set(modelState, true);