Browse Source

More (and more) work on bisimulation minimization.

Former-commit-id: 946085c71b
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 804
  2. 210


@ -8,23 +8,30 @@
namespace storm {
namespace storage {
static int globalId = 0;
static std::size_t globalId = 0;
template<typename ValueType>
BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::Block(storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin, storm::storage::sparse::state_type end, Block* prev, Block* next) : originalBegin(begin), begin(begin), end(end), prev(prev), next(next), numberOfStates(end - begin), isMarked(false), myId(globalId++) {
// Intentionally left empty.
std::cout << "created new block from " << begin << " to " << end << std::endl;
BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::Block(storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin, storm::storage::sparse::state_type end, Block* prev, Block* next) : next(next), prev(prev), begin(begin), end(end), markedAsSplitter(false), markedPosition(begin), id(globalId++) {
if (next != nullptr) {
next->prev = this;
if (prev != nullptr) {
prev->next = this;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::print(Partition const& partition) const {
std::cout << "block " << this->myId << " and ptr " << this << std::endl;
std::cout << "begin: " << this->begin << " and end: " << this->end << " (number of states: " << this->numberOfStates << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "next: " << this->next << " and prev " << this->prev << std::endl;
std::cout << "block " << this->getId() << " with marked position " << this->getMarkedPosition() << std::endl;
std::cout << "begin: " << this->begin << " and end: " << this->end << " (number of states: " << this->getNumberOfStates() << ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << "states:" << std::endl;
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type index = this->begin; index < this->end; ++index) {
std::cout << partition.states[index] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl << "original: " << std::endl;
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type index = this->getOriginalBegin(); index < this->end; ++index) {
std::cout << partition.states[index] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl << "values:" << std::endl;
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type index = this->begin; index < this->end; ++index) {
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << partition.values[index] << " ";
@ -35,13 +42,187 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::setBegin(storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin) {
this->begin = begin;
this->originalBegin = begin;
this->markedPosition = begin;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::setEnd(storm::storage::sparse::state_type end) {
this->end = end;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::incrementBegin() {
std::cout << "incremented begin to " << this->begin << std::endl;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::decrementEnd() {
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getBegin() const {
return this->begin;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getOriginalBegin() const {
if (this->hasPreviousBlock()) {
return this->getPreviousBlock().getEnd();
} else {
return 0;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getEnd() const {
return this->end;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::setIterator(const_iterator it) {
this->selfIt = it;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::const_iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getIterator() const {
return this->selfIt;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::const_iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getNextIterator() const {
return this->getNextBlock().getIterator();
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::const_iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getPreviousIterator() const {
return this->getPreviousBlock().getIterator();
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getNextBlock() {
return *this->next;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getNextBlock() const {
return *this->next;
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::hasNextBlock() const {
return this->next != nullptr;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getPreviousBlock() {
return *this->prev;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block* BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getPreviousBlockPointer() {
return this->prev;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block* BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getNextBlockPointer() {
return this->next;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getPreviousBlock() const {
return *this->prev;
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::hasPreviousBlock() const {
return this->prev != nullptr;
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::check() const {
if (this->begin >= this->end) {
std::cout << "beg: " << this->begin << " and end " << this->end << std::endl;
if (this->prev != nullptr) {
assert (this->prev->next == this);
if (this->next != nullptr) {
assert (this->next->prev == this);
return true;
template<typename ValueType>
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getNumberOfStates() const {
// We need to take the original begin here, because the begin is temporarily moved.
return (this->end - this->getOriginalBegin());
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::isMarkedAsSplitter() const {
return this->markedAsSplitter;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::markAsSplitter() {
this->markedAsSplitter = true;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::unmarkAsSplitter() {
this->markedAsSplitter = false;
template<typename ValueType>
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getId() const {
return this->id;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::getMarkedPosition() const {
return this->markedPosition;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::setMarkedPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) {
this->markedPosition = position;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::resetMarkedPosition() {
this->markedPosition = this->begin;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::incrementMarkedPosition() {
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::markAsPredecessorBlock() {
this->markedAsPredecessorBlock = true;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::unmarkAsPredecessorBlock() {
this->markedAsPredecessorBlock = false;
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block::isMarkedAsPredecessor() const {
return markedAsPredecessorBlock;
template<typename ValueType>
BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::Partition(std::size_t numberOfStates) : stateToBlockMapping(numberOfStates), states(numberOfStates), positions(numberOfStates), values(numberOfStates) {
// Create the block and give it an iterator to itself.
typename std::list<Block>::iterator it = blocks.emplace(this->blocks.end(), 0, numberOfStates, nullptr, nullptr);
it->itToSelf = it;
// Set up the different parts of the internal structure.
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state = 0; state < numberOfStates; ++state) {
states[state] = state;
positions[state] = state;
@ -49,40 +230,192 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::swapStates(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type state2) {
std::cout << "swapping states " << state1 << " and " << state2 << std::endl;
std::swap(this->states[this->positions[state1]], this->states[this->positions[state2]]);
std::swap(this->values[this->positions[state1]], this->values[this->positions[state2]]);
std::swap(this->positions[state1], this->positions[state2]);
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::swapStatesAtPositions(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position2) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type state1 = this->states[position1];
storm::storage::sparse::state_type state2 = this->states[position2];
std::cout << "swapping states " << state1 << " and " << state2 << " at positions " << position1 << " and " << position2 << std::endl;
std::swap(this->states[position1], this->states[position2]);
std::swap(this->values[position1], this->values[position2]);
this->positions[state1] = position2;
this->positions[state2] = position1;
std::cout << "pos of " << state1 << " is now " << position2 << " and pos of " << state2 << " is now " << position1 << std::endl;
std::cout << this->states[position1] << " vs " << state2 << " and " << this->states[position2] << " vs " << state1 << std::endl;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const {
return this->positions[state];
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::setPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) {
this->positions[state] = position;
template<typename ValueType>
storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getState(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) const {
return this->states[position];
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const {
return this->values[this->positions[state]];
template<typename ValueType>
ValueType const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getValueAtPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) const {
return this->values[position];
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::setValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, ValueType value) {
this->values[this->positions[state]] = value;
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<ValueType>& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getValues() {
return this->values;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::increaseValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, ValueType value) {
this->values[this->positions[state]] += value;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::updateBlockMapping(Block& block, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator first, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator last) {
for (; first != last; ++first) {
this->stateToBlockMapping[*first] = &block;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBlock(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) {
return *this->stateToBlockMapping[state];
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBeginOfStates(Block const& block) {
return this->states.begin() + block.getBegin();
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getEndOfStates(Block const& block) {
return this->states.begin() + block.getEnd();
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBeginOfStates(Block const& block) const {
return this->states.begin() + block.getBegin();
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getEndOfStates(Block const& block) const {
return this->states.begin() + block.getEnd();
template<typename ValueType>
typename std::vector<ValueType>::iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBeginOfValues(Block const& block) {
return this->values.begin() + block.getBegin();
template<typename ValueType>
typename std::vector<ValueType>::iterator BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getEndOfValues(Block const& block) {
return this->values.begin() + block.getEnd();
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::splitBlock(Block& block, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) {
// FIXME: this could be improved by splitting off the smaller of the two resulting blocks.
std::cout << "splitting block (" << block.getBegin() << "," << block.getEnd() << ") at position " << position << std::endl;
// In case one of the resulting blocks would be empty, we simply return the current block and do not create
// a new one.
if (position == block.getBegin() || position == block.getEnd()) {
return block;
// Actually create the new block and insert it at the correct position.
typename std::list<Block>::iterator selfIt = this->blocks.emplace(block.getIterator(), block.getBegin(), position, block.getPreviousBlockPointer(), &block);
std::cout << "created new block from " << block.getBegin() << " to " << position << std::endl;
Block& newBlock = *selfIt;
// Make the current block end at the given position.
std::cout << "old block: " << std::endl;
// Update the mapping of the states in the newly created block.
for (auto it = this->getBeginOfStates(newBlock), ite = this->getEndOfStates(newBlock); it != ite; ++it) {
stateToBlockMapping[*it] = &newBlock;
return newBlock;
template<typename ValueType>
typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::insertBlock(Block& block) {
// Find the beginning of the new block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin;
if (block.hasPreviousBlock()) {
begin = block.getPreviousBlock().getEnd();
std::cout << "previous block ended at " << begin << std::endl;
} else {
begin = 0;
// Actually insert the new block.
typename std::list<Block>::iterator it = this->blocks.emplace(block.getIterator(), begin, block.getBegin(), block.getPreviousBlockPointer(), &block);
Block& newBlock = *it;
// Update the mapping of the states in the newly created block.
for (auto it = this->getBeginOfStates(newBlock), ite = this->getEndOfStates(newBlock); it != ite; ++it) {
stateToBlockMapping[*it] = &newBlock;
return *it;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::splitLabel(storm::storage::BitVector const& statesWithLabel) {
for (auto blockIterator = this->blocks.begin(), ite = this->blocks.end(); blockIterator != ite; ) { // The update of the loop was intentionally moved to the bottom of the loop.
Block& block = *blockIterator;
// Sort the range of the block such that all states that have the label are moved to the front.
std::sort(this->states.begin() + block.begin, this->states.begin() + block.end, [&statesWithLabel] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& b) { return statesWithLabel.get(a) && !statesWithLabel.get(b); } );
std::sort(this->getBeginOfStates(block), this->getEndOfStates(block), [&statesWithLabel] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& b) { return statesWithLabel.get(a) && !statesWithLabel.get(b); } );
// Update the positions vector.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.begin;
for (auto stateIt = this->states.begin() + block.begin, stateIte = this->states.begin() + block.end; stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.getBegin();
for (auto stateIt = this->getBeginOfStates(block), stateIte = this->getEndOfStates(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
this->positions[*stateIt] = position;
// Now we can find the first position in the block that does not have the label and create new blocks.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator it = std::find_if(this->states.begin() + block.begin, this->states.begin() + block.end, [&] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a) { return !statesWithLabel.get(a); });
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator it = std::find_if(this->getBeginOfStates(block), this->getEndOfStates(block), [&] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a) { return !statesWithLabel.get(a); });
// If not all the states agreed on the validity of the label, we need to split the block.
if (it != this->states.begin() + block.begin && it != this->states.begin() + block.end) {
if (it != this->getBeginOfStates(block) && it != this->getEndOfStates(block)) {
auto cutPoint = std::distance(this->states.begin(), it);
auto newBlockIterator = this->blocks.emplace(blockIterator, cutPoint, block.end, &block,;
newBlockIterator->itToSelf = newBlockIterator;
// Make the old block end at the cut position and insert a new block after it.
block.end = cutPoint; = &(*newBlockIterator);
block.numberOfStates = block.end - block.begin;
// Update the block mapping for all states that we just removed from the block.
for (auto it = this->states.begin() + newBlockIterator->begin, ite = this->states.begin() + newBlockIterator->end; it != ite; ++it) {
stateToBlockMapping[*it] = &(*newBlockIterator);
this->splitBlock(block, cutPoint);
} else {
// Otherwise, we simply proceed to the next block.
@ -90,6 +423,40 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
std::list<typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block> const& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBlocks() const {
return this->blocks;
template<typename ValueType>
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getStates() {
return this->states;
template<typename ValueType>
std::list<typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Block>& BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::getBlocks() {
return this->blocks;
template<typename ValueType>
bool BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::check() const {
for (uint_fast64_t state = 0; state < this->positions.size(); ++state) {
if (this->states[this->positions[state]] != state) {
for (auto const& block : this->blocks) {
for (auto stateIt = this->getBeginOfStates(block), stateIte = this->getEndOfStates(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
if (this->stateToBlockMapping[*stateIt] != &block) {
std::cout << "state " << *stateIt << " has wrong block mapping " << this->stateToBlockMapping[*stateIt] << " (should have " << &block << ")" << std::endl;
return true;
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::Partition::print() const {
for (auto const& block : this->blocks) {
@ -109,6 +476,7 @@ namespace storm {
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "size: " << this->blocks.size() << std::endl;
template<typename ValueType>
@ -129,7 +497,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::computeBisimulationEquivalenceClasses(storm::models::Dtmc<ValueType> const& dtmc, bool weak) {
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point totalStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// We start by computing the initial partition.
Partition partition(dtmc.getNumberOfStates());
@ -142,10 +510,11 @@ namespace storm {
std::cout << "initial partition:" << std::endl;
// Initially, all blocks are potential splitter, so we insert them in the splitterQueue.
std::deque<Block*> splitterQueue;
std::for_each(partition.blocks.begin(), partition.blocks.end(), [&] (Block& a) { splitterQueue.push_back(&a); });
std::for_each(partition.getBlocks().begin(), partition.getBlocks().end(), [&] (Block& a) { splitterQueue.push_back(&a); });
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> backwardTransitions = dtmc.getBackwardTransitions();
@ -166,318 +535,213 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::splitBlockProbabilities(Block* block, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::splitBlockProbabilities(Block& block, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::cout << "part before split prob" << std::endl;
Block& currentBlock = *block;
// Sort the states in the block based on their probabilities.
std::sort(partition.states.begin() + currentBlock.begin, partition.states.begin() + currentBlock.end, [&partition] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& b) { return partition.values[a] < partition.values[b]; } );
std::sort(partition.getBeginOfStates(block), partition.getEndOfStates(block), [&partition] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& a, storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& b) { return partition.getValue(a) < partition.getValue(b); } );
// FIXME: This can probably be done more efficiently.
std::sort(partition.values.begin() + currentBlock.begin, partition.values.begin() + currentBlock.end);
std::sort(partition.getBeginOfValues(block), partition.getEndOfValues(block));
// Update the positions vector.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = currentBlock.begin;
for (auto stateIt = partition.states.begin() + currentBlock.begin, stateIte = partition.states.begin() + currentBlock.end; stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
partition.positions[*stateIt] = position;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.getBegin();
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBeginOfStates(block), stateIte = partition.getEndOfStates(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
partition.setPosition(*stateIt, position);
// Finally, we need to scan the ranges of states that agree on the probability.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type beginIndex = currentBlock.begin;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type beginIndex = block.getBegin();
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentIndex = beginIndex;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type endIndex = currentBlock.end;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type endIndex = block.getEnd();
// Now we can check whether the block needs to be split, which is the case iff the probabilities for the
// first and the last state are different.
// Note that this check requires the block to be non-empty.
if (std::abs(partition.values[beginIndex] - partition.values[endIndex - 1]) < 1e-6) {
return 1;
// Now we scan for the first state in the block that disagrees on the probability value.
// Note that we do not have to check currentIndex for staying within bounds, because we know the matching
// state is within bounds.
ValueType currentValue = partition.values[beginIndex];
ValueType* valueIterator = &(partition.values[beginIndex]) + 1;
while (std::abs(*valueIterator - currentValue) < 1e-6) {
std::cout << "prob: " << *valueIterator << std::endl;
// Now resize the block.
std::cout << "resizing block from " << std::endl;
currentBlock.end = currentIndex;
currentBlock.numberOfStates = currentBlock.end - currentBlock.begin;
std::cout << " to " << std::endl;
beginIndex = currentIndex;
// If it is not already a splitter, we mark it as such.
if (!currentBlock.isMarked) {
currentBlock.isMarked = true;
Block* prevBlock = &currentBlock;
// Now scan for new blocks.
std::list<Block*> createdBlocks;
std::cout << currentIndex << " < " << endIndex << std::endl;
typename std::list<Block>::const_iterator insertPosition = currentBlock.itToSelf;
while (currentIndex < endIndex) {
ValueType currentValue = *(partition.values.begin() + currentIndex);
std::size_t createdBlocks = 0;
while (std::abs(partition.getValueAtPosition(beginIndex) - partition.getValueAtPosition(endIndex)) >= 1e-6) {
// Now we scan for the first state in the block that disagrees on the probability value.
// Note that we do not have to check currentIndex for staying within bounds, because we know the matching
// state is within bounds.
ValueType const& currentValue = partition.getValueAtPosition(beginIndex);
typename std::vector<ValueType>::const_iterator valueIterator = partition.getValues().begin() + beginIndex + 1;
ValueType* nextValuePtr = &currentValue;
while (currentIndex < endIndex && std::abs(currentValue - *nextValuePtr) < 1e-6) {
while (currentIndex < endIndex && std::abs(*valueIterator - currentValue) <= 1e-6) {
// Create a new block from the states that agree on the values.
typename std::list<Block>::iterator newBlockIterator = partition.blocks.emplace(insertPosition, beginIndex, currentIndex, prevBlock, prevBlock->next);
newBlockIterator->itToSelf = newBlockIterator;
Block* newBlock = &(*newBlockIterator);
prevBlock->next = newBlock;
prevBlock = newBlock;
if (prevBlock->numberOfStates > 1) {
// Now we split the block and mark it as a potential splitter.
Block& newBlock = partition.splitBlock(block, currentIndex);
if (!newBlock.isMarkedAsPredecessor()) {
beginIndex = currentIndex;
// Update the block mapping for the moved states.
for (auto it = partition.states.begin() + newBlock->begin, ite = partition.states.begin() + newBlock->end; it != ite; ++it) {
partition.stateToBlockMapping[*it] = newBlock;
for (auto block : createdBlocks) {
block->isMarked = true;
std::cout << "created " << createdBlocks.size() << " blocks" << std::endl;
return createdBlocks.size();
return createdBlocks;
template<typename ValueType>
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::splitPartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block const& splitter, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::cout << "getting block " << splitter.myId << " as splitter" << std::endl;
std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::splitPartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::cout << "treating block " << splitter.getId() << " as splitter" << std::endl;
std::list<Block*> predecessorBlocks;
// Iterate over all states of the splitter and check its predecessors.
for (auto stateIterator = partition.states.begin() + splitter.begin, stateIte = partition.states.begin() + splitter.end; stateIterator != stateIte; ++stateIterator) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type& state = *stateIterator;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentPosition = splitter.getBegin();
for (auto stateIterator = partition.getBeginOfStates(splitter), stateIte = partition.getEndOfStates(splitter); stateIterator != stateIte; ++stateIterator, ++currentPosition) {
std::cout << "states -----" << std::endl;
for (auto stateIterator = partition.getStates().begin() + splitter.getOriginalBegin(), stateIte = partition.getStates().begin() + splitter.getEnd(); stateIterator != stateIte; ++stateIterator) {
std::cout << *stateIterator << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = *stateIterator;
std::cout << "current state " << currentState << " at pos " << currentPosition << std::endl;
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : backwardTransitions.getRow(state)) {
uint_fast64_t elementsToSkip = 0;
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor = predecessorEntry.getColumn();
std::cout << "found predecessor " << predecessor << " of state " << *stateIterator << std::endl;
Block* predecessorBlock = partition.stateToBlockMapping[predecessor];
std::cout << "predecessor block " << predecessorBlock->myId << std::endl;
std::cout << "found predecessor " << predecessor << " of state " << currentState << std::endl;
Block& predecessorBlock = partition.getBlock(predecessor);
std::cout << "predecessor block " << predecessorBlock.getId() << std::endl;
// If the predecessor block has just one state, there is no point in splitting it.
if (predecessorBlock->numberOfStates <= 1) {
if (predecessorBlock.getNumberOfStates() <= 1) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = partition.positions[predecessor];
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = partition.getPosition(predecessor);
// If we have not seen this predecessor before, we move it to a part near the beginning of the block.
std::cout << "predecessor position: " << predecessorPosition << " and begin " << predecessorBlock->begin << std::endl;
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock->begin) {
// We cannot directly move the states at this point, otherwise we would consider states multiple
// times while others are skipped.
// std::swap(partition.states[predecessorPosition], partition.states[predecessorBlock->begin]);
// std::cout << "swapping positions of " << predecessor << " and " << partition.states[predecessorPosition] << std::endl;
// Instead, we only virtually move the states by setting their positions and move them in place
// later.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type tmp = partition.positions[predecessor];
partition.positions[predecessor] = predecessorBlock->begin;
std::cout << "moved " << predecessor << " to pos " << predecessorBlock->begin << std::endl;
partition.positions[partition.states[predecessorBlock->begin]] = tmp;
// storm::storage::sparse::state_type tmp = partition.positions[partition.states[predecessorPosition]];
// partition.positions[partition.states[predecessorPosition]] = partition.positions[predecessor];
// partition.positions[predecessor] = tmp;
// std::swap(partition.positions[predecessor], partition.positions[predecessorBlock->begin]);
std::cout << "incrementing begin, setting probability at " << partition.positions[predecessor] << " to " << predecessorEntry.getValue() << " ... " << std::endl;
partition.values[partition.positions[predecessor]] = predecessorEntry.getValue();
assert(partition.values[partition.positions[predecessor]] <= 1);
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.getBegin()) {
if (&predecessorBlock == &splitter) {
// If the predecessor we just found was already processed (in terms of visiting its predecessors),
// we swap it with the state that is currently at the beginning of the block and move the start
// of the block one step further.
if (predecessorPosition <= currentPosition) {
partition.swapStates(predecessor, partition.getState(predecessorBlock.getBegin()));
} else {
std::cout << "current position is " << currentPosition << std::endl;
// Otherwise, we need to move the predecessor, but we need to make sure that we explore its
// predecessors later.
if (predecessorBlock.getMarkedPosition() == predecessorBlock.getBegin()) {
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorBlock.getMarkedPosition(), predecessorPosition);
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, currentPosition + elementsToSkip + 1);
} else {
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorBlock.getMarkedPosition(), predecessorPosition);
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, predecessorBlock.getBegin());
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, currentPosition + elementsToSkip + 1);
} else {
partition.swapStates(predecessor, partition.getState(predecessorBlock.getBegin()));
partition.setValue(predecessor, predecessorEntry.getValue());
} else {
// Otherwise, we just need to update the probability for this predecessor.
partition.values[predecessorPosition] += predecessorEntry.getValue();
std::cout << "updating probability " << predecessorPosition << " to " << std::setprecision(10) << partition.values[predecessorPosition] << std::endl;
assert(partition.values[predecessorPosition] <= 1 + 1e-6);
partition.increaseValue(predecessor, predecessorEntry.getValue());
if (!predecessorBlock->isMarked) {
predecessorBlock->isMarked = true;
if (!predecessorBlock.isMarkedAsPredecessor()) {
// If we had to move some elements beyond the current element, we may have to skip them.
if (elementsToSkip > 0) {
std::cout << "skipping " << elementsToSkip << " elements" << std::endl;
stateIterator += elementsToSkip;
currentPosition += elementsToSkip;
// Now that we have computed the new positions of the states we want to move, we need to actually move them.
for (auto block : predecessorBlocks) {
std::cout << "moving block " << block->myId << std::endl;
for (auto stateIterator = partition.states.begin() + block->originalBegin, stateIte = partition.states.begin() + block->end; stateIterator != stateIte; ++stateIterator) {
std::cout << "swapping " << *stateIterator << " to " << partition.positions[*stateIterator] << std::endl;
std::swap(partition.states[partition.positions[*stateIterator]], *stateIterator);
// Now we can traverse the list of states of the splitter whose predecessors we have not yet explored.
for (auto stateIterator = partition.getStates().begin() + splitter.getOriginalBegin(), stateIte = partition.getStates().begin() + splitter.getMarkedPosition(); stateIterator != stateIte; ++stateIterator) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = *stateIterator;
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor = predecessorEntry.getColumn();
Block& predecessorBlock = partition.getBlock(predecessor);
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = partition.getPosition(predecessor);
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.getBegin()) {
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, predecessorBlock.getBegin());
partition.setValue(predecessor, predecessorEntry.getValue());
} else {
partition.increaseValue(predecessor, predecessorEntry.getValue());
if (!predecessorBlock.isMarkedAsPredecessor()) {
// Set the original begin and begin to the same value.
std::list<Block*> blocksToSplit;
std::cout << "having " << predecessorBlocks.size() << " pred blocks " << std::endl;
// Now, we can iterate over the predecessor blocks and see whether we have to create a new block for
// predecessors of the splitter.
for (auto block : predecessorBlocks) {
block->isMarked = false;
for (auto blockPtr : predecessorBlocks) {
Block& block = *blockPtr;
// If we have moved the begin of the block to somewhere in the middle of the block, we need to split it.
if (block->begin != block->end) {
std::cout << "moved begin to " << block->begin << " and end to " << block->end << std::endl;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type tmpBegin = block->begin;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type tmpEnd = block->end;
block->setBegin(block->prev != nullptr ? block->prev->end : 0);
block->end = tmpBegin;
block->numberOfStates = block->end - block->begin;
// Create a new block that holds all states that do not have a successor in the current splitter.
typename std::list<Block>::iterator it = partition.blocks.emplace(block->next != nullptr ? block->next->itToSelf : partition.blocks.end(), tmpBegin, tmpEnd, block, block->next);
Block* newBlock = &(*it);
newBlock->itToSelf = it;
if (block->next != nullptr) {
block->next->prev = newBlock;
block->next = newBlock;
if (block.getBegin() != block.getEnd()) {
std::cout << "moved begin of block " << block.getId() << " to " << block.getBegin() << " and end to " << block.getEnd() << std::endl;
Block& newBlock = partition.insertBlock(block);
std::cout << "created new block " << std::endl;
// Update the block mapping in the partition.
for (auto it = partition.states.begin() + newBlock->begin, ite = partition.states.begin() + newBlock->end; it != ite; ++it) {
partition.stateToBlockMapping[*it] = newBlock;
// Mark the half of the block that can be further refined using the probability information.
} else {
std::cout << "found block to split" << std::endl;
std::cout << "all states are predecessors" << std::endl;
// In this case, we can keep the block by setting its begin to the old value.
block->setBegin((block->prev != nullptr) ? block->prev->end : 0);
// Finally, we walk through the blocks that have a transition to the splitter and split them using
// probabilistic information.
for (auto block : blocksToSplit) {
if (block->numberOfStates <= 1) {
for (auto blockPtr : blocksToSplit) {
std::cout << "block to split: " << blockPtr->getId() << std::endl;
if (blockPtr->getNumberOfStates() <= 1) {
splitBlockProbabilities(block, partition, splitterQueue);
splitBlockProbabilities(*blockPtr, partition, splitterQueue);
return 0;
// template<typename ValueType>
// std::size_t BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::splitPartition(storm::models::Dtmc<ValueType> const& dtmc, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, std::size_t const& blockId, std::vector<std::size_t>& stateToBlockMapping, storm::storage::BitVector& blocksInSplitterQueue, std::deque<std::size_t>& splitterQueue, bool weakBisimulation) {
// std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point totalStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// std::unordered_map<storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType>, typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::block_type> distributionToNewBlocks;
// // Traverse all states of the block and check whether they have different distributions.
// std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point gatherStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// for (auto const& state : this->blocks[blockId]) {
// // Now construct the distribution of this state wrt. to the current partitioning.
// storm::storage::Distribution<ValueType> distribution;
// for (auto const& successorEntry : dtmc.getTransitionMatrix().getRow(state)) {
// distribution.addProbability(static_cast<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>(stateToBlockMapping[successorEntry.getColumn()]), successorEntry.getValue());
// }
// // If we are requested to compute a weak bisimulation, we need to scale the distribution with the
// // self-loop probability.
// if (weakBisimulation) {
// distribution.scale(blockId);
// }
// // If the distribution already exists, we simply add the state. Otherwise, we open a new block.
// auto distributionIterator = distributionToNewBlocks.find(distribution);
// if (distributionIterator != distributionToNewBlocks.end()) {
// distributionIterator->second.insert(state);
// } else {
// distributionToNewBlocks[distribution].insert(state);
// }
// }
// std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration gatherTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - gatherStart;
// std::cout << "time to iterate over all states was " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(gatherTime).count() << "ms." << std::endl;
// // Now we are ready to split the block.
// if (distributionToNewBlocks.size() == 1) {
// // If there is just one behavior, we just set the distribution as the new one for this block.
// // distributions[blockId] = std::move(distributionToNewBlocks.begin()->first);
// } else {
// // In this case, we need to split the block.
// typename BisimulationDecomposition2<ValueType>::block_type tmpBlock;
// auto distributionIterator = distributionToNewBlocks.begin();
// tmpBlock = std::move(distributionIterator->second);
// std::swap(this->blocks[blockId], tmpBlock);
// ++distributionIterator;
// // Remember the number of blocks prior to splitting for later use.
// std::size_t beforeNumberOfBlocks = this->blocks.size();
// for (; distributionIterator != distributionToNewBlocks.end(); ++distributionIterator) {
// // In this case, we need to move the newly created block to the end of the list of actual blocks.
// this->blocks.emplace_back(std::move(distributionIterator->second));
// // Update the mapping of states to their blocks.
// std::size_t newBlockId = this->blocks.size() - 1;
// for (auto const& state : this->blocks.back()) {
// stateToBlockMapping[state] = newBlockId;
// }
// }
// // Insert blocks that possibly need a refinement into the queue.
// for (auto const& state : tmpBlock) {
// for (auto const& predecessor : backwardTransitions.getRow(state)) {
// if (!blocksInRefinementQueue.get(stateToBlockMapping[predecessor.getColumn()])) {
// blocksInRefinementQueue.set(stateToBlockMapping[predecessor.getColumn()]);
// refinementQueue.push_back(stateToBlockMapping[predecessor.getColumn()]);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration totalTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - totalStart;
// std::cout << "refinement of block " << blockId << " took " << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(totalTime).count() << "ms." << std::endl;
// return distributionToNewBlocks.size();
// }
template class BisimulationDecomposition2<double>;


@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ namespace storm {
class Block {
typedef typename std::list<Block>::const_iterator const_iterator;
Block(storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin, storm::storage::sparse::state_type end, Block* prev, Block* next);
// Prints the block.
@ -37,31 +39,130 @@ namespace storm {
// Sets the beginning index of the block.
void setBegin(storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin);
// Moves the beginning index of the block one step further.
void incrementBegin();
// Sets the end index of the block.
void setEnd(storm::storage::sparse::state_type end);
// Moves the end index of the block one step to the front.
void decrementEnd();
// Returns the beginning index of the block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type getBegin() const;
// Returns the beginning index of the block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type getEnd() const;
// Retrieves the original beginning index of the block in case the begin index has been moved.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type getOriginalBegin() const;
// Returns the iterator the block in the list of overall blocks.
const_iterator getIterator() const;
// Returns the iterator the block in the list of overall blocks.
void setIterator(const_iterator it);
// Returns the iterator the next block in the list of overall blocks if it exists.
const_iterator getNextIterator() const;
// Returns the iterator the next block in the list of overall blocks if it exists.
const_iterator getPreviousIterator() const;
// Gets the next block (if there is one).
Block& getNextBlock();
// Gets the next block (if there is one).
Block const& getNextBlock() const;
// Gets a pointer to the next block (if there is one).
Block* getNextBlockPointer();
// Retrieves whether the block as a successor block.
bool hasNextBlock() const;
// Gets the previous block (if there is one).
Block& getPreviousBlock();
// Gets a pointer to the previous block (if there is one).
Block* getPreviousBlockPointer();
// Gets the next block (if there is one).
Block const& getPreviousBlock() const;
// Retrieves whether the block as a successor block.
bool hasPreviousBlock() const;
// Checks consistency of the information in the block.
bool check() const;
// Retrieves the number of states in this block.
std::size_t getNumberOfStates() const;
// Checks whether the block is marked as a splitter.
bool isMarkedAsSplitter() const;
// Marks the block as being a splitter.
void markAsSplitter();
// Removes the mark.
void unmarkAsSplitter();
// Retrieves the ID of the block.
std::size_t getId() const;
// Retrieves the marked position in the block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type getMarkedPosition() const;
// Sets the marked position to the given value..
void setMarkedPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position);
// Increases the marked position by one.
void incrementMarkedPosition();
// Resets the marked position to the begin of the block.
void resetMarkedPosition();
// Retrieves whether the block is marked as a predecessor.
bool isMarkedAsPredecessor() const;
// Marks the block as being a predecessor block.
void markAsPredecessorBlock();
// Removes the marking.
void unmarkAsPredecessorBlock();
// An iterator to itself. This is needed to conveniently insert elements in the overall list of blocks
// kept by the partition.
typename std::list<Block>::const_iterator itToSelf;
const_iterator selfIt;
// Pointers to the next and previous block.
Block* next;
Block* prev;
// The begin and end indices of the block in terms of the state vector of the partition.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type originalBegin;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type end;
// The block before and after the current one.
Block* prev;
Block* next;
// A field that can be used for marking the block.
bool markedAsSplitter;
// The number of states in the block.
std::size_t numberOfStates;
// A field that can be used for marking the block as a predecessor block.
bool markedAsPredecessorBlock;
// A field that can be used for marking the block.
bool isMarked;
// A position that can be used to store a certain position within the block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type markedPosition;
int myId;
// The ID of the block. This is only used for debugging purposes.
std::size_t id;
class Partition {
friend class Block;
* Creates a partition with one block consisting of all the states.
@ -73,6 +174,87 @@ namespace storm {
void splitLabel(storm::storage::BitVector const& statesWithLabel);
// Retrieves the size of the partition, i.e. the number of blocks.
std::size_t size() const;
// Prints the partition to the standard output.
void print() const;
// Splits the block at the given position and inserts a new block after the current one holding the rest
// of the states.
Block& splitBlock(Block& block, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position);
// Inserts a block before the given block. The new block will cover all states between the beginning
// of the given block and the end of the previous block.
Block& insertBlock(Block& block);
// Retrieves the blocks of the partition.
std::list<Block> const& getBlocks() const;
// Retrieves the blocks of the partition.
std::list<Block>& getBlocks();
// Retrieves the vector of all the states.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>& getStates();
// Checks the partition for internal consistency.
bool check() const;
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator getBeginOfStates(Block const& block);
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator getEndOfStates(Block const& block);
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator getBeginOfStates(Block const& block) const;
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator getEndOfStates(Block const& block) const;
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
typename std::vector<ValueType>::iterator getBeginOfValues(Block const& block);
// Returns an iterator to the beginning of the states of the given block.
typename std::vector<ValueType>::iterator getEndOfValues(Block const& block);
// Swaps the positions of the two given states.
void swapStates(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type state2);
// Swaps the positions of the two states given by their positions.
void swapStatesAtPositions(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position2);
// Retrieves the block of the given state.
Block& getBlock(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state);
// Retrieves the position of the given state.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& getPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const;
// Retrieves the position of the given state.
void setPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position);
// Sets the position of the state to the given position.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& getState(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) const;
// Retrieves the value for the given state.
ValueType const& getValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) const;
// Retrieves the value at the given position.
ValueType const& getValueAtPosition(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) const;
// Sets the given value for the given state.
void setValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, ValueType value);
// Retrieves the vector with the probabilities going into the current splitter.
std::vector<ValueType>& getValues();
// Increases the value for the given state by the specified amount.
void increaseValue(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state, ValueType value);
// Updates the block mapping for the given range of states to the specified block.
void updateBlockMapping(Block& block, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator first, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::iterator end);
// The list of blocks in the partition.
std::list<Block> blocks;
@ -88,17 +270,13 @@ namespace storm {
// This vector stores the probabilities of going to the current splitter.
std::vector<ValueType> values;
std::size_t size() const;
void print() const;
void computeBisimulationEquivalenceClasses(storm::models::Dtmc<ValueType> const& model, bool weak);
std::size_t splitPartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block const& splitter, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
std::size_t splitPartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
std::size_t splitBlockProbabilities(Block* block, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
std::size_t splitBlockProbabilities(Block& block, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
