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Added unparameterized NAND example. Further work on weak bisimulation.

Former-commit-id: 0936743f1e
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 74
  2. 7
  3. 2
  4. 207
  5. 11


@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
// nand multiplex system
// gxn/dxp 20/03/03
// U (correctly) performs a random permutation of the outputs of the previous stage
const int N; // number of inputs in each bundle
const int K; // number of restorative stages
const int M = 2*K+1; // total number of multiplexing units
// parameters taken from the following paper
// A system architecture solution for unreliable nanoelectric devices
// J. Han & P. Jonker
// IEEEE trans. on nanotechnology vol 1(4) 2002
const double perr = 0.02; // probability nand works correctly
const double prob1 = 0.9; // probability initial inputs are stimulated
// model whole system as a single module by resuing variables
// to decrease the state space
module multiplex
u : [1..M]; // number of stages
c : [0..N]; // counter (number of copies of the nand done)
s : [0..4]; // local state
// 0 - initial state
// 1 - set x inputs
// 2 - set y inputs
// 3 - set outputs
// 4 - done
z : [0..N]; // number of new outputs equal to 1
zx : [0..N]; // number of old outputs equal to 1
zy : [0..N]; // need second copy for y
// initially 9 since initially probability of stimulated state is 0.9
x : [0..1]; // value of first input
y : [0..1]; // value of second input
[] s=0 & (c<N) -> (s'=1); // do next nand if have not done N yet
[] s=0 & (c=N) & (u<M) -> (s'=1) & (zx'=z) & (zy'=z) & (z'=0) & (u'=u+1) & (c'=0); // move on to next u if not finished
[] s=0 & (c=N) & (u=M) -> (s'=4) & (zx'=0) & (zy'=0) & (x'=0) & (y'=0); // finished (so reset variables not needed to reduce state space)
// choose x permute selection (have zx stimulated inputs)
// note only need y to be random
[] s=1 & u=1 -> prob1 : (x'=1) & (s'=2) + (1-prob1) : (x'=0) & (s'=2); // initially random
[] s=1 & u>1 & zx>0 -> (x'=1) & (s'=2) & (zx'=zx-1);
[] s=1 & u>1 & zx=0 -> (x'=0) & (s'=2);
// choose x randomly from selection (have zy stimulated inputs)
[] s=2 & u=1 -> prob1 : (y'=1) & (s'=3) + (1-prob1) : (y'=0) & (s'=3); // initially random
[] s=2 & u>1 & zy<(N-c) & zy>0 -> zy/(N-c) : (y'=1) & (s'=3) & (zy'=zy-1) + 1-(zy/(N-c)) : (y'=0) & (s'=3);
[] s=2 & u>1 & zy=(N-c) & c<N -> 1 : (y'=1) & (s'=3) & (zy'=zy-1);
[] s=2 & u>1 & zy=0 -> 1 : (y'=0) & (s'=3);
// use nand gate
[] s=3 & z<N & c<N -> (1-perr) : (z'=z+(1-x*y)) & (s'=0) & (c'=c+1) & (x'=0) & (y'=0) // not faulty
+ perr : (z'=z+(x*y)) & (s'=0) & (c'=c+1) & (x'=0) & (y'=0); // von neumann fault
// [] s=3 & z<N -> (1-perr) : (z'=z+(1-x*y)) & (s'=0) & (c'=c+1) & (x'=0) & (y'=0) // not faulty
// + perr : (z'=z+(x*y)) & (s'=0) & (c'=c+1) & (x'=0) & (y'=0); // von neumann fault
[] s=4 -> (s'=s);
// rewards: final value of gate
[] s=0 & (c=N) & (u=M) : z/N;
label "target" = s=4 & z/N<0.1;


@ -28,6 +28,13 @@ namespace storm {
return false;
bool BisimulationSettings::check() const {
bool optionsSet = isStrongBisimulationSet() || isWeakBisimulationSet();
STORM_LOG_WARN_COND(!storm::settings::generalSettings().isBisimulationSet() || !optionsSet, "Bisimulation minimization is not selected, so setting options for gmm++ has no effect.");
return true;
} // namespace modules
} // namespace settings
} // namespace storm


@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ namespace storm {
bool isWeakBisimulationSet() const;
virtual bool check() const override;
// The name of the module.
static const std::string moduleName;


@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ namespace storm {
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type index = this->begin; index < this->end; ++index) {
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << partition.statesAndValues[index].second << " ";
if (partition.keepSilentProbabilities) {
std::cout << std::endl << "silent:" << std::endl;
for (storm::storage::sparse::state_type index = this->begin; index < this->end; ++index) {
std::cout << std::setprecision(3) << partition.silentProbabilities[partition.statesAndValues[index].first] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
@ -61,11 +67,10 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::Block::incrementBegin() {
if (begin == end) {
std::cout << "moved begin to end!" << std::endl;
template<typename ValueType>
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::Block::decrementEnd() {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(begin <= end, "Unable to resize block to illegal size.");
template<typename ValueType>
@ -149,6 +154,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
bool DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::Block::check() const {
std::cout << "checking block " << this->getId() << std::endl;
assert(this->begin < this->end);
assert(this->prev == nullptr || this->prev->next == this);
assert(this->next == nullptr || this->next->prev == this);
@ -576,15 +582,17 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition(storm::models::Dtmc<ValueType> const& model, bool weak, bool buildQuotient) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.hasStateRewards() && !model.hasTransitionRewards(), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Bisimulation is currently only supported for models without reward structures.");
Partition initialPartition = getLabelBasedInitialPartition(model, weak);
partitionRefinement(model, model.getBackwardTransitions(), initialPartition, weak, buildQuotient);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> backwardTransitions = model.getBackwardTransitions();
Partition initialPartition = getLabelBasedInitialPartition(model, backwardTransitions, weak);
partitionRefinement(model, backwardTransitions, initialPartition, weak, buildQuotient);
template<typename ValueType>
DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition(storm::models::Ctmc<ValueType> const& model, bool weak, bool buildQuotient) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(!model.hasStateRewards() && !model.hasTransitionRewards(), storm::exceptions::IllegalFunctionCallException, "Bisimulation is currently only supported for models without reward structures.");
Partition initialPartition = getLabelBasedInitialPartition(model, weak);
partitionRefinement(model, model.getBackwardTransitions(), initialPartition, weak, buildQuotient);
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> backwardTransitions = model.getBackwardTransitions();
Partition initialPartition = getLabelBasedInitialPartition(model, backwardTransitions, weak);
partitionRefinement(model, backwardTransitions, initialPartition, weak, buildQuotient);
template<typename ValueType>
@ -698,18 +706,25 @@ namespace storm {
// Initially, all blocks are potential splitter, so we insert them in the splitterQueue.
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point refinementStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::deque<Block*> splitterQueue;
std::for_each(partition.getBlocks().begin(), partition.getBlocks().end(), [&] (Block& a) { splitterQueue.push_back(&a); });
std::for_each(partition.getBlocks().begin(), partition.getBlocks().end(), [&] (Block& a) { splitterQueue.push_back(&a); a.markAsSplitter(); });
// Then perform the actual splitting until there are no more splitters.
while (!splitterQueue.empty()) {
std::sort(splitterQueue.begin(), splitterQueue.end(), [] (Block const* b1, Block const* b2) { return b1->getNumberOfStates() < b2->getNumberOfStates(); } );
std::cout << "refining with splitter " << splitterQueue.front()->getId() << std::endl;
for (auto const& entry : splitterQueue) {
std::cout << entry->getId();
std::cout << std::endl;
refinePartition(backwardTransitions, *splitterQueue.front(), partition, weak, splitterQueue);
refinePartition(model.getTransitionMatrix(), backwardTransitions, *splitterQueue.front(), partition, weak, splitterQueue);
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration refinementTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - refinementStart;
std::cout << "final partition: " << std::endl;
// Now move the states from the internal partition into their final place in the decomposition. We do so in
// a way that maintains the block IDs as indices.
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point extractionStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
@ -795,7 +810,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::refineBlockWeak(Block& block, Partition& partition, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::refineBlockWeak(Block& block, Partition& partition, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& forwardTransitions, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> splitPoints = getSplitPointsWeak(block, partition);
// Restore the original begin of the block.
@ -840,62 +855,123 @@ namespace storm {
// Now that all silent states were appropriately labeled, we can sort the states according to their
// labels and then scan for ranges that agree on the label.
// Now that all states were appropriately labeled, we can sort the states according to their labels and then
// scan for ranges that agree on the label.
std::sort(partition.getBegin(block), partition.getEnd(block), [&] (std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType> const& a, std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType> const& b) { return stateLabels[partition.getPosition(a.first) - block.getBegin()] < stateLabels[partition.getPosition(b.first) - block.getBegin()]; });
std::cout << "sorted states:" << std::endl;
for (auto it = partition.getBegin(block), ite = partition.getEnd(block); it != ite; ++it) {
std::cout << it->first << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto const& label : stateLabels) {
std::cout << label << std::endl;
// Note that we do not yet repair the positions vector, but for the sake of efficiency temporariliy keep the
// data structure in an inconsistent state.
std::cout << "sorted?" << std::endl;
for (auto it = partition.getBegin(block), ite = partition.getEnd(block); it != ite; ++it) {
std::cout << stateLabels[partition.getPosition(it->first) - block.getBegin()] << std::endl;
// Update the positions vector.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.getBegin();
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBegin(block), stateIte = partition.getEnd(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
partition.setPosition(stateIt->first, position);
std::cout << "state " << it->first << " and label " << stateLabels[partition.getPosition(it->first) - block.getBegin()] << std::endl;
// Now we have everything in place to actually split the block by just scanning for ranges of equal label.
std::cout << "scanning range " << block.getBegin() << " to " << block.getEnd() << " for equal labelings" << std::endl;
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator begin = partition.getBegin(block);
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator current = begin;
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator end = partition.getEnd(block) - 1;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentIndex = block.getBegin();
// Now we can check whether the block needs to be split, which is the case iff the probabilities for the
// first and the last state are different.
bool blockSplit = stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - block.getBegin()] != stateLabels[partition.getPosition(end->first) - block.getBegin()];
while (stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - block.getBegin()] != stateLabels[partition.getPosition(end->first) - block.getBegin()]) {
// Now we can check whether the block needs to be split, which is the case iff the labels for the first and
// the last state are different. Store the offset of the block seperately, because it will potentially
// modified by splits.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type blockOffset = block.getBegin();
bool blockSplit = stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - blockOffset] != stateLabels[partition.getPosition(end->first) - blockOffset];
while (stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - blockOffset] != stateLabels[partition.getPosition(end->first) - blockOffset]) {
std::cout << "still scanning range " << currentIndex << " to " << block.getEnd() << " for equal labelings" << std::endl;
std::cout << "found different labels " << stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - blockOffset] << " and " << stateLabels[partition.getPosition(end->first) - blockOffset] << std::endl;
// Now we scan for the first state in the block that disagrees on the labeling value.
// Note that we do not have to check currentIndex for staying within bounds, because we know the matching
// state is within bounds.
storm::storage::BitVector const& currentValue = stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - block.getBegin()];
storm::storage::BitVector const& currentValue = stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - blockOffset];
while (begin != end && stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - block.getBegin()] == currentValue) {
while (begin != end && stateLabels[partition.getPosition(begin->first) - blockOffset] == currentValue) {
// Now we split the block and mark it as a potential splitter.
Block& newBlock = partition.splitBlock(block, currentIndex);
std::cout << "splitting block created new block " << std::endl;
std::cout << "old block remained: " << std::endl;
// Update the silent probabilities for all the states in the new block.
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBegin(newBlock), stateIte = partition.getEnd(newBlock); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
if (partition.hasSilentProbability(stateIt->first, comparator)) {
ValueType newSilentProbability = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (auto const& successorEntry : forwardTransitions.getRow(stateIt->first)) {
if (&partition.getBlock(successorEntry.getColumn()) == &newBlock) {
std::cout << successorEntry.getColumn() << " is in block " << newBlock.getId() << std::endl;
newSilentProbability += successorEntry.getValue();
} else {
std::cout << successorEntry.getColumn() << " is not in block " << newBlock.getId() << std::endl;
partition.setSilentProbability(stateIt->first, newSilentProbability);
std::cout << "after updating silent probs:" << std::endl;
if (!newBlock.isMarkedAsSplitter()) {
std::cout << "adding block " << newBlock.getId() << " as splitter" << std::endl;
std::cout << "adding " << newBlock.getId() << " to the queue." << std::endl;
std::cout << "end of loop; currentIndex = " << currentIndex << std::endl;
// If the block was split, we also need to insert itself into the splitter queue.
if (blockSplit) {
if (!block.isMarkedAsSplitter()) {
std::cout << "adding " << block.getId() << " to the queue." << std::endl;
// Update the silent probabilities for all the states in the old block.
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBegin(block), stateIte = partition.getEnd(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
std::cout << "computing silent prob of " << stateIt->first << std::endl;
if (partition.hasSilentProbability(stateIt->first, comparator)) {
ValueType newSilentProbability = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (auto const& successorEntry : forwardTransitions.getRow(stateIt->first)) {
if (&partition.getBlock(successorEntry.getColumn()) == &block) {
std::cout << successorEntry.getColumn() << " is in block " << block.getId() << std::endl;
newSilentProbability += successorEntry.getValue();
} else {
std::cout << successorEntry.getColumn() << " is not in block " << block.getId() << std::endl;
partition.setSilentProbability(stateIt->first, newSilentProbability);
std::cout << "after updating silent probs for block itself:" << std::endl;
// Finally update the positions vector.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = blockOffset;
for (auto stateIt = partition.getStatesAndValues().begin() + blockOffset, stateIte = partition.getEnd(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
std::cout << "setting position of state " << stateIt->first << " to " << position << std::endl;
partition.setPosition(stateIt->first, position);
@ -905,10 +981,12 @@ namespace storm {
// We first scale all probabilities with (1-p[s]) where p[s] is the silent probability of state s.
std::for_each(partition.getStatesAndValues().begin() + block.getOriginalBegin(), partition.getStatesAndValues().begin() + block.getBegin(), [&] (std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>& stateValuePair) {
ValueType const& silentProbability = partition.getSilentProbability(stateValuePair.first);
if (!comparator.isOne(silentProbability)) {
std::cout << "before: " << stateValuePair.second << std::endl;
if (!comparator.isOne(silentProbability) && !comparator.isZero(silentProbability)) {
std::cout << "prob for state " << stateValuePair.first << " before: " << stateValuePair.second << std::endl;
stateValuePair.second /= storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - silentProbability;
std::cout << "scaled: " << stateValuePair.second << std::endl;
std::cout << "and scaled: " << stateValuePair.second << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "not scaling prob for state " << stateValuePair.first << " because silent prob is " << silentProbability << " and prob is " << stateValuePair.second << std::endl;
@ -922,6 +1000,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Then, we scan for the ranges of states that agree on the probability.
std::cout << "range to scan for split points: " << block.getOriginalBegin() << " to " << (block.getBegin() - 1) << std::endl;
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator begin = partition.getStatesAndValues().begin() + block.getOriginalBegin();
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator current = begin;
typename std::vector<std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType>>::const_iterator end = partition.getStatesAndValues().begin() + block.getBegin() - 1;
@ -948,12 +1027,12 @@ namespace storm {
// Push a sentinel element and return result.
return result;
template<typename ValueType>
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::refinePartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, bool weak, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
void DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::refinePartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& forwardTransitions, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, bool weak, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue) {
std::list<Block*> predecessorBlocks;
// Iterate over all states of the splitter and check its predecessors.
@ -972,6 +1051,8 @@ namespace storm {
splitterIsPredecessor = true;
std::cout << " got predecessor " << predecessor << " of state " << currentState << " in block " << predecessorBlock.getId() << " with prob " << predecessorEntry.getValue() << std::endl;
// If the predecessor block has just one state, there is no point in splitting it.
if (predecessorBlock.getNumberOfStates() <= 1 || predecessorBlock.isAbsorbing()) {
@ -1036,6 +1117,8 @@ namespace storm {
Block& predecessorBlock = partition.getBlock(predecessor);
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = partition.getPosition(predecessor);
std::cout << " got predecessor(2) " << predecessor << " of state " << stateIterator->first << " in block " << predecessorBlock.getId() << " with prob " << predecessorEntry.getValue() << std::endl;
if (predecessorPosition >= predecessorBlock.getBegin()) {
partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, predecessorBlock.getBegin());
@ -1103,12 +1186,11 @@ namespace storm {
// If the splitter is also the predecessor block, we must not refine it at this point.
if (&block != &splitter) {
std::cout << "refining pred block " << block.getId() << std::endl;
refineBlockWeak(block, partition, backwardTransitions, splitterQueue);
std::cout << "refining predecessor block " << block.getId() << std::endl;
refineBlockWeak(block, partition, forwardTransitions, backwardTransitions, splitterQueue);
} else {
Block& newBlock = partition.insertBlock(block);
// Restore the begin of the block.
std::cout << "not splitting because predecessor block is the splitter" << std::endl;
@ -1116,6 +1198,8 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(partition.check(), "Partition became inconsistent.");
template<typename ValueType>
@ -1128,7 +1212,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
template<typename ModelType>
typename DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::Partition DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::getLabelBasedInitialPartition(ModelType const& model, bool weak) {
typename DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::Partition DeterministicModelStrongBisimulationDecomposition<ValueType>::getLabelBasedInitialPartition(ModelType const& model, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, bool weak) {
Partition partition(model.getNumberOfStates(), weak);
for (auto const& label : model.getStateLabeling().getAtomicPropositions()) {
if (label == "init") {
@ -1140,7 +1224,54 @@ namespace storm {
// If we are creating the initial partition for weak bisimulation, we need to (a) split off all divergent
// states of each initial block and (b) initialize the vector of silent probabilities held by the partition.
if (weak) {
// FIXME: split off divergent states.
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type> stateStack;
storm::storage::BitVector nondivergentStates(model.getNumberOfStates());
for (auto& block : partition.getBlocks()) {
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBegin(block), stateIte = partition.getEnd(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
if (nondivergentStates.get(stateIt->first)) {
// Now traverse the forward transitions of the current state and check whether there is a
// transition to some other block.
for (auto const& successor : model.getRows(stateIt->first)) {
// If there is such a transition, then we can mark all states in the current block that can
// reach the state as non-divergent.
if (&partition.getBlock(successor.getColumn()) != &block) {
while (!stateStack.empty()) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = stateStack.back();
for (auto const& predecessor : backwardTransitions.getRow(stateIt->first)) {
if (&partition.getBlock(predecessor.getColumn()) == &block && !nondivergentStates.get(predecessor.getColumn())) {
if (nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() > 0 && nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() != block.getNumberOfStates()) {
// Now that we have determined all (non)divergent states in the current block, we need to split them
// off.
std::sort(partition.getBegin(block), partition.getEnd(block), [&nondivergentStates] (std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType> const& a, std::pair<storm::storage::sparse::state_type, ValueType> const& b) { return nondivergentStates.get(a.first) && !nondivergentStates.get(b.first); } );
// Update the positions vector.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.getBegin();
for (auto stateIt = partition.getBegin(block), stateIte = partition.getEnd(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
partition.setPosition(stateIt->first, position);
// Finally, split the block.
partition.splitBlock(block, block.getBegin() + nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits());
this->initializeSilentProbabilities(model, partition);


@ -91,9 +91,6 @@ namespace storm {
// Sets the end index of the block.
void setEnd(storm::storage::sparse::state_type end);
// Moves the end index of the block one step to the front.
void decrementEnd();
// Returns the beginning index of the block.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type getBegin() const;
@ -404,6 +401,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Refines the partition based on the provided splitter. After calling this method all blocks are stable
* with respect to the splitter.
* @param forwardTransitions The forward transitions of the model.
* @param backwardTransitions A matrix that can be used to retrieve the predecessors (and their
* probabilities).
* @param splitter The splitter to use.
@ -412,7 +410,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param splitterQueue A queue into which all blocks that were split are inserted so they can be treated
* as splitters in the future.
void refinePartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, bool weak, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
void refinePartition(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& forwardTransitions, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, Block& splitter, Partition& partition, bool weak, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
* Refines the block based on their probability values (leading into the splitter).
@ -424,7 +422,7 @@ namespace storm {
void refineBlockProbabilities(Block& block, Partition& partition, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
void refineBlockWeak(Block& block, Partition& partition, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
void refineBlockWeak(Block& block, Partition& partition, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& forwardTransitions, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, std::deque<Block*>& splitterQueue);
* Determines the split offsets in the given block.
@ -465,11 +463,12 @@ namespace storm {
* Creates the initial partition based on all the labels in the given model.
* @param model The model whose state space is partitioned based on its labels.
* @param backwardTransitions The backward transitions of the model.
* @param weak A flag indicating whether a weak bisimulation is to be computed.
* @return The resulting partition.
template<typename ModelType>
Partition getLabelBasedInitialPartition(ModelType const& model, bool weak);
Partition getLabelBasedInitialPartition(ModelType const& model, storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> const& backwardTransitions, bool weak);
* Initializes the silent probabilities by traversing all blocks and adding the probability of going to
