Browse Source

Merge branch 'master' of

PBerger 12 years ago
  1. 40
  2. 6
  3. 115
  4. 9
  5. 2
  6. 62
  7. 4
  8. 4
  9. 134
  10. 4
  11. 11
  12. 11
  13. 3
  14. 22


@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// sum of two dice as the asynchronous parallel composition of
// two copies of Knuth's model of a fair die using only fair coins
module die1
// local state
s1 : [0..7] init 0;
// value of the dice
d1 : [0..6] init 0;
[] s1=0 -> 0.5 : (s1'=1) + 0.5 : (s1'=2);
[] s1=1 -> 0.5 : (s1'=3) + 0.5 : (s1'=4);
[] s1=2 -> 0.5 : (s1'=5) + 0.5 : (s1'=6);
[] s1=3 -> 0.5 : (s1'=1) + 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=1);
[] s1=4 -> 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=2) + 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=3);
[] s1=5 -> 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=4) + 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=5);
[] s1=6 -> 0.5 : (s1'=2) + 0.5 : (s1'=7) & (d1'=6);
[] s1=7 & s2=7 -> (s1'=7);
module die2 = die1 [ s1=s2, s2=s1, d1=d2 ] endmodule
rewards "coinflips"
[] s1<7 | s2<7 : 1;
label "done" = s1=7 & s2=7;
label "two" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=2;
label "three" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=3;
label "four" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=4;
label "five" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=5;
label "six" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=6;
label "seven" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=7;
label "eight" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=8;
label "nine" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=9;
label "ten" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=10;
label "eleven" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=11;
label "twelve" = s1=7 & s2=7 & d1+d2=12;


@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ public:
totalRewardVector = new std::vector<Type>(*this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(*this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
// Now perform matrix-vector multiplication as long as we meet the bound of the formula.
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ public:
// that we still consider (i.e. maybeStates), we need to extract these values
// first.
std::vector<Type>* subStateRewards = new std::vector<Type>(maybeStatesSetBitCount);
storm::utility::setVectorValues(subStateRewards, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
storm::utility::selectVectorValues(subStateRewards, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
gmm::add(*subStateRewards, *b);
delete subStateRewards;
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ public:
// right-hand side. As the state reward vector contains entries not just for the
// states that we still consider (i.e. maybeStates), we need to extract these values
// first.
storm::utility::setVectorValues(b, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
storm::utility::selectVectorValues(b, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
// Solve the corresponding system of linear equations.


@ -197,24 +197,32 @@ public:
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Missing (state-based) reward model for formula.";
// Get the starting row indices for the non-deterministic choices to reduce the resulting
// vector properly.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
// Transform the transition probability matrix to the gmm++ format to use its arithmetic.
gmm::csr_matrix<Type>* gmmxxMatrix = storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<Type>(*this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix());
// Initialize result to state rewards of the model.
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(*this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
// Create vector for result of multiplication, which is reduced to the result vector after
// each multiplication.
std::vector<Type>* multiplyResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getRowCount(), 0);
// Now perform matrix-vector multiplication as long as we meet the bound of the formula.
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
std::vector<Type>* tmpResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < formula.getBound(); ++i) {
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *tmpResult);
swap = tmpResult;
tmpResult = result;
result = swap;
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *multiplyResult);
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
delete multiplyResult;
// Delete temporary variables and return result.
delete tmpResult;
delete gmmxxMatrix;
return result;
@ -226,6 +234,10 @@ public:
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException() << "Missing reward model for formula.";
// Get the starting row indices for the non-deterministic choices to reduce the resulting
// vector properly.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
// Transform the transition probability matrix to the gmm++ format to use its arithmetic.
gmm::csr_matrix<Type>* gmmxxMatrix = storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<Type>(*this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix());
@ -240,23 +252,27 @@ public:
totalRewardVector = new std::vector<Type>(*this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(*this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
// Create vector for result of multiplication, which is reduced to the result vector after
// each multiplication.
std::vector<Type>* multiplyResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getRowCount(), 0);
// Now perform matrix-vector multiplication as long as we meet the bound of the formula.
std::vector<Type>* swap = nullptr;
std::vector<Type>* tmpResult = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < formula.getBound(); ++i) {
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *tmpResult);
swap = tmpResult;
tmpResult = result;
result = swap;
gmm::mult(*gmmxxMatrix, *result, *multiplyResult);
if (this-> {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMin(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
} else {
storm::utility::reduceVectorMax(*multiplyResult, result, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
// Add the reward vector to the result.
gmm::add(*totalRewardVector, *result);
delete multiplyResult;
// Delete temporary variables and return result.
delete tmpResult;
delete gmmxxMatrix;
delete totalRewardVector;
return result;
@ -275,39 +291,52 @@ public:
// Determine which states have a reward of infinity by definition.
storm::storage::BitVector infinityStates(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
storm::storage::BitVector trueStates(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates(), true);
// TODO: just commented out to make it compile
//storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb1(this->getModel(), trueStates, *targetStates, &infinityStates);
if (this-> {
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb1A(this->getModel(), trueStates, *targetStates, &infinityStates);
} else {
storm::utility::GraphAnalyzer::performProb1E(this->getModel(), trueStates, *targetStates, &infinityStates);
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Found " << infinityStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " 'infinity' states.");
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Found " << targetStates->getNumberOfSetBits() << " 'target' states.");
storm::storage::BitVector maybeStates = ~(*targetStates) & ~infinityStates;
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "Found " << maybeStates.getNumberOfSetBits() << " 'maybe' states.");
// Create resulting vector.
std::vector<Type>* result = new std::vector<Type>(this->getModel().getNumberOfStates());
// Get the starting row indices for the non-deterministic choices to reduce the resulting
// vector properly.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> nondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices();
// Check whether there are states for which we have to compute the result.
storm::storage::BitVector maybeStates = ~(*targetStates) & ~infinityStates;
const int maybeStatesSetBitCount = maybeStates.getNumberOfSetBits();
if (maybeStatesSetBitCount > 0) {
// Now we can eliminate the rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<Type>* submatrix = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getSubmatrix(maybeStates);
// Converting the matrix from the fixpoint notation to the form needed for the equation
// system. That is, we go from x = A*x + b to (I-A)x = b.
// First, we can eliminate the rows and columns from the original transition probability matrix for states
// whose probabilities are already known.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<Type>* submatrix = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getSubmatrix(maybeStates, *this->getModel().getNondeterministicChoiceIndices());
// Get the "new" nondeterministic choice indices for the submatrix.
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> subNondeterministicChoiceIndices = this->computeNondeterministicChoiceIndicesForConstraint(maybeStates);
// Transform the submatrix to the gmm++ format to use its solvers.
// Transform the submatrix to the gmm++ format to use its capabilities.
gmm::csr_matrix<Type>* gmmxxMatrix = storm::adapters::GmmxxAdapter::toGmmxxSparseMatrix<Type>(*submatrix);
delete submatrix;
// Initialize the x vector with 1 for each element. This is the initial guess for
// the iterative solvers.
std::vector<Type> x(maybeStatesSetBitCount, storm::utility::constGetOne<Type>());
// Create vector for results for maybe states.
std::vector<Type>* x = new std::vector<Type>(maybeStatesSetBitCount);
// Prepare the right-hand side of the equation system. For entry i this corresponds to
// the accumulated probability of going from state i to some 'yes' state.
std::vector<Type> b(submatrix->getRowCount());
delete submatrix;
// Prepare the right-hand side of the equation system.
std::vector<Type>* b = new std::vector<Type>(maybeStatesSetBitCount);
if (this->getModel().hasTransitionRewards()) {
// If a transition-based reward model is available, we initialize the right-hand
// side to the vector resulting from summing the rows of the pointwise product
// of the transition probability matrix and the transition reward matrix.
std::vector<Type>* pointwiseProductRowSumVector = this->getModel().getTransitionMatrix()->getPointwiseProductRowSumVector(*this->getModel().getTransitionRewardMatrix());
storm::utility::selectVectorValues(b, maybeStates, *pointwiseProductRowSumVector);
storm::utility::selectVectorValues(&b, maybeStates, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices, *pointwiseProductRowSumVector);
delete pointwiseProductRowSumVector;
if (this->getModel().hasStateRewards()) {
@ -315,9 +344,9 @@ public:
// as well. As the state reward vector contains entries not just for the states
// that we still consider (i.e. maybeStates), we need to extract these values
// first.
std::vector<Type>* subStateRewards = new std::vector<Type>(maybeStatesSetBitCount);
storm::utility::setVectorValues(subStateRewards, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
gmm::add(*subStateRewards, *b);
std::vector<Type>* subStateRewards = new std::vector<Type>(b.size());
storm::utility::selectVectorValuesRepeatedly(subStateRewards, maybeStates, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
gmm::add(*subStateRewards, b);
delete subStateRewards;
} else {
@ -325,19 +354,16 @@ public:
// right-hand side. As the state reward vector contains entries not just for the
// states that we still consider (i.e. maybeStates), we need to extract these values
// first.
storm::utility::setVectorValues(b, maybeStates, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
storm::utility::selectVectorValuesRepeatedly(&b, maybeStates, *nondeterministicChoiceIndices, *this->getModel().getStateRewardVector());
// Solve the corresponding system of linear equations.
// TODO: just commented out to make it compile
// this->solveEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, *b);
// Solve the corresponding system of equations.
this->solveEquationSystem(*gmmxxMatrix, x, b, *subNondeterministicChoiceIndices);
// Set values of resulting vector according to result.
storm::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, maybeStates, x);
// Delete temporary matrix and right-hand side.
storm::utility::setVectorValues<Type>(result, maybeStates, *x);
delete x;
delete gmmxxMatrix;
delete b;
// Set values of resulting vector that are known exactly.
@ -400,6 +426,11 @@ private:
if (iterations % 2 == 1) {
delete x;
} else {
delete newX;
delete temporaryResult;
// Check if the solver converged and issue a warning otherwise.


@ -50,10 +50,11 @@ public:
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Probability matrix is invalid.";
if (this->getTransitionRewardMatrix() != nullptr) {
if (!this->getTransitionRewardMatrix()->isSubmatrixOf(*(this->getTransitionMatrix()))) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";
// FIXME: This is temporarily commented out, because the checking routine does not work properly.
//if (!this->getTransitionRewardMatrix()->isSubmatrixOf(*(this->getTransitionMatrix()))) {
// LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Transition reward matrix is not a submatrix of the transition matrix, i.e. there are rewards for transitions that do not exist.");
// throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "There are transition rewards for nonexistent transitions.";


@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ DeterministicModelParser::DeterministicModelParser(std::string const & transitio
this->stateRewards = srp.getStateRewards();
if (transitionRewardFile != "") {
storm::parser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser trp(transitionRewardFile);
storm::parser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser trp(transitionRewardFile, false, true);
this->transitionRewards = trp.getMatrix();
this->dtmc = nullptr;


@ -44,12 +44,14 @@ namespace parser {
* @param buf Data to scan. Is expected to be some char array.
* @param maxnode Is set to highest id of all nodes.
uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast64_t& maxnode) {
uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast64_t& maxnode, bool rewardFile) {
uint_fast64_t nonZeroEntryCount = 0;
* Check file header and extract number of transitions.
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
if (!rewardFile) {
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
* Check all transitions for non-zero diagonal entries and deadlock states.
@ -66,24 +68,26 @@ uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast
row = checked_strtol(buf, &buf);
col = checked_strtol(buf, &buf);
if (lastRow != row) {
if ((lastRow != -1) && (!rowHadDiagonalEntry)) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
if (!rewardFile) {
if (lastRow != row) {
if ((lastRow != -1) && (!rowHadDiagonalEntry)) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
for (int_fast64_t skippedRow = lastRow + 1; skippedRow < row; ++skippedRow) {
lastRow = row;
rowHadDiagonalEntry = false;
for (int_fast64_t skippedRow = lastRow + 1; skippedRow < row; ++skippedRow) {
if (col == row) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
} else if (col > row && !rowHadDiagonalEntry) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
lastRow = row;
rowHadDiagonalEntry = false;
if (col == row) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
} else if (col > row && !rowHadDiagonalEntry) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
* Check if one is larger than the current maximum id.
@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf);
if (!rowHadDiagonalEntry) {
if (!rowHadDiagonalEntry && !rewardFile) {
@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ uint_fast64_t DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, int_fast
* @return a pointer to the created sparse matrix.
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing)
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing, bool rewardFile)
: matrix(nullptr) {
* Enforce locale where decimal point is '.'.
@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
* Perform first pass, i.e. count entries that are not zero.
int_fast64_t maxStateId;
uint_fast64_t nonZeroEntryCount = this->firstPass(, maxStateId);
uint_fast64_t nonZeroEntryCount = this->firstPass(, maxStateId, rewardFile);
LOG4CPLUS_INFO(logger, "First pass on " << filename << " shows " << nonZeroEntryCount << " NonZeros.");
@ -160,7 +164,9 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
* Read file header, extract number of states.
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
if (!rewardFile) {
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
* Creating matrix here.
@ -198,7 +204,7 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
if (insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing) {
this->matrix->addNextValue(lastRow, lastRow, storm::utility::constGetZero<double>());
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "While parsing " << filename << ": state " << lastRow << " has no transition to itself. Inserted a 0-transition. (1)");
} else {
} else if (!rewardFile) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": state " << lastRow << " has no transition to itself.");
// No increment for lastRow
@ -206,11 +212,11 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
for (int_fast64_t skippedRow = lastRow + 1; skippedRow < row; ++skippedRow) {
hadDeadlocks = true;
if (fixDeadlocks) {
if (fixDeadlocks && !rewardFile) {
this->matrix->addNextValue(skippedRow, skippedRow, storm::utility::constGetOne<double>());
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": state " << skippedRow << " has no outgoing transitions. A self-loop was inserted.");
} else {
} else if (!rewardFile) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while parsing " << filename << ": state " << skippedRow << " has no outgoing transitions.");
// FIXME Why no exception at this point? This will break the App.
@ -223,10 +229,10 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
} else if (col > row && !rowHadDiagonalEntry) {
rowHadDiagonalEntry = true;
if (insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing) {
if (insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing && !rewardFile) {
this->matrix->addNextValue(row, row, storm::utility::constGetZero<double>());
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "While parsing " << filename << ": state " << row << " has no transition to itself. Inserted a 0-transition. (2)");
} else {
} else if (!rewardFile) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": state " << row << " has no transition to itself.");
@ -236,10 +242,10 @@ DeterministicSparseTransitionParser::DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::st
if (!rowHadDiagonalEntry) {
if (insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing) {
if (insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing && !rewardFile) {
this->matrix->addNextValue(lastRow, lastRow, storm::utility::constGetZero<double>());
LOG4CPLUS_DEBUG(logger, "While parsing " << filename << ": state " << lastRow << " has no transition to itself. Inserted a 0-transition. (3)");
} else {
} else if (!rewardFile) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": state " << lastRow << " has no transition to itself.");


@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ namespace parser {
class DeterministicSparseTransitionParser : public Parser {
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing = true);
DeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool insertDiagonalEntriesIfMissing = true, bool rewardFile = false);
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double>> getMatrix() {
return this->matrix;
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class DeterministicSparseTransitionParser : public Parser {
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double>> matrix;
uint_fast64_t firstPass(char* buf, int_fast64_t &maxnode);
uint_fast64_t firstPass(char* buf, int_fast64_t &maxnode, bool rewardFile);


@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace parser {
NondeterministicModelParser::NondeterministicModelParser(std::string const & transitionSystemFile, std::string const & labelingFile,
std::string const & stateRewardFile, std::string const & transitionRewardFile) {
storm::parser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser tp(transitionSystemFile);
uint_fast64_t stateCount = tp.getMatrix()->getRowCount();
uint_fast64_t stateCount = tp.getMatrix()->getColumnCount();
storm::parser::AtomicPropositionLabelingParser lp(stateCount, labelingFile);
if (stateRewardFile != "") {
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ NondeterministicModelParser::NondeterministicModelParser(std::string const & tra
this->stateRewards = srp.getStateRewards();
if (transitionRewardFile != "") {
storm::parser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser trp(transitionRewardFile);
storm::parser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser trp(transitionRewardFile, true, tp.getRowMapping());
this->transitionRewardMatrix = trp.getMatrix();


@ -49,11 +49,13 @@ namespace parser {
* @param maxnode Is set to highest id of all nodes.
* @return The number of non-zero elements.
uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t& choices, int_fast64_t& maxnode) {
uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t& choices, int_fast64_t& maxnode, bool rewardFile, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> const nondeterministicChoiceIndices) {
* Check file header and extract number of transitions.
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
if (!rewardFile) {
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
* Read all transitions.
@ -78,15 +80,37 @@ uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_
maxnode = source;
// If we have skipped some states, we need to reserve the space for the self-loop insertion
// in the second pass.
if (source > lastsource + 1) {
nonzero += source - lastsource - 1;
choices += source - lastsource - 1;
} else if (source != lastsource || choice != lastchoice) {
// If we have switched the source state or the nondeterministic choice, we need to
// reserve one row more.
if (rewardFile) {
// If we have switched the source state, we possibly need to insert the rows of the last
// last source state.
if (source != lastsource && lastsource != -1) {
choices += lastchoice - ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource] - 1);
// If we skipped some states, we need to reserve empty rows for all their nondeterministic
// choices.
for (uint_fast64_t i = lastsource + 1; i < source; ++i) {
choices += ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i]);
// If we advanced to the next state, but skipped some choices, we have to reserve rows
// for them
if (source != lastsource) {
choices += choice + 1;
} else if (choice != lastchoice) {
choices += choice - lastchoice;
} else {
// If we have skipped some states, we need to reserve the space for the self-loop insertion
// in the second pass.
if (source > lastsource + 1) {
nonzero += source - lastsource - 1;
choices += source - lastsource - 1;
} else if (source != lastsource || choice != lastchoice) {
// If we have switched the source state or the nondeterministic choice, we need to
// reserve one row more.
// Read target and check if we encountered a state index that is bigger than all previously
@ -127,6 +151,17 @@ uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_
buf = trimWhitespaces(buf);
if (rewardFile) {
// If not all rows were filled for the last state, we need to insert them.
choices += lastchoice - ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource] - 1);
// If we skipped some states, we need to reserve empty rows for all their nondeterministic
// choices.
for (uint_fast64_t i = lastsource + 1; i < nondeterministicChoiceIndices->size() - 1; ++i) {
choices += ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i]);
return nonzero;
@ -140,7 +175,7 @@ uint_fast64_t NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::firstPass(char* buf, uint_
* @return a pointer to the created sparse matrix.
NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename)
NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool rewardFile, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> const nondeterministicChoiceIndices)
: matrix(nullptr) {
* Enforce locale where decimal point is '.'.
@ -158,7 +193,7 @@ NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
int_fast64_t maxnode;
uint_fast64_t choices;
uint_fast64_t nonzero = this->firstPass(, choices, maxnode);
uint_fast64_t nonzero = this->firstPass(, choices, maxnode, rewardFile, nondeterministicChoiceIndices);
* If first pass returned zero, the file format was wrong.
@ -175,9 +210,11 @@ NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
* Read file header, ignore values within.
* Skip file header.
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
if (!rewardFile) {
buf = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; // skip format hint
* Create and initialize matrix.
@ -216,33 +253,54 @@ NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
source = checked_strtol(buf, &buf);
choice = checked_strtol(buf, &buf);
// Increase line count if we have either finished reading the transitions of a certain state
// or we have finished reading one nondeterministic choice of a state.
if ((source != lastsource || choice != lastchoice)) {
if (rewardFile) {
// If we have switched the source state, we possibly need to insert the rows of the last
// last source state.
if (source != lastsource && lastsource != -1) {
curRow += lastchoice - ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[lastsource] - 1);
* Check if we have skipped any source node, i.e. if any node has no
* outgoing transitions. If so, insert a self-loop.
* Also add self-loops to rowMapping.
for (int_fast64_t node = lastsource + 1; node < source; node++) {
hadDeadlocks = true;
if (fixDeadlocks) {
this->rowMapping->at(node) = curRow;
this->matrix->addNextValue(curRow, node, 1);
// If we skipped some states, we need to reserve empty rows for all their nondeterministic
// choices.
for (uint_fast64_t i = lastsource + 1; i < source; ++i) {
curRow += ((*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i + 1] - (*nondeterministicChoiceIndices)[i]);
// If we advanced to the next state, but skipped some choices, we have to reserve rows
// for them
if (source != lastsource) {
curRow += choice + 1;
} else if (choice != lastchoice) {
curRow += choice - lastchoice;
} else {
// Increase line count if we have either finished reading the transitions of a certain state
// or we have finished reading one nondeterministic choice of a state.
if ((source != lastsource || choice != lastchoice)) {
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": node " << node << " has no outgoing transitions. A self-loop was inserted.");
} else {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while parsing " << filename << ": node " << node << " has no outgoing transitions.");
if (source != lastsource) {
* Add this source to rowMapping, if this is the first choice we encounter for this state.
* Check if we have skipped any source node, i.e. if any node has no
* outgoing transitions. If so, insert a self-loop.
* Also add self-loops to rowMapping.
this->rowMapping->at(source) = curRow;
for (int_fast64_t node = lastsource + 1; node < source; node++) {
hadDeadlocks = true;
if (!rewardFile && fixDeadlocks) {
this->rowMapping->at(node) = curRow;
this->matrix->addNextValue(curRow, node, 1);
LOG4CPLUS_WARN(logger, "Warning while parsing " << filename << ": node " << node << " has no outgoing transitions. A self-loop was inserted.");
} else if (!rewardFile) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Error while parsing " << filename << ": node " << node << " has no outgoing transitions.");
if (source != lastsource) {
* Add this source to rowMapping, if this is the first choice we encounter for this state.
this->rowMapping->at(source) = curRow;
// Read target and value and write it to the matrix.
@ -265,7 +323,7 @@ NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser::NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(s
this->rowMapping->at(maxnode+1) = curRow + 1;
if (!fixDeadlocks && hadDeadlocks) throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Some of the nodes had deadlocks. You can use --fix-deadlocks to insert self-loops on the fly.";
if (!fixDeadlocks && hadDeadlocks && !rewardFile) throw storm::exceptions::WrongFileFormatException() << "Some of the nodes had deadlocks. You can use --fix-deadlocks to insert self-loops on the fly.";
* Finalize matrix.


@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ namespace parser {
class NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser : public Parser {
NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename);
NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser(std::string const &filename, bool rewardFile = false, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> const nondeterministicChoiceIndices = nullptr);
inline std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double>> getMatrix() const {
return this->matrix;
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class NondeterministicSparseTransitionParser : public Parser {
std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<double>> matrix;
std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> rowMapping;
uint_fast64_t firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t& choices, int_fast64_t& maxnode);
uint_fast64_t firstPass(char* buf, uint_fast64_t& choices, int_fast64_t& maxnode, bool rewardFile, std::shared_ptr<std::vector<uint_fast64_t>> const nondeterministicChoiceIndices);


@ -226,8 +226,8 @@ public:
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException("Trying to finalize an uninitialized matrix.");
} else if (currentSize != nonZeroEntryCount) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException("Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given.");
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given (expected " << nonZeroEntryCount << " but got " << currentSize << " instead)");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidStateException() << "Trying to finalize a matrix that was initialized with more non-zero entries than given (expected " << nonZeroEntryCount << " but got " << currentSize << " instead).";
} else {
// Fill in the missing entries in the row_indications array.
// (Can happen because of empty rows at the end.)
@ -751,7 +751,7 @@ public:
std::vector<T>* getPointwiseProductRowSumVector(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& otherMatrix) {
// Prepare result.
std::vector<T>* result = new std::vector<T>(rowCount);
std::vector<T>* result = new std::vector<T>(rowCount, storm::utility::constGetZero<T>());
// Iterate over all elements of the current matrix and either continue with the next element
// in case the given matrix does not have a non-zero element at this column position, or
@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ public:
// If the precondition of this method (i.e. that the given matrix is a submatrix
// of the current one) was fulfilled, we know now that the two elements are in
// the same column, so we can multiply and add them to the row sum vector.
(*result)[row] += otherMatrix.valueStorage[element] * valueStorage[nextOtherElement];
(*result)[row] += otherMatrix.valueStorage[nextOtherElement] * valueStorage[element];
@ -866,6 +866,7 @@ public:
* @return True iff this is a submatrix of matrix.
bool isSubmatrixOf(SparseMatrix<T> const & matrix) const {
if (this->getRowCount() != matrix.getRowCount()) return false;
if (this->getColumnCount() != matrix.getColumnCount()) return false;
@ -933,7 +934,7 @@ public:
result << i << "\t(\t";
uint_fast64_t currentRealIndex = 0;
while (currentRealIndex < colCount) {
if (currentRealIndex == columnIndications[nextIndex] && nextIndex < rowIndications[i + 1]) {
if (nextIndex < rowIndications[i + 1] && currentRealIndex == columnIndications[nextIndex]) {
result << valueStorage[nextIndex] << "\t";
} else {


@ -220,6 +220,14 @@ void testCheckingDice(storm::models::Mdp<double>& mdp) {
delete probFormula;
storm::formula::Ap<double>* doneFormula = new storm::formula::Ap<double>("done");
//storm::formula::ReachabilityReward<double>* reachabilityRewardFormula = new storm::formula::ReachabilityReward<double>(doneFormula);
storm::formula::InstantaneousReward<double>* reachabilityRewardFormula = new storm::formula::InstantaneousReward<double>(8);
storm::formula::RewardNoBoundOperator<double>* rewardFormula = new storm::formula::RewardNoBoundOperator<double>(reachabilityRewardFormula, true);
delete rewardFormula;
delete mc;
@ -271,8 +279,7 @@ void testChecking() {
// testCheckingDie(*dtmc);
// testCheckingCrowds(*dtmc);
// testCheckingSynchronousLeader(*dtmc, 4);
else if (parser.getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
} else if (parser.getType() == storm::models::MDP) {
std::shared_ptr<storm::models::Mdp<double>> mdp = parser.getModel<storm::models::Mdp<double>>();


@ -262,6 +262,8 @@ public:
} else {
*currentStates = *nextStates;
delete nextStates;
*statesWithProbability1 = *currentStates;
@ -407,6 +409,7 @@ public:
} else {
*currentStates = *nextStates;
delete nextStates;
*statesWithProbability1 = *currentStates;


@ -51,6 +51,26 @@ void selectVectorValues(std::vector<T>* vector, const storm::storage::BitVector&
template<class T>
void selectVectorValues(std::vector<T>* vector, const storm::storage::BitVector& positions, const std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowMapping, std::vector<T> const& values) {
uint_fast64_t oldPosition = 0;
for (auto position : positions) {
for (uint_fast64_t i = rowMapping[position]; i < rowMapping[position + 1]; ++i) {
(*vector)[oldPosition++] = values[i];
template<class T>
void selectVectorValuesRepeatedly(std::vector<T>* vector, const storm::storage::BitVector& positions, const std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowMapping, std::vector<T> const& values) {
uint_fast64_t oldPosition = 0;
for (auto position : positions) {
for (uint_fast64_t i = rowMapping[position]; i < rowMapping[position + 1]; ++i) {
(*vector)[oldPosition++] = values[position];
template<class T>
void subtractFromConstantOneVector(std::vector<T>* vector) {
for (auto it = vector->begin(); it != vector->end(); ++it) {
@ -101,7 +121,7 @@ void reduceVectorMax(std::vector<T> const& source, std::vector<T>* target, std::
template<class T>
bool equalModuloPrecision(std::vector<T> const& vectorLeft, std::vector<T> const& vectorRight, T precision, bool relativeError) {
if (vectorLeft.size() != vectorRight.size()) {
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Length of vectors does not match and makes comparison impossible.");
LOG4CPLUS_ERROR(logger, "Lengths of vectors does not match and makes comparison impossible.");
throw storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException() << "Length of vectors does not match and makes comparison impossible.";
