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jani examples

Former-commit-id: 612da4705f
sjunges 9 years ago
  1. 2604
  2. 27
  3. 64
  4. 27
  5. 2092
  6. 63
  7. 213
  8. 63
  9. 2129
  10. 27
  11. 157
  12. 27
  13. 354
  14. 29

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Peak memory usage: 38 MB
Analysis results for beb.jani
+ State space exploration
States: 4528
Transitions: 4874
Branches: 6899
Time: 0.0 s
Rate: 92408 states/s
+ LineSeized
Probability: 0.9166259765625
Time: 0.1 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 8
Time: 0.0 s
+ GaveUp
Probability: 0.0833740234375
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 9
Time: 0.0 s


@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
// Modest MDP model of the bounded exponential backoff procedure (BEB)
// [BFHH11]
action tick, tack, tock;
const int K = 4; // maximum value for backoff
const int N = 3; // number of tries before giving up
const int H = 3; // number of hosts (must correspond to the number of Host() instantiations in the global composition)
int(0..2) cr; // count how many hosts attempt to seize the line in a slot (zero, one, many)
bool line_seized;
bool gave_up;
property LineSeized = Pmax(<> line_seized); // some host managed to seize the line before any other gave up
property GaveUp = Pmax(<> gave_up); // some host gave up before any other managed to seize the line (does not work with POR)
process Clock()
tick; tack; tau {= cr = 0 =}; tock; Clock()
process Host()
int(0..N) na; // nr_attempts 0..N
int(0..K) ev = 2; // exp_val 0..K
int(0..K) wt; // slots_to_wait 0..K
if(wt > 0)
// wait this slot
tick {= wt-- =}
tau {= cr = min(2, cr + 1) =}; // attempt to seize the line
if(cr == 1)
// someone managed to seize the line
tau {= line_seized = true =}; stop
else if(na >= N)
// maximum number of attempts exceeded
tau {= gave_up = true =}; stop
// backoff
tau {= na++, wt = DiscreteUniform(0, max(0, ev - 1)), ev = min(2 * ev, K) =}
tack; tock
:: Clock()
:: Host()
:: Host()
:: Host()


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Peak memory usage: 39 MB
Analysis results for beb.modest
+ State space exploration
States: 4528
Transitions: 4874
Branches: 6899
Time: 0.0 s
Rate: 94333 states/s
+ LineSeized
Probability: 0.9166259765625
Time: 0.1 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 8
Time: 0.0 s
+ GaveUp
Probability: 0.0833740234375
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 9
Time: 0.0 s

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Peak memory usage: 39 MB
Analysis results for brp.jani
+ State space exploration
States: 3959
Transitions: 4244
Branches: 4593
Time: 0.1 s
Rate: 74698 states/s
+ P_A
Probability: 0
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 1
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_B
Probability: 0
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 1
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_1
Probability: 0.000423333443357766
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 2.35005704803786E-07
Iterations: 13
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_2
Probability: 2.64530890961023E-05
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 2.05561452068843E-07
Iterations: 14
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_3
Probability: 0.000185191226393368
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 3.32462409056221E-07
Iterations: 13
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_4
Probability: 8E-06
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 2
Time: 0.0 s


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// Modest PTA model of the bounded retransmission protocol (BRP)
// [HH09],
action put, get, put_k, get_k, put_l, get_l;
action new_file;
action s_ok, s_dk, s_nok, s_restart;
action r_ok, r_inc, r_fst, r_nok, r_timeout;
exception error;
const int N = 16; // number of frames per file
const int MAX = 2; // maximum number of retransmissions per frame
const int TD = 1; // transmission delay
const int TS = 2 * TD + 1; // sender timeout
const int TR = 2 * MAX * TS + 3 * TD; // receiver timeout
const int SYNC = TR;
bool ff, lf, ab; // channel data: first/last frame, alternating bit
int(0..N) i; // sender chunk counter
bool inTransitK = false;
bool inTransitL = false;
bool first_file_done = false;
bool get_k_seen, s_ok_seen, s_nok_seen, s_dk_seen, s_restart_seen, r_ok_seen, r_timeout_seen;
// Invariant (timed) properties (from [BrpOnTime], the TA model)
bool premature_timeout, channel_k_overflow, channel_l_overflow;
// "there is at most one message in transit for each channel"
property T_1 = A[] (!(channel_k_overflow || channel_l_overflow));
// "there is at most one message in transit in total"
property T_2 = A[] (!(inTransitK && inTransitL));
// Assumption (A1): "no premature timeouts"
property T_A1 = A[] (!premature_timeout);
// Assumption (A2): "sender starts new file only after receiver reacted to failure"
// Note that receiver can only notice failure if it received at least one chunk, i.e. get_k_seen
property T_A2 = A[] (!s_restart_seen || !get_k_seen || r_timeout_seen);
// Probabilistic reachability properties (from [D'AJJL01], the RAPTURE/PRISM model)
// property A of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the sender reports
// a certain unsuccessful transmission but the receiver got the complete file"
property P_A = Pmax(<>(s_nok_seen && r_ok_seen));
// property B of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the sender reports
// a certain successful transmission but the receiver did not get the complete file"
property P_B = Pmax(<>(s_ok_seen && !r_ok_seen));
// property 1 of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the sender
// does not report a successful transmission"
property P_1 = Pmax(<>(s_nok_seen || s_dk_seen));
// property 2 of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the sender
// reports an uncertainty on the success of the transmission"
property P_2 = Pmax(<>(s_dk_seen));
// property 3 of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the sender
// reports an unsuccessful transmission after more than 8 chunks have been sent successfully"
property P_3 = Pmax(<>(s_nok_seen && i > 8));
// property 4 of [D'AJJL01]: "the maximum probability that eventually the receiver
// does not receive any chunk and the sender tried to send a chunk"
property P_4 = Pmax(<>((s_ok_seen || s_nok_seen || s_dk_seen) && !get_k_seen));
process Sender()
bool bit;
int(0..MAX) rc;
clock c;
do {
:: when urgent(i < N) {= i++ =};
// send frame
invariant(c <= 0) put_k {= ff = (i == 1), lf = (i == N), ab = bit, c = 0 =};
invariant(c <= TS) alt {
:: // receive ack
get_l {= bit = !bit, rc = 0, c = 0 =};
urgent break
:: // timeout
when(c >= TS)
if(rc < MAX)
// retry
{= rc++, c = 0 =}
else if(i < N)
// no retries left
s_nok {= rc = 0, c = 0 =};
urgent throw(error)
// no retries left
s_dk {= rc = 0, c = 0 =};
urgent throw(error)
:: when(i == N)
// file transmission successfully completed
invariant(c <= 0) s_ok {= first_file_done = true =};
urgent break
catch error
// File transfer did not succeed: wait, then restart with next file
invariant(c <= SYNC) when(c >= SYNC)
s_restart {= bit = false, first_file_done = true =}
process Receiver()
bool r_ff, r_lf, r_ab;
bool bit;
clock c;
// receive first frame
if(ff) { get_k {= c = 0, bit = ab, r_ff = ff, r_lf = lf, r_ab = ab =} }
else { get_k {= c = 0, premature_timeout = true =}; stop };
invariant(c <= 0)
if(r_ab != bit)
// repetition, re-ack
// report frame
if(r_lf) { r_ok }
else if(r_ff) { r_fst }
else { r_inc };
put_l {= bit = !bit =}
invariant(c <= TR)
alt {
:: // receive next frame
get_k {= c = 0, r_ff = ff, r_lf = lf, r_ab = ab =}
:: // timeout
when(c == TR)
// we just got the last frame, though
r_timeout; break
// abort transfer
r_timeout; break
process ChannelK()
clock c;
put_k palt
:98: {= c = 0, inTransitK = true =};
invariant(c <= TD) alt {
:: get_k {= inTransitK = false =}
:: put_k {= channel_k_overflow = true =}; stop
: 2: {==}
process ChannelL()
clock c;
put_l palt
:99: {= c = 0, inTransitL = true =};
invariant(c <= TD) alt {
:: get_l {= inTransitL = false =}
:: put_l {= channel_l_overflow = true =}; stop
: 1: {==}
process Observer()
alt {
:: get_k {= get_k_seen = true =}
:: s_ok {= s_ok_seen = true =}
:: s_nok {= s_nok_seen = true =}
:: s_dk {= s_dk_seen = true =}
:: s_restart {= s_restart_seen = true =}
:: r_ok {= r_ok_seen = true =}
:: r_timeout {= r_timeout_seen = true =}
par {
:: Sender()
:: Receiver()
:: ChannelK()
:: ChannelL()
:: Observer()


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
Peak memory usage: 40 MB
Analysis results for brp.modest
+ State space exploration
States: 3959
Transitions: 4244
Branches: 4593
Time: 0.1 s
Rate: 73315 states/s
+ P_A
Probability: 0
Time: 0.1 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 1
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_B
Probability: 0
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 1
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_1
Probability: 0.000423333443357766
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 2.35005704803786E-07
Iterations: 13
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_2
Probability: 2.64530890961023E-05
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 2.05561452068843E-07
Iterations: 14
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_3
Probability: 0.000185191226393368
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 3.32462409056221E-07
Iterations: 13
Time: 0.0 s
+ P_4
Probability: 8E-06
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 0
Iterations: 2
Time: 0.0 s

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Peak memory usage: 530 MB
Analysis results for consensus-6.jani
+ State space exploration
States: 2345194
Transitions: 9418584
Branches: 13891248
Time: 8.7 s
Rate: 270964 states/s
+ C1
Result: True
Time for min. prob. 0 states: 1.6 s
Time for min. prob. 1 states: 0.1 s
Time: 1.7 s
Min. probability: 1
+ C2
Probability: 0.395776147642961
Time for min. prob. 0 states: 2.0 s
Time for min. prob. 1 states: 0.1 s
Time: 125.8 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 9.96634356860147E-07
Iterations: 2137
Time: 123.8 s


@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
// Modest version of
// Command line: mcsta.exe consensus-6.modest -S Memory --nochainopt --bounded-alg StateElimination -E "K=2"
action done;
// constants
const int N = 6;
const int K = 4;
const int range = 2 * (K + 1) * N;
const int counter_init = (K + 1) * N;
const int left = N;
const int right = 2 * (K + 1) * N - N;
// shared coin
int(0..range) counter = counter_init;
reward coin_flips;
property C1 = P(<> (fin1 == 1 && fin2 == 1 && fin3 == 1 && fin4 == 1 && fin5 == 1 && fin6 == 1)) >= 1;
property C2 = Pmin(<> (fin1 == 1 && fin2 == 1 && fin3 == 1 && fin4 == 1 && fin5 == 1 && fin6 == 1 && coin1 == 1 && coin2 == 1 && coin3 == 1 && coin4 == 1 && coin5 == 1 && coin6 == 1));
int(0..1) fin1, fin2, fin3, fin4, fin5, fin6;
int(0..1) coin1, coin2, coin3, coin4, coin5, coin6;
process Tourist1()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin1 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin1 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin1 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin1 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin1 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin1 = 0, fin1 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin1 = 1, fin1 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist1()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
process Tourist2()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin2 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin2 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin2 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin2 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin2 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin2 = 0, fin2 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin2 = 1, fin2 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist2()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
process Tourist3()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin3 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin3 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin3 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin3 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin3 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin3 = 0, fin3 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin3 = 1, fin3 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist3()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
process Tourist4()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin4 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin4 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin4 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin4 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin4 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin4 = 0, fin4 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin4 = 1, fin4 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist4()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
process Tourist5()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin5 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin5 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin5 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin5 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin5 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin5 = 0, fin5 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin5 = 1, fin5 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist5()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
process Tourist6()
process Flip() { palt { :1: {= coin6 = 0, coin_flips++ =} :1: {= coin6 = 1, coin_flips++ =} }; Write() }
process Write() {
alt {
:: when(coin6 == 0 && counter > 0) {= counter-- =}; Check()
:: when(coin6 == 1 && counter < range) {= counter++, coin6 = 0 =}; Check()
process Check() {
alt {
:: when(counter <= left) {= coin6 = 0, fin6 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter >= right) {= coin6 = 1, fin6 = 1 =}; Finished()
:: when(counter > left && counter < right) Tourist6()
process Finished() { done; Finished() }
par {
:: Tourist1()
:: Tourist2()
:: Tourist3()
:: Tourist4()
:: Tourist5()
:: Tourist6()


@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
Peak memory usage: 531 MB
Analysis results for consensus-6.modest
+ State space exploration
States: 2345194
Transitions: 9418584
Branches: 13891248
Time: 8.2 s
Rate: 287507 states/s
+ C1
Result: True
Time for min. prob. 0 states: 1.5 s
Time for min. prob. 1 states: 0.2 s
Time: 1.7 s
Min. probability: 1
+ C2
Probability: 0.395776147642961
Time for min. prob. 0 states: 2.0 s
Time for min. prob. 1 states: 0.1 s
Time: 126.8 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 9.96634356860147E-07
Iterations: 2137
Time: 124.7 s


@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
"jani-version": 1,
"name": "dice",
"type" : "mdp",
"actions" : [],
"variables" : [
"name": "thrownSix",
"type": "bool",
"initial-value": false
"name": "terminated",
"type": "bool",
"initial-value": false
"rewards" : [
"name" : "step"
"properties" : [
"name" : "ProbThrowSix",
"reach" : "thrownSix",
"type": "probability-max-query"
"name" : "StepsUntilReach",
"reach" : "terminated",
"reward": "step",
"type": "expected-reachability-reward-max-query"
"automata" : [
"name" : "dice",
"variables" : [
"name" : "d",
"type" : {
"kind": "bounded",
"base": "int",
"lower-bound" : 0,
"upper-bound" : 6
"initial-value" : 0
"locations" : [
"name" : "s0"
"name" : "s1"
"name" : "s2"
"name" : "s3"
"name" : "s4"
"name" : "s5"
"name" : "s6"
"name" : "s7"
"initial-location" : "s0",
"edges" : [
"location" : "s0",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s1",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s2",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s1",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s3",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s4",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s2",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s5",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s6",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s3",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s1",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 1
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s4",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 2
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 3
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s5",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 4
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 5
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s6",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s2",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"probability" : 0.5,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [
"ref" : "d",
"value" : 6
"ref" : "thrownSix",
"value" : true
"ref" : "terminated",
"value" : true
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"location" : "s7",
"guard" : true,
"destinations" : [
"probability" : 1,
"location" : "s7",
"assignments" : [],
"rewards" : [
"ref" : "step",
"value" : 1
"system" : "dice"


@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
Peak memory usage: 36 MB
Analysis results for dice.jani
+ State space exploration
States: 8
Transitions: 8
Branches: 14
Time: 0.0 s
Rate: 190 states/s
+ ProbThrowSix
Probability: 0.166666626930237
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 7.15255907834985E-07
Iterations: 11
Time: 0.0 s
+ StepsUntilReach
Value: 3.66666650772095
Time for min. prob. 0 states: 0.0 s
Time for min. prob. 1 states: 0.0 s
Time: 0.0 s
+ Value iteration
Final error: 4.08717619857464E-07
Iterations: 12
Time: 0.0 s