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Intermediate commit. Started improving explicit model adapter performance.

Former-commit-id: 8a4aa64ac6
dehnert 10 years ago
  1. 156
  2. 30
  3. 11
  4. 11
  5. 10
  6. 1


@ -1,10 +1,3 @@
* File: ExplicitModelAdapter.h
* Author: Christian Dehnert
* Created on March 15, 2013, 11:42 AM
@ -13,12 +6,15 @@
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <cstdint>
#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include "src/storage/prism/Program.h"
#include "src/storage/expressions/SimpleValuation.h"
#include "storm/storage/expressions/ExprTkEvaluator.h"
#include "src/storage/BitVectorHashMap.h"
#include "src/utility/PrismUtility.h"
#include "src/models/AbstractModel.h"
#include "src/models/Dtmc.h"
@ -39,31 +35,60 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
class ExplicitModelAdapter {
typedef storm::expressions::SimpleValuation StateType;
typedef storm::expressions::SimpleValuationPointerHash StateHash;
typedef storm::expressions::SimpleValuationPointerCompare StateCompare;
typedef storm::expressions::SimpleValuationPointerLess StateLess;
typedef storm::storage::BitVector StateType;
// A structure holding information about the reachable state space.
struct StateInformation {
StateInformation() : reachableStates(), stateToIndexMap() {
StateInformation(uint64_t bitsPerState) : reachableStates(), stateToIndexMap(bitsPerState, 100000) {
// Intentionally left empty.
// A list of reachable states.
std::vector<StateType*> reachableStates;
// The number of bits of each state.
uint64_t bitsPerState;
// A list of reachable states as indices in the stateToIndexMap.
std::vector<std::size_t> reachableStates;
// A list of initial states.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> initialStateIndices;
// A list of initial states in terms of their global indices.
std::vector<uint32_t> initialStateIndices;
// A mapping from states to indices in the list of reachable states.
std::unordered_map<StateType*, uint_fast64_t, StateHash, StateCompare> stateToIndexMap;
// A mapping from reachable states to their indices.
storm::storage::BitVectorHashMap<uint32_t> stateToIndexMap;
// A structure storing information about the used variables of the program.
struct VariableInformation {
// A mapping of (integer) variable to their lower/upper bounds.
std::map<std::string, std::pair<int_fast64_t, int_fast64_t>> variableToBoundsMap;
uint_fast64_t getBitOffset(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) {
auto const& booleanIndex = booleanVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (booleanIndex != booleanVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return std::get<2>(booleanVariables[booleanIndex]);
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return std::get<4>(integerVariables[integerIndex]);
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit index of unknown variable.");
uint_fast64_t getBitWidth(storm::expressions::Variable const& variable) {
auto const& integerIndex = integerVariableToIndexMap.find(variable);
if (integerIndex != integerVariableToIndexMap.end()) {
return std::get<5>(integerVariables[integerIndex]);
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot look-up bit width of unknown variable.");
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> booleanVariableToIndexMap;
// The list of boolean variables. Along with the variable we store its initial value and bit offset in
// the state.
std::vector<std::tuple<storm::expressions::Variable, bool, uint_fast64_t>> booleanVariables;
std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, uint_fast64_t> integerVariableToIndexMap;
// The list of integer variables. Along with the variable, we store its initial value, lower and upper
// bound, the bit offset in the state and the bit width.
std::vector<std::tuple<storm::expressions::Variable, int_fast64_t, int_fast64_t, int_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t, uint_fast64_t>> integerVariables;
// A structure holding the individual components of a model.
@ -149,6 +174,20 @@ namespace storm {
void unpackState(storm::storage::BitVector const& currentState, VariableInformation const& variableInformation, storm::expressions::ExprTkEvaluator& evaluator) {
for (auto const& booleanVariable : variableInformation.booleanVariables) {
if (currentState.get(std::get<2>(booleanVariable))) {
evaluator.setBoolean(std::get<0>(booleanVariable), true);
} else {
evaluator.setBooleanValue(std::get<0>(booleanVariable), false);
for (auto const& integerVariable : variableInformation.integerVariables) {
int_fast64_t value = currentState.getAsInt(std::get<4>(integerVariable), std::get<5>(integerVariable));
evaluator.setIntegerValue(std::get<0>(integerVariable), value);
* Applies an update to the given state and returns the resulting new state object. This methods does not
* modify the given state but returns a new one.
@ -201,20 +240,18 @@ namespace storm {
* @param stateInformation The information about the already explored part of the reachable state space.
* @return A pair indicating whether the state was already discovered before and the state id of the state.
static std::pair<bool, uint_fast64_t> getOrAddStateIndex(StateType* state, StateInformation& stateInformation) {
static uint32_t getOrAddStateIndex(StateType const& state, StateInformation& stateInformation, std::queue<std::size_t>& stateQueue) {
uint32_t newIndex = stateInformation.reachableStates.size();
// Check, if the state was already registered.
auto indexIt = stateInformation.stateToIndexMap.find(state);
if (indexIt == stateInformation.stateToIndexMap.end()) {
// The state has not been seen, yet, so add it to the list of all reachable states.
stateInformation.stateToIndexMap[state] = stateInformation.reachableStates.size();
return std::make_pair(false, stateInformation.stateToIndexMap[state]);
} else {
// The state was already encountered. Delete the copy of the old state and return its index.
delete state;
return std::make_pair(true, indexIt->second);
std::pair<uint32_t, std::size_t> actualIndexBucketPair = stateInformation.stateToIndexMap.findOrAdd(state, newIndex);
if (actualIndexBucketPair.first == newIndex) {
return actualIndexBucketPair.first;
@ -476,33 +513,36 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<boost::container::flat_set<uint_fast64_t>> choiceLabels;
// Initialize a queue and insert the initial state.
std::queue<uint_fast64_t> stateQueue;
StateType* initialState = new StateType(program.getManager().getSharedPointer());
std::queue<std::size_t> stateQueue;
StateType initialState(stateInformation.bitsPerState);
// We need to initialize the values of the variables to their initial value.
for (auto const& booleanVariable : program.getGlobalBooleanVariables()) {
initialState->setBooleanValue(booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable(), booleanVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsBool());
for (auto const& booleanVariable : variableInformation.booleanVariables) {
initialState.set(std::get<2>(booleanVariable), std::get<1>(booleanVariable));
for (auto const& integerVariable : program.getGlobalIntegerVariables()) {
initialState->setIntegerValue(integerVariable.getExpressionVariable(), integerVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsInt());
for (auto const& integerVariable : variableInformation.integerVariables) {
initialState.set(std::get<4>(integerVariable), std::get<5>(integerVariable), std::get<1>(integerVariable) - std::get<2>(integerVariable));
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) {
for (auto const& booleanVariable : module.getBooleanVariables()) {
initialState->setBooleanValue(booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable(), booleanVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsBool());
initialState.set(std::get<2>(booleanVariable), std::get<1>(booleanVariable));
for (auto const& integerVariable : module.getIntegerVariables()) {
initialState->setIntegerValue(integerVariable.getExpressionVariable(), integerVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsInt());
initialState.set(std::get<4>(integerVariable), std::get<5>(integerVariable), std::get<1>(integerVariable) - std::get<2>(integerVariable));
std::pair<bool, uint_fast64_t> addIndexPair = getOrAddStateIndex(initialState, stateInformation);
// Insert the initial state in the global state to index mapping and state queue.
getOrAddStateIndex(initialState, stateInformation, stateQueue);
// Now explore the current state until there is no more reachable state.
uint_fast64_t currentRow = 0;
storm::expressions::ExprTkEvaluator evaluator(program.getManager());
while (!stateQueue.empty()) {
uint_fast64_t currentState = stateQueue.front();
// Get the current state and unpack it.
std::size_t currentStateIndex = stateQueue.front();
storm::storage::BitVector currentState = stateInformation.stateToIndexMap.getBucket(currentStateIndex);
unpackState(currentState, variableInformation, evaluator);
// Retrieve all choices for the current state.
std::vector<Choice<ValueType>> allUnlabeledChoices = getUnlabeledTransitions(program, stateInformation, variableInformation, currentState, stateQueue);
@ -651,18 +691,40 @@ namespace storm {
static ModelComponents buildModelComponents(storm::prism::Program const& program, storm::prism::RewardModel const& rewardModel) {
ModelComponents modelComponents;
uint_fast64_t bitOffset = 0;
VariableInformation variableInformation;
for (auto const& booleanVariable : program.getGlobalBooleanVariables()) {
variableInformation.booleanVariables.emplace_back(booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable(), booleanVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsBool(), bitOffset);
booleanVariableToIndexMap[booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable()] = variableInformation.booleanVariables.size() - 1;
for (auto const& integerVariable : program.getGlobalIntegerVariables()) {
variableInformation.variableToBoundsMap[integerVariable.getName()] = std::make_pair(integerVariable.getLowerBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt(), integerVariable.getUpperBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt());
int_fast64_t lowerBound = integerVariable.getLowerBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt();
int_fast64_t upperBound = integerVariable.getUpperBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt();
uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(upperBound - lowerBound)));
variableInformation.integerVariables.emplace_back(integerVariable.getExpressionVariable(), integerVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsInt(), lowerBound, upperBound, bitOffset, bitwidth);
bitOffset += bitwidth;
integerVariableToIndexMap[integerVariable.getExpressionVariable()] = variableInformation.integerVariables.size() - 1;
for (auto const& module : program.getModules()) {
for (auto const& booleanVariable : module.getBooleanVariables()) {
variableInformation.booleanVariables.emplace_back(booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable(), booleanVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsBool(), bitOffset);
booleanVariableToIndexMap[booleanVariable.getExpressionVariable()] = variableInformation.booleanVariables.size() - 1;
for (auto const& integerVariable : module.getIntegerVariables()) {
variableInformation.variableToBoundsMap[integerVariable.getName()] = std::make_pair(integerVariable.getLowerBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt(), integerVariable.getUpperBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt());
int_fast64_t lowerBound = integerVariable.getLowerBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt();
int_fast64_t upperBound = integerVariable.getUpperBoundExpression().evaluateAsInt();
uint_fast64_t bitwidth = static_cast<uint_fast64_t>(std::ceil(std::log2(upperBound - lowerBound)));
variableInformation.integerVariables.emplace_back(integerVariable.getExpressionVariable(), integerVariable.getInitialValueExpression().evaluateAsInt(), lowerBound, upperBound, bitOffset, bitwidth);
bitOffset += bitwidth;
integerVariableToIndexMap[integerVariable.getExpressionVariable()] = variableInformation.integerVariables.size() - 1;
// Create the structure for storing the reachable state space.
StateInformation stateInformation;
uint64_t bitsPerState = ((bitOffset / 64) + 1) * 64;
StateInformation stateInformation(bitsPerState);
// Determine whether we have to combine different choices to one or whether this model can have more than
// one choice per state.


@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector BitVector::get(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits) {
storm::storage::BitVector BitVector::get(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits) const {
uint64_t numberOfBuckets = numberOfBits >> 6;
uint64_t index = bitIndex >> 6;
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(index + numberOfBuckets <= this->bucketCount(), "Argument is out-of-range.");
@ -408,6 +408,34 @@ namespace storm {
return result;
uint_fast64_t BitVector::getAsInt(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits) const {
uint64_t bucket = bitIndex >> 6;
uint64_t bitIndexInBucket = bitIndex & mod64mask;
uint64_t mask = (1ull << (64 - bitIndexInBucket + 1)) - 1;
if (bitIndexInBucket + numberOfBits < 64) {
// If the value stops before the end of the bucket, we need to erase some lower bits.
mask &= !((1ull << (64 - (bitIndexInBucket - numberOfBits + 1))) - 1);
return bucketVector[bucket] & mask;
} else if (bitIndexInBucket + numberOfBits > 64) {
// In this case, the integer "crosses" the bucket line.
uint64_t result = bucketVector[bucket] & mask;
result <<= (64 - bitIndexInBucket);
numberOfBits -= (64 - bitIndexInBucket);
mask = !(1ull << (64 - numberOfBits));
uint64_t lowerBits = bucketVector[bucket] & mask;
result |= (lowerBits >> (64 - numberOfBits));
return result;
} else {
// In this case, it suffices to take the current mask.
return bucketVector[bucket] & mask;
bool BitVector::empty() const {
for (auto& element : bucketVector) {
if (element != 0) {


@ -347,7 +347,16 @@ namespace storm {
* @param numberOfBits The number of bits to get. This value must be a multiple of 64.
* @return A new bit vector holding the selected bits.
storm::storage::BitVector get(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits);
storm::storage::BitVector get(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits) const;
* Retrieves the content of the current bit vector at the given index for the given number of bits as an
* unsigned integer value.
* @param bitIndex The index of the first bit to get.
* @param numberOfBits The number of bits to get. This value must be less or equal than 64.
uint_fast64_t getAsInt(uint_fast64_t bitIndex, uint_fast64_t numberOfBits) const;
* Retrieves whether no bits are set to true in this bit vector.


@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ namespace storm {
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2>
ValueType BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value) {
std::pair<ValueType, std::size_t> BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value) {
// If the load of the map is too high, we increase the size.
if (numberOfElements >= loadFactor * *currentSizeIterator) {
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace storm {
while (isBucketOccupied(bucket)) {
if (buckets.matches(bucket * bucketSize, key)) {
return values[bucket];
return std::make_pair(values[bucket], bucket);
bucket += hasher2(key);
bucket %= *currentSizeIterator;
@ -84,7 +84,12 @@ namespace storm {
values[bucket] = value;
return value;
return std::make_pair(value, bucket);
template<class ValueType, class Hash1, class Hash2>
storm::storage::BitVector BitVectorHashMap<ValueType, Hash1, Hash2>::getBucket(std::size_t bucket) const {
return buckets.get(bucket * bucketSize, bucketSize);
template class BitVectorHashMap<uint_fast64_t>;


@ -35,7 +35,15 @@ namespace storm {
* @param value The value that is inserted if the key is not already found in the map.
* @return The found value if the key is already contained in the map and the provided new value otherwise.
ValueType findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value);
std::pair<ValueType, std::size_t> findOrAdd(storm::storage::BitVector const& key, ValueType value);
* Retrieves the key stored in the given bucket (if any).
* @param bucket The index of the bucket.
* @return The content of the named bucket.
storm::storage::BitVector getBucket(std::size_t bucket) const;
* Retrieves the size of the map in terms of the number of key-value pairs it stores.


@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
namespace storm {
namespace prism {
Update::Update(uint_fast64_t globalIndex, storm::expressions::Expression const& likelihoodExpression, std::vector<storm::prism::Assignment> const& assignments, std::string const& filename, uint_fast64_t lineNumber) : LocatedInformation(filename, lineNumber), likelihoodExpression(likelihoodExpression), assignments(assignments), variableToAssignmentIndexMap(), globalIndex(globalIndex) {
std::sort(assignments.begin(), assignments.end(), [] (storm::prism::Assignment const& assignment1, storm::prism::Assignment const& assignment2) { return assignment1.getVariable() < assignment2.getVariable(); } );
