@ -99,8 +99,6 @@ namespace storm { |
reuseBlocksCache.clear(); |
nextFreeBlockIndex = oldPartition.getNextFreeBlockIndex(); |
internalDdManager.debugCheck(); |
// Perform the actual recursive refinement step.
DdNodePtr result = refine(oldPartition.asAdd().getInternalAdd().getCuddDdNode(), signatureAdd.getInternalAdd().getCuddDdNode(), nondeterminismVariables.getInternalBdd().getCuddDdNode(), nonBlockVariables.getInternalBdd().getCuddDdNode()); |
@ -108,8 +106,6 @@ namespace storm { |
storm::dd::InternalAdd<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, ValueType> internalNewPartitionAdd(&internalDdManager, cudd::ADD(internalDdManager.getCuddManager(), result)); |
storm::dd::Add<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD, ValueType> newPartitionAdd(oldPartition.asAdd().getDdManager(), internalNewPartitionAdd, oldPartition.asAdd().getContainedMetaVariables()); |
internalDdManager.debugCheck(); |
return newPartitionAdd; |
} |
@ -154,28 +150,48 @@ namespace storm { |
} else { |
// If there are more variables that belong to the non-block part of the encoding, we need to recursively descend.
// Remember an offset that indicates whether the top variable is a nondeterminism variable or not.
short offset = 1; |
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(nondeterminismVariablesNode) && Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nondeterminismVariablesNode) == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
offset = 0; |
} |
bool skippedBoth = true; |
DdNode* partitionThen; |
DdNode* partitionElse; |
if (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(partitionNode) - offset == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
partitionThen = Cudd_T(partitionNode); |
partitionElse = Cudd_E(partitionNode); |
} else { |
partitionThen = partitionElse = partitionNode; |
} |
DdNode* signatureThen; |
DdNode* signatureElse; |
if (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(signatureNode) == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
signatureThen = Cudd_T(signatureNode); |
signatureElse = Cudd_E(signatureNode); |
} else { |
signatureThen = signatureElse = signatureNode; |
short offset = 1; |
while (skippedBoth && !Cudd_IsConstant(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
// Remember an offset that indicates whether the top variable is a nondeterminism variable or not.
offset = 1; |
if (!Cudd_IsConstant(nondeterminismVariablesNode) && Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nondeterminismVariablesNode) == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
offset = 0; |
} |
if (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(partitionNode) - offset == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
partitionThen = Cudd_T(partitionNode); |
partitionElse = Cudd_E(partitionNode); |
skippedBoth = false; |
} else { |
partitionThen = partitionElse = partitionNode; |
} |
if (Cudd_NodeReadIndex(signatureNode) == Cudd_NodeReadIndex(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
signatureThen = Cudd_T(signatureNode); |
signatureElse = Cudd_E(signatureNode); |
skippedBoth = false; |
} else { |
signatureThen = signatureElse = signatureNode; |
} |
// If both (signature and partition) skipped the next variable, we fast-forward.
if (skippedBoth) { |
// If the current variable is a nondeterminism variable, we need to advance both variable sets otherwise just the non-block variables.
nonBlockVariablesNode = Cudd_T(nonBlockVariablesNode); |
if (offset == 0) { |
nondeterminismVariablesNode = Cudd_T(nondeterminismVariablesNode); |
} |
} |
} |
// If there are no more non-block variables remaining, make a recursive call to enter the base case.
if (Cudd_IsConstant(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
return refine(partitionNode, signatureNode, nondeterminismVariablesNode, nonBlockVariablesNode); |
} |
DdNode* thenResult = refine(partitionThen, signatureThen, offset == 0 ? Cudd_T(nondeterminismVariablesNode) : nondeterminismVariablesNode, Cudd_T(nonBlockVariablesNode)); |
@ -315,24 +331,13 @@ namespace storm { |
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(partitionNode != mtbdd_false, "Expected non-false node."); |
// ++numberOfVisitedNodes;
// Check the cache whether we have seen the same node before.
// ++signatureCacheLookups;
// auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::unique_ptr<MTBDD>& sigCacheEntrySmartPtr = signatureCache[std::make_pair(signatureNode, partitionNode)]; |
if (sigCacheEntrySmartPtr) { |
// ++signatureCacheHits;
auto nodePair = std::make_pair(signatureNode, partitionNode); |
auto it = signatureCache.find(nodePair); |
if (it != signatureCache.end()) { |
// If so, we return the corresponding result.
// auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalSignatureCacheLookupTime += end - start;
return *sigCacheEntrySmartPtr; |
return it->second; |
} |
// auto end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalSignatureCacheLookupTime += end - start;
MTBDD* newEntryPtr = new MTBDD; |
sigCacheEntrySmartPtr.reset(newEntryPtr); |
sylvan_gc_test(); |
@ -341,55 +346,62 @@ namespace storm { |
// If this is the first time (in this traversal) that we encounter this signature, we check
// whether we can assign the old block number to it.
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
auto& reuseBlockEntry = reuseBlocksCache[partitionNode]; |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalReuseBlocksLookupTime += end - start;
if (!reuseBlockEntry.isReused()) { |
reuseBlockEntry.setReused(); |
reuseBlocksCache.emplace(partitionNode, true); |
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
*newEntryPtr = partitionNode; |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalSignatureCacheStoreTime += end - start;
signatureCache[nodePair] = partitionNode; |
return partitionNode; |
} else { |
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
BDD result = encodeBlock(nextFreeBlockIndex++); |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalBlockEncodingTime += end - start;
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
*newEntryPtr = result; |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalSignatureCacheStoreTime += end - start;
signatureCache[nodePair] = result; |
return result; |
} |
} else { |
// If there are more variables that belong to the non-block part of the encoding, we need to recursively descend.
// Remember an offset that indicates whether the top variable is a nondeterminism variable or not.
short offset = 1; |
if (!sylvan_isconst(nondeterminismVariablesNode) && sylvan_var(nondeterminismVariablesNode) == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
offset = 0; |
} |
bool skippedBoth = true; |
BDD partitionThen; |
BDD partitionElse; |
if (sylvan_var(partitionNode) - offset == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
partitionThen = sylvan_high(partitionNode); |
partitionElse = sylvan_low(partitionNode); |
} else { |
partitionThen = partitionElse = partitionNode; |
} |
MTBDD signatureThen; |
MTBDD signatureElse; |
if (sylvan_var(signatureNode) == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
signatureThen = sylvan_high(signatureNode); |
signatureElse = sylvan_low(signatureNode); |
} else { |
signatureThen = signatureElse = signatureNode; |
short offset = 1; |
while (skippedBoth && !sylvan_isconst(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
// Remember an offset that indicates whether the top variable is a nondeterminism variable or not.
offset = 1; |
if (!sylvan_isconst(nondeterminismVariablesNode) && sylvan_var(nondeterminismVariablesNode) == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
offset = 0; |
} |
if (sylvan_var(partitionNode) - offset == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
partitionThen = sylvan_high(partitionNode); |
partitionElse = sylvan_low(partitionNode); |
skippedBoth = false; |
} else { |
partitionThen = partitionElse = partitionNode; |
} |
if (sylvan_var(signatureNode) == sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
signatureThen = sylvan_high(signatureNode); |
signatureElse = sylvan_low(signatureNode); |
skippedBoth = false; |
} else { |
signatureThen = signatureElse = signatureNode; |
} |
// If both (signature and partition) skipped the next variable, we fast-forward.
if (skippedBoth) { |
// If the current variable is a nondeterminism variable, we need to advance both variable sets otherwise just the non-block variables.
nonBlockVariablesNode = sylvan_high(nonBlockVariablesNode); |
if (offset == 0) { |
nondeterminismVariablesNode = sylvan_high(nondeterminismVariablesNode); |
} |
} |
} |
// If there are no more non-block variables remaining, make a recursive call to enter the base case.
if (sylvan_isconst(nonBlockVariablesNode)) { |
return refine(partitionNode, signatureNode, nondeterminismVariablesNode, nonBlockVariablesNode); |
} |
BDD thenResult = refine(partitionThen, signatureThen, offset == 0 ? sylvan_high(nondeterminismVariablesNode) : nondeterminismVariablesNode, sylvan_high(nonBlockVariablesNode)); |
@ -400,17 +412,11 @@ namespace storm { |
result = thenResult; |
} else { |
// Get the node to connect the subresults.
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
result = sylvan_makenode(sylvan_var(nonBlockVariablesNode) + offset, elseResult, thenResult); |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalMakeNodeTime += end - start;
} |
// Store the result in the cache.
// start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
*newEntryPtr = result; |
// end = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
// totalSignatureCacheStoreTime += end - start;
signatureCache[nodePair] = result; |
return result; |
} |
@ -434,7 +440,7 @@ namespace storm { |
uint64_t numberOfRefinements; |
// The cache used to identify states with identical signature.
spp::sparse_hash_map<std::pair<MTBDD, MTBDD>, std::unique_ptr<MTBDD>, SylvanMTBDDPairHash> signatureCache; |
spp::sparse_hash_map<std::pair<MTBDD, MTBDD>, MTBDD, SylvanMTBDDPairHash> signatureCache; |
// The cache used to identify which old block numbers have already been reused.
spp::sparse_hash_map<MTBDD, ReuseWrapper> reuseBlocksCache; |