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more work on reimplementation of weak bisim

Former-commit-id: 5bdd8ea139
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 3
  2. 2
  3. 219
  4. 28
  5. 88
  6. 12


@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ namespace storm {
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration refinementTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - refinementStart;
std::cout << "final partition: " << std::endl;
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point extractionStart = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration extractionTime = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now() - extractionStart;


@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace storm {
// Creates a new block with the given begin and end.
Block(storm::storage::sparse::state_type beginIndex, storm::storage::sparse::state_type endIndex, Block* previous, Block* next, std::size_t id);
Block() = default;
Block(Block const& other) = default;
Block& operator=(Block const& other) = default;


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
#include <unordered_map>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/iterator/zip_iterator.hpp>
#include "src/adapters/CarlAdapter.h"
#include "src/modelchecker/results/ExplicitQualitativeCheckResult.h"
@ -45,10 +45,12 @@ namespace storm {
storm::storage::BitVector nondivergentStates(this->model.getNumberOfStates());
for (auto const& blockPtr : this->partition.getBlocks()) {
uint_fast64_t currentSize = this->partition.size();
for (uint_fast64_t blockIndex = 0; blockIndex < currentSize; ++blockIndex) {
auto& block = *this->partition.getBlocks()[blockIndex];
for (auto stateIt = this->partition.begin(*blockPtr), stateIte = this->partition.end(*blockPtr); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
for (auto stateIt = this->partition.begin(block), stateIte = this->partition.end(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
if (nondivergentStates.get(*stateIt)) {
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto const& successor : this->model.getRows(*stateIt)) {
// If there is such a transition, then we can mark all states in the current block that can
// reach the state as non-divergent.
if (this->partition.getBlock(successor.getColumn()) != *blockPtr) {
if (this->partition.getBlock(successor.getColumn()) != block) {
isDirectlyNonDivergent = true;
@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ namespace storm {
for (auto const& predecessor : this->backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) {
if (this->partition.getBlock(predecessor.getColumn()) == *blockPtr && !nondivergentStates.get(predecessor.getColumn())) {
if (this->partition.getBlock(predecessor.getColumn()) == block && !nondivergentStates.get(predecessor.getColumn())) {
@ -82,18 +84,17 @@ namespace storm {
if (nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() > 0 && nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() != blockPtr->getNumberOfStates()) {
if (!nondivergentStates.empty() && nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() != block.getNumberOfStates()) {
// After performing the split, the current block will contain the divergent states only.
this->partition.splitStates(*blockPtr, nondivergentStates);
this->partition.splitStates(block, nondivergentStates);
// Since the remaining states in the block are divergent, we can mark the block as absorbing.
// This also guarantees that the self-loop will be added to the state of the quotient
// representing this block of states.
} else if (nondivergentStates.getNumberOfSetBits() == 0) {;
} else if (nondivergentStates.empty()) {
// If there are only diverging states in the block, we need to make it absorbing.
@ -147,13 +148,18 @@ namespace storm {
return this->comparator.isOne(silentProbabilities[state]);
template<typename ModelType>
bool DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::hasNonZeroSilentProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) const {
return !this->comparator.isZero(silentProbabilities[state]);
template<typename ModelType>
typename DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::ValueType DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::getSilentProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) const {
return silentProbabilities[state];
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(std::list<Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) {
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterStrong(std::list<Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) {
for (auto block : predecessorBlocks) {
// Depending on the actions we need to take, the block to refine changes, so we need to keep track of it.
Block<BlockDataType>* blockToRefineProbabilistically = block;
@ -161,9 +167,8 @@ namespace storm {
bool split = false;
// If the new begin index has shifted to a non-trivial position, we need to split the block.
if (block->getBeginIndex() != block->data().marker1() && block->getEndIndex() != block->data().marker1()) {
auto result = this->partition.splitBlock(*block, block->data().marker1());
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(result.second, "Expected to split block, but that did not happen.");
split = true;
this->partition.splitBlock(*block, block->data().marker1());
blockToRefineProbabilistically = block->getPreviousBlockPointer();
@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ namespace storm {
this->partition.swapStatesAtPositions(predecessorPosition, currentPositionInSplitter + elementsToSkip + 1);
// Since we had to move an already explored state to the right of the current position,
// Since we had to move an already explored state to the right of the current position,
@ -266,7 +271,7 @@ namespace storm {
// We keep track of the probability of the predecessor moving to the splitter.
increaseProbabilityToSplitter(predecessor, predecessorBlock, predecessorEntry.getValue());
// Only move the state if it has not been seen as a predecessor before.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessorPosition = this->partition.getPosition(predecessor);
if (predecessorPosition >= {
@ -279,6 +284,169 @@ namespace storm {;
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::updateSilentProbabilitiesBasedOnProbabilitiesToSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block) {
// For all states that do not have a successor in the block itself, we need to set the silent probability to 0.
std::for_each(silentProbabilities.begin() +, silentProbabilities.begin() + block.getEndIndex(), [] (ValueType& val) { val = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>(); } );
// For all states that do have a successor in the block, we set the silent probability to the probability
// stored in the vector of probabilities going to the splitter.
auto it = boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(silentProbabilities.begin() + block.getBeginIndex(), probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter.begin() + block.getBeginIndex()));
auto ite = boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(silentProbabilities.begin() +, probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter.begin() +;
std::for_each(it, ite, [] (boost::tuple<ValueType&, ValueType&> const& tuple) { boost::get<0>(tuple) = boost::get<1>(tuple); } );
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::updateSilentProbabilitiesBasedOnTransitions(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block) {
for (auto stateIt = this->partition.begin(block), stateIte = this->partition.end(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
if (hasNonZeroSilentProbability(*stateIt)) {
ValueType newSilentProbability = storm::utility::zero<ValueType>();
for (auto const& successorEntry : this->model.getTransitionMatrix().getRow(*stateIt)) {
if (this->partition.getBlock(successorEntry.getColumn()) == block) {
newSilentProbability += successorEntry.getValue();
silentProbabilities[*stateIt] = newSilentProbability;
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::computeConditionalProbabilitiesForNonSilentStates(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block) {
auto it = boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(silentProbabilities.begin() + block.getBeginIndex(), probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter.begin() + block.getBeginIndex()));
auto ite = boost::make_zip_iterator(boost::make_tuple(silentProbabilities.begin() +, probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter.begin() +;
std::for_each(it, ite, [this] (boost::tuple<ValueType&, ValueType&> const& tuple) {
if (!this->comparator.isZero(boost::get<0>(tuple))) {
boost::get<1>(tuple) /= storm::utility::one<ValueType>() - boost::get<0>(tuple);
} );
template<typename ModelType>
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::computeNonSilentBlocks(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block) {
auto less = [this] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type state2) { return probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter[state1] < probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter[state2]; };
this->partition.sortRange(block.getBeginIndex(),, less);
return this->partition.computeRangesOfEqualValue(block.getBeginIndex(),, less);
template<typename ModelType>
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::computeWeakStateLabelingBasedOnNonSilentBlocks(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& block, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nonSilentBlockIndices) {
// Now that we have the split points of the non-silent states, we perform a backward search from
// each non-silent state and label the predecessors with the class of the non-silent state.
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> stateLabels(block.getNumberOfStates(), storm::storage::BitVector(nonSilentBlockIndices.size() - 1));
std::cout << "creating " << block.getNumberOfStates() << " labels " << std::endl;
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type> stateStack;
for (uint_fast64_t stateClassIndex = 0; stateClassIndex < nonSilentBlockIndices.size() - 1; ++stateClassIndex) {
for (auto stateIt = this->partition.begin() + nonSilentBlockIndices[stateClassIndex], stateIte = this->partition.begin() + nonSilentBlockIndices[stateClassIndex + 1]; stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
std::cout << "moving backward from state " << *stateIt << std::endl;
stateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(*stateIt) - block.getBeginIndex()].set(stateClassIndex);
while (!stateStack.empty()) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentState = stateStack.back();
for (auto const& predecessorEntry : this->backwardTransitions.getRow(currentState)) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type predecessor = predecessorEntry.getColumn();
std::cout << " found pred " << predecessor << " with value " << predecessorEntry.getValue() << std::endl;
if (this->comparator.isZero(predecessorEntry.getValue())) {
// Only if the state is in the same block, is a silent state and it has not yet been
// labeled with the current label.
std::cout << "pred is at " << this->partition.getPosition(predecessor) << std::endl;
std::cout << "begin of block " << block.getBeginIndex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "accessing index " << (this->partition.getPosition(predecessor) - block.getBeginIndex()) << " of " << stateLabels.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << predecessor << " is in the same block as " << block.getId() << " ? " << (this->partition.getBlock(predecessor) == block) << std::endl;
// std::cout << isSilent(predecessor) << ", " << stateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(predecessor) - block.getBeginIndex()].get(stateClassIndex) << std::endl;
if (this->partition.getBlock(predecessor) == block && isSilent(predecessor) && !stateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(predecessor) - block.getBeginIndex()].get(stateClassIndex)) {
std::cout << "assigning label " << stateClassIndex << std::endl;
stateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(predecessor) - block.getBeginIndex()].set(stateClassIndex);
return stateLabels;
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePredecessorBlockOfSplitterWeak(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) {
// First, we need to compute a labeling of the states that expresses which of the non-silent blocks they can reach.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> nonSilentBlockIndices = computeNonSilentBlocks(block);
std::cout << "indices: " << std::endl;
for (auto el : nonSilentBlockIndices) {
std::cout << el << std::endl;
for (int ind = 0; ind < nonSilentBlockIndices.size() - 1; ++ind) {
for (int inner = nonSilentBlockIndices[ind]; inner < nonSilentBlockIndices[ind + 1]; ++inner) {
std::cout << this->partition.getState(inner) << " is in class " << ind << std::endl;
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> weakStateLabels = computeWeakStateLabelingBasedOnNonSilentBlocks(block, nonSilentBlockIndices);
std::cout << "labels: " << std::endl;
for (auto el : weakStateLabels) {
std::cout << el << std::endl;
// Then split the block according to this labeling.
// CAUTION: that this assumes that the positions of the states in the partition are not update until after
// the sorting is over. Otherwise, this interferes with the data used in the sorting process.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type originalBlockIndex = block.getBeginIndex();
auto result = this->partition.splitBlock(block,
[&weakStateLabels,&block,originalBlockIndex,this] (storm::storage::sparse::state_type state1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type state2) {
std::cout << "comparing states " << state1 << " and " << state2 << std::endl;
std::cout << (this->partition.getPosition(state1) - originalBlockIndex) << " and " << (this->partition.getPosition(state2) - originalBlockIndex) << std::endl;
std::cout << "size: " << weakStateLabels.size() << std::endl;
std::cout << "begin is " << block.getBeginIndex() << std::endl;
std::cout << "orig begin " << originalBlockIndex << std::endl;
return weakStateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(state1) - originalBlockIndex] < weakStateLabels[this->partition.getPosition(state2) - originalBlockIndex];
[this, &splitterQueue] (bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block) {
// Insert the new block as a splitter.;
// If the block was split, we also update the silent probabilities of the
if (result) {
// Insert the new block as a splitter.;
} else {
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterWeak(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) {
for (auto block : predecessorBlocks) {
std::cout << "found predecessor block " << block->getId() << std::endl;
if (*block != splitter) {
refinePredecessorBlockOfSplitterWeak(*block, splitterQueue);
} else {
// If the block to split is the splitter itself, we must not do any splitting here.
template<typename ModelType>
void DeterministicModelBisimulationDecomposition<ModelType>::refinePartitionBasedOnSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) {
// The outline of the refinement is as follows.
@ -297,10 +465,11 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally, we use the information obtained in the first part for the actual splitting process in which all
// predecessor blocks of the splitter are split based on the probabilities computed earlier.
// (1)
std::list<Block<BlockDataType>*> predecessorBlocks;
std::cout << "current partition is" << std::endl;
std::cout << "refining using splitter " << splitter.getId() << std::endl;
// (2)
std::list<Block<BlockDataType>*> predecessorBlocks;
storm::storage::sparse::state_type currentPosition = splitter.getBeginIndex();
bool splitterIsPredecessorBlock = false;
for (auto splitterIt = this->partition.begin(splitter), splitterIte = this->partition.end(splitter); splitterIt != splitterIte; ++splitterIt, ++currentPosition) {
@ -330,7 +499,7 @@ namespace storm {
splitterIsPredecessorBlock = true;
moveStateInSplitter(predecessor, predecessorBlock, currentPosition, elementsToSkip);
// Insert the block into the list of blocks to refine (if that has not already happened).
if (! {
@ -352,9 +521,15 @@ namespace storm {
// Finally, we split the block based on the precomputed probabilities and the chosen bisimulation type.
if (this->options.type == BisimulationType::Strong || this->model.getType() == storm::models::ModelType::Ctmc) {
refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(predecessorBlocks, splitterQueue);
refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterStrong(predecessorBlocks, splitterQueue);
} else {
// If the splitter is a predecessor of we can use the computed probabilities to update the silent
// probabilities.
if (splitterIsPredecessorBlock) {
refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterWeak(splitter, predecessorBlocks, splitterQueue);


@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ namespace storm {
virtual void refinePartitionBasedOnSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue) override;
virtual void refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitter(std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue);
virtual void refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterStrong(std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue);
* Performs the necessary steps to compute a weak bisimulation on a DTMC.
@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ namespace storm {
// Retrieves whether the given state is silent.
bool isSilent(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) const;
// Retrieves whether the given state has a non-zero silent probability.
bool hasNonZeroSilentProbability(storm::storage::sparse::state_type const& state) const;
// Retrieves whether the given predecessor of the splitters possibly needs refinement.
bool possiblyNeedsRefinement(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& predecessorBlock) const;
@ -87,6 +90,29 @@ namespace storm {
// Explores the remaining predecessors of the splitter.
void exploreRemainingStatesOfSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter);
// Updates the silent probabilities of the states in the block based on the probabilities of going to the splitter.
void updateSilentProbabilitiesBasedOnProbabilitiesToSplitter(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block);
// Updates the silent probabilities of the states in the block based on a forward exploration of the transitions
// of the states.
void updateSilentProbabilitiesBasedOnTransitions(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block);
// Refines the predecessor blocks of the splitter wrt. weak bisimulation in DTMCs.
void refinePredecessorBlocksOfSplitterWeak(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& splitter, std::list<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*> const& predecessorBlocks, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue);
// Refines the given block wrt to weak bisimulation in DTMCs.
void refinePredecessorBlockOfSplitterWeak(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block, std::deque<bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>*>& splitterQueue);
// Converts the one-step probabilities of going into the splitter into the conditional probabilities needed
// for weak bisimulation (on DTMCs).
void computeConditionalProbabilitiesForNonSilentStates(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block);
// Computes the (indices of the) blocks of non-silent states within the block.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> computeNonSilentBlocks(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType>& block);
// Computes a labeling for all states of the block that identifies in which block they need to end up.
std::vector<storm::storage::BitVector> computeWeakStateLabelingBasedOnNonSilentBlocks(bisimulation::Block<BlockDataType> const& block, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& nonSilentBlockIndices);
// A vector that holds the probabilities of states going into the splitter. This is used by the method that
// refines a block based on probabilities.
std::vector<ValueType> probabilitiesToCurrentSplitter;


@ -107,13 +107,18 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename DataType>
void Partition<DataType>::mapStatesToPositions(Block<DataType> const& block) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = block.getBeginIndex();
for (auto stateIt = this->begin(block), stateIte = this->end(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt, ++position) {
this->positions[*stateIt] = position;
void Partition<DataType>::mapStatesToPositions(std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator first, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator last) {
storm::storage::sparse::state_type position = std::distance(this->states.cbegin(), first);
for (; first != last; ++first, ++position) {
this->positions[*first] = position;
template<typename DataType>
void Partition<DataType>::mapStatesToPositions(Block<DataType> const& block) {
mapStatesToPositions(this->begin(block), this->end(block));
template<typename DataType>
Block<DataType>& Partition<DataType>::getBlock(storm::storage::sparse::state_type state) {
return *this->stateToBlockMapping[state];
@ -172,10 +177,42 @@ namespace storm {
return this->states.end();
template<typename DataType>
void Partition<DataType>::sortRange(storm::storage::sparse::state_type beginIndex, storm::storage::sparse::state_type endIndex, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, bool updatePositions) {
std::sort(this->states.begin() + beginIndex, this->states.begin() + endIndex, less);
if (updatePositions) {
mapStatesToPositions(this->states.begin() + beginIndex, this->states.begin() + endIndex);
template<typename DataType>
void Partition<DataType>::sortBlock(Block<DataType>& block, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, bool updatePositions) {
sortRange(block.getBeginIndex(), block.getEndIndex(), less, updatePositions);
template<typename DataType>
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> Partition<DataType>::computeRangesOfEqualValue(uint_fast64_t startIndex, uint_fast64_t endIndex, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less) {
auto it = this->states.cbegin() + startIndex;
auto ite = this->states.cbegin() + endIndex;
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator upperBound;
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> result;
do {
upperBound = std::upper_bound(it, ite, *it, less);
result.push_back(std::distance(this->states.cbegin(), upperBound));
it = upperBound;
} while (upperBound != ite);
return result;
template<typename DataType>
std::pair<typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Block<DataType>>>::iterator, bool> Partition<DataType>::splitBlock(Block<DataType>& block, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(position >= block.getBeginIndex() && position <= block.getEndIndex(), storm::exceptions::InvalidArgumentException, "Cannot split block at illegal position.");
std::cout << "splitting block " << block.getId() << " at pos " << position << std::endl;
// In case one of the resulting blocks would be empty, we simply return the current block and do not create
// a new one.
if (position == block.getBeginIndex() || position == block.getEndIndex()) {
@ -199,27 +236,38 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename DataType>
bool Partition<DataType>::splitBlock(Block<DataType>& block, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, std::function<void (Block<DataType>&)> const& newBlockCallback) {
// Sort the range of the block such that all states that have the label are moved to the front.
std::sort(this->begin(block), this->end(block), less);
// Sort the block, but leave the positions untouched.
this->sortBlock(block, less, false);
// Update the positions vector.
auto originalBegin = block.getBeginIndex();
auto originalEnd = block.getEndIndex();
std::cout << "sorted block:" << std::endl;
for (auto stateIt = this->begin(block), stateIte = this->end(block); stateIt != stateIte; ++stateIt) {
std::cout << *stateIt << std::endl;
auto it = this->states.cbegin() + block.getBeginIndex();
auto ite = this->states.cbegin() + block.getEndIndex();
std::cout << "splitting between " << block.getBeginIndex() << " and " << block.getEndIndex() << std::endl;
// Now we can check whether the block needs to be split, which is the case iff the changed function returns
// true for the first and last element of the remaining state range.
storm::storage::sparse::state_type begin = block.getBeginIndex();
storm::storage::sparse::state_type end = block.getEndIndex() - 1;
bool wasSplit = false;
while (less(states[begin], states[end])) {
wasSplit = true;
auto range = std::equal_range(states.begin() + begin, states.begin() + end, states[begin], less);
begin = std::distance(states.begin(), range.second);
auto result = this->splitBlock(block, begin);
if (result.second) {
std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator upperBound;
do {
std::cout << "it (" << *it << ") less than ite-1 (" << *(ite-1) << "? " << less(*it, *(ite - 1)) << std::endl;
upperBound = std::upper_bound(it, ite, *it, less);
std::cout << "upper bound is " << std::distance(this->states.cbegin(), upperBound);
if (upperBound != ite) {
wasSplit = true;
auto result = this->splitBlock(block, std::distance(this->states.cbegin(), upperBound));
it = upperBound;
} while (upperBound != ite);
// Finally, repair the positions mapping.
mapStatesToPositions(this->states.begin() + originalBegin, this->states.begin() + originalEnd);
return wasSplit;


@ -52,6 +52,15 @@ namespace storm {
// of the states.
std::pair<typename std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Block<DataType>>>::iterator, bool> splitBlock(Block<DataType>& block, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position);
// Sorts the given range of the partitition according to the given order.
void sortRange(storm::storage::sparse::state_type beginIndex, storm::storage::sparse::state_type endIndex, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, bool updatePositions = true);
// Sorts the block according to the given order.
void sortBlock(Block<DataType>& block, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, bool updatePositions = true);
// Computes the start indices of equal ranges within the given range wrt. to the given less function.
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> computeRangesOfEqualValue(uint_fast64_t startIndex, uint_fast64_t endIndex, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less);
// Splits the block by sorting the states according to the given function and then identifying the split
// points. The callback function is called for every newly created block.
bool splitBlock(Block<DataType>& block, std::function<bool (storm::storage::sparse::state_type, storm::storage::sparse::state_type)> const& less, std::function<void (Block<DataType>&)> const& newBlockCallback);
@ -134,6 +143,9 @@ namespace storm {
// Update the state to position for the states in the given block.
void mapStatesToPositions(Block<DataType> const& block);
// Update the state to position for the states in the given range.
void mapStatesToPositions(std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator first, std::vector<storm::storage::sparse::state_type>::const_iterator last);
// Swaps the positions of the two states given by their positions.
void swapStatesAtPositions(storm::storage::sparse::state_type position1, storm::storage::sparse::state_type position2);
