Browse Source

Implementation of VOTE transformation

Former-commit-id: 177525ba36
mdeutschen 9 years ago
committed by Sebastian Junges
  1. 7
  2. 103
  3. 42


@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
toplevel "A";
"A" 3of5 "B" "C" "D" "E" "F";
"B" lambda=0.1 dorm=0;
"C" lambda=0.2 dorm=0;
"D" lambda=0.3 dorm=0;
"E" lambda=0.4 dorm=0;
"F" lambda=0.5 dorm=0;


@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ namespace storm {
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::transform() {
mGspn = storm::gspn::GSPN();
// TODO: Do I need to check if every DFT element has an unique name?
// TODO: GSPN elements are picked by their name in method drawGSPNConnections(), so this might cause problems...
// Loop through every DFT element and draw them as a GSPN.
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ namespace storm {
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawBE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTBE<ValueType> const> dftBE) {
storm::gspn::Place placeBEActivated;
placeBEActivated.setName(dftBE->name() + "_activated");
placeBEActivated.setNumberOfInitialTokens(false ? 1 : 0); // TODO: How can I check if BE is activated?
placeBEActivated.setNumberOfInitialTokens(false ? 1 : 0); // TODO: Check if BE is spare child of a SPARE.
storm::gspn::Place placeBEFailed;
@ -149,7 +146,21 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawVOT(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const> dftVot) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "The transformation of a VOT is not yet implemented.");
storm::gspn::Place placeVOTFailed;
placeVOTFailed.setName(dftVot->name() + STR_FAILED);
// Calculate, how many immediate transitions are necessary and draw the needed number.
for (int i = 0; i < calculateBinomialCoefficient(dftVot->nrChildren(), dftVot->threshold()); i++) {
storm::gspn::ImmediateTransition<storm::gspn::GSPN::WeightType> immediateTransitionVOTFailing;
immediateTransitionVOTFailing.setName(dftVot->name() + "_" + std::to_string(i) + STR_FAILING);
immediateTransitionVOTFailing.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placeVOTFailed, 1);
immediateTransitionVOTFailing.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placeVOTFailed, 1);
template <typename ValueType>
@ -180,14 +191,11 @@ namespace storm {
immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setInhibitionArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailsave, 1);
immediateTransitionPANDFailsave.setOutputArcMultiplicity(placePANDFailsave, 1);
// TODO: Are PANDs with more than two children possible?
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::drawSPARE(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTSpare<ValueType> const> dftSpare) {
STORM_LOG_THROW(false, storm::exceptions::NotImplementedException, "The transformation of a SPARE is not yet implemented.");
// TODO: What are the codewords for SPAREs in a *.dft file? hsp, wsp and csp?
template <typename ValueType>
@ -201,7 +209,8 @@ namespace storm {
placeCONSTFFailed.setName(dftConstF->name() + STR_FAILED);
// TODO: What is the codeword for CONSTF in a *.dft file?
// TODO: Not tested because there is no corresponding DFT element yet.
template <typename ValueType>
@ -211,7 +220,8 @@ namespace storm {
placeCONSTSFailed.setCapacity(0); // It cannot contain a token, because it cannot fail.
// TODO: What is the codeword for CONSTS in a *.dft file?
// TODO: Not tested because there is no corresponding DFT element yet.
template <typename ValueType>
@ -246,7 +256,25 @@ namespace storm {
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::VOT:
auto childExit = mGspn.getPlace(child->name() + STR_FAILED);
if (childExit.first) {
// Get all associations of the child to all immediate transitions of the VOTE.
auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->children();
auto associations = getVOTEEntryAssociation(child->id(),
std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTVot<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->threshold(), children);
// Draw.
for (std::size_t k = 0; k < associations.size(); k++) {
auto voteEntry = mGspn.getImmediateTransition(mDft.getElement(parents[j])->name() + "_" + std::to_string(associations[k]) + STR_FAILING);
if (voteEntry.first) {
voteEntry.second->setInputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
voteEntry.second->setOutputArcMultiplicity(childExit.second, 1);
case storm::storage::DFTElementType::PAND:
auto children = std::static_pointer_cast<storm::storage::DFTPand<ValueType> const>(mDft.getElement(parents[j]))->children();
@ -306,6 +334,61 @@ namespace storm {
template <typename ValueType>
int DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::calculateBinomialCoefficient(int n, int k) {
STORM_LOG_ASSERT(n >= k, "k is not allowed to be larger than n.");
return factorialFunction(n) / ( factorialFunction(n - k) * factorialFunction(k) );
template <typename ValueType>
int DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::factorialFunction(int n) {
return (n == 1 || n == 0) ? 1 : factorialFunction(n - 1) * n;
template <typename ValueType>
std::vector<int> DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::getVOTEEntryAssociation(int childId, int threshold, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType>>> children) {
// Fetch all ids of the children.
std::vector<int> childrenIds(children.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) {
childrenIds[i] = children[i]->id();
// Get all subsets of the 'children' of size 'threshold'.
std::vector<int> subsets(threshold);
std::vector<int> output;
combinationUtil(output, childrenIds, subsets, 0, children.size() - 1, 0, threshold);
// Check which subset contains the id 'childId' and add the subset-number to the association.
std::vector<int> associations;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) {
if (childId == output[i]) {
associations.push_back(i / threshold);
return associations;
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::combinationUtil(std::vector<int> &output, std::vector<int> childrenIds, std::vector<int> subsets, int start, int end, int index, int threshold)
if (index == threshold)
for (int j = 0; j < threshold; j++) {
for (int i = start; i <= end && end - i + 1 >= threshold - index; i++)
subsets[index] = childrenIds[i];
combinationUtil(output, childrenIds, subsets, i + 1, end, index + 1, threshold);
template <typename ValueType>
void DftToGspnTransformator<ValueType>::writeGspn(bool toFile) {
if (toFile) {


@ -115,6 +115,48 @@ namespace storm {
* @param dftPor The CONSTS Basic Event.
void drawCONSTS(std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType> const> dftConstS);
* Calculate the binomial coefficient:
* n! / ( (n - k)! * k!)
* @param n First parameter of binomial coefficient.
* @ param k Second parameter of binomial coefficient.
int calculateBinomialCoefficient(int n, int k);
* Calculate the factorial function of n.
* @param n The parameter for the factorial function, i.e. n!.
int factorialFunction(int n);
* Return the immediate Transition numbers of the VOTE with which the child has to be connected.
* Example: A VOTE2/3 gate has three children BEs: {A, B, C}.
* The subsets of size 2 of {A, B, C} are {{A, B}, {A, C}, {B, C}}.
* 'A' is contained in subset 0 and subset 1, so this method returns {0, 1}.
* This means that BE 'A' needs to be connected with the immediate transitions 'VOTE_0_failing' and 'VOTE_1_failing'.
* @param childId Id of the child.
* @param threshold The threshold of the VOTE.
* @param children All children of the VOTE.
std::vector<int> getVOTEEntryAssociation(int childId, int threshold, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<storm::storage::DFTElement<ValueType>>> children);
* Helper-method for getVOTEEntryAssociation().
* Obtained from / more info at:
void combinationUtil(std::vector<int> &output, std::vector<int> childrenIds, std::vector<int> subsets, int start, int end, int index, int threshold);
