@ -362,22 +362,26 @@ namespace storm { |
constraints.push_back(std::make_shared<Iff>(std::make_shared<IsLEqual>(getClaimVariableIndex(spare->id(), children.back()->id()), childVarIndices.back()), std::make_shared<IsEqual>(timePointVariables.at(i), childVarIndices.back()))); |
constraints.back()->setDescription("Last child & claimed -> spare fails"); |
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DFTConstraint>> ifcs; |
uint64_t xv = childVarIndices.at(childVarIndices.size()-2); // if v is the child, xv is the time x fails.
uint64_t csn = getClaimVariableIndex(spare->id(), children.back()->id()); // csn is the moment the spare claims the next child
uint64_t xn = childVarIndices.back(); // xn is the moment the next child fails
ifcs.push_back(std::make_shared<IsLEqual>(xv, xn)); |
for(auto const& otherSpare : children.back()->parents()) { |
if(otherSpare->id() == i) { continue; }// not a OTHER spare.
ifcs.push_back(std::make_shared<IsConstantValue>(getClaimVariableIndex(otherSpare->id(), children.back()->id()), dft.nrBasicElements()+1)); |
} |
std::shared_ptr<DFTConstraint> ite = std::make_shared<IfThenElse>(std::make_shared<And>(ifcs), std::make_shared<IsEqual>(csn, xv), std::make_shared<IsEqual>(timePointVariables.at(i), xv)); |
constraints.push_back(std::make_shared<Iff>(std::make_shared<IsLEqual>(getClaimVariableIndex(spare->id(), children.at(children.size()-2)->id()), xv), ite)); |
constraints.back()->setDescription("1 but last child & claimed"); |
for( uint64_t j = 0; j < children.size() - 2; ++j) { |
uint64_t currChild = children.size() - 1 - j; |
std::shared_ptr<DFTConstraint> elseCase = nullptr; |
for( uint64_t j = 0; j < children.size(); ++j) { |
uint64_t currChild = children.size() - 2 - j; |
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DFTConstraint>> ifcs; |
uint64_t xv = childVarIndices.at(currChild); // if v is the child, xv is the time x fails.
uint64_t csn = getClaimVariableIndex(spare->id(), childVarIndices.at(currChild+1)); // csn is the moment the spare claims the next child
uint64_t xn = childVarIndices.at(currChild+1); // xn is the moment the next child fails
if (j == 0) { |
elseCase = std::make_shared<IsEqual>(timePointVariables.at(i), xv); |
} |
ifcs.push_back(std::make_shared<IsLEqual>(xv, xn)); |
for(auto const& otherSpare : children.at(currChild+1)->parents()) { |
if(otherSpare->id() == i) { continue; }// not a OTHER spare.
ifcs.push_back(std::make_shared<IsConstantValue>(getClaimVariableIndex(otherSpare->id(), children.at(currChild+1)->id()), dft.nrBasicElements()+1)); |
} |
std::shared_ptr<DFTConstraint> ite = std::make_shared<IfThenElse>(std::make_shared<And>(ifcs), std::make_shared<IsEqual>(csn, xv), elseCase); |
elseCase = ite; |
constraints.push_back(std::make_shared<Iff>(std::make_shared<IsLEqual>(getClaimVariableIndex(spare->id(), children.at(currChild)->id()), xv), ite)); |
constraints.back()->setDescription(std::to_string(j+1) + " but last child & claimed"); |
} |
break; |
} |