@ -215,35 +215,45 @@ namespace storm {
std : : shared_ptr < Composition > Model : : getStandardSystemComposition ( ) const {
std : : shared_ptr < Composition > current ;
current = std : : make_shared < AutomatonComposition > ( this - > automata . front ( ) . getName ( ) ) ;
std : : set < uint64_t > leftHandActionIndices = this - > automata . front ( ) . getActionIndices ( ) ;
for ( uint64_t index = 1 ; index < automata . size ( ) ; + + index ) {
std : : set < uint64_t > newActionIndices = automata [ index ] . getActionIndices ( ) ;
// Compute the intersection of actions of the left- and right-hand side.
std : : set < uint64_t > intersectionActions ;
std : : set_intersection ( leftHandActionIndices . begin ( ) , leftHandActionIndices . end ( ) , newActionIndices . begin ( ) , newActionIndices . end ( ) , std : : inserter ( intersectionActions , intersectionActions . begin ( ) ) ) ;
// If the silent action is in the intersection, we remove it since we cannot synchronize over it.
auto it = intersectionActions . find ( this - > getSilentActionIndex ( ) ) ;
if ( it ! = intersectionActions . end ( ) ) {
intersectionActions . erase ( it ) ;
// If there's just one automaton, we must not use the parallel composition operator.
if ( this - > getNumberOfAutomata ( ) = = 1 ) {
return std : : make_shared < AutomatonComposition > ( this - > getAutomata ( ) . front ( ) . getName ( ) ) ;
// Then join the actions to reflect the actions of the new left-hand side.
leftHandActionIndices . insert ( newActionIndices . begin ( ) , newActionIndices . end ( ) ) ;
// Create the set of strings that represents the actions over which to synchronize.
std : : set < std : : string > intersectionActionNames ;
for ( auto const & actionIndex : intersectionActions ) {
intersectionActionNames . insert ( this - > getAction ( actionIndex ) . getName ( ) ) ;
// Determine the action indices used by each of the automata and create the standard subcompositions.
std : : set < uint64_t > allActionIndices ;
std : : vector < std : : set < uint64_t > > automatonActionIndices ;
std : : vector < std : : shared_ptr < Composition > > subcompositions ;
for ( auto const & automaton : automata ) {
automatonActionIndices . push_back ( automaton . getActionIndices ( ) ) ;
automatonActionIndices . back ( ) . erase ( silentActionIndex ) ;
allActionIndices . insert ( automatonActionIndices . back ( ) . begin ( ) , automatonActionIndices . back ( ) . end ( ) ) ;
subcompositions . push_back ( std : : make_shared < AutomatonComposition > ( automaton . getName ( ) ) ) ;
// Create the standard synchronization vectors: every automaton with that action participates in the
// synchronization.
std : : vector < storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector > synchVectors ;
for ( auto actionIndex : allActionIndices ) {
std : : string const & actionName = this - > getAction ( actionIndex ) . getName ( ) ;
std : : vector < std : : string > synchVectorInputs ;
uint64_t numberOfParticipatingAutomata = 0 ;
for ( auto const & actionIndices : automatonActionIndices ) {
if ( actionIndices . find ( actionIndex ) ! = actionIndices . end ( ) ) {
+ + numberOfParticipatingAutomata ;
synchVectorInputs . push_back ( actionName ) ;
} else {
synchVectorInputs . push_back ( storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector : : getNoActionInput ( ) ) ;
current = std : : make_shared < ParallelComposition > ( current , std : : make_shared < AutomatonComposition > ( automata [ index ] . getName ( ) ) , intersectionActionNames ) ;
// Only add the synchronization vector if there is more than one participating automaton.
if ( numberOfParticipatingAutomata > 1 ) {
synchVectors . push_back ( storm : : jani : : SynchronizationVector ( synchVectorInputs , actionName ) ) ;
return current ;
return std : : make_shared < ParallelComposition > ( subcompositions , synchVectors ) ;
Composition const & Model : : getSystemComposition ( ) const {