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started cleanining up

Former-commit-id: 3db6fbc1b2
dehnert 9 years ago
  1. 15
  2. 41
  3. 11
  4. 101
  5. 69


@ -149,13 +149,13 @@ namespace storm {
STORM_LOG_THROW(rewardModel.hasStateRewards(), storm::exceptions::InvalidPropertyException, "Missing reward model for formula. Skipping formula.");
// Create the ODD for the translation between symbolic and explicit storage.
storm::dd::Odd odd =model.getReachableStates().createOdd();
storm::dd::Odd odd = model.getReachableStates().createOdd();
// Translate the symbolic matrix to its explicit representations.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> explicitMatrix = transitionMatrix.toMatrix(model.getNondeterminismVariables(), odd, odd);
// Create the solution vector (and initialize it to the state rewards of the model).
std::vector<ValueType> x = rewardModel.getStateRewardVector().toVector(model.getNondeterminismVariables(), odd, explicitMatrix.getRowGroupIndices());
std::vector<ValueType> x = rewardModel.getStateRewardVector().toVector(odd);
// Perform the matrix-vector multiplication.
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> solver = linearEquationSolverFactory.create(explicitMatrix);
@ -179,13 +179,16 @@ namespace storm {
// Create the solution vector.
std::vector<ValueType> x(model.getNumberOfStates(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
// Before cutting the non-maybe columns, we need to compute the sizes of the row groups.
storm::dd::Add<DdType, uint_fast64_t> stateActionAdd = (transitionMatrix.notZero().existsAbstract(model.getColumnVariables()) || totalRewardVector.notZero()).template toAdd<uint_fast64_t>();
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> rowGroupSizes = stateActionAdd.sumAbstract(model.getNondeterminismVariables()).toVector(odd);
// Translate the symbolic matrix/vector to their explicit representations.
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> explicitMatrix = transitionMatrix.toMatrix(model.getNondeterminismVariables(), odd, odd);
std::vector<ValueType> b = totalRewardVector.toVector(model.getNondeterminismVariables(), odd, explicitMatrix.getRowGroupIndices());
std::pair<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType>, std::vector<ValueType>> explicitRepresentation = transitionMatrix.toMatrixVector(totalRewardVector, std::move(rowGroupSizes), model.getNondeterminismVariables(), odd, odd);
// Perform the matrix-vector multiplication.
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> solver = linearEquationSolverFactory.create(explicitMatrix);
solver->performMatrixVectorMultiplication(dir, x, &b, stepBound);
std::unique_ptr<storm::solver::MinMaxLinearEquationSolver<ValueType>> solver = linearEquationSolverFactory.create(explicitRepresentation.first);
solver->performMatrixVectorMultiplication(dir, x, &explicitRepresentation.second, stepBound);
// Return a hybrid check result that stores the numerical values explicitly.
return std::unique_ptr<CheckResult>(new HybridQuantitativeCheckResult<DdType>(model.getReachableStates(), model.getManager().getBddZero(), model.getManager().template getAddZero<ValueType>(), model.getReachableStates(), odd, x));


@ -390,48 +390,7 @@ namespace storm {
internalAdd.composeWithExplicitVector(rowOdd, ddVariableIndices, result, std::plus<ValueType>());
return result;
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
std::vector<ValueType> Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::toVector(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& groupMetaVariables, storm::dd::Odd const& rowOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& groupOffsets) const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> rowMetaVariables;
// Prepare the proper sets of meta variables.
for (auto const& variable : this->getContainedMetaVariables()) {
if (groupMetaVariables.find(variable) != groupMetaVariables.end()) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddGroupVariableIndices;
for (auto const& variable : groupMetaVariables) {
DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const& metaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(variable);
for (auto const& ddVariable : metaVariable.getDdVariables()) {
std::vector<uint_fast64_t> ddRowVariableIndices;
for (auto const& variable : rowMetaVariables) {
DdMetaVariable<LibraryType> const& metaVariable = this->getDdManager()->getMetaVariable(variable);
for (auto const& ddVariable : metaVariable.getDdVariables()) {
// Use the group variables to split the ADD into separate ADDs for each group.
std::vector<InternalAdd<LibraryType, ValueType>> groups = internalAdd.splitIntoGroups(ddGroupVariableIndices);
// Now iterate over the groups and add them to the resulting vector.
std::vector<ValueType> result(groupOffsets.back(), storm::utility::zero<ValueType>());
for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < groups.size(); ++i) {
internalAdd.composeWithExplicitVector(rowOdd, ddRowVariableIndices, groupOffsets, result, std::plus<ValueType>());
// FIXME: something more needed? modification of groupOffsets?
return result;
template<DdType LibraryType, typename ValueType>
storm::storage::SparseMatrix<ValueType> Add<LibraryType, ValueType>::toMatrix() const {
std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> rowVariables;


@ -524,17 +524,6 @@ namespace storm {
std::vector<ValueType> toVector(storm::dd::Odd const& rowOdd) const;
* Converts the ADD to a row-grouped vector. The given offset-labeled DD is used to determine the correct
* row group of each entry. Note that the group meta variables are assumed to be at the very top in the
* variable ordering.
* @param groupMetaVariables The meta variables responsible for the row-grouping.
* @param rowOdd The ODD used for determining the correct row.
* @return The vector that is represented by this ADD.
std::vector<ValueType> toVector(std::set<storm::expressions::Variable> const& groupMetaVariables, storm::dd::Odd const& rowOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& groupOffsets) const;
* Converts the ADD to a (sparse) double matrix. All contained non-primed variables are assumed to encode the
* row, whereas all primed variables are assumed to encode the column.


@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ namespace storm {
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> operator!() const;
* Performs a logical or of the current anBd the given ADD. As a prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be
* Performs a logical or of the current and the given ADD. As a prerequisite, the operand ADDs need to be
* 0/1 ADDs.
* @param other The second ADD used for the operation.
@ -281,23 +281,23 @@ namespace storm {
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> maximum(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other) const;
* Sum-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* Sum-abstracts from the given cube.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
* @param cube The cube from which to abstract.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> sumAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Min-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* Min-abstracts from the given cube.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
* @param cube The cube from which to abstract.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> minAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Max-abstracts from the given meta variables.
* Max-abstracts from the given cube.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
* @param cube The cube from which to abstract.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> maxAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
@ -313,10 +313,11 @@ namespace storm {
bool equalModuloPrecision(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& other, double precision, bool relative = true) const;
* Swaps the given pairs of meta variables in the ADD. The pairs of meta variables must be guaranteed to have
* the same number of underlying ADD variables.
* Swaps the given pairs of DD variables in the ADD. The pairs of meta variables have to be represented by
* ADDs must have equal length.
* @param metaVariablePairs A vector of meta variable pairs that are to be swapped for one another.
* @param from The vector that specifies the 'from' part of the variable renaming.
* @param to The vector that specifies the 'to' part of the variable renaming.
* @return The resulting ADD.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> swapVariables(std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>> const& from, std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>> const& to) const;
@ -326,8 +327,7 @@ namespace storm {
* variables.
* @param otherMatrix The matrix with which to multiply.
* @param summationMetaVariables The names of the meta variables over which to sum during the matrix-
* matrix multiplication.
* @param summationDdVariables The DD variables (represented as ADDs) over which to sum.
* @return An ADD representing the result of the matrix-matrix multiplication.
InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> multiplyMatrix(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> const& otherMatrix, std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>> const& summationDdVariables) const;
@ -406,6 +406,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @param The number of DD variables contained in this ADD.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
virtual uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount(uint_fast64_t numberOfDdVariables) const;
@ -478,12 +479,15 @@ namespace storm {
* Exports the DD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the DD is to be exported.
* @param ddVariableNamesAsString The names of the DD variables to display in the dot file.
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, std::vector<std::string> const& ddVariableNamesAsStrings) const;
* Retrieves an iterator that points to the first meta variable assignment with a non-zero function value.
* @param fullDdManager The DD manager responsible for this ADD.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables contained in the ADD.
* @param enumerateDontCareMetaVariables If set to true, all meta variable assignments are enumerated, even
* if a meta variable does not at all influence the the function value.
* @return An iterator that points to the first meta variable assignment with a non-zero function value.
@ -493,22 +497,80 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves an iterator that points past the end of the container.
* @param fullDdManager The DD manager responsible for this ADD.
* @param enumerateDontCareMetaVariables If set to true, all meta variable assignments are enumerated, even
* if a meta variable does not at all influence the the function value.
* @return An iterator that points past the end of the container.
AddIterator<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> end(std::shared_ptr<DdManager<DdType::CUDD> const> fullDdManager, bool enumerateDontCareMetaVariables = true) const;
* Composes the ADD with an explicit vector by performing a specified function between the entries of this
* ADD and the explicit vector.
* @param odd The ODD to use for the translation from symbolic to explicit positions.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the DD variables present in this ADD.
* @param targetVector The explicit vector that is to be composed with the ADD. The results are written to
* this vector again.
* @param function The function to perform in the composition.
void composeWithExplicitVector(Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector, std::function<ValueType (ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> const& function) const;
* Composes the (row-grouped) ADD with an explicit vector by performing a specified function between the
* entries of this ADD and the explicit vector.
* @param odd The ODD to use for the translation from symbolic to explicit positions.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the DD variables present in this ADD.
* @param offsets The offsets
* @param targetVector The explicit vector that is to be composed with the ADD. The results are written to
* this vector again.
* @param function The function to perform in the composition.
void composeWithExplicitVector(Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& offsets, std::vector<ValueType>& targetVector, std::function<ValueType (ValueType const&, ValueType const&)> const& function) const;
* Splits the ADD into several ADDs that differ in the encoding of the given group variables (given via indices).
* @param ddGroupVariableIndices The indices of the variables that are used to distinguish the groups.
* @return A vector of ADDs that are the separate groups (wrt. to the encoding of the given variables).
std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>> splitIntoGroups(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices) const;
void toMatrixComponents(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowIndications, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>>& columnsAndValues, Odd const& rowOdd, Odd const& columnOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices, bool writeValues) const;
* Simultaneously splits the ADD and the given vector ADD into several ADDs that differ in the encoding of
* the given group variables (given via indices).
* @param vector The vector to split (in addition to the current ADD).
* @param ddGroupVariableIndices The indices of the variables that are used to distinguish the groups.
* @return A vector of pairs of ADDs that are the separate groups of the current ADD and the vector,
* respectively (wrt. to the encoding of the given variables).
std::vector<std::pair<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>, InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>>> splitIntoGroups(InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> vector, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices) const;
* Translates the ADD into the components needed for constructing a matrix.
* @param rowGroupIndices The row group indices.
* @param rowIndications The vector that is to be filled with the row indications.
* @param columnsAndValues The vector that is to be filled with the non-zero entries of the matrix.
* @param rowOdd The ODD used for translating the rows.
* @param columnOdd The ODD used for translating the columns.
* @param ddRowVariableIndices The variable indices of the row variables.
* @param ddColumnVariableIndices The variable indices of the column variables.
* @param writeValues A flag that indicates whether or not to write to the entry vector. If this is not set,
* only the row indications are modified.
void toMatrixComponents(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& rowGroupIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>& rowIndications, std::vector<storm::storage::MatrixEntry<uint_fast64_t, ValueType>>& columnsAndValues, Odd const& rowOdd, Odd const& columnOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddRowVariableIndices, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddColumnVariableIndices, bool writeValues) const;
* Creates an ADD from the given explicit vector.
* @param ddManager The manager to use to built the ADD.
* @param values The explicit vector to encode.
* @param odd The ODD to use for the translation.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the variables to use in the ADD.
static InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType> fromVector(InternalDdManager<DdType::CUDD> const* ddManager, std::vector<ValueType> const& values, storm::dd::Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices);
@ -559,6 +621,17 @@ namespace storm {
void splitIntoGroupsRec(DdNode* dd, std::vector<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>>& groups, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel) const;
* Splits the given DDs into the groups using the given group variables.
* @param dd1 The first DD to split.
* @param dd2 The second DD to split.
* @param groups A vector that is to be filled with the DDs for the individual groups.
* @param ddGroupVariableIndices The (sorted) indices of all DD group variables that need to be considered.
* @param currentLevel The currently considered level in the DD.
* @param maxLevel The number of levels that need to be considered.
* @param remainingMetaVariables The meta variables that remain in the DDs after the groups have been split.
void splitIntoGroupsRec(DdNode* dd1, DdNode* dd2, std::vector<std::pair<InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>, InternalAdd<DdType::CUDD, ValueType>>>& groups, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddGroupVariableIndices, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, uint_fast64_t maxLevel) const;


@ -12,14 +12,6 @@
#include "cuddObj.hh"
namespace storm {
namespace logic {
enum class ComparisonType;
namespace expressions {
class Variable;
namespace storage {
class BitVector;
@ -165,34 +157,34 @@ namespace storm {
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>& complement();
* Existentially abstracts from the given meta variables.
* Existentially abstracts from the given cube.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
* @param cube The cube from which to abstract.
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> existsAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Universally abstracts from the given meta variables.
* Universally abstracts from the given cube.
* @param metaVariables The meta variables from which to abstract.
* @param cube The cube from which to abstract.
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> universalAbstract(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
* Swaps the given pairs of meta variables in the BDD. The pairs of meta variables must be guaranteed to have
* the same number of underlying BDD variables.
* Swaps the given pairs of DD variables in the BDD. The pairs of meta variables have to be represented by
* BDDs must have equal length.
* @param metaVariablePairs A vector of meta variable pairs that are to be swapped for one another.
* @param from The vector that specifies the 'from' part of the variable renaming.
* @param to The vector that specifies the 'to' part of the variable renaming.
* @return The resulting BDD.
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> swapVariables(std::vector<InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>> const& from, std::vector<InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD>> const& to) const;
* Computes the logical and of the current and the given BDD and existentially abstracts from the given set
* of variables.
* Computes the logical and of the current and the given BDD and existentially abstracts from the given cube.
* @param other The second BDD for the logical and.
* @param existentialVariables The variables from which to existentially abstract.
* @param cube The cube to existentially abstract.
* @return A BDD representing the result.
InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> andExists(InternalBdd<DdType::CUDD> const& other, InternalBdd<storm::dd::DdType::CUDD> const& cube) const;
@ -227,6 +219,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Retrieves the number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
* @param The number of DD variables contained in this BDD.
* @return The number of encodings that are mapped to a non-zero value.
uint_fast64_t getNonZeroCount(uint_fast64_t numberOfDdVariables) const;
@ -270,6 +263,7 @@ namespace storm {
* Exports the BDD to the given file in the dot format.
* @param filename The name of the file to which the BDD is to be exported.
* @param ddVariableNamesAsStrings The names of the variables to display in the dot file.
void exportToDot(std::string const& filename, std::vector<std::string> const& ddVariableNamesAsStrings) const;
@ -286,6 +280,7 @@ namespace storm {
* each entry.
* @param rowOdd The ODD used for determining the correct row.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the DD variables contained in this BDD.
* @return The bit vector that is represented by this BDD.
storm::storage::BitVector toVector(storm::dd::Odd const& rowOdd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices) const;
@ -293,14 +288,37 @@ namespace storm {
* Creates an ODD based on the current BDD.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the DD variables contained in this BDD.
* @return The corresponding ODD.
Odd createOdd(std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices) const;
* Uses the current BDD to filter values from the explicit vector.
* @param odd The ODD used to determine which entries to select.
* @param ddVariableIndices The indices of the DD variables contained in this BDD.
* @param sourceValues The source vector.
* @param targetValues The vector to which to write the selected values.
template<typename ValueType>
void filterExplicitVector(Odd const& odd, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, std::vector<ValueType> const& sourceValues, std::vector<ValueType>& targetValues) const;
* Retrieves the CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
BDD getCuddBdd() const;
* Retrieves the raw DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
* @return The DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
DdNode* getCuddDdNode() const;
* Builds a BDD representing the values that make the given filter function evaluate to true.
@ -311,6 +329,7 @@ namespace storm {
* @param values The values that are to be checked against the filter function.
* @param odd The ODD used for the translation.
* @param ddVariableIndices The (sorted) list of DD variable indices to use.
* @param filter A function that determines which encodings are to be mapped to true.
* @return The resulting (CUDD) BDD node.
template<typename ValueType>
@ -369,20 +388,6 @@ namespace storm {
template<typename ValueType>
static void filterExplicitVectorRec(DdNode* dd, Cudd const& manager, uint_fast64_t currentLevel, bool complement, uint_fast64_t maxLevel, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const& ddVariableIndices, uint_fast64_t currentOffset, storm::dd::Odd const& odd, std::vector<ValueType>& result, uint_fast64_t& currentIndex, std::vector<ValueType> const& values);
* Retrieves the CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
* @return The CUDD BDD object associated with this DD.
BDD getCuddBdd() const;
* Retrieves the raw DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
* @return The DD node of CUDD associated with this BDD.
DdNode* getCuddDdNode() const;
InternalDdManager<DdType::CUDD> const* ddManager;
BDD cuddBdd;
