RELEASE NOTES FOR DDDMP Revision: Version 2.0.2 Turin, Italy, February 01, 2004
dddmp-2.0.2 is now available at WEB page: http://staff.polito.it/{gianpiero.cabodi,stefano.quer} dddmp-2.0.2 has a few bug fixes with respect to dddmp-2.0 Release 2.0.2 of DDDMP improves DDDMP-1.2 in the following areas: 1. Support to store and load ADD has been inserted in the dddmp tool
2. Support to store BDDs as CNF formulas has been inserted in the dddmp tool. As far as the storing process is concerned three possible formats are available:
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_NODE store a BDD by introducing an auxiliary variable for each BDD node
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_MAXTERM store a BDD by following the maxterm of the represented function
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_BEST trade-of between the two previous solution, trying to optimize the number of literals stored. As far as the loading process is concerned three possible formats are available:
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_NO_CONJ Return the Clauses without Conjunction
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_NO_QUANT Return the sets of BDDs without Quantification
DDDMP_CNF_MODE_CONJ_QUANT Return the sets of BDDs AFTER Existential Quantification
3. Functions to load the header of a BDD/ADD/CNF file, so collecting information regarding variables, variable ordering, etc. This can be seen as a pre-processing step prior a possible BDD/ADD/CNF load of the entire structure. Moreover it can be used in a manager initialization phase.
4. More precise information are stored in each BDD/ADD header during the storing phase. In particular this information may be used to make up the exact variable ordering present in the manager used during the storing phase. Full compatibility with previously versions of the files (from dddmp-1.0 on) is guaranteed.
5. Miscellaneous Debugging has been performed on different hardware architectures
6. The test program, testdddmp has been improved. Now it allows to perform more operations and to better debug the different options.