/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* File: atlstl/string/ccombstr_veneer.hpp * * Purpose: Contains the definition of the ccombstr_veneer template. * * Created: 1st October 2002 * Updated: 10th August 2009 * * Home: http://stlsoft.org/
* * Copyright (c) 2002-2009, Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * - Neither the name(s) of Matthew Wilson and Synesis Software nor the names of * any contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from * this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/** \file atlstl/string/ccombstr_veneer.hpp
* * \brief [C++] Definition of the atlstl::ccombstr_veneer class * (\ref group__library__string "String" Library). */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Compatibility */
[Incompatibilies-start] STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC: _MSC_VER<1200 [Incompatibilies-end] */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Includes */
# include <atlstl/atlstl.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/util/std/iterator_helper.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/util/constraints.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/memory/auto_buffer.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/conversion/sap_cast.hpp>
#endif /* compiler */
# include <stlsoft/string/string_traits_fwd.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/util/std/iterator_helper.hpp>
# include <stlsoft/util/std_swap.hpp>
# include <wchar.h> // for wcscmp(), _wcsnset()
#endif /* !STLSOFT_INCL_H_WCHAR */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) /* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define ::atlstl */ namespace atlstl { # else
/* Define stlsoft::atlstl_project */
namespace stlsoft {
namespace atlstl_project {
#endif /* !_ATLSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Classes */
/** \brief Applies standard string (std::basic_string) interface to the CComBSTR class
* * \ingroup group__library__string * * This class adapts the ATL string type CComBSTR to express a standard String-like interface * * \ingroup concepts_veneer */ // [[synesis:class:string: atlstl::ccombstr_veneer]]
class ccombstr_veneer #ifdef _ATLSTL_CCOMBSTR_VENEER_INHERIT_AS_PUBLIC
: protected CComBSTR # else /* ? compiler */
: private CComBSTR # endif /* compiler */
{ private: typedef CComBSTR parent_class_type; typedef ccombstr_veneer class_type; public: /// The value type
typedef OLECHAR value_type; /// The mutating iterator type
typedef LPOLESTR iterator; /// The non-mutating (const) iterator type
typedef LPCOLESTR const_iterator; /// The pointer type
typedef LPOLESTR pointer; /// The pointer-to-const type
typedef LPCOLESTR const_pointer; /// The reference type
typedef OLECHAR& reference; /// The reference-to-const type
typedef OLECHAR const& const_reference; /// The size type
typedef as_size_t size_type; /// The difference type
typedef as_ptrdiff_t difference_type; #if defined(STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT)
// typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(reverse_iterator_base)< iterator
// , value_type
// , reference
// , pointer
// , difference_type
// > reverse_iterator;
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(const_reverse_iterator_base)< const_iterator , value_type const , const_reference , const_pointer , difference_type > const_reverse_iterator; #endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
// Construction
public: /// Default constructor
ccombstr_veneer(); /// Copy constructor
ccombstr_veneer(class_type const& rhs); /// Copy constructor
ss_explicit_k ccombstr_veneer(CComBSTR const& rhs); /// Construct from an ANSI string
ss_explicit_k ccombstr_veneer(LPCSTR s); /// Construct from a Unicode string
ss_explicit_k ccombstr_veneer(LPCWSTR s); /// Construct from a range
ccombstr_veneer(LPCOLESTR from, LPCOLESTR to); /// Construct from a range
ccombstr_veneer(size_type length, LPCOLESTR from); ///
ccombstr_veneer(as_size_t cch, OLECHAR ch);
/// Copy assignment operator
class_type const& operator =(class_type const& rhs); /// Copy assignment operator
class_type const& operator =(CComBSTR const& rhs); /// Assignment operator
class_type const& operator =(LPCSTR s); /// Assignment operator
class_type const& operator =(LPCWSTR s);
// Iteration
public: /// Begins the iteration
/// \return An iterator representing the start of the sequence
const_iterator begin() const; /// Ends the iteration
/// \return An iterator representing the end of the sequence
const_iterator end() const;
/// Begins the reverse iteration
/// \return A non-mutable (const) iterator representing the start of the reverse sequence
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const; /// Ends the reverse iteration
/// \return A non-mutable (const) iterator representing the end of the reverse sequence
const_reverse_iterator rend() const; #endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
// Access
public: reference operator [](size_type index); const_reference operator [](size_type index) const;
// Operations
public: void swap(class_type& rhs);
// Attributes
public: /// Provides access to the underlying CComBSTR type
CComBSTR &get_base_type(); /// Provides access to the underlying CComBSTR type
CComBSTR const &get_base_type() const; /// Returns the number of elements in the sequence
size_type length() const; /// Returns the number of elements in the sequence
size_type size() const; /// \brief Indicates whether the sequence is empty
as_bool_t empty() const; /// Returns a pointer to constant data representing the managed string
const_pointer c_str() const; /// Returns a pointer to constant data representing the managed string
const_pointer data() const; };
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Helper functions */
// Because CComBSTR converts into BSTR, and because BSTR and BSTR are pointers
// which can be combined, and because LPCWSTR is *not* BSTR, and because
// CComBSTR can be implicitly constructed from LPCSTR, BSTR and LPCWSTR, it is
// incredibly easy to think you're doing value comparison but actually be doing
// identity comparison. Filth!!!!!!!
// Furthermore, old versions of CComBSTR don't have operator ==(), and even
// newer versions define it as a member function, instead of a free function.
// Triple filth!!!!!
// So, to ensure that CComBSTR is compared appropriately, all comparisons must
// filter through this function, which takes parameters by pointer (to avoid the
// implicit conversions) and explicitly calls the operator ==() to avoid identity
// comparison.
inline int atlstl_safe_wcscmp(LPCOLESTR s1, LPCOLESTR s2) { return (NULL == s1) ? (NULL == s2) ? 0 : 1 : (NULL == s2) ? -1 : wcscmp(s1, s2); }
inline int atlstl_safe_wcscmp(LPCOLESTR s1, LPCSTR s2) { USES_CONVERSION;
return atlstl_safe_wcscmp(s1, (NULL == s2) ? L"" : A2CW(s2)); }
inline int atlstl_safe_wcscmp(LPCSTR s1, LPCOLESTR s2) { USES_CONVERSION;
return atlstl_safe_wcscmp((NULL == s1) ? L"" : A2CW(s1), s2); }
#if 0
// _ATL_VER 0x0800
bool CComBSTR::operator==(CComBSTR const& bstrSrc) const throw() bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCOLESTR pszSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPOLESTR pszSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(int nNull) const throw() // Can you believe it!!
bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCSTR pszSrc) const
// _ATL_VER 0x0710
bool CComBSTR::operator==(CComBSTR const& bstrSrc) const throw() bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCOLESTR pszSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPOLESTR pszSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(int nNull) const throw() // Can you believe it!!
bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCSTR pszSrc) const
// _ATL_VER 0x0700
bool CComBSTR::operator==(CComBSTR const& bstrSrc) const throw() bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCOLESTR pszSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(int nNull) const throw() bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCSTR pszSrc) const
// _ATL_VER 0x0300
bool CComBSTR::operator==(BSTR bstrSrc) const bool CComBSTR::operator==(LPCSTR pszSrc) const
// _ATL_VER 0x0202
#endif /* 0 */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Operators */
inline as_bool_t operator ==(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { CComBSTR const& lhs_ = lhs.get_base_type(); CComBSTR const& rhs_ = rhs.get_base_type();
#if _ATL_VER >= 0x0700
return lhs_ == rhs_; #else // ? _ATL_VER
return 0 == atlstl_safe_wcscmp(lhs_, rhs_); #endif // _ATL_VER
#if !defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) || \
_MSC_VER >= 1200
inline as_bool_t operator ==(LPCSTR lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { CComBSTR const& rhs_ = rhs.get_base_type();
#if _ATL_VER >= 0x0300
return rhs_ == lhs; #else /* ? _ATL_VER */
return 0 == atlstl_safe_wcscmp(lhs, rhs_); #endif /* _ATL_VER */
inline as_bool_t operator ==(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, LPCSTR rhs) { CComBSTR const& lhs_ = lhs.get_base_type();
#if _ATL_VER >= 0x0300
return lhs_ == rhs; #else /* ? _ATL_VER */
return 0 == atlstl_safe_wcscmp(lhs_, rhs); #endif /* _ATL_VER */
#endif /* !(_MSC_VER < 1200) */
inline as_bool_t operator ==(LPCWSTR lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { CComBSTR const& rhs_ = rhs.get_base_type();
#if _ATL_VER >= 0x0700
return rhs_ == lhs; #else // ? _ATL_VER
return 0 == atlstl_safe_wcscmp(lhs, rhs_); #endif // _ATL_VER
inline as_bool_t operator ==(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, LPCWSTR rhs) { CComBSTR const& lhs_ = lhs.get_base_type();
#if _ATL_VER >= 0x0700
return lhs_ == rhs; #else // ? _ATL_VER
return 0 == atlstl_safe_wcscmp(lhs_, rhs); #endif // _ATL_VER
inline as_bool_t operator !=(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { return !operator ==(lhs, rhs); }
#if !defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_MSVC) || \
_MSC_VER >= 1200
inline as_bool_t operator !=(LPCSTR lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { return !operator ==(lhs, rhs); }
inline as_bool_t operator !=(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, LPCSTR rhs) { return !operator ==(lhs, rhs); }
#endif /* !(_MSC_VER < 1200) */
inline as_bool_t operator !=(LPCWSTR lhs, ccombstr_veneer const& rhs) { return !operator ==(lhs, rhs); }
inline as_bool_t operator !=(ccombstr_veneer const& lhs, LPCWSTR rhs) { return !operator ==(lhs, rhs); }
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* swapping */
inline void swap(ccombstr_veneer& lhs, ccombstr_veneer& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); }
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Shims */
/** \brief \ref group__concept__shim__string_access__c_str_data for comstl::ccombstr_veneer
* * \ingroup group__concept__shim__string_access */ inline LPCOLESTR c_str_data(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return str.data(); }
inline LPCOLESTR c_str_data_w(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return c_str_data(str); } #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
/** \brief \ref group__concept__shim__string_access__c_str_len for comstl::ccombstr_veneer
* * \ingroup group__concept__shim__string_access */ inline as_size_t c_str_len(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return str.length(); }
inline as_size_t c_str_len_w(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return c_str_len(str); } #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
/** \brief \ref group__concept__shim__string_access__c_str_ptr for comstl::ccombstr_veneer
* * \ingroup group__concept__shim__string_access */ inline LPCOLESTR c_str_ptr(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return str.c_str(); }
inline LPCOLESTR c_str_ptr_w(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return c_str_ptr(str); } #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
/** \brief \ref group__concept__shim__string_access__c_str_ptr_null for comstl::ccombstr_veneer
* * \ingroup group__concept__shim__string_access */ inline LPCOLESTR c_str_ptr_null(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return !str.empty() ? str.c_str() : NULL; }
inline LPCOLESTR c_str_ptr_null_w(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { return c_str_ptr_null(str); } #endif /* !STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION */
/** \brief \ref group__concept__shim__stream_insertion "stream insertion shim" for comstl::ccombstr_veneer
* * \ingroup group__concept__shim__stream_insertion */ template<ss_typename_param_k S> inline S& operator <<(S& s, atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer) const& str) { s << str.c_str();
return s; }
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Unit-testing */
# include "./unittest/ccombstr_veneer_unittest_.h"
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Implementation */
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer() : parent_class_type() { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(class_type const& rhs) : parent_class_type(rhs) { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(CComBSTR const& rhs) : parent_class_type(rhs) { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(LPCSTR s) /* There's a bug in some implementations of ATL 3.x, so we go for the assigment,
* doing the conversion ourselves */ #if _ATL_VER >= 0x0700
: parent_class_type(s) #endif /* _ATL_VER */
{ #if _ATL_VER < 0x0700
USES_CONVERSION; *this = A2COLE(s); #endif /* _ATL_VER */
ATLSTL_ASSERT(s == NULL || length() == strlen(s));
stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(LPCWSTR s) #if _ATL_VER >= 0x0300
: parent_class_type(s) #endif /* _ATL_VER */
{ #if _ATL_VER < 0x0300
USES_CONVERSION; *this = s; #endif /* _ATL_VER */
ATLSTL_ASSERT(s == NULL || length() == wcslen(s));
stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(LPCOLESTR from, LPCOLESTR to) : parent_class_type(static_cast<int>(to - from), from) { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline void ccombstr_veneer::swap(ccombstr_veneer::class_type& rhs) { std_swap(m_str, rhs.m_str); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(ccombstr_veneer::size_type length, LPCOLESTR from) : parent_class_type(static_cast<int>(length), from) { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::ccombstr_veneer(as_size_t cch, OLECHAR ch) { stlsoft_constraint_must_be_same_size(CComBSTR, class_type);
typedef stlsoft_ns_qual(auto_buffer)<OLECHAR> buffer_t;
buffer_t buffer(cch);
_wcsnset(&buffer[0], ch, cch);
class_type(cch, buffer.data()).swap(*this); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::class_type const& ccombstr_veneer::operator =(ccombstr_veneer::class_type const& rhs) { parent_class_type::operator =(rhs);
return *this; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::class_type const& ccombstr_veneer::operator =(CComBSTR const& rhs) { parent_class_type::operator =(rhs);
return *this; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::class_type const& ccombstr_veneer::operator =(LPCSTR s) { /* There's a bug in some implementations of ATL 3.x, so we go for the assigment,
* doing the conversion ourselves */ #if _ATL_VER >= 0x0700
parent_class_type::operator =(s); #else /* ? _ATL_VER */
USES_CONVERSION; *this = A2COLE(s); #endif /* _ATL_VER */
return *this; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::class_type const& ccombstr_veneer::operator =(LPCWSTR s) { parent_class_type::operator =(s);
return *this; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_iterator ccombstr_veneer::begin() const { return *this; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_iterator ccombstr_veneer::end() const { return begin() + Length(); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_reverse_iterator ccombstr_veneer::rbegin() const { return const_reverse_iterator(end()); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_reverse_iterator ccombstr_veneer::rend() const { return const_reverse_iterator(begin()); } #endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
inline ccombstr_veneer::reference ccombstr_veneer::operator [](ccombstr_veneer::size_type index) { ATLSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Index out of range", index < length());
return const_cast<reference>(data()[index]); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_reference ccombstr_veneer::operator [](ccombstr_veneer::size_type index) const { ATLSTL_MESSAGE_ASSERT("Index out of range", index < length());
return data()[index]; }
inline CComBSTR &ccombstr_veneer::get_base_type() { #if defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_DMC)
CComBSTR *this_ = stlsoft_ns_qual(sap_cast)<CComBSTR*>(this); #else /* ? compiler */
CComBSTR *this_ = this; #endif /* compiler */
return *this_; }
inline CComBSTR const& ccombstr_veneer::get_base_type() const { #if defined(STLSOFT_COMPILER_IS_DMC)
CComBSTR const *this_ = stlsoft_ns_qual(sap_cast)<CComBSTR const*>(this); #else /* ? compiler */
CComBSTR const *this_ = this; #endif /* compiler */
return *this_; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::size_type ccombstr_veneer::length() const { return Length(); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::size_type ccombstr_veneer::size() const { return length(); }
inline as_bool_t ccombstr_veneer::empty() const { return length() == 0; }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_pointer ccombstr_veneer::c_str() const { return empty() ? L"" : static_cast<const_pointer>(*this); }
inline ccombstr_veneer::const_pointer ccombstr_veneer::data() const { return empty() ? L"" : static_cast<const_pointer>(*this); }
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
# if defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) || \
defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace atlstl
# else
} // namespace atlstl_project
} // namespace stlsoft
#endif /* !_ATLSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
#if defined(STLSOFT_CF_std_NAMESPACE)
namespace stlsoft { inline void swap(atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer)& lhs, atlstl_ns_qual(ccombstr_veneer)& rhs) { lhs.swap(rhs); } } // namespace stlsoft
#endif /* STLSOFT_CF_std_NAMESPACE */
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Namespace * * The string access shims exist either in the stlsoft namespace, or in the * global namespace. This is required by the lookup rules. * */
# if !defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) && \
!defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) namespace stlsoft { # else /* ? _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define in the global namespace */ # endif /* !_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
using ::atlstl::c_str_data; using ::atlstl::c_str_data_w;
using ::atlstl::c_str_len; using ::atlstl::c_str_len_w;
using ::atlstl::c_str_ptr; using ::atlstl::c_str_ptr_w;
using ::atlstl::c_str_ptr_null; using ::atlstl::c_str_ptr_null_w;
/* /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* Traits */
/** Specialisation for atlstl::ccombstr_veneer
*/ STLSOFT_TEMPLATE_SPECIALISATION struct string_traits< ::atlstl::ccombstr_veneer> { typedef ::atlstl::ccombstr_veneer value_type; typedef ::atlstl::ccombstr_veneer::value_type char_type; // NOTE: Can't use value_type::value_type here, because of BC++ 5.5.1
typedef value_type::size_type size_type; typedef char_type const const_char_type; typedef value_type string_type; typedef string_type::pointer pointer; typedef string_type::const_pointer const_pointer; typedef string_type::iterator iterator; typedef string_type::const_iterator const_iterator; #if defined(STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT)
// typedef string_type::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
typedef string_type::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator; #endif /* STLSOFT_LF_BIDIRECTIONAL_ITERATOR_SUPPORT */
enum { is_pointer = false , is_pointer_to_const = false , char_type_size = sizeof(char_type) };
static string_type empty_string() { return string_type(); } static string_type construct(string_type const& src, size_type pos, size_type len) { return string_type(len, src.data() + pos); } # ifdef STLSOFT_CF_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_SUPPORT
template <ss_typename_param_k I> static string_type &assign_inplace(string_type &str, I first, I last) # else /* ? STLSOFT_CF_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_SUPPORT */
static string_type &assign_inplace(string_type &str, const_iterator first, const_iterator last) # endif /* STLSOFT_CF_MEMBER_TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_SUPPORT */
{ // comstl::bstr cannot assign in-place
return (str = string_type(last - first, first), str); } };
# if !defined(_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE) && \
!defined(STLSOFT_DOCUMENTATION_SKIP_SECTION) } // namespace stlsoft
# else /* ? _STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* There is no stlsoft namespace, so must define in the global namespace */ # endif /* !_STLSOFT_NO_NAMESPACE */
#endif /* !_ATLSTL_NO_NAMESPACE */
/* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
/* ///////////////////////////// end of file //////////////////////////// */