$$ -*- mode: c++; -*- $var n = 10 $$ Maximum number of tuple fields we want to support. $$ This meta comment fixes auto-indentation in Emacs. }} // Copyright 2009 Google Inc. // All Rights Reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Author: wan@google.com (Zhanyong Wan)
// Implements a subset of TR1 tuple needed by Google Test and Google Mock.
#include <utility> // For ::std::pair.
// The compiler used in Symbian has a bug that prevents us from declaring the // tuple template as a friend (it complains that tuple is redefined). This // hack bypasses the bug by declaring the members that should otherwise be // private as public. // Sun Studio versions < 12 also have the above bug. #if defined(__SYMBIAN32__) || (defined(__SUNPRO_CC) && __SUNPRO_CC < 0x590) # define GTEST_DECLARE_TUPLE_AS_FRIEND_ public: #else # define GTEST_DECLARE_TUPLE_AS_FRIEND_ \ template <GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(U)> friend class tuple; \ private: #endif
$range i 0..n-1 $range j 0..n $range k 1..n // GTEST_n_TUPLE_(T) is the type of an n-tuple. #define GTEST_0_TUPLE_(T) tuple<>
$for k [[ $range m 0..k-1 $range m2 k..n-1 #define GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(T) tuple<$for m, [[T##$m]]$for m2 [[, void]]>
// GTEST_n_TYPENAMES_(T) declares a list of n typenames.
$for j [[ $range m 0..j-1 #define GTEST_$(j)_TYPENAMES_(T) $for m, [[typename T##$m]]
// In theory, defining stuff in the ::std namespace is undefined // behavior. We can do this as we are playing the role of a standard // library vendor. namespace std { namespace tr1 {
template <$for i, [[typename T$i = void]]> class tuple;
// Anything in namespace gtest_internal is Google Test's INTERNAL // IMPLEMENTATION DETAIL and MUST NOT BE USED DIRECTLY in user code. namespace gtest_internal {
// ByRef<T>::type is T if T is a reference; otherwise it's const T&. template <typename T> struct ByRef { typedef const T& type; }; // NOLINT template <typename T> struct ByRef<T&> { typedef T& type; }; // NOLINT
// A handy wrapper for ByRef. #define GTEST_BY_REF_(T) typename ::std::tr1::gtest_internal::ByRef<T>::type
// AddRef<T>::type is T if T is a reference; otherwise it's T&. This // is the same as tr1::add_reference<T>::type. template <typename T> struct AddRef { typedef T& type; }; // NOLINT template <typename T> struct AddRef<T&> { typedef T& type; }; // NOLINT
// A handy wrapper for AddRef. #define GTEST_ADD_REF_(T) typename ::std::tr1::gtest_internal::AddRef<T>::type
// A helper for implementing get<k>(). template <int k> class Get;
// A helper for implementing tuple_element<k, T>. kIndexValid is true // iff k < the number of fields in tuple type T. template <bool kIndexValid, int kIndex, class Tuple> struct TupleElement;
$for i [[ template <GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(T)> struct TupleElement<true, $i, GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)> [[]] { typedef T$i type; };
]] } // namespace gtest_internal
template <> class tuple<> { public: tuple() {} tuple(const tuple& /* t */) {} tuple& operator=(const tuple& /* t */) { return *this; } };
$for k [[ $range m 0..k-1 template <GTEST_$(k)_TYPENAMES_(T)> class $if k < n [[GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(T)]] $else [[tuple]] { public: template <int k> friend class gtest_internal::Get;
tuple() : $for m, [[f$(m)_()]] {}
explicit tuple($for m, [[GTEST_BY_REF_(T$m) f$m]]) : [[]] $for m, [[f$(m)_(f$m)]] {}
tuple(const tuple& t) : $for m, [[f$(m)_(t.f$(m)_)]] {}
template <GTEST_$(k)_TYPENAMES_(U)> tuple(const GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(U)& t) : $for m, [[f$(m)_(t.f$(m)_)]] {}
$if k == 2 [[ template <typename U0, typename U1> tuple(const ::std::pair<U0, U1>& p) : f0_(p.first), f1_(p.second) {}
tuple& operator=(const tuple& t) { return CopyFrom(t); }
template <GTEST_$(k)_TYPENAMES_(U)> tuple& operator=(const GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(U)& t) { return CopyFrom(t); }
$if k == 2 [[ template <typename U0, typename U1> tuple& operator=(const ::std::pair<U0, U1>& p) { f0_ = p.first; f1_ = p.second; return *this; }
template <GTEST_$(k)_TYPENAMES_(U)> tuple& CopyFrom(const GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(U)& t) {
$for m [[ f$(m)_ = t.f$(m)_;
]] return *this; }
$for m [[ T$m f$(m)_;
]] };
]] // Tuple creation functions.
// Known limitations: we don't support passing an // std::tr1::reference_wrapper<T> to make_tuple(). And we don't // implement tie().
inline tuple<> make_tuple() { return tuple<>(); }
$for k [[ $range m 0..k-1
template <GTEST_$(k)_TYPENAMES_(T)> inline GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(T) make_tuple($for m, [[const T$m& f$m]]) { return GTEST_$(k)_TUPLE_(T)($for m, [[f$m]]); }
// Tuple helper classes.
template <typename Tuple> struct tuple_size;
$for j [[ template <GTEST_$(j)_TYPENAMES_(T)> struct tuple_size<GTEST_$(j)_TUPLE_(T)> { static const int value = $j; };
]] template <int k, class Tuple> struct tuple_element { typedef typename gtest_internal::TupleElement< k < (tuple_size<Tuple>::value), k, Tuple>::type type; };
#define GTEST_TUPLE_ELEMENT_(k, Tuple) typename tuple_element<k, Tuple >::type
// Element access.
namespace gtest_internal {
$for i [[ template <> class Get<$i> { public: template <class Tuple> static GTEST_ADD_REF_(GTEST_TUPLE_ELEMENT_($i, Tuple)) Field(Tuple& t) { return t.f$(i)_; } // NOLINT
template <class Tuple> static GTEST_BY_REF_(GTEST_TUPLE_ELEMENT_($i, Tuple)) ConstField(const Tuple& t) { return t.f$(i)_; } };
]] } // namespace gtest_internal
template <int k, GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(T)> GTEST_ADD_REF_(GTEST_TUPLE_ELEMENT_(k, GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T))) get(GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)& t) { return gtest_internal::Get<k>::Field(t); }
template <int k, GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(T)> GTEST_BY_REF_(GTEST_TUPLE_ELEMENT_(k, GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T))) get(const GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)& t) { return gtest_internal::Get<k>::ConstField(t); }
// Relational operators
// We only implement == and !=, as we don't have a need for the rest yet.
namespace gtest_internal {
// SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator<k, k>::Eq(t1, t2) returns true if the // first k fields of t1 equals the first k fields of t2. // SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator(k1, k2) would be a compiler error if // k1 != k2. template <int kSize1, int kSize2> struct SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator;
template <> struct SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator<0, 0> { template <class Tuple1, class Tuple2> static bool Eq(const Tuple1& /* t1 */, const Tuple2& /* t2 */) { return true; } };
template <int k> struct SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator<k, k> { template <class Tuple1, class Tuple2> static bool Eq(const Tuple1& t1, const Tuple2& t2) { return SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator<k - 1, k - 1>::Eq(t1, t2) && ::std::tr1::get<k - 1>(t1) == ::std::tr1::get<k - 1>(t2); } };
} // namespace gtest_internal
template <GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(T), GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(U)> inline bool operator==(const GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)& t, const GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(U)& u) { return gtest_internal::SameSizeTuplePrefixComparator< tuple_size<GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)>::value, tuple_size<GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(U)>::value>::Eq(t, u); }
template <GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(T), GTEST_$(n)_TYPENAMES_(U)> inline bool operator!=(const GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(T)& t, const GTEST_$(n)_TUPLE_(U)& u) { return !(t == u); }
// 6.1.4 Pairs. // Unimplemented.
} // namespace tr1 } // namespace std
$for j [[ #undef GTEST_$(j)_TUPLE_
$for j [[ #undef GTEST_$(j)_TYPENAMES_