#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include "src/storage/jani/Action.h"
#include "src/storage/jani/ModelType.h"
#include "src/storage/jani/Automaton.h"
#include "src/storage/jani/Constant.h"
#include "src/storage/jani/Composition.h"
namespace storm { namespace expressions { class ExpressionManager; } namespace jani { class Exporter; class Model { public: friend class Exporter; /*!
* Creates an uninitialized model. */ Model(); /*!
* Creates an empty model with the given type. */ Model(std::string const& name, ModelType const& modelType, uint64_t version = 1, boost::optional<std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager>> const& expressionManager = boost::none); /*!
* Retrieves the JANI-version of the model. */ uint64_t getJaniVersion() const; /*!
* Retrieves the type of the model. */ ModelType const& getModelType() const; /*!
* Retrievest the name of the model. */ std::string const& getName() const; /**
* Checks whether the model has an action with the given name. * * @param name The name to look for. */ bool hasAction(std::string const& name) const; /**
* Get the index of the action * @param the name of the model * @return the index of the (unique) action with the given name, undefined if no such action is present. */ uint64_t getActionIndex(std::string const& name) const; /**
* Adds an action to the model. * * @return the index for this action. */ uint64_t addAction(Action const& action); /*!
* Retrieves the action with the given index. */ Action const& getAction(uint64_t index) const; /*!
* Retrieves the actions of the model. */ std::vector<Action> const& getActions() const; /*!
* Adds the given constant to the model. */ uint64_t addConstant(Constant const& constant); /*!
* Retrieves whether the model has a constant with the given name. */ bool hasConstant(std::string const& name) const; /*!
* Retrieves the constants of the model. */ std::vector<Constant> const& getConstants() const;
* Retrieves the constants of the model. */ std::vector<Constant>& getConstants();
* Retrieves the constant with the given name (if any). */ Constant const& getConstant(std::string const& name) const; /*!
* Adds the given boolean variable to this model. */ void addBooleanVariable(BooleanVariable const& variable); /*!
* Adds the given bounded integer variable to this model. */ void addBoundedIntegerVariable(BoundedIntegerVariable const& variable); /*!
* Adds the given unbounded integer variable to this model. */ void addUnboundedIntegerVariable(UnboundedIntegerVariable const& variable);
* Retrieves the variables of this automaton. */ VariableSet& getGlobalVariables();
* Retrieves the variables of this automaton. */ VariableSet const& getGlobalVariables() const; /*!
* Retrieves the manager responsible for the expressions in the JANI model. */ storm::expressions::ExpressionManager& getExpressionManager();
* Retrieves the manager responsible for the expressions in the JANI model. */ storm::expressions::ExpressionManager const& getExpressionManager() const; /*!
* Adds the given automaton to the automata of this model. */ uint64_t addAutomaton(Automaton const& automaton); /*!
* Retrieves the automata of the model. */ std::vector<Automaton>& getAutomata();
* Retrieves the automata of the model. */ std::vector<Automaton> const& getAutomata() const;
* Retrieves the automaton with the given name. */ Automaton& getAutomaton(std::string const& name);
* Retrieves the automaton with the given name. */ Automaton const& getAutomaton(std::string const& name) const;
* Retrieves the number of automata in this model. */ std::size_t getNumberOfAutomata() const; /*!
* Sets the system composition expression of the JANI model. */ void setSystemComposition(std::shared_ptr<Composition> const& composition); /*!
* Gets the system composition as the standard, fully-synchronizing parallel composition. */ std::shared_ptr<Composition> getStandardSystemComposition() const; /*!
* Retrieves the system composition expression. */ Composition const& getSystemComposition() const; /*!
* Retrieves the set of action names. */ std::set<std::string> getActionNames(bool includeSilent = true) const; /*!
* Retrieves the name of the silent action. */ std::string const& getSilentActionName() const; /*!
* Retrieves the index of the silent action. */ uint64_t getSilentActionIndex() const; /*!
* Defines the undefined constants of the model by the given expressions. The original model is not modified, * but instead a new model is created. */ Model defineUndefinedConstants(std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> const& constantDefinitions) const; /*!
* Retrieves whether the model still has undefined constants. */ bool hasUndefinedConstants() const; /*!
* Retrieves all undefined constants of the model. */ std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<Constant const>> getUndefinedConstants() const; /*!
* Substitutes all constants in all expressions of the model. The original model is not modified, but * instead a new model is created. */ Model substituteConstants() const; /*!
* Retrieves a mapping from expression variables associated with defined constants of the model to their * (the constants') defining expression. */ std::map<storm::expressions::Variable, storm::expressions::Expression> getConstantsSubstitution() const; /*!
* Retrieves whether there is an expression defining the legal initial values of the global variables. */ bool hasInitialStatesExpression() const; /*!
* Retrieves the expression defining the legal initial values of the variables. * * @param includeAutomataInitialStatesExpressions If set to true, the expression defines the legal initial * states not only for the global variables but also for the variables of each automaton. */ storm::expressions::Expression getInitialStatesExpression(bool includeAutomataInitialStatesExpressions = false) const; /*!
* Sets the expression defining the legal initial values of the global variables. */ void setInitialStatesExpression(storm::expressions::Expression const& initialStatesExpression); /*!
* Determines whether this model is a deterministic one in the sense that each state only has one choice. */ bool isDeterministicModel() const; /*!
* Determines whether this model is a discrete-time model. */ bool isDiscreteTimeModel() const; /*!
* Retrieves a list of expressions that characterize the legal values of the variables in this model. */ std::vector<storm::expressions::Expression> getAllRangeExpressions() const; /*!
* Retrieves whether this model has the default composition, that is it composes all automata in parallel * and synchronizes over all common actions. */ bool hasDefaultComposition() const; /*!
* Checks if the model is valid JANI, which should be verified before any further operations are applied to a model. */ bool checkValidity(bool logdbg = true) const; private: /// The model name.
std::string name; /// The type of the model.
ModelType modelType; /// The JANI-version used to specify the model.
uint64_t version; /// The manager responsible for the expressions in this model.
std::shared_ptr<storm::expressions::ExpressionManager> expressionManager; /// The list of actions.
std::vector<Action> actions; /// A mapping from names to action indices.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint64_t> actionToIndex; /// The index of the silent action.
uint64_t silentActionIndex; /// The constants defined by the model.
std::vector<Constant> constants; /// A mapping from names to constants.
std::unordered_map<std::string, uint64_t> constantToIndex; /// The global variables of the model.
VariableSet globalVariables; /// The list of automata.
std::vector<Automaton> automata; /// A mapping from names to automata indices.
std::unordered_map<std::string, size_t> automatonToIndex; /// An expression describing how the system is composed of the automata.
std::shared_ptr<Composition> composition; // The expression characterizing the legal initial values of the global variables.
storm::expressions::Expression initialStatesExpression; }; } }