# Copyright 2005-2013 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. # # Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software # library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate # templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile # this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this # file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however # invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by # the GNU General Public License.
export SHELL = cmd
ifdef tbb_build_dir test_dir:=$(tbb_build_dir) else test_dir:=. endif
# TODO give an error if archs doesn't match ifndef arch export arch:=$(shell cmd /C "cscript /nologo /E:jscript $(tbb_root)/build/detect.js /arch $(compiler)") endif
ifndef runtime export runtime:=$(shell cmd /C "cscript /nologo /E:jscript $(tbb_root)/build/detect.js /runtime $(compiler)") endif
native_compiler := cl export compiler ?= cl debugger ?= devenv /debugexe
CMD=cmd /C CWD=$(shell cmd /C echo %CD%) RM=cmd /C del /Q /F RD=cmd /C rmdir MD=cmd /c mkdir SLASH=\\ NUL = nul
AR=lib AR_OUTPUT_KEY=/out: AR_FLAGS=/nologo /nodefaultlib
OBJ = obj DLL = dll LIBEXT = lib ASMEXT = asm
def_prefix = $(if $(findstring ia32,$(arch)),win32,win64)
# Target Windows version. Do not increase beyond 0x0501 without prior discussion! # Used as the value for macro definition opiton in windows.cl.inc etc. _WIN32_WINNT=0x0501
TBB.LST = $(tbb_root)/src/tbb/$(def_prefix)-tbb-export.lst TBB.DEF = $(TBB.LST:.lst=.def) TBB.DLL = tbb$(CPF_SUFFIX)$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(DLL) TBB.LIB = tbb$(CPF_SUFFIX)$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(LIBEXT) TBB.RES = tbb_resource.res # On Windows, we use #pragma comment to set the proper TBB lib to link with # But for cross-configuration testing, need to link explicitly LINK_TBB.LIB = $(if $(crosstest),$(TBB.LIB)) TBB.MANIFEST = ifneq ($(filter vc8 vc9,$(runtime)),) TBB.MANIFEST = tbbmanifest.exe.manifest endif
MALLOC.DEF = $(MALLOC_ROOT)/$(def_prefix)-tbbmalloc-export.def MALLOC.DLL = tbbmalloc$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(DLL) MALLOC.LIB = tbbmalloc$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(LIBEXT) MALLOC.RES = tbbmalloc.res MALLOC.MANIFEST = ifneq ($(filter vc8 vc9,$(runtime)),) MALLOC.MANIFEST = tbbmanifest.exe.manifest endif LINK_MALLOC.LIB = $(MALLOC.LIB)
RML.DEF = $(RML_SERVER_ROOT)/$(def_prefix)-rml-export.def RML.DLL = irml$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(DLL) RML.LIB = irml$(DEBUG_SUFFIX).$(LIBEXT) RML.RES = irml.res ifneq ($(filter vc8 vc9,$(runtime)),) RML.MANIFEST = tbbmanifest.exe.manifest endif
MAKE_VERSIONS = cmd /C cscript /nologo /E:jscript $(subst \,/,$(tbb_root))/build/version_info_windows.js $(compiler) $(arch) $(subst \,/,"$(CPLUS) $(CPLUS_FLAGS)") > version_string.ver MAKE_TBBVARS = cmd /C "$(subst /,\,$(tbb_root))\build\generate_tbbvars.bat"
TEST_LAUNCHER = $(subst /,\,$(tbb_root))\build\test_launcher.bat $(largs)