Installation instructions for Eigen ***********************************
Explanation before starting ***************************
Eigen consists only of header files, hence there is nothing to compile before you can use it. Moreover, these header files do not depend on your platform, they are the same for everybody.
Method 1. Installing without using CMake ****************************************
You can use right away the headers in the Eigen/ subdirectory. In order to install, just copy this Eigen/ subdirectory to your favorite location. If you also want the unsupported features, copy the unsupported/ subdirectory too.
Method 2. Installing using CMake ********************************
Let's call this directory 'source_dir' (where this INSTALL file is). Before starting, create another directory which we will call 'build_dir'.
cd build_dir cmake source_dir make install
The "make install" step may require administrator privileges.
You can adjust the installation destination (the "prefix") by passing the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=myprefix option to cmake, as is explained in the message that cmake prints at the end.