# Generate .travis.yml automatically
# Configuration for Linux configs_linux = [ # OS, compiler, build type ("debian-9", "gcc", "DefaultDebug"), ("debian-9", "gcc", "DefaultRelease"), ("ubuntu-17.10", "gcc", "DefaultDebugTravis"), ("ubuntu-17.10", "gcc", "DefaultReleaseTravis"), ("ubuntu-18.04", "gcc", "DefaultDebug"), ("ubuntu-18.04", "gcc", "DefaultRelease"), ]
# Configurations for Mac configs_mac = [ # OS, compiler, build type # ("osx", "clang", "DefaultDebug"), # ("osx", "clang", "DefaultRelease"), ]
# Stages in travis stages = [ ("Build (1st run)", "Build1"), ("Build (2nd run)", "Build2"), ("Build (3rd run)", "Build3"), ("Build (4th run)", "BuildLast"), ("Test all", "TestAll"), ]
if __name__ == "__main__": allow_failures = []
s = "" # Initial config s += "#\n" s += "# General config\n" s += "#\n" s += "branches:\n" s += " only:\n" s += " - master\n" s += " - stable\n" s += "sudo: required\n" s += "dist: trusty\n" s += "language: cpp\n" s += "\n" s += "# Enable caching\n" s += "cache:\n" s += " timeout: 1000\n" s += " directories:\n" s += " - build\n" s += " - travis/mtime_cache\n" s += "\n" s += "# Enable docker support\n" s += "services:\n" s += "- docker\n" s += "\n"
s += "notifications:\n" s += " email:\n" s += " on_failure: always\n" s += " on_success: change\n" s += " recipients:\n" s += ' secure: "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"\n' s += "\n" s += "#\n" s += "# Configurations\n" s += "#\n" s += "jobs:\n" s += " include:\n"
# Start with prebuilding carl for docker s += "\n" s += " ###\n" s += " # Stage: Build Carl\n" s += " ###\n" s += "\n" for config in configs_linux: linux = config[0] compiler = config[1] build_type = config[2] if "Travis" in build_type: s += " # {} - {}\n".format(linux, build_type) buildConfig = "" buildConfig += " - stage: Build Carl\n" buildConfig += " os: linux\n" buildConfig += " compiler: {}\n".format(compiler) buildConfig += " env: CONFIG={} LINUX={} COMPILER={}\n".format(build_type, linux, compiler) buildConfig += " install:\n" buildConfig += " - travis/install_linux.sh\n" buildConfig += " script:\n" buildConfig += " - travis/build_carl.sh\n" # Upload to DockerHub buildConfig += " after_success:\n" buildConfig += ' - docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p "$DOCKER_PASSWORD";\n' if "Debug" in build_type: buildConfig += " - docker commit carl movesrwth/carl:travis-debug;\n" buildConfig += " - docker push movesrwth/carl:travis-debug;\n" elif "Release" in build_type: buildConfig += " - docker commit carl movesrwth/carl:travis;\n" buildConfig += " - docker push movesrwth/carl:travis;\n" else: assert False s += buildConfig
# Generate all configurations for stage in stages: s += "\n" s += " ###\n" s += " # Stage: {}\n".format(stage[0]) s += " ###\n" s += "\n" # Mac OS X for config in configs_mac: osx = config[0] compiler = config[1] build_type = config[2] s += " # {} - {}\n".format(osx, build_type) buildConfig = "" buildConfig += " - stage: {}\n".format(stage[0]) buildConfig += " os: osx\n" buildConfig += " osx_image: xcode9.1\n" buildConfig += " compiler: {}\n".format(compiler) buildConfig += " env: CONFIG={} COMPILER={} STL=libc++\n".format(build_type, compiler) buildConfig += " install:\n" if stage[1] == "Build1": buildConfig += " - rm -rf build\n" buildConfig += " - travis/install_osx.sh\n" buildConfig += " script:\n" buildConfig += " - travis/build.sh {}\n".format(stage[1]) buildConfig += " after_failure:\n" buildConfig += " - find build -iname '*err*.log' -type f -print -exec cat {} \;\n" s += buildConfig
# Linux via Docker for config in configs_linux: allow_fail = "" linux = config[0] compiler = config[1] build_type = config[2] s += " # {} - {}\n".format(linux, build_type) buildConfig = "" buildConfig += " - stage: {}\n".format(stage[0]) allow_fail += " - stage: {}\n".format(stage[0]) buildConfig += " os: linux\n" allow_fail += " os: linux\n" buildConfig += " compiler: {}\n".format(compiler) buildConfig += " env: CONFIG={} LINUX={} COMPILER={}\n".format(build_type, linux, compiler) allow_fail += " env: CONFIG={} LINUX={} COMPILER={}\n".format(build_type, linux, compiler) buildConfig += " install:\n" if stage[1] == "Build1": buildConfig += " - rm -rf build\n" buildConfig += " - travis/install_linux.sh\n" buildConfig += " script:\n" buildConfig += " - travis/build.sh {}\n".format(stage[1]) buildConfig += " before_cache:\n" buildConfig += " - docker cp storm:/opt/storm/. .\n" buildConfig += " after_failure:\n" buildConfig += " - find build -iname '*err*.log' -type f -print -exec cat {} \;\n" # Upload to DockerHub if stage[1] == "TestAll" and "Travis" in build_type: buildConfig += " after_success:\n" buildConfig += ' - docker login -u "$DOCKER_USERNAME" -p "$DOCKER_PASSWORD";\n' if "Debug" in build_type: buildConfig += " - docker commit storm movesrwth/storm:travis-debug;\n" buildConfig += " - docker push movesrwth/storm:travis-debug;\n" elif "Release" in build_type: buildConfig += " - docker commit storm movesrwth/storm:travis;\n" buildConfig += " - docker push movesrwth/storm:travis;\n" else: assert False s += buildConfig if "Travis" in build_type and "Release" in build_type: allow_failures.append(allow_fail)
if len(allow_failures) > 0: s += " allow_failures:\n" for fail in allow_failures: s += fail print(s)