#include "AbstractModel.h"
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
namespace storm {
namespace models {
* @brief Base class for all deterministic model classes. * * This is base class defines a common interface for all deterministic models. */ template<class T> class AbstractDeterministicModel: public AbstractModel<T> {
public: /*! Constructs an abstract determinstic model from the given parameters.
* All values are copied. * @param transitionMatrix The matrix representing the transitions in the model. * @param stateLabeling The labeling that assigns a set of atomic * propositions to each state. * @param stateRewardVector The reward values associated with the states. * @param transitionRewardMatrix The reward values associated with the transitions of the model. */ AbstractDeterministicModel(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T> const& transitionMatrix, storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling const& stateLabeling, boost::optional<std::vector<T>> const& optionalStateRewardVector, boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>> const& optionalTransitionRewardMatrix, boost::optional<std::vector<std::list<uint_fast64_t>>> const& optionalChoiceLabeling) : AbstractModel<T>(transitionMatrix, stateLabeling, optionalStateRewardVector, optionalTransitionRewardMatrix, optionalChoiceLabeling) { }
/*! Constructs an abstract determinstic model from the given parameters.
* Moves all references. * @param transitionMatrix The matrix representing the transitions in the model. * @param stateLabeling The labeling that assigns a set of atomic * propositions to each state. * @param stateRewardVector The reward values associated with the states. * @param transitionRewardMatrix The reward values associated with the transitions of the model. */ AbstractDeterministicModel(storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>&& transitionMatrix, storm::models::AtomicPropositionsLabeling&& stateLabeling, boost::optional<std::vector<T>>&& optionalStateRewardVector, boost::optional<storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>>&& optionalTransitionRewardMatrix, boost::optional<std::vector<std::list<uint_fast64_t>>>&& optionalChoiceLabeling) // The std::move call must be repeated here because otherwise this calls the copy constructor of the Base Class
: AbstractModel<T>(std::move(transitionMatrix), std::move(stateLabeling), std::move(optionalStateRewardVector), std::move(optionalTransitionRewardMatrix), std::move(optionalChoiceLabeling)) { // Intentionally left empty.
* Destructor. */ virtual ~AbstractDeterministicModel() { // Intentionally left empty.
* Copy Constructor. */ AbstractDeterministicModel(AbstractDeterministicModel const& other) : AbstractModel<T>(other) { // Intentionally left empty.
* Move Constructor. */ AbstractDeterministicModel(AbstractDeterministicModel && other) : AbstractModel<T>(std::move(other)) { // Intentionally left empty.
} virtual typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::Rows getRows(uint_fast64_t state) const override { return this->transitionMatrix.getRows(state, state); } virtual typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstRowIterator rowIteratorBegin(uint_fast64_t state) const override { return this->transitionMatrix.begin(state); } virtual typename storm::storage::SparseMatrix<T>::ConstRowIterator rowIteratorEnd(uint_fast64_t state) const override { return this->transitionMatrix.end(state); }
* Calculates a hash over all values contained in this Model. * @return size_t A Hash Value */ virtual std::size_t getHash() const override { return AbstractModel<T>::getHash(); } virtual void writeDotToStream(std::ostream& outStream, bool includeLabeling = true, storm::storage::BitVector const* subsystem = nullptr, std::vector<T> const* firstValue = nullptr, std::vector<T> const* secondValue = nullptr, std::vector<uint_fast64_t> const* stateColoring = nullptr, std::vector<std::string> const* colors = nullptr, std::vector<uint_fast64_t>* scheduler = nullptr, bool finalizeOutput = true) const override { AbstractModel<T>::writeDotToStream(outStream, includeLabeling, subsystem, firstValue, secondValue, stateColoring, colors, scheduler, false); // Simply iterate over all transitions and draw the arrows with probability information attached.
auto rowIt = this->transitionMatrix.begin(); for (uint_fast64_t i = 0; i < this->transitionMatrix.getRowCount(); ++i, ++rowIt) { for (auto transitionIt = rowIt.begin(), transitionIte = rowIt.end(); transitionIt != transitionIte; ++transitionIt) { if (transitionIt.value() != storm::utility::constGetZero<T>()) { if (subsystem == nullptr || subsystem->get(transitionIt.column())) { outStream << "\t" << i << " -> " << transitionIt.column() << " [ label= \"" << transitionIt.value() << "\" ];" << std::endl; } } } } if (finalizeOutput) { outStream << "}" << std::endl; } }
* Assigns this model a new set of choiceLabels, giving each state a label with the stateId * @return void */ virtual void setStateIdBasedChoiceLabeling() override { std::vector<std::list<uint_fast64_t>> newChoiceLabeling;
size_t stateCount = this->getNumberOfStates(); newChoiceLabeling.resize(stateCount);
for (size_t state = 0; state < stateCount; ++state) { newChoiceLabeling.at(state).push_back(state); }
this->choiceLabeling.reset(newChoiceLabeling); } };
} // namespace models
} // namespace storm