* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
* $Id: Xlat.cpp 676911 2008-07-15 13:27:32Z amassari $ */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is designed to parse an XML file which holds error text
// data. It will build a DOM tree from that source file and can output it
// a number of different formats.
// In order to drastically simplify the program, it is designed only to run
// on platforms/compilers that understand Unicode. It can output the data
// in whatever format is required, so it can handle outputting for other
// platforms. This also simplifies bootstrapping new releases up on other
// platforms. Once the Win32 version is working, it can generate output for
// the other platforms so that they can have loadable text from day one.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Xlat.hpp"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Static data
// gRelativeInputPath
// This is the path, relative to the given input source root, to the
// input file. The given local suffix must also be added to it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLCh* gRelativeInputPath = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Global data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
XMLCh* typePrefixes[MsgTypes_Count];
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// temporary variables/conversion utility functions
// We need different temps depending on treatment of wide characters
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef longChars
char* fTmpStr = 0; #else
wchar_t fTmpWStr[256]; #endif
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local data
// gLocale
// This is the locale suffix, e.g. US_EN, that is used to find the
// correct file and can be used on output files as well. Its set via
// the /Locale= parameter.
// gOutFormat
// This is the output format, which is given on the command line as
// /OutFmt= Its mapped to the internal enum which is stored here.
// gOutPath
// This is the path to the output path, which is given on the command
// line as /OutPath=. Its just the path, not a name, since the output
// might consist of multiple output files. They will all be based on
// the base part of the input name.
// gSrcRoot
// This the path to the root of the build tree. The input files needed
// are found in known places relative to it.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
const XMLCh* gLocale = 0; OutFormats gOutFormat = OutFormat_Unknown; const XMLCh* gOutPath = 0; const XMLCh* gSrcRoot = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local utility methods
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Initialize the global "constants" (that really require use of the transcoder)
void init_Globals(void) { typePrefixes[0] = XMLString::transcode("W_"); typePrefixes[1] = XMLString::transcode("E_"); typePrefixes[2] = XMLString::transcode("F_"); gRelativeInputPath = XMLString::transcode("src/xercesc/NLS/"); }
// Release the global "constants" (that really require use of the transcoder)
void release_Globals(void) { for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { XMLString::release(&typePrefixes[i]); } XMLString::release(&gRelativeInputPath); }
// This method is called to parse the parameters. They must be in this
// order and format, for simplicity:
// /SrcRoot=xxx /OutPath=xxx /OutFmt=xxx /Locale=xxx
//static bool parseParms(const int argC, XMLCh** argV)
bool parseParms(const int argC, XMLCh** argV) { if (argC < 5) return false;
unsigned int curParm = 1; XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/SrcRoot="); if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr)) { gSrcRoot = &argV[curParm][9]; } else { wprintf(L"\nExpected /SrcRoot=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); return false; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
curParm++; tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/OutPath="); if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr )) { gOutPath = &argV[curParm][9]; } else { wprintf(L"\nExpected /OutPath=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); return false; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
curParm++; tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/OutFmt="); if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr )) { XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); const XMLCh* tmpFmt = &argV[curParm][8]; tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("ResBundle"); XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode("Win32RC"); XMLCh *tmpXMLStr3 = XMLString::transcode("CppSrc"); XMLCh *tmpXMLStr4 = XMLString::transcode("MsgCat"); if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr )) gOutFormat = OutFormat_ResBundle; else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr2 )) gOutFormat = OutFormat_Win32RC; else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr3 )) gOutFormat = OutFormat_CppSrc; else if (!XMLString::compareIString(tmpFmt, tmpXMLStr4 )) gOutFormat = OutFormat_MsgCatalog; else { wprintf(L"\n'%s' is not a legal output format\n", tmpFmt); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr4); return false; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr4); } else { wprintf(L"\nExpected /OutFmt=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); return false; }
curParm++; tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/Locale="); if (XMLString::startsWith(argV[curParm], tmpXMLStr )) { gLocale = &argV[curParm][8]; } else { wprintf(L"\nExpected /Locale=xxx. Got: %s\n", argV[curParm]); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); return false; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
return true; }
//static void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch)
void parseError(const XMLException& toCatch) { wprintf ( L"Exception\n (Line.File):%d.%s\n ERROR: %s\n\n" , toCatch.getSrcLine() , toCatch.getSrcFile() , toCatch.getMessage() ); throw ErrReturn_ParseErr; }
//static void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch)
void parseError(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { wprintf ( L"SAX Parse Error:\n (Line.Col.SysId): %d.%d.%s\n ERROR: %s\n\n" , toCatch.getLineNumber() , toCatch.getColumnNumber() , toCatch.getSystemId() , toCatch.getMessage() ); throw ErrReturn_ParseErr; }
//static void
void enumMessages( const DOMElement* srcElem , XlatFormatter* const toCall , FILE* const headerFl , const MsgTypes msgType , unsigned int& count) { fwprintf ( headerFl , L" , %s%-30s = %d\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[msgType]) , longChars("LowBounds") , count++ ); releasePrintableStr
// We just run through each of the child elements, each of which is
// a Message element. Each one represents a message to output. We keep
// a count so that we can output a const value afterwards.
DOMNode* curNode = srcElem->getFirstChild(); while (curNode) { // Skip over text nodes or comment nodes ect...
if (curNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { curNode = curNode->getNextSibling(); continue; }
// Convert it to an element node
const DOMElement* curElem = (const DOMElement*)curNode;
// Ok, this should be a Message node
XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Message"); if (XMLString::compareString(curElem->getTagName(), tmpXMLStr )) { wprintf(L"Expected a Message node\n\n"); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); throw ErrReturn_SrcFmtError; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
// Ok, lets pull out the id, text value, and message type. These are
// to be passed to the formatter. We have to translate the message
// type into one of the offical enum values.
tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Text"); const XMLCh* msgText = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr ); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Id"); const XMLCh* msgId = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr ); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
// Write out an entry to the target header file. These are enums, so
// we use the id as the enum name.
if (XMLString::stringLen(msgText) >= 128) { wprintf(L"Message text '%s' is too long (%d chars), 128 character limit\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(msgText),XMLString::stringLen(msgText)); throw ErrReturn_SrcFmtError; }
fwprintf(headerFl, L" , %-32s = %d\n", xmlStrToPrintable(msgId), count); releasePrintableStr
// And tell the formatter about this one
toCall->nextMessage ( msgText , msgId , count , count );
// Bump the counter, which is also the id assigner
// Move to the next child of the source element
curNode = curNode->getNextSibling(); }
// Write out an upper range bracketing id for this type of error
fwprintf ( headerFl , L" , %s%-30s = %d\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[msgType]) , longChars("HighBounds") , count++ ); releasePrintableStr }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Program entry point
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the program entry point. It checks the parms, parses the input
// file to get a DOM tree, then passes the DOM tree to the appropriate
// output method to output the info in a particular format.
int Xlat_main(int argC, XMLCh** argV); int main (int argC, char** argV) { try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); }
catch(const XMLException& toCatch) { wprintf(L"Parser init error.\n ERROR: %s\n\n", toCatch.getMessage()); return ErrReturn_ParserInit; } int i; XMLCh** newArgV = new XMLCh*[argC]; for(i=0;i<argC; i++) { newArgV[i] = XMLString::transcode(argV[i]); } int toReturn = (Xlat_main(argC,newArgV)); for (i=0; i<argC; i++) { XMLString::release(&newArgV[i]); } delete [] newArgV;
return toReturn; }
int Xlat_main(int argC, XMLCh** argV) { init_Globals();
// Lets check the parameters and save them away in globals for use by
// the processing code.
if (!parseParms(argC, argV)) { wprintf(L"Usage:\n NLSXlat /SrcRoot=xx /OutPath=xx /OutFmt=xx /Locale=xx\n\n"); return ErrReturn_BadParameters; }
{ // Nest entire code in an inner block.
DOMDocument* srcDoc; const unsigned int bufSize = 4095; XMLCh *tmpFileBuf = new XMLCh [bufSize + 1]; tmpFileBuf[0] = 0; XMLCh *tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("/XMLErrList_"); XMLCh *tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode(".Xml"); try { try { // Build the input file name
XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gSrcRoot); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gRelativeInputPath); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gLocale); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, tmpXMLStr ); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gLocale); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, tmpXMLStr2 ); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2);
// Ok, lets invoke the DOM parser on the input file and build
// a DOM tree. Turn on validation when we do this.
XercesDOMParser parser; parser.setValidationScheme(AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always); XlatErrHandler errHandler; parser.setErrorHandler(&errHandler); parser.parse(tmpFileBuf); srcDoc = parser.adoptDocument(); }
catch(const XMLException& toCatch) { parseError(toCatch); } delete tmpFileBuf;
// Use the output format parm to create the correct kind of output
// formatter.
XlatFormatter* formatter = 0; switch(gOutFormat) { case OutFormat_CppSrc : formatter = new CppSrcFormatter; break;
case OutFormat_Win32RC : formatter = new Win32RCFormatter; break;
case OutFormat_MsgCatalog : formatter = new MsgCatFormatter; break;
case OutFormat_ResBundle: formatter = new ICUResBundFormatter; break;
default : wprintf(L"Unknown formatter type enum\n\n"); throw ErrReturn_Internal; }
// Lets handle the root element stuff first. This one holds any over
// all information.
DOMElement* rootElem = srcDoc->getDocumentElement(); tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Locale"); const XMLCh* localeStr = rootElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
// Make sure that the locale matches what we were given
if (XMLString::compareString(localeStr, gLocale)) { wprintf(L"The file's locale does not match the target locale\n"); throw ErrReturn_LocaleErr; }
// Get a list of all the MsgDomain children. These each hold one of
// the sets of (potentially separately) loadable messages. More
// importantly they all have their own error id space.
tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("MsgDomain"); DOMNodeList* msgSetList = rootElem->getElementsByTagName(tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
// Loop through them and look for the domains that we know are
// supposed to be there.
const XMLSize_t count = msgSetList->getLength();
// Normalize locale string
// locale = ll[[_CC][_VARIANT]]
// where ll is language code
// CC is country code
// VARIANT is variant code
XMLCh normalizedLocale[256];
normalizedLocale[0] = localeStr[0]; normalizedLocale[1] = localeStr[1]; normalizedLocale[2] = 0; XMLString::lowerCase(normalizedLocale);
if (XMLString::stringLen(localeStr) > 2) { XMLString::catString(&(normalizedLocale[2]), &(localeStr[2])); XMLString::upperCase(&(normalizedLocale[2])); }
// Ok, its good enough to get started. So lets call the start output
// method on the formatter.
formatter->startOutput(normalizedLocale, gOutPath);
// For each message domain element, we call start and end domain
// events bracketed around the loop that sends out each message
// in that domain.
// Within each domain, we check for the Warning, Error, and Validity
// subelements, and then iterate all the messages in each one.
for (unsigned int index = 0; index < count; index++) { // We know its a DOM Element, so go ahead and cast it
DOMNode* curNode = msgSetList->item(index); const DOMElement* curElem = (const DOMElement*)curNode;
// Get some of the attribute strings that we need, and transcode
// couple that need to be in local format.
tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Domain"); const XMLCh* domainStr = curElem->getAttribute(tmpXMLStr ); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr);
// Look at the domain and set up our application specific info
// that is on a per-domain basis. We need to indicate what the
// name of the header is and what the namespace is that they
// codes will go into
XMLCh* headerName = 0; XMLCh* errNameSpace = 0; if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgXMLErrDomain)) { headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLErrorCodes.hpp"); errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLErrs"); } else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgValidityDomain)) { headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLValidityCodes.hpp"); errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLValid"); } else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain)) { headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLExceptMsgs.hpp"); errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLExcepts"); } else if (!XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgXMLDOMMsgDomain)) { headerName = XMLString::transcode("XMLDOMMsg.hpp"); errNameSpace = XMLString::transcode("XMLDOMMsg"); } else { // Not one of ours, so skip it
continue; }
// Lets try to create the header file that was indicated for
// this domain.
tmpFileBuf = new XMLCh [bufSize + 1]; tmpFileBuf[0] = 0; XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, gOutPath); XMLString::catString(tmpFileBuf, headerName); char *tmpFileBufCh = XMLString::transcode(tmpFileBuf); FILE* outHeader = fopen(tmpFileBufCh, "wt+"); XMLString::release(&tmpFileBufCh); if ((!outHeader) || (fwide(outHeader, 1) < 0)) { wprintf(L"Could not open domain header file: %s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(tmpFileBuf)); releasePrintableStr XMLString::release(&tmpFileBuf); XMLString::release(&headerName); XMLString::release(&errNameSpace); throw ErrReturn_OutFileOpenFailed; } delete tmpFileBuf;
// Write out the opening of the class they are nested within, and
// the header protection define.
fwprintf(outHeader, L"// This file is generated, don't edit it!!\n\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"#if !defined(XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_ERRHEADER_%s)\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr fwprintf(outHeader, L"#define XERCESC_INCLUDE_GUARD_ERRHEADER_%s\n\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
// If its not the exception domain, then we need a header included
if (XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain)) fwprintf(outHeader, L"#include <xercesc/framework/XMLErrorReporter.hpp>\n");
// Write out the namespace declaration
fwprintf(outHeader, L"#include <xercesc/util/XercesDefs.hpp>\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"#include <xercesc/dom/DOMError.hpp>\n\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_BEGIN\n\n");
// Now the message codes
fwprintf(outHeader, L"class %s\n{\npublic :\n enum Codes\n {\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
// Tell the formatter that a new domain is starting
formatter->startDomain ( domainStr , errNameSpace );
// Force out the first message, which is always implicit and is
// the 'no error' entry for that domain.
unsigned int count = 0; fwprintf(outHeader, L" %-32s = %d\n", longChars("NoError"), count++);
// Loop through the children of this node, which should take us
// through the optional Warning, Error, and Validity subsections.
DOMNode* typeNode = curElem->getFirstChild(); bool typeGotten[3] = { false, false, false }; while (typeNode) { // Skip over text nodes or comment nodes ect...
if (typeNode->getNodeType() != DOMNode::ELEMENT_NODE) { typeNode = typeNode->getNextSibling(); continue; }
// Convert it to an element node
const DOMElement* typeElem = (const DOMElement*)typeNode;
// Now get its tag name and convert that to a message type enum
const XMLCh* typeName = typeElem->getTagName();
MsgTypes type; tmpXMLStr = XMLString::transcode("Warning"); XMLCh* tmpXMLStr2 = XMLString::transcode("Error"); XMLCh* tmpXMLStr3 =XMLString::transcode("FatalError"); if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr )) { type = MsgType_Warning; typeGotten[0] = true; } else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr2 )) { type = MsgType_Error; typeGotten[1] = true; } else if (!XMLString::compareString(typeName, tmpXMLStr3 )) { type = MsgType_FatalError; typeGotten[2] = true; } else { wprintf(L"Expected a Warning, Error, or FatalError node\n\n"); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3); throw ErrReturn_SrcFmtError; } XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr2); XMLString::release(&tmpXMLStr3);
// Call the start message type event
// Enumerate the messages under this subsection
enumMessages ( typeElem , formatter , outHeader , type , count );
// Call the end message type event
// Move to the next child of the source element
typeNode = typeNode->getNextSibling(); }
// For any that we did not get, spit out faux boundary
// values for it.
for (unsigned int subIndex = 0; subIndex < 3; subIndex++) { if (!typeGotten[subIndex]) { fwprintf ( outHeader , L" , %s%-30s = %d\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[subIndex]) , longChars("LowBounds") , count++ ); releasePrintableStr fwprintf ( outHeader , L" , %s%-30s = %d\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(typePrefixes[subIndex]) , longChars("HighBounds") , count++ ); releasePrintableStr } }
// Tell the formatter that this domain is ending
formatter->endDomain(domainStr, count);
// Close out the enum declaration
fwprintf(outHeader, L" };\n\n");
// Generate the code that creates the simple static methods
// for testing the error types. We don't do this for the
// exceptions header.
if (XMLString::compareString(domainStr, XMLUni::fgExceptDomain)) { fwprintf ( outHeader , L" static bool isFatal(const %s::Codes toCheck)\n" L" {\n" L" return ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds));\n" L" }\n\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
fwprintf ( outHeader , L" static bool isWarning(const %s::Codes toCheck)\n" L" {\n" L" return ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds));\n" L" }\n\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
fwprintf ( outHeader , L" static bool isError(const %s::Codes toCheck)\n" L" {\n" L" return ((toCheck >= E_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= E_HighBounds));\n" L" }\n\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
fwprintf ( outHeader , L" static XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes errorType(const %s::Codes toCheck)\n" L" {\n" L" if ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds))\n" L" return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Warning;\n" L" else if ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds))\n" L" return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Fatal;\n" L" else if ((toCheck >= E_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= E_HighBounds))\n" L" return XMLErrorReporter::ErrType_Error;\n" L" return XMLErrorReporter::ErrTypes_Unknown;\n" L" }\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
fwprintf ( outHeader , L" static DOMError::ErrorSeverity DOMErrorType(const %s::Codes toCheck)\n" L" {\n" L" if ((toCheck >= W_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= W_HighBounds))\n" L" return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_WARNING;\n" L" else if ((toCheck >= F_LowBounds) && (toCheck <= F_HighBounds))\n" L" return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_FATAL_ERROR;\n" L" else return DOMError::DOM_SEVERITY_ERROR;\n" L" }\n" , xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace) ); releasePrintableStr
// the private default ctor
fwprintf(outHeader, L"\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"private:\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L" // -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L" // Unimplemented constructors and operators\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L" // -----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L" %s();\n", xmlStrToPrintable(errNameSpace)); releasePrintableStr
// And close out the class declaration, the namespace declaration and the header file
fwprintf(outHeader, L"};\n\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_END\n\n"); fwprintf(outHeader, L"#endif\n\n"); fclose(outHeader); XMLString::release(&headerName); XMLString::release(&errNameSpace); }
// Ok, we are done so call the end output method
// And clean up the stuff we allocated
delete formatter; }
catch(const ErrReturns retVal) { // And call the termination method
if(srcDoc) delete srcDoc; return retVal; }
delete srcDoc; }
// And call the termination method
// Went ok, so return success
return ErrReturn_Success; }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// XlatErrHandler: Implementation of the error handler interface
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
void XlatErrHandler::warning(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { parseError(toCatch); }
void XlatErrHandler::error(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { parseError(toCatch); }
void XlatErrHandler::fatalError(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { parseError(toCatch); }
void XlatErrHandler::resetErrors() { }
// if longChars is a macro, don't bother
#ifndef longChars
wchar_t* longChars(const char *str) { mbstowcs(fTmpWStr, str, 255); return (fTmpWStr); } #endif