* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */
* $Id: ICUData.cpp 470094 2006-11-01 20:41:30Z amassari $ */
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This program is designed to parse a standard ICU .UCM file and spit out
// a C++ code fragment that represents the tables required by the intrinsic
// XML parser transcoders.
// The file format is pretty simple and this program is not intended to be
// industrial strength by any means. Its use by anyone but the author is
// at the user's own risk.
// The code looks for the min/max bytes per character to know what kind of
// table to spit out, but for now only handles single char sets.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <string.h>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Const data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const unsigned int gMaxInRecs = 1024;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local data types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct XlatRec { unsigned short uniVal; unsigned char cpVal; };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local data
// gInFile
// gOutFile
// These are the file stream for the input UCM file and the output file
// that we write the C++ code to.
// fLineNum
// Used to track the current line number in the source file, for error
// reporting.
// gMainTable
// gMainTableSz
// This is the table that is filled in from the original source document.
// We don't know how big it will be, but its not likely to be much more
// than 300 entries or so (256 output code points with some multiply
// mapped Unicode code points.) So we make it extra large and watch for
// possible overflow.
// The size value is bumped up as we load entries into it during the
// parse of the file.
// gMaxChar
// gMinChar
// The min/max chars that are used to represent a character. These are
// read from the header of the input file.
// gRepChar
// The replacement character to be used. This is read from the header of
// the input file.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static FILE* gInFile; static FILE* gOutFile; static unsigned int fLineNum; static XlatRec gMainTable[gMaxInRecs]; static unsigned int gMainTableSz = 0; static unsigned int gMaxChar; static unsigned int gMinChar; static unsigned char gRepChar = 1;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Local functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
static unsigned int getLine( char* const toFill , const unsigned int maxChars , const bool eofOk = false) { while (true) { if (!fgets(toFill, maxChars, gInFile)) { if (feof(gInFile)) { if (eofOk) return ~0UL; else cout << "Unexpected end of input at line: " << fLineNum << endl; } else { cout << "Error processing input at line: " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); } } fLineNum++;
// If its not a comment, then break out
if (toFill[0] != '#') break; }
// There could be a trailing comment on this line, so lets get rid
// of it. Search for a # char and put a null there.
char* endPtr = toFill; while (*endPtr && (*endPtr != '#')) endPtr++; if (*endPtr == '#') *endPtr = 0;
// Strip trailing whitespace
endPtr = toFill + (strlen(toFill) - 1); while (isspace(*endPtr)) endPtr--; *(endPtr + 1) = 0;
// And return the count of chars we got
return strlen(toFill); }
static unsigned int extractVal(char* const srcStr) { char* srcPtr = srcStr;
// Run forward to the first non-space
while (isspace(*srcPtr)) srcPtr++;
if (!*srcPtr) { cout << "Invalid numeric value on line: " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
// If it starts with \, then its a hex value in the form \xXX. Else its
// just a decimal value.
unsigned int retVal; char* endPtr; if (*srcPtr == '\\') { // Skip the \\x and interpret as a hex value
srcPtr += 2; retVal = (unsigned int)strtoul(srcPtr, &endPtr, 16); } else { retVal = (unsigned int)strtoul(srcPtr, &endPtr, 10); }
// We should have translated up to the end of the string
if (*endPtr) { cout << "Invalid numeric value on line: " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
return retVal; }
static void loadTable() { //
// Just loop, reading lines at a time, until we either find the start
// of the character table or hit the end of the file. Along the way, we
// should see a few header values that we store away.
const unsigned int tmpBufSz = 2048; char tmpBuf[tmpBufSz - 1]; while (getLine(tmpBuf, tmpBufSz)) { //
// Check for one of the special values we are intersted int. If
// its CHARMAP, then we fall out of this loop.
if (!strcmp(tmpBuf, "CHARMAP")) break;
if (!strncmp(tmpBuf, "<mb_cur_max>", 12)) { gMaxChar = extractVal(&tmpBuf[12]); } else if (!strncmp(tmpBuf, "<mb_cur_min>", 12)) { gMinChar = extractVal(&tmpBuf[12]); } else if (!strncmp(tmpBuf, "<subchar>", 9)) { gRepChar = (char)extractVal(&tmpBuf[9]); } }
// Ok, now we just run till we hit the "END CHARMAP" line. Each entry
// will be in the form:
// <UXXXX> \xXX
// Where X is a hex number.
char* endPtr; while (getLine(tmpBuf, tmpBufSz)) { // Watch for the end of table
if (!strcmp(tmpBuf, "END CHARMAP")) break;
// The absolute minium it could be is 12 chars
if (strlen(tmpBuf) < 12) { cout << "Line " << fLineNum << " is too short to hold a valid entry" << endl; exit(1); }
// Make sure the first token meets the criteria
if ((tmpBuf[0] != '<') || (tmpBuf[1] != 'U') || (tmpBuf[6] != '>')) { cout << "Line " << fLineNum << " has a badly formed Unicode value" << endl; exit(1); }
// Looks reasonable so lets try to convert it. We can play tricks
// with this buffer, so put a null over the > char.
tmpBuf[6] = 0; const unsigned int uniVal = strtoul(&tmpBuf[2], &endPtr, 16); if (*endPtr) { cout << "Invalid Unicode value on line " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
// Ok, lets search over to the second token. We have to find a \\ // character.
char* srcPtr = &tmpBuf[7]; while (*srcPtr && (*srcPtr != '\\')) srcPtr++;
// If we never found it, its in error
if (!*srcPtr) { cout << "Never found second token on line " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
// Try to translate it
srcPtr += 2; const unsigned int cpVal = strtoul(srcPtr, &endPtr, 16); if (*endPtr) { cout << "Invalid code page value on line " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
// Make sure that the values are within range
if (uniVal > 0xFFFF) { cout << "Unicode value is too big on line " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
if (cpVal > 0xFF) { cout << "Code page value is too big on line " << fLineNum << endl; exit(1); }
// Looks reasonable, so add a new entry to the global table
gMainTable[gMainTableSz].uniVal = (unsigned short)uniVal; gMainTable[gMainTableSz].cpVal = (unsigned char)cpVal; gMainTableSz++; } }
int compFuncTo(const void* p1, const void* p2) { const XlatRec* rec1 = (const XlatRec*)p1; const XlatRec* rec2 = (const XlatRec*)p2;
return (int)rec1->uniVal - (int)rec2->uniVal; }
int compFuncFrom(const void* p1, const void* p2) { const XlatRec* rec1 = (const XlatRec*)p1; const XlatRec* rec2 = (const XlatRec*)p2;
// Since there can be multiple Unicode chars that map to a single
// code page char, we have to handle the situationw here they are
// equal specially. If the code page vals are equal, then the one
// with the smaller Unicode code point is considered smaller.
if (rec1->cpVal == rec2->cpVal) return (int)rec1->uniVal - (int)rec2->uniVal;
// Else use the code page value for sorting
return (int)rec1->cpVal - (int)rec2->cpVal; }
static void formatSBTables() { // For now, only handle single byte char sets
if ((gMinChar != 1) || (gMaxChar != 1)) { cout << "formatSBTables can only handle single byte encodings" << endl; exit(1); }
// First, we want to sort the table by the code page value field. This
// is the order required for the 'from' table to convert from the code
// page to the internal Unicode format.
qsort(gMainTable, gMainTableSz, sizeof(gMainTable[0]), compFuncFrom);
// Now spit out the header for the table. This is the same for all
// of them, since they are static to the file and can just all have
// the same name.
fprintf ( gOutFile , "static const XMLCh gFromTable[256] =\n{\n " );
// Now for each unique entry in the cp value field, we want to put out
// the Unicode value for that entry. Since we sorted them such that
// dups have the one with the smaller Unicode value in the lower index,
// we always hit the desired value first, and then can just skip over
// a duplicate.
unsigned int curValue = 0; unsigned int index; for (index = 0; index < gMainTableSz; index++) { if (curValue) { if (!(curValue % 8)) fprintf(gOutFile, "\n , "); else fprintf(gOutFile, ", "); }
if (curValue == gMainTable[index].cpVal) { fprintf(gOutFile, "0x%04X", (unsigned int)gMainTable[index].uniVal);
// If there is a dump, then skip it
if (index < gMainTableSz) { if (gMainTable[index + 1].cpVal == curValue) index++; } } else if (curValue < gMainTable[index].cpVal) { fprintf(gOutFile, "0xFFFF"); } else { // Screwed up
cout << "Current value got above target value\n" << endl; exit(1); } curValue++;
// If the current value goes over 256, we are in trouble
if (curValue > 256) { cout << "The code page value cannot be > 256 in SB mode\n" << endl; exit(1); } }
// And print the trailer for this table
fprintf(gOutFile, "\n};\n\n");
// Now lets sort by the Unicode value field. This sort is used for
// the 'to' table. The Unicode value is found by binary search and
// used to map to the right output encoding value.
qsort(gMainTable, gMainTableSz, sizeof(gMainTable[0]), compFuncTo);
// Output the table ehader for this one
fprintf ( gOutFile , "static const XMLTransService::TransRec gToTable[] =\n{\n " );
for (index = 0; index < gMainTableSz; index++) { if (index) { if (!(index % 4)) fprintf(gOutFile, "\n , "); else fprintf(gOutFile, ", "); }
fprintf ( gOutFile , "{ 0x%04X, 0x%02X }" , (unsigned int)gMainTable[index].uniVal , (unsigned int)gMainTable[index].cpVal ); }
// Print the trailer for this table
fprintf(gOutFile, "\n};\n");
// And print out the table size constant
fprintf(gOutFile, "static const unsigned int gToTableSz = %d;\n", gMainTableSz); }
static void showUsage() { cout << "ICUData inputUCMfile outputfile\n" << endl; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The parameters are:
// argV[1] = The source UCM file
// argV[2] = The path to the output file
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argC, char** argV) { // We have to have 3 parameters
if (argC != 3) { showUsage(); return 1; }
// Try to open the first file for input
gInFile = fopen(argV[1], "rt"); if (!gInFile) { cout << "Could not find input file: " << argV[1] << endl; return 1; }
// Try to open the second file for output (truncated)
gOutFile = fopen(argV[2], "wt+"); if (!gOutFile) { cout << "Could not create output file: " << argV[1] << endl; return 1; }
// This will parse the file and load the table. It will also look for
// a couple of key fields in the file header and store that data into
// globals.
// If we didn't get any table entries, then give up
if (!gMainTableSz) { cout << "No translation table entries were found in the file" << endl; return 1; }
// Ok, we got the data loaded. Now lets output the tables. This method
// spit out both tables to the output file, in a format ready to be
// incorporated directly into the source code.
// Close our files
fclose(gInFile); fclose(gOutFile);
return 0; }