# Copyright 2005-2013 Intel Corporation. All Rights Reserved. # # This file is part of Threading Building Blocks. # # Threading Building Blocks is free software; you can redistribute it # and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # Threading Building Blocks is distributed in the hope that it will be # useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Threading Building Blocks; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software # library without restriction. Specifically, if other files instantiate # templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile # this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this # file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by # the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however # invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by # the GNU General Public License.
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Define compiler-specific variables. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setting default configuration to release. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cfg ?= release #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of setting default configuration to release. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setting compiler flags. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CPLUS = icl /nologo $(VCCOMPAT_FLAG) LINK_FLAGS = /link /nologo LIB_LINK_FLAGS= /link /nologo /DLL /MAP /DEBUG /fixed:no /INCREMENTAL:NO /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT
ifeq ($(arch), ia32) LIB_LINK_FLAGS += /SAFESEH endif
# ICC 11.0 and higher support -std=c++0x ifeq (ok,$(shell cmd /C "cscript /nologo /E:jscript $(tbb_root)/build/detect.js /minversion icl 11")) CPP11_FLAGS = /Qstd=c++0x /D_TBB_CPP0X endif
# ICC 12.0 and higher provide Intel(R) Cilk Plus ifeq (ok,$(shell cmd /C "cscript /nologo /E:jscript $(tbb_root)/build/detect.js /minversion icl 12")) CILK_AVAILABLE = yes endif
ifeq ($(runtime), vc_mt) MS_CRT_KEY = /MT$(if $(findstring debug,$(cfg)),d) else MS_CRT_KEY = /MD$(if $(findstring debug,$(cfg)),d) endif EH_FLAGS = /EHsc /GR
ifeq ($(cfg), release) CPLUS_FLAGS = $(MS_CRT_KEY) /O2 /Zi $(EH_FLAGS) /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t /D__TBB_LIB_NAME=$(TBB.LIB) ASM_FLAGS = endif ifeq ($(cfg), debug) CPLUS_FLAGS = $(MS_CRT_KEY) /Od /Ob0 /Zi $(EH_FLAGS) /Zc:forScope /Zc:wchar_t /DTBB_USE_DEBUG /D__TBB_LIB_NAME=$(TBB.LIB) ASM_FLAGS = /DUSE_FRAME_POINTER endif CPLUS_FLAGS += /GS
COMPILE_ONLY = /c /QMMD # PREPROC_ONLY should really use /TP which applies to all files in the command line. # But with /TP, ICL does not preprocess *.def files. PREPROC_ONLY = /EP /Tp INCLUDE_KEY = /I DEFINE_KEY = /D OUTPUT_KEY = /Fe OUTPUTOBJ_KEY = /Fo WARNING_AS_ERROR_KEY = /WX WARNING_KEY = /W3 DYLIB_KEY = /DLL EXPORT_KEY = /DEF: NODEFAULTLIB_KEY = /Zl NOINTRINSIC_KEY = /Oi-
ifneq (,$(codecov)) CPLUS_FLAGS += /Qprof-genx else CPLUS_FLAGS += /DDO_ITT_NOTIFY endif
ifeq ($(runtime),vc8) CPLUS_FLAGS += /D_USE_RTM_VERSION endif
ifneq (00,$(lambdas)$(cpp0x)) CPLUS_FLAGS += $(CPP11_FLAGS) endif
VCVERSION:=$(runtime) VCCOMPAT_FLAG ?= $(if $(findstring vc7.1, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc7.1) ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) VCCOMPAT_FLAG := $(if $(findstring vc8, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc8) endif ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) VCCOMPAT_FLAG := $(if $(findstring vc_mt, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc10) endif ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) VCCOMPAT_FLAG := $(if $(findstring vc9, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc9) endif ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) VCCOMPAT_FLAG := $(if $(findstring vc10, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc10) endif ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) VCCOMPAT_FLAG := $(if $(findstring vc11, $(VCVERSION)),/Qvc11) endif ifeq ($(VCCOMPAT_FLAG),) $(error VC version not detected correctly: $(VCVERSION) ) endif export VCCOMPAT_FLAG
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of setting compiler flags. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setting assembler data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSEMBLY_SOURCE=$(arch)-masm ifeq (intel64,$(arch)) ASM=ml64 /nologo ASM_FLAGS += /DEM64T=1 /c /Zi TBB_ASM.OBJ = atomic_support.obj intel64_misc.obj MALLOC_ASM.OBJ = atomic_support.obj else ASM=ml /nologo ASM_FLAGS += /c /coff /Zi /safeseh TBB_ASM.OBJ = atomic_support.obj lock_byte.obj endif #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of setting assembler data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Setting tbbmalloc data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ M_CPLUS_FLAGS = $(subst $(EH_FLAGS),/EHs-,$(CPLUS_FLAGS)) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of setting tbbmalloc data. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End of define compiler-specific variables. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------