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1 week ago
  1. \documentclass[11pt]{article}
  2. \input{util/packages}
  3. \input{util/tikz}
  4. \begin{document}
  5. \begin{stochasticModel}[2.5cm]
  6. \node[state] (a) {$a$};
  7. \node[state] (b) [above right of=a] {$b$};
  8. \node[state] (c) [below right of=a] {$c$};
  9. \node[dist] (a_alpha) [right of=a, xshift=-1.6cm] {};
  10. \path[] (a) edge [action] node {$\alpha$} (a_alpha)
  11. (a_alpha) edge [transition,sloped,below] node {$0.2$} (b)
  12. (a_alpha) edge [transition] node {$0.8$} (c);
  13. \node[dist] (b_alpha) [right of=b, xshift=-1.5cm] {};
  14. \path[] (b) edge [action] node {$\alpha$} (b_alpha)
  15. (b_alpha) edge [transition,sloped,above,bend right=100,pos=0.35] node {$0.2$} (a)
  16. (b_alpha) edge [transition,below,pos=0.1,in=-110, out=-70,looseness=2] node[rotate=180] {$0.8$} (c);
  17. \end{stochasticModel}
  18. \end{document}