25 lines
589 B

// This program prints the smallest probable prime >= x, x being given on the
// command line.
// We work with real numbers and integers.
#include <cln/real.h>
#include <cln/integer.h>
// We do I/O.
#include <cln/io.h>
#include <cln/integer_io.h>
// The function nextprobprime() is part of the number theory package.
#include <cln/numtheory.h>
int main (int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc != 2) {
cln::stderr << "Usage: nextprime x" << std::endl;
cln::cl_R x = (cln::cl_R)argv[1];
cln::cl_I p = cln::nextprobprime(x);
cln::stdout << p << std::endl;