77 lines
1.9 KiB

#include <LiDIA/bigint.h>
#include <LiDIA/bigfloat.h>
#include <LiDIA/timer.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
int main (int argc, char * argv[])
int digits = 100;
int repetitions = 1;
while (argc >= 3) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-r")) {
repetitions = atoi(argv[2]);
argc -= 2; argv += 2;
if (!strcmp(argv[1],"-n")) {
digits = atoi(argv[2]);
argc -= 2; argv += 2;
if (argc < 1)
cerr << "Number of digits: " << digits << "\n";
cerr << "Number of repetitions: " << repetitions << "\n";
bigint pow; power(pow, (bigint)10,digits);
bigint x1; truncate(x1, ((sqrt((bigfloat)5)+1)/2) * (pow*pow));
bigint x2; truncate(x2, sqrt((bigfloat)3) * pow);
bigint x3 = pow+1;
cerr << "multiplication\n";
{ bigint r = x1*x2;
{ timer t; t.set_print_mode(0); t.start_timer();
for (int rep = repetitions; rep > 0; rep--)
{ bigint r = x1*x2; }
t.stop_timer(); cerr << t << endl;
cout << r << endl << endl;
cerr << "division\n";
{ bigint q; bigint r; div_rem(q,r, x1,x2);
{ timer t; t.set_print_mode(0); t.start_timer();
for (int rep = repetitions; rep > 0; rep--)
{ bigint q; bigint r; div_rem(q,r, x1,x2); }
t.stop_timer(); cerr << t << endl;
cout << q << endl << r << endl << endl;
cerr << "isqrt\n";
{ bigint r; sqrt(r, x3);
{ timer t; t.set_print_mode(0); t.start_timer();
for (int rep = repetitions; rep > 0; rep--)
{ bigint r; sqrt(r, x3); }
t.stop_timer(); cerr << t << endl;
cout << r << endl << endl;
cerr << "gcd\n";
{ bigint r = gcd(x1,x2);
{ timer t; t.set_print_mode(0); t.start_timer();
for (int rep = repetitions; rep > 0; rep--)
{ bigint r = gcd(x1,x2); }
t.stop_timer(); cerr << t << endl;
cout << r << endl << endl;