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25 years ago
  1. // Compute and print the n-th Fibonacci number.
  2. // We work with integers and real numbers.
  3. #include <cln/integer.h>
  4. #include <cln/real.h>
  5. // We do I/O.
  6. #include <cln/io.h>
  7. #include <cln/integer_io.h>
  8. // We use the timing functions.
  9. #include <cln/timing.h>
  10. using namespace std;
  11. using namespace cln;
  12. // F_n is defined through the recurrence relation
  13. // F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1, F_(n+2) = F_(n+1) + F_n.
  14. // The following addition formula holds:
  15. // F_(n+m) = F_(m-1) * F_n + F_m * F_(n+1) for m >= 1, n >= 0.
  16. // (Proof: For fixed m, the LHS and the RHS satisfy the same recurrence
  17. // w.r.t. n, and the initial values (n=0, n=1) agree. Hence all values agree.)
  18. // Replace m by m+1:
  19. // F_(n+m+1) = F_m * F_n + F_(m+1) * F_(n+1) for m >= 0, n >= 0
  20. // Now put in m = n, to get
  21. // F_(2n) = (F_(n+1)-F_n) * F_n + F_n * F_(n+1) = F_n * (2*F_(n+1) - F_n)
  22. // F_(2n+1) = F_n ^ 2 + F_(n+1) ^ 2
  23. // hence
  24. // F_(2n+2) = F_(n+1) * (2*F_n + F_(n+1))
  25. struct twofibs {
  26. cl_I u; // F_n
  27. cl_I v; // F_(n+1)
  28. // Constructor.
  29. twofibs (const cl_I& uu, const cl_I& vv) : u (uu), v (vv) {}
  30. };
  31. // Returns F_n and F_(n+1). Assume n>=0.
  32. static const twofibs fibonacci2 (int n)
  33. {
  34. if (n==0)
  35. return twofibs(0,1);
  36. int m = n/2; // floor(n/2)
  37. twofibs Fm = fibonacci2(m);
  38. // Since a squaring is cheaper than a multiplication, better use
  39. // three squarings instead of one multiplication and two squarings.
  40. cl_I u2 = square(Fm.u);
  41. cl_I v2 = square(Fm.v);
  42. if (n==2*m) {
  43. // n = 2*m
  44. cl_I uv2 = square(Fm.v - Fm.u);
  45. return twofibs(v2 - uv2, u2 + v2);
  46. } else {
  47. // n = 2*m+1
  48. cl_I uv2 = square(Fm.u + Fm.v);
  49. return twofibs(u2 + v2, uv2 - u2);
  50. }
  51. }
  52. // Returns just F_n. Assume n>=0.
  53. const cl_I fibonacci (int n)
  54. {
  55. if (n==0)
  56. return 0;
  57. int m = n/2; // floor(n/2)
  58. twofibs Fm = fibonacci2(m);
  59. if (n==2*m) {
  60. // n = 2*m
  61. // Here we don't use the squaring formula because
  62. // one multiplication is cheaper than two squarings.
  63. cl_I& u = Fm.u;
  64. cl_I& v = Fm.v;
  65. return u * ((v << 1) - u);
  66. } else {
  67. // n = 2*m+1
  68. cl_I u2 = square(Fm.u);
  69. cl_I v2 = square(Fm.v);
  70. return u2 + v2;
  71. }
  72. }
  73. // The next routine is a variation of the above. It is mathematically
  74. // equivalent but implemented in a non-recursive way.
  75. const cl_I fibonacci_compact (int n)
  76. {
  77. if (n==0)
  78. return 0;
  79. cl_I u = 0;
  80. cl_I v = 1;
  81. cl_I m = n/2; // floor(n/2)
  82. for (uintL bit=integer_length(m); bit>0; --bit) {
  83. // Since a squaring is cheaper than a multiplication, better use
  84. // three squarings instead of one multiplication and two squarings.
  85. cl_I u2 = square(u);
  86. cl_I v2 = square(v);
  87. if (logbitp(bit-1, m)) {
  88. v = square(u + v) - u2;
  89. u = u2 + v2;
  90. } else {
  91. u = v2 - square(v - u);
  92. v = u2 + v2;
  93. }
  94. }
  95. if (n==2*m)
  96. // Here we don't use the squaring formula because
  97. // one multiplication is cheaper than two squarings.
  98. return u * ((v << 1) - u);
  99. else
  100. return square(u) + square(v);
  101. }
  102. // Returns just F_n, computed as the nearest integer to
  103. // ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^n/sqrt(5). Assume n>=0.
  104. const cl_I fibonacci_slow (int n)
  105. {
  106. // Need a precision of ((1+sqrt(5))/2)^-n.
  107. float_format_t prec = float_format((int)(0.208987641*n+5));
  108. cl_R sqrt5 = sqrt(cl_float(5,prec));
  109. cl_R phi = (1+sqrt5)/2;
  110. return round1( expt(phi,n)/sqrt5 );
  111. }
  112. #ifndef TIMING
  113. int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  114. {
  115. if (argc != 2) {
  116. cerr << "Usage: fibonacci n" << endl;
  117. return(1);
  118. }
  119. int n = atoi(argv[1]);
  120. cout << "fib(" << n << ") = " << fibonacci(n) << endl;
  121. return(0);
  122. }
  123. #else // TIMING
  124. int main (int argc, char* argv[])
  125. {
  126. int repetitions = 100;
  127. if ((argc >= 3) && !strcmp(argv[1],"-r")) {
  128. repetitions = atoi(argv[2]);
  129. argc -= 2; argv += 2;
  130. }
  131. if (argc != 2) {
  132. cerr << "Usage: fibonacci n" << endl;
  133. return(1);
  134. }
  135. int n = atoi(argv[1]);
  136. { CL_TIMING;
  137. cout << "fib(" << n << ") = ";
  138. for (int rep = repetitions-1; rep > 0; rep--)
  139. fibonacci(n);
  140. cout << fibonacci(n) << endl;
  141. }
  142. { CL_TIMING;
  143. cout << "fib(" << n << ") = ";
  144. for (int rep = repetitions-1; rep > 0; rep--)
  145. fibonacci_compact(n);
  146. cout << fibonacci_compact(n) << endl;
  147. }
  148. { CL_TIMING;
  149. cout << "fib(" << n << ") = ";
  150. for (int rep = repetitions-1; rep > 0; rep--)
  151. fibonacci_slow(n);
  152. cout << fibonacci_slow(n) << endl;
  153. }
  154. return(0);
  155. }
  156. #endif