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25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
25 years ago
  1. // I/O of real numbers.
  2. #ifndef _CL_REAL_IO_H
  3. #define _CL_REAL_IO_H
  4. #include "cln/number_io.h"
  5. #include "cln/real.h"
  6. namespace cln {
  7. // Undocumented input functions
  8. // The following does strictly the same as the general read_complex.
  9. // It is here only so that you don't need the complex number reader
  10. // in order to read an rational number. ("Treeshaking")
  11. extern const cl_R read_real (const cl_read_flags& flags, const char * string, const char * string_limit, const char * * end_of_parse);
  12. extern const cl_R read_real (std::istream& stream, const cl_read_flags& flags);
  13. // Documented input functions
  14. inline std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& stream, cl_R& result)
  15. {
  16. extern cl_read_flags cl_R_read_flags;
  17. result = read_real(stream,cl_R_read_flags);
  18. return stream;
  19. }
  20. // Undocumented output functions
  21. // Documented output functions
  22. // Gibt eine Zahl aus.
  23. // print_real(stream,flags,z);
  24. // > z: Zahl
  25. // > stream: Stream
  26. // > flags: Ausgabe-Parameter
  27. extern void print_real (std::ostream& stream, const cl_print_flags& flags, const cl_R& z);
  28. extern void print_real (std::ostream& stream, const cl_print_number_flags& flags, const cl_R& z);
  29. extern void print_real (std::ostream& stream, const cl_print_real_flags& flags, const cl_R& z);
  30. // The following does strictly the same as the general `fprint' for numbers.
  31. // It is here only so that you don't need the complex number printer
  32. // in order to print an integer. ("Treeshaking")
  33. inline void fprint (std::ostream& stream, const cl_R& x)
  34. {
  35. extern cl_print_flags default_print_flags;
  36. print_real(stream,default_print_flags,x);
  37. }
  39. } // namespace cln
  40. #endif /* _CL_REAL_IO_H */