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  1. // Modular integer operations.
  2. #ifndef _CL_MODINTEGER_H
  3. #define _CL_MODINTEGER_H
  4. #include "cln/object.h"
  5. #include "cln/ring.h"
  6. #include "cln/integer.h"
  7. #include "cln/random.h"
  8. #include "cln/malloc.h"
  9. #include "cln/io.h"
  10. #include "cln/proplist.h"
  11. #include "cln/condition.h"
  12. #include "cln/abort.h"
  13. #undef random // Linux defines random() as a macro!
  14. namespace cln {
  15. // Representation of an element of a ring Z/mZ.
  16. // To protect against mixing elements of different modular rings, such as
  17. // (3 mod 4) + (2 mod 5), every modular integer carries its ring in itself.
  18. // Representation of a ring Z/mZ.
  19. class cl_heap_modint_ring;
  20. class cl_modint_ring : public cl_ring {
  21. public:
  22. // Default constructor.
  23. cl_modint_ring ();
  24. // Constructor. Takes a cl_heap_modint_ring*, increments its refcount.
  25. cl_modint_ring (cl_heap_modint_ring* r);
  26. // Copy constructor.
  27. cl_modint_ring (const cl_modint_ring&);
  28. // Assignment operator.
  29. cl_modint_ring& operator= (const cl_modint_ring&);
  30. // Automatic dereferencing.
  31. cl_heap_modint_ring* operator-> () const
  32. { return (cl_heap_modint_ring*)heappointer; }
  33. };
  34. // Z/0Z
  35. extern const cl_modint_ring cl_modint0_ring;
  36. // Default constructor. This avoids dealing with NULL pointers.
  37. inline cl_modint_ring::cl_modint_ring ()
  38. : cl_ring (as_cl_private_thing(cl_modint0_ring)) {}
  39. CL_REQUIRE(cl_MI)
  40. // Copy constructor and assignment operator.
  41. CL_DEFINE_COPY_CONSTRUCTOR2(cl_modint_ring,cl_ring)
  42. CL_DEFINE_ASSIGNMENT_OPERATOR(cl_modint_ring,cl_modint_ring)
  43. // Normal constructor for `cl_modint_ring'.
  44. inline cl_modint_ring::cl_modint_ring (cl_heap_modint_ring* r)
  45. : cl_ring ((cl_private_thing) (cl_inc_pointer_refcount((cl_heap*)r), r)) {}
  46. // Operations on modular integer rings.
  47. inline bool operator== (const cl_modint_ring& R1, const cl_modint_ring& R2)
  48. { return (R1.pointer == R2.pointer); }
  49. inline bool operator!= (const cl_modint_ring& R1, const cl_modint_ring& R2)
  50. { return (R1.pointer != R2.pointer); }
  51. inline bool operator== (const cl_modint_ring& R1, cl_heap_modint_ring* R2)
  52. { return (R1.pointer == R2); }
  53. inline bool operator!= (const cl_modint_ring& R1, cl_heap_modint_ring* R2)
  54. { return (R1.pointer != R2); }
  55. // Condition raised when a probable prime is discovered to be composite.
  56. struct cl_composite_condition : public cl_condition {
  57. SUBCLASS_cl_condition()
  58. cl_I p; // the non-prime
  59. cl_I factor; // a nontrivial factor, or 0
  60. // Constructors.
  61. cl_composite_condition (const cl_I& _p)
  62. : p (_p), factor (0)
  63. { print(std::cerr); }
  64. cl_composite_condition (const cl_I& _p, const cl_I& _f)
  65. : p (_p), factor (_f)
  66. { print(std::cerr); }
  67. // Implement general condition methods.
  68. const char * name () const;
  69. void print (std::ostream&) const;
  70. ~cl_composite_condition () {}
  71. };
  72. // Representation of an element of a ring Z/mZ.
  73. class _cl_MI /* cf. _cl_ring_element */ {
  74. public:
  75. cl_I rep; // representative, integer >=0, <m
  76. // (maybe the Montgomery representative!)
  77. // Default constructor.
  78. _cl_MI () : rep () {}
  79. public: /* ugh */
  80. // Constructor.
  81. _cl_MI (const cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const cl_I& r) : rep (r) { (void)R; }
  82. _cl_MI (const cl_modint_ring& R, const cl_I& r) : rep (r) { (void)R; }
  83. public:
  84. // Conversion.
  85. CL_DEFINE_CONVERTER(_cl_ring_element)
  86. public: // Ability to place an object at a given address.
  87. void* operator new (size_t size) { return malloc_hook(size); }
  88. void* operator new (size_t size, void* ptr) { (void)size; return ptr; }
  89. void operator delete (void* ptr) { free_hook(ptr); }
  90. };
  91. class cl_MI /* cf. cl_ring_element */ : public _cl_MI {
  92. protected:
  93. cl_modint_ring _ring; // ring Z/mZ
  94. public:
  95. const cl_modint_ring& ring () const { return _ring; }
  96. // Default constructor.
  97. cl_MI () : _cl_MI (), _ring () {}
  98. public: /* ugh */
  99. // Constructor.
  100. cl_MI (const cl_modint_ring& R, const cl_I& r) : _cl_MI (R,r), _ring (R) {}
  101. cl_MI (const cl_modint_ring& R, const _cl_MI& r) : _cl_MI (r), _ring (R) {}
  102. public:
  103. // Conversion.
  104. CL_DEFINE_CONVERTER(cl_ring_element)
  105. // Debugging output.
  106. void debug_print () const;
  107. public: // Ability to place an object at a given address.
  108. void* operator new (size_t size) { return malloc_hook(size); }
  109. void* operator new (size_t size, void* ptr) { (void)size; return ptr; }
  110. void operator delete (void* ptr) { free_hook(ptr); }
  111. };
  112. // Representation of an element of a ring Z/mZ or an exception.
  113. class cl_MI_x {
  114. private:
  115. cl_MI value;
  116. public:
  117. cl_composite_condition* condition;
  118. // Constructors.
  119. cl_MI_x (cl_composite_condition* c) : value (), condition (c) {}
  120. cl_MI_x (const cl_MI& x) : value (x), condition (NULL) {}
  121. // Cast operators.
  122. //operator cl_MI& () { if (condition) cl_abort(); return value; }
  123. //operator const cl_MI& () const { if (condition) cl_abort(); return value; }
  124. operator cl_MI () const { if (condition) cl_abort(); return value; }
  125. };
  126. // Ring operations.
  127. struct _cl_modint_setops /* cf. _cl_ring_setops */ {
  128. // print
  129. void (* fprint) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, std::ostream& stream, const _cl_MI& x);
  130. // equality
  131. cl_boolean (* equal) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y);
  132. // random number
  133. const _cl_MI (* random) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, random_state& randomstate);
  134. };
  135. struct _cl_modint_addops /* cf. _cl_ring_addops */ {
  136. // 0
  137. const _cl_MI (* zero) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R);
  138. cl_boolean (* zerop) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x);
  139. // x+y
  140. const _cl_MI (* plus) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y);
  141. // x-y
  142. const _cl_MI (* minus) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y);
  143. // -x
  144. const _cl_MI (* uminus) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x);
  145. };
  146. struct _cl_modint_mulops /* cf. _cl_ring_mulops */ {
  147. // 1
  148. const _cl_MI (* one) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R);
  149. // canonical homomorphism
  150. const _cl_MI (* canonhom) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const cl_I& x);
  151. // x*y
  152. const _cl_MI (* mul) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y);
  153. // x^2
  154. const _cl_MI (* square) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x);
  155. // x^y, y Integer >0
  156. const _cl_MI (* expt_pos) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y);
  157. // x^-1
  158. const cl_MI_x (* recip) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x);
  159. // x*y^-1
  160. const cl_MI_x (* div) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y);
  161. // x^y, y Integer
  162. const cl_MI_x (* expt) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y);
  163. // x -> x mod m for x>=0
  164. const cl_I (* reduce_modulo) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const cl_I& x);
  165. // some inverse of canonical homomorphism
  166. const cl_I (* retract) (cl_heap_modint_ring* R, const _cl_MI& x);
  167. };
  168. typedef const _cl_modint_setops cl_modint_setops;
  169. typedef const _cl_modint_addops cl_modint_addops;
  170. typedef const _cl_modint_mulops cl_modint_mulops;
  171. // Representation of the ring Z/mZ.
  172. // Currently rings are garbage collected only when they are not referenced
  173. // any more and when the ring table gets full.
  174. // Modular integer rings are kept unique in memory. This way, ring equality
  175. // can be checked very efficiently by a simple pointer comparison.
  176. class cl_heap_modint_ring /* cf. cl_heap_ring */ : public cl_heap {
  177. SUBCLASS_cl_heap_ring()
  178. private:
  179. cl_property_list properties;
  180. protected:
  181. cl_modint_setops* setops;
  182. cl_modint_addops* addops;
  183. cl_modint_mulops* mulops;
  184. public:
  185. cl_I modulus; // m, normalized to be >= 0
  186. public:
  187. // Low-level operations.
  188. void _fprint (std::ostream& stream, const _cl_MI& x)
  189. { setops->fprint(this,stream,x); }
  190. cl_boolean _equal (const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y)
  191. { return setops->equal(this,x,y); }
  192. const _cl_MI _random (random_state& randomstate)
  193. { return setops->random(this,randomstate); }
  194. const _cl_MI _zero ()
  195. { return addops->zero(this); }
  196. cl_boolean _zerop (const _cl_MI& x)
  197. { return addops->zerop(this,x); }
  198. const _cl_MI _plus (const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y)
  199. { return addops->plus(this,x,y); }
  200. const _cl_MI _minus (const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y)
  201. { return addops->minus(this,x,y); }
  202. const _cl_MI _uminus (const _cl_MI& x)
  203. { return addops->uminus(this,x); }
  204. const _cl_MI _one ()
  205. { return mulops->one(this); }
  206. const _cl_MI _canonhom (const cl_I& x)
  207. { return mulops->canonhom(this,x); }
  208. const _cl_MI _mul (const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y)
  209. { return mulops->mul(this,x,y); }
  210. const _cl_MI _square (const _cl_MI& x)
  211. { return mulops->square(this,x); }
  212. const _cl_MI _expt_pos (const _cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  213. { return mulops->expt_pos(this,x,y); }
  214. const cl_MI_x _recip (const _cl_MI& x)
  215. { return mulops->recip(this,x); }
  216. const cl_MI_x _div (const _cl_MI& x, const _cl_MI& y)
  217. { return mulops->div(this,x,y); }
  218. const cl_MI_x _expt (const _cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  219. { return mulops->expt(this,x,y); }
  220. const cl_I _reduce_modulo (const cl_I& x)
  221. { return mulops->reduce_modulo(this,x); }
  222. const cl_I _retract (const _cl_MI& x)
  223. { return mulops->retract(this,x); }
  224. // High-level operations.
  225. void fprint (std::ostream& stream, const cl_MI& x)
  226. {
  227. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  228. _fprint(stream,x);
  229. }
  230. cl_boolean equal (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  231. {
  232. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  233. if (!(y.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  234. return _equal(x,y);
  235. }
  236. const cl_MI random (random_state& randomstate = default_random_state)
  237. {
  238. return cl_MI(this,_random(randomstate));
  239. }
  240. const cl_MI zero ()
  241. {
  242. return cl_MI(this,_zero());
  243. }
  244. cl_boolean zerop (const cl_MI& x)
  245. {
  246. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  247. return _zerop(x);
  248. }
  249. const cl_MI plus (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  250. {
  251. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  252. if (!(y.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  253. return cl_MI(this,_plus(x,y));
  254. }
  255. const cl_MI minus (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  256. {
  257. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  258. if (!(y.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  259. return cl_MI(this,_minus(x,y));
  260. }
  261. const cl_MI uminus (const cl_MI& x)
  262. {
  263. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  264. return cl_MI(this,_uminus(x));
  265. }
  266. const cl_MI one ()
  267. {
  268. return cl_MI(this,_one());
  269. }
  270. const cl_MI canonhom (const cl_I& x)
  271. {
  272. return cl_MI(this,_canonhom(x));
  273. }
  274. const cl_MI mul (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  275. {
  276. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  277. if (!(y.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  278. return cl_MI(this,_mul(x,y));
  279. }
  280. const cl_MI square (const cl_MI& x)
  281. {
  282. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  283. return cl_MI(this,_square(x));
  284. }
  285. const cl_MI expt_pos (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  286. {
  287. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  288. return cl_MI(this,_expt_pos(x,y));
  289. }
  290. const cl_MI_x recip (const cl_MI& x)
  291. {
  292. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  293. return _recip(x);
  294. }
  295. const cl_MI_x div (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  296. {
  297. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  298. if (!(y.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  299. return _div(x,y);
  300. }
  301. const cl_MI_x expt (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  302. {
  303. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  304. return _expt(x,y);
  305. }
  306. const cl_I reduce_modulo (const cl_I& x)
  307. {
  308. return _reduce_modulo(x);
  309. }
  310. const cl_I retract (const cl_MI& x)
  311. {
  312. if (!(x.ring() == this)) cl_abort();
  313. return _retract(x);
  314. }
  315. // Miscellaneous.
  316. sintL bits; // number of bits needed to represent a representative, or -1
  317. int log2_bits; // log_2(bits), or -1
  318. // Property operations.
  319. cl_property* get_property (const cl_symbol& key)
  320. { return properties.get_property(key); }
  321. void add_property (cl_property* new_property)
  322. { properties.add_property(new_property); }
  323. // Constructor.
  324. cl_heap_modint_ring (cl_I m, cl_modint_setops*, cl_modint_addops*, cl_modint_mulops*);
  325. // This class is intented to be subclassable, hence needs a virtual destructor.
  326. virtual ~cl_heap_modint_ring () {}
  327. private:
  328. virtual void dummy ();
  329. };
  330. #define SUBCLASS_cl_heap_modint_ring() \
  331. SUBCLASS_cl_heap_ring()
  332. // Lookup or create a modular integer ring Z/mZ
  333. extern const cl_modint_ring find_modint_ring (const cl_I& m);
  334. CL_REQUIRE(cl_MI)
  335. // Runtime typing support.
  336. extern cl_class cl_class_modint_ring;
  337. // Operations on modular integers.
  338. // Output.
  339. inline void fprint (std::ostream& stream, const cl_MI& x)
  340. { x.ring()->fprint(stream,x); }
  342. // Add.
  343. inline const cl_MI operator+ (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  344. { return x.ring()->plus(x,y); }
  345. inline const cl_MI operator+ (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  346. { return x.ring()->plus(x,x.ring()->canonhom(y)); }
  347. inline const cl_MI operator+ (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  348. { return y.ring()->plus(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  349. // Negate.
  350. inline const cl_MI operator- (const cl_MI& x)
  351. { return x.ring()->uminus(x); }
  352. // Subtract.
  353. inline const cl_MI operator- (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  354. { return x.ring()->minus(x,y); }
  355. inline const cl_MI operator- (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  356. { return x.ring()->minus(x,x.ring()->canonhom(y)); }
  357. inline const cl_MI operator- (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  358. { return y.ring()->minus(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  359. // Shifts.
  360. extern const cl_MI operator<< (const cl_MI& x, sintL y); // assume 0 <= y < 2^31
  361. extern const cl_MI operator>> (const cl_MI& x, sintL y); // assume m odd, 0 <= y < 2^31
  362. // Equality.
  363. inline bool operator== (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  364. { return x.ring()->equal(x,y); }
  365. inline bool operator!= (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  366. { return !x.ring()->equal(x,y); }
  367. inline bool operator== (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  368. { return x.ring()->equal(x,x.ring()->canonhom(y)); }
  369. inline bool operator!= (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  370. { return !x.ring()->equal(x,x.ring()->canonhom(y)); }
  371. inline bool operator== (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  372. { return y.ring()->equal(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  373. inline bool operator!= (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  374. { return !y.ring()->equal(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  375. // Compare against 0.
  376. inline cl_boolean zerop (const cl_MI& x)
  377. { return x.ring()->zerop(x); }
  378. // Multiply.
  379. inline const cl_MI operator* (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  380. { return x.ring()->mul(x,y); }
  381. // Squaring.
  382. inline const cl_MI square (const cl_MI& x)
  383. { return x.ring()->square(x); }
  384. // Exponentiation x^y, where y > 0.
  385. inline const cl_MI expt_pos (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  386. { return x.ring()->expt_pos(x,y); }
  387. // Reciprocal.
  388. inline const cl_MI recip (const cl_MI& x)
  389. { return x.ring()->recip(x); }
  390. // Division.
  391. inline const cl_MI div (const cl_MI& x, const cl_MI& y)
  392. { return x.ring()->div(x,y); }
  393. inline const cl_MI div (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  394. { return x.ring()->div(x,x.ring()->canonhom(y)); }
  395. inline const cl_MI div (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  396. { return y.ring()->div(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  397. // Exponentiation x^y.
  398. inline const cl_MI expt (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  399. { return x.ring()->expt(x,y); }
  400. // Scalar multiplication.
  401. inline const cl_MI operator* (const cl_I& x, const cl_MI& y)
  402. { return y.ring()->mul(y.ring()->canonhom(x),y); }
  403. inline const cl_MI operator* (const cl_MI& x, const cl_I& y)
  404. { return x.ring()->mul(x.ring()->canonhom(y),x); }
  405. // TODO: implement gcd, index (= gcd), unitp, sqrtp
  406. // Debugging support.
  407. #ifdef CL_DEBUG
  408. extern int cl_MI_debug_module;
  409. CL_FORCE_LINK(cl_MI_debug_dummy, cl_MI_debug_module)
  410. #endif
  411. } // namespace cln
  412. #endif /* _CL_MODINTEGER_H */