62 lines
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25 years ago
  1. ; This is the list of undefined symbols from bigint.c
  2. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_DF_globals__firstglobalfun
  3. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_FF_globals__firstglobalfun
  4. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_LF_globals__firstglobalfun
  5. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_ieee__firstglobalfun
  6. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_prin_globals__firstglobalfun
  7. U _GLOBAL_.D.cl_module__cl_random_def__firstglobalfun
  8. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_DF_globals__firstglobalfun
  9. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_FF_globals__firstglobalfun
  10. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_LF_globals__firstglobalfun
  11. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_ieee__firstglobalfun
  12. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_prin_globals__firstglobalfun
  13. U _GLOBAL_.I.cl_module__cl_random_def__firstglobalfun
  14. U __4cl_IPCc
  15. U __mi__FRC4cl_I
  16. U __mi__FRC4cl_IT0
  17. U __ml__FRC4cl_IT0
  18. U __pl__FRC4cl_IT0
  19. U abs__FRC4cl_I
  20. U ash__FRC4cl_IT0
  21. U ash__FRC4cl_Il
  22. U cl_DF_to_I__FRC5cl_DF
  23. U cl_I_constructor_from_L__Fl
  24. U cl_I_constructor_from_UL__FUl
  25. U cl_I_to_L__FRC4cl_I
  26. U cl_I_to_UL__FRC4cl_I
  27. U cl_compare__FRC4cl_IT0
  28. U cl_decimal_string__FRC4cl_I
  29. U cl_default_print_flags
  30. U cl_default_random_state
  31. U cl_double_approx__FRC4cl_I
  32. U cl_double_to_DF_pointer__FRC11dfloatjanus
  33. U cl_equal__FRC4cl_IT0
  34. U cl_free_heap_object__FP7cl_heap
  35. U cl_free_hook
  36. U cl_malloc_hook
  37. U cl_sstring__FPCcUl
  38. U expt_pos__FRC4cl_IT0
  39. U fround__FRC5cl_DF
  40. U gcd__FRC4cl_IT0
  41. U integer_length__FRC4cl_I
  42. U isqrt__FRC4cl_IP4cl_I
  43. U ldb__FRC4cl_IRC7cl_byte
  44. U logand__FRC4cl_IT0
  45. U logbitp__FUlRC4cl_I
  46. U logior__FRC4cl_IT0
  47. U lognot__FRC4cl_I
  48. U logxor__FRC4cl_IT0
  49. U minus1__FRC4cl_I
  50. U minusp__FRC4cl_I
  51. U oddp__FRC4cl_I
  52. U plus1__FRC4cl_I
  53. U print_integer__FR7ostreamRC14cl_print_flagsRC4cl_I
  54. U print_integer_to_string__FUiRC4cl_I
  55. U push__14cl_spushstringc
  56. U random_I__FR15cl_random_stateRC4cl_I
  57. U rem__FRC4cl_IT0
  58. U square__FRC4cl_I
  59. U truncate1__FRC4cl_IT0
  60. U truncate2__FRC4cl_IT0
  61. U xgcd__FRC4cl_IT0P4cl_IT2
  62. U zerop__FRC4cl_I