#include <argp.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <gperftools/profiler.h>
#include <getrss.h>
#include <sylvan_int.h>
/* Configuration (via argp) */ static int report_levels = 0; // report states at start of every level
static int report_table = 0; // report table size at end of every level
static int report_nodes = 0; // report number of nodes of LDDs
static int strategy = 2; // 0 = BFS, 1 = PAR, 2 = SAT, 3 = CHAINING
static int check_deadlocks = 0; // set to 1 to check for deadlocks on-the-fly
static int print_transition_matrix = 0; // print transition relation matrix
static int workers = 0; // autodetect
static char* model_filename = NULL; // filename of model
static char* out_filename = NULL; // filename of output
static char* profile_filename = NULL; // filename for profiling
/* argp configuration */ static struct argp_option options[] = { {"workers", 'w', "<workers>", 0, "Number of workers (default=0: autodetect)", 0}, {"strategy", 's', "<bfs|par|sat|chaining>", 0, "Strategy for reachability (default=par)", 0}, #ifdef HAVE_PROFILER
{"profiler", 'p', "<filename>", 0, "Filename for profiling", 0}, #endif
{"deadlocks", 3, 0, 0, "Check for deadlocks", 1}, {"count-nodes", 5, 0, 0, "Report #nodes for LDDs", 1}, {"count-states", 1, 0, 0, "Report #states at each level", 1}, {"count-table", 2, 0, 0, "Report table usage at each level", 1}, {"print-matrix", 4, 0, 0, "Print transition matrix", 1}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} };
static error_t parse_opt(int key, char *arg, struct argp_state *state) { switch (key) { case 'w': workers = atoi(arg); break; case 's': if (strcmp(arg, "bfs")==0) strategy = 0; else if (strcmp(arg, "par")==0) strategy = 1; else if (strcmp(arg, "sat")==0) strategy = 2; else if (strcmp(arg, "chaining")==0) strategy = 3; else argp_usage(state); break; case 4: print_transition_matrix = 1; break; case 3: check_deadlocks = 1; break; case 1: report_levels = 1; break; case 2: report_table = 1; break; case 5: report_nodes = 1; break; #ifdef HAVE_PROFILER
case 'p': profile_filename = arg; break; #endif
case ARGP_KEY_ARG: if (state->arg_num == 0) model_filename = arg; if (state->arg_num == 1) out_filename = arg; if (state->arg_num >= 2) argp_usage(state); break; case ARGP_KEY_END: if (state->arg_num < 1) argp_usage(state); break; default: return ARGP_ERR_UNKNOWN; } return 0; }
static struct argp argp = { options, parse_opt, "<model> [<output-bdd>]", 0, 0, 0, 0 };
* Types (set and relation) */ typedef struct set { MDD dd; } *set_t;
typedef struct relation { MDD dd; MDD meta; // for relprod
int r_k, w_k, *r_proj, *w_proj; int firstvar; // for saturation/chaining
MDD topmeta; // for saturation
} *rel_t;
static int vector_size; // size of vector in integers
static int next_count; // number of partitions of the transition relation
static rel_t *next; // each partition of the transition relation
* Obtain current wallclock time */ static double wctime() { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); return (tv.tv_sec + 1E-6 * tv.tv_usec); }
static double t_start; #define INFO(s, ...) fprintf(stdout, "[% 8.2f] " s, wctime()-t_start, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define Abort(...) { fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__); fprintf(stderr, "Abort at line %d!\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); }
* Load a set from file */ static set_t set_load(FILE* f) { set_t set = (set_t)malloc(sizeof(struct set));
/* read projection (actually we don't support projection) */ int k; if (fread(&k, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid input file!\n"); if (k != -1) Abort("Invalid input file!\n"); // only support full vector
/* read dd */ lddmc_serialize_fromfile(f); size_t dd; if (fread(&dd, sizeof(size_t), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid input file!\n"); set->dd = lddmc_serialize_get_reversed(dd); lddmc_protect(&set->dd);
return set; }
* Save a set to file */ static void set_save(FILE* f, set_t set) { int k = -1; fwrite(&k, sizeof(int), 1, f); size_t dd = lddmc_serialize_add(set->dd); lddmc_serialize_tofile(f); fwrite(&dd, sizeof(size_t), 1, f); }
* Load a relation from file */ #define rel_load_proj(f) CALL(rel_load_proj, f)
TASK_1(rel_t, rel_load_proj, FILE*, f) { int r_k, w_k; if (fread(&r_k, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid file format."); if (fread(&w_k, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid file format.");
rel_t rel = (rel_t)malloc(sizeof(struct relation)); rel->r_k = r_k; rel->w_k = w_k; rel->r_proj = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int[rel->r_k])); rel->w_proj = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int[rel->w_k]));
if (fread(rel->r_proj, sizeof(int), rel->r_k, f) != (size_t)rel->r_k) Abort("Invalid file format."); if (fread(rel->w_proj, sizeof(int), rel->w_k, f) != (size_t)rel->w_k) Abort("Invalid file format.");
int *r_proj = rel->r_proj; int *w_proj = rel->w_proj;
rel->firstvar = -1;
/* Compute the meta */ uint32_t meta[vector_size*2+2]; memset(meta, 0, sizeof(uint32_t[vector_size*2+2])); int r_i=0, w_i=0, i=0, j=0; for (;;) { int type = 0; if (r_i < r_k && r_proj[r_i] == i) { r_i++; type += 1; // read
} if (w_i < w_k && w_proj[w_i] == i) { w_i++; type += 2; // write
} if (type == 0) meta[j++] = 0; else if (type == 1) { meta[j++] = 3; } else if (type == 2) { meta[j++] = 4; } else if (type == 3) { meta[j++] = 1; meta[j++] = 2; } if (type != 0 && rel->firstvar == -1) rel->firstvar = i; if (r_i == r_k && w_i == w_k) { meta[j++] = 5; // action label
meta[j++] = (uint32_t)-1; break; } i++; }
rel->meta = lddmc_cube((uint32_t*)meta, j); lddmc_protect(&rel->meta); if (rel->firstvar != -1) { rel->topmeta = lddmc_cube((uint32_t*)meta+rel->firstvar, j-rel->firstvar); lddmc_protect(&rel->topmeta); } rel->dd = lddmc_false; lddmc_protect(&rel->dd);
return rel; }
#define rel_load(f, rel) CALL(rel_load, f, rel)
VOID_TASK_2(rel_load, FILE*, f, rel_t, rel) { lddmc_serialize_fromfile(f); size_t dd; if (fread(&dd, sizeof(size_t), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid input file!"); rel->dd = lddmc_serialize_get_reversed(dd); }
* Save a relation to file */ static void rel_save_proj(FILE* f, rel_t rel) { fwrite(&rel->r_k, sizeof(int), 1, f); fwrite(&rel->w_k, sizeof(int), 1, f); fwrite(rel->r_proj, sizeof(int), rel->r_k, f); fwrite(rel->w_proj, sizeof(int), rel->w_k, f); }
static void rel_save(FILE* f, rel_t rel) { size_t dd = lddmc_serialize_add(rel->dd); lddmc_serialize_tofile(f); fwrite(&dd, sizeof(size_t), 1, f); }
* Clone a set */ static set_t set_clone(set_t source) { set_t set = (set_t)malloc(sizeof(struct set)); set->dd = source->dd; lddmc_protect(&set->dd); return set; }
static char* to_h(double size, char *buf) { const char* units[] = {"B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"}; int i = 0; for (;size>1024;size/=1024) i++; sprintf(buf, "%.*f %s", i, size, units[i]); return buf; }
static void print_memory_usage(void) { char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); INFO("Memory usage: %s\n", buf); }
* Get the first variable of the transition relation */ static int get_first(MDD meta) { uint32_t val = lddmc_getvalue(meta); if (val != 0) return 0; return 1+get_first(lddmc_follow(meta, val)); }
* Print a single example of a set to stdout */ static void print_example(MDD example) { if (example != lddmc_false) { LACE_ME; uint32_t vec[vector_size]; lddmc_sat_one(example, vec, vector_size);
printf("["); for (int i=0; i<vector_size; i++) { if (i>0) printf(","); printf("%" PRIu32, vec[i]); } printf("]"); } }
static void print_matrix(size_t size, MDD meta) { if (size == 0) return; uint32_t val = lddmc_getvalue(meta); if (val == 1) { printf("+"); print_matrix(size-1, lddmc_follow(lddmc_follow(meta, 1), 2)); } else { if (val == (uint32_t)-1) printf("-"); else if (val == 0) printf("-"); else if (val == 3) printf("r"); else if (val == 4) printf("w"); print_matrix(size-1, lddmc_follow(meta, val)); } }
* Implement parallel strategy (that performs the relprod operations in parallel) */ TASK_5(MDD, go_par, MDD, cur, MDD, visited, size_t, from, size_t, len, MDD*, deadlocks) { if (len == 1) { // Calculate NEW successors (not in visited)
MDD succ = lddmc_relprod(cur, next[from]->dd, next[from]->meta); lddmc_refs_push(succ); if (deadlocks) { // check which MDDs in deadlocks do not have a successor in this relation
MDD anc = lddmc_relprev(succ, next[from]->dd, next[from]->meta, cur); lddmc_refs_push(anc); *deadlocks = lddmc_minus(*deadlocks, anc); lddmc_refs_pop(1); } MDD result = lddmc_minus(succ, visited); lddmc_refs_pop(1); return result; } else if (deadlocks != NULL) { MDD deadlocks_left = *deadlocks; MDD deadlocks_right = *deadlocks; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks_left); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks_right);
// Recursively compute left+right
lddmc_refs_spawn(SPAWN(go_par, cur, visited, from, len/2, &deadlocks_left)); MDD right = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from+len/2, len-len/2, &deadlocks_right); lddmc_refs_push(right); MDD left = lddmc_refs_sync(SYNC(go_par)); lddmc_refs_push(left);
// Merge results of left+right
MDD result = lddmc_union(left, right); lddmc_refs_pop(2);
// Intersect deadlock sets
lddmc_refs_push(result); *deadlocks = lddmc_intersect(deadlocks_left, deadlocks_right); lddmc_refs_pop(1); lddmc_refs_popptr(2);
// Return result
return result; } else { // Recursively compute left+right
lddmc_refs_spawn(SPAWN(go_par, cur, visited, from, len/2, NULL)); MDD right = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from+len/2, len-len/2, NULL); lddmc_refs_push(right); MDD left = lddmc_refs_sync(SYNC(go_par)); lddmc_refs_push(left);
// Merge results of left+right
MDD result = lddmc_union(left, right); lddmc_refs_pop(2);
// Return result
return result; } }
* Implementation of the PAR strategy */ VOID_TASK_1(par, set_t, set) { /* Prepare variables */ MDD visited = set->dd; MDD front = visited; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&visited); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&front);
int iteration = 1; do { if (check_deadlocks) { // compute successors in parallel
MDD deadlocks = front; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks); front = CALL(go_par, front, visited, 0, next_count, &deadlocks); lddmc_refs_popptr(1);
if (deadlocks != lddmc_false) { INFO("Found %'0.0f deadlock states... ", lddmc_satcount_cached(deadlocks)); printf("example: "); print_example(deadlocks); printf("\n"); check_deadlocks = 0; } } else { // compute successors in parallel
front = CALL(go_par, front, visited, 0, next_count, NULL); }
// visited = visited + front
visited = lddmc_union(visited, front);
INFO("Level %d done", iteration); if (report_levels) { printf(", %'0.0f states explored", lddmc_satcount_cached(visited)); } if (report_table) { size_t filled, total; sylvan_table_usage(&filled, &total); printf(", table: %0.1f%% full (%'zu nodes)", 100.0*(double)filled/total, filled); } char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); printf(", rss=%s.\n", buf); iteration++; } while (front != lddmc_false);
set->dd = visited; lddmc_refs_popptr(2); }
* Implement sequential strategy (that performs the relprod operations one by one) */ TASK_5(MDD, go_bfs, MDD, cur, MDD, visited, size_t, from, size_t, len, MDD*, deadlocks) { if (len == 1) { // Calculate NEW successors (not in visited)
MDD succ = lddmc_relprod(cur, next[from]->dd, next[from]->meta); lddmc_refs_push(succ); if (deadlocks) { // check which MDDs in deadlocks do not have a successor in this relation
MDD anc = lddmc_relprev(succ, next[from]->dd, next[from]->meta, cur); lddmc_refs_push(anc); *deadlocks = lddmc_minus(*deadlocks, anc); lddmc_refs_pop(1); } MDD result = lddmc_minus(succ, visited); lddmc_refs_pop(1); return result; } else if (deadlocks != NULL) { MDD deadlocks_left = *deadlocks; MDD deadlocks_right = *deadlocks; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks_left); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks_right);
// Recursively compute left+right
MDD left = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from, len/2, &deadlocks_left); lddmc_refs_push(left); MDD right = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from+len/2, len-len/2, &deadlocks_right); lddmc_refs_push(right);
// Merge results of left+right
MDD result = lddmc_union(left, right); lddmc_refs_pop(2);
// Intersect deadlock sets
lddmc_refs_push(result); *deadlocks = lddmc_intersect(deadlocks_left, deadlocks_right); lddmc_refs_pop(1); lddmc_refs_popptr(2);
// Return result
return result; } else { // Recursively compute left+right
MDD left = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from, len/2, NULL); lddmc_refs_push(left); MDD right = CALL(go_par, cur, visited, from+len/2, len-len/2, NULL); lddmc_refs_push(right);
// Merge results of left+right
MDD result = lddmc_union(left, right); lddmc_refs_pop(2);
// Return result
return result; } }
/* BFS strategy, sequential strategy (but operations are parallelized by Sylvan) */ VOID_TASK_1(bfs, set_t, set) { /* Prepare variables */ MDD visited = set->dd; MDD front = visited; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&visited); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&front);
int iteration = 1; do { if (check_deadlocks) { // compute successors
MDD deadlocks = front; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&deadlocks); front = CALL(go_bfs, front, visited, 0, next_count, &deadlocks); lddmc_refs_popptr(1);
if (deadlocks != lddmc_false) { INFO("Found %'0.0f deadlock states... ", lddmc_satcount_cached(deadlocks)); printf("example: "); print_example(deadlocks); printf("\n"); check_deadlocks = 0; } } else { // compute successors
front = CALL(go_bfs, front, visited, 0, next_count, NULL); }
// visited = visited + front
visited = lddmc_union(visited, front);
INFO("Level %d done", iteration); if (report_levels) { printf(", %'0.0f states explored", lddmc_satcount_cached(visited)); } if (report_table) { size_t filled, total; sylvan_table_usage(&filled, &total); printf(", table: %0.1f%% full (%'zu nodes)", 100.0*(double)filled/total, filled); } char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); printf(", rss=%s.\n", buf); iteration++; } while (front != lddmc_false);
set->dd = visited; lddmc_refs_popptr(2); }
* Implementation of (parallel) saturation * (assumes relations are ordered on first variable) */ TASK_3(MDD, go_sat, MDD, set, int, idx, int, depth) { /* Terminal cases */ if (set == lddmc_false) return lddmc_false; if (idx == next_count) return set;
/* Consult the cache */ MDD result; const MDD _set = set; if (cache_get3(201LL<<40, _set, idx, 0, &result)) return result; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&_set);
* Possible improvement: cache more things (like intermediate results?) * and chain-apply more of the current level before going deeper? */
/* Check if the relation should be applied */ const int var = next[idx]->firstvar; assert(depth <= var); if (depth == var) { /* Count the number of relations starting here */ int n = 1; while ((idx + n) < next_count && var == next[idx + n]->firstvar) n++; /*
* Compute until fixpoint: * - SAT deeper * - chain-apply all current level once */ MDD prev = lddmc_false; lddmc_refs_pushptr(&set); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&prev); while (prev != set) { prev = set; // SAT deeper
set = CALL(go_sat, set, idx + n, depth); // chain-apply all current level once
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { set = lddmc_relprod_union(set, next[idx+i]->dd, next[idx+i]->topmeta, set); } } lddmc_refs_popptr(2); result = set; } else { /* Recursive computation */ lddmc_refs_spawn(SPAWN(go_sat, lddmc_getright(set), idx, depth)); MDD down = lddmc_refs_push(CALL(go_sat, lddmc_getdown(set), idx, depth+1)); MDD right = lddmc_refs_sync(SYNC(go_sat)); lddmc_refs_pop(1); result = lddmc_makenode(lddmc_getvalue(set), down, right); }
/* Store in cache */ cache_put3(201LL<<40, _set, idx, 0, result); lddmc_refs_popptr(1); return result; }
* Wrapper for the Saturation strategy */ VOID_TASK_1(sat, set_t, set) { set->dd = CALL(go_sat, set->dd, 0, 0); }
* Implementation of the Chaining strategy (does not support deadlock detection) */ VOID_TASK_1(chaining, set_t, set) { MDD visited = set->dd; MDD front = visited; MDD succ = sylvan_false;
lddmc_refs_pushptr(&visited); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&front); lddmc_refs_pushptr(&succ);
int iteration = 1; do { // calculate successors in parallel
for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) { succ = lddmc_relprod(front, next[i]->dd, next[i]->meta); front = lddmc_union(front, succ); succ = lddmc_false; // reset, for gc
// front = front - visited
// visited = visited + front
front = lddmc_minus(front, visited); visited = lddmc_union(visited, front);
INFO("Level %d done", iteration); if (report_levels) { printf(", %'0.0f states explored", lddmc_satcount_cached(visited)); } if (report_table) { size_t filled, total; sylvan_table_usage(&filled, &total); printf(", table: %0.1f%% full (%'zu nodes)", 100.0*(double)filled/total, filled); } char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); printf(", rss=%s.\n", buf); iteration++; } while (front != lddmc_false);
set->dd = visited; lddmc_refs_popptr(3); }
VOID_TASK_0(gc_start) { char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); INFO("(GC) Starting garbage collection... (rss: %s)\n", buf); }
VOID_TASK_0(gc_end) { char buf[32]; to_h(getCurrentRSS(), buf); INFO("(GC) Garbage collection done. (rss: %s)\n", buf); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /**
* Parse command line, set locale, set startup time for INFO messages. */ argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "en_US.utf-8"); t_start = wctime();
* Initialize Lace. * * First: setup with given number of workers (0 for autodetect) and some large size task queue. * Second: start all worker threads with default settings. * Third: setup local variables using the LACE_ME macro. */ lace_init(workers, 1000000); lace_startup(0, NULL, NULL); LACE_ME;
* Initialize Sylvan. * * First: set memory limits * - 2 GB memory, nodes table twice as big as cache, initial size halved 6x * (that means it takes 6 garbage collections to get to the maximum nodes&cache size) * Second: initialize package and subpackages * Third: add hooks to report garbage collection */ sylvan_set_limits(2LL<<30, 1, 6); sylvan_init_package(); sylvan_init_ldd(); sylvan_gc_hook_pregc(TASK(gc_start)); sylvan_gc_hook_postgc(TASK(gc_end));
* Read the model from file */
FILE *f = fopen(model_filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) { Abort("Cannot open file '%s'!\n", model_filename); return -1; }
/* Read domain data */ if (fread(&vector_size, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid input file!\n");
/* Read initial state */ set_t initial = set_load(f);
/* Read number of transition relations */ if (fread(&next_count, sizeof(int), 1, f) != 1) Abort("Invalid input file!\n"); next = (rel_t*)malloc(sizeof(rel_t) * next_count);
/* Read transition relations */ for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) next[i] = rel_load_proj(f); for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) rel_load(f, next[i]);
/* We ignore the reachable states and action labels that are stored after the relations */
/* Close the file */ fclose(f);
* Pre-processing and some statistics reporting */
if (strategy == 2 || strategy == 3) { // for SAT and CHAINING, sort the transition relations (gnome sort because I like gnomes)
int i = 1, j = 2; rel_t t; while (i < next_count) { rel_t *p = &next[i], *q = p-1; if ((*q)->firstvar > (*p)->firstvar) { t = *q; *q = *p; *p = t; if (--i) continue; } i = j++; } }
INFO("Read file '%s'\n", model_filename); INFO("%d integers per state, %d transition groups\n", vector_size, next_count);
if (print_transition_matrix) { for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) { INFO(""); print_matrix(vector_size, next[i]->meta); printf(" (%d)\n", get_first(next[i]->meta)); } }
set_t states = set_clone(initial);
if (profile_filename != NULL) ProfilerStart(profile_filename); #endif
if (strategy == 0) { double t1 = wctime(); CALL(bfs, states); double t2 = wctime(); INFO("BFS Time: %f\n", t2-t1); } else if (strategy == 1) { double t1 = wctime(); CALL(par, states); double t2 = wctime(); INFO("PAR Time: %f\n", t2-t1); } else if (strategy == 2) { double t1 = wctime(); CALL(sat, states); double t2 = wctime(); INFO("SAT Time: %f\n", t2-t1); } else if (strategy == 3) { double t1 = wctime(); CALL(chaining, states); double t2 = wctime(); INFO("CHAINING Time: %f\n", t2-t1); } else { Abort("Invalid strategy set?!\n"); }
if (profile_filename != NULL) ProfilerStop(); #endif
// Now we just have states
INFO("Final states: %'0.0f states\n", lddmc_satcount_cached(states->dd)); if (report_nodes) { INFO("Final states: %'zu MDD nodes\n", lddmc_nodecount(states->dd)); }
if (out_filename != NULL) { INFO("Writing to %s.\n", out_filename);
// Create LDD file
FILE *f = fopen(out_filename, "w"); lddmc_serialize_reset();
// Write domain...
fwrite(&vector_size, sizeof(int), 1, f);
// Write initial state...
set_save(f, initial);
// Write number of transitions
fwrite(&next_count, sizeof(int), 1, f);
// Write transitions
for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) rel_save_proj(f, next[i]); for (int i=0; i<next_count; i++) rel_save(f, next[i]);
// Write reachable states
int has_reachable = 1; fwrite(&has_reachable, sizeof(int), 1, f); set_save(f, states);
// Write action labels
fclose(f); }
print_memory_usage(); sylvan_stats_report(stdout);
return 0; }