tests/test_callbacks.cpp -- callbacks
Copyright (c) 2016 Wenzel Jakob <wenzel.jakob@epfl.ch>
All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. */
#include "pybind11_tests.h"
#include "constructor_stats.h"
#include <pybind11/functional.h>
py::object test_callback1(py::object func) { return func(); }
py::tuple test_callback2(py::object func) { return func("Hello", 'x', true, 5); }
std::string test_callback3(const std::function<int(int)> &func) { return "func(43) = " + std::to_string(func(43)); }
std::function<int(int)> test_callback4() { return [](int i) { return i+1; }; }
py::cpp_function test_callback5() { return py::cpp_function([](int i) { return i+1; }, py::arg("number")); }
int dummy_function(int i) { return i + 1; } int dummy_function2(int i, int j) { return i + j; } std::function<int(int)> roundtrip(std::function<int(int)> f, bool expect_none = false) { if (expect_none && f) { throw std::runtime_error("Expected None to be converted to empty std::function"); } return f; }
std::string test_dummy_function(const std::function<int(int)> &f) { using fn_type = int (*)(int); auto result = f.target<fn_type>(); if (!result) { auto r = f(1); return "can't convert to function pointer: eval(1) = " + std::to_string(r); } else if (*result == dummy_function) { auto r = (*result)(1); return "matches dummy_function: eval(1) = " + std::to_string(r); } else { return "argument does NOT match dummy_function. This should never happen!"; } }
struct Payload { Payload() { print_default_created(this); } ~Payload() { print_destroyed(this); } Payload(const Payload &) { print_copy_created(this); } Payload(Payload &&) { print_move_created(this); } };
class AbstractBase { public: virtual unsigned int func() = 0; };
void func_accepting_func_accepting_base(std::function<double(AbstractBase&)>) { }
struct MovableObject { bool valid = true;
MovableObject() = default; MovableObject(const MovableObject &) = default; MovableObject &operator=(const MovableObject &) = default; MovableObject(MovableObject &&o) : valid(o.valid) { o.valid = false; } MovableObject &operator=(MovableObject &&o) { valid = o.valid; o.valid = false; return *this; } };
test_initializer callbacks([](py::module &m) { m.def("test_callback1", &test_callback1); m.def("test_callback2", &test_callback2); m.def("test_callback3", &test_callback3); m.def("test_callback4", &test_callback4); m.def("test_callback5", &test_callback5);
// Test keyword args and generalized unpacking
m.def("test_tuple_unpacking", [](py::function f) { auto t1 = py::make_tuple(2, 3); auto t2 = py::make_tuple(5, 6); return f("positional", 1, *t1, 4, *t2); });
m.def("test_dict_unpacking", [](py::function f) { auto d1 = py::dict("key"_a="value", "a"_a=1); auto d2 = py::dict(); auto d3 = py::dict("b"_a=2); return f("positional", 1, **d1, **d2, **d3); });
m.def("test_keyword_args", [](py::function f) { return f("x"_a=10, "y"_a=20); });
m.def("test_unpacking_and_keywords1", [](py::function f) { auto args = py::make_tuple(2); auto kwargs = py::dict("d"_a=4); return f(1, *args, "c"_a=3, **kwargs); });
m.def("test_unpacking_and_keywords2", [](py::function f) { auto kwargs1 = py::dict("a"_a=1); auto kwargs2 = py::dict("c"_a=3, "d"_a=4); return f("positional", *py::make_tuple(1), 2, *py::make_tuple(3, 4), 5, "key"_a="value", **kwargs1, "b"_a=2, **kwargs2, "e"_a=5); });
m.def("test_unpacking_error1", [](py::function f) { auto kwargs = py::dict("x"_a=3); return f("x"_a=1, "y"_a=2, **kwargs); // duplicate ** after keyword
m.def("test_unpacking_error2", [](py::function f) { auto kwargs = py::dict("x"_a=3); return f(**kwargs, "x"_a=1); // duplicate keyword after **
m.def("test_arg_conversion_error1", [](py::function f) { f(234, UnregisteredType(), "kw"_a=567); });
m.def("test_arg_conversion_error2", [](py::function f) { f(234, "expected_name"_a=UnregisteredType(), "kw"_a=567); });
/* Test cleanup of lambda closure */ m.def("test_cleanup", []() -> std::function<void(void)> { Payload p;
return [p]() { /* p should be cleaned up when the returned function is garbage collected */ (void) p; }; });
/* Test if passing a function pointer from C++ -> Python -> C++ yields the original pointer */ m.def("dummy_function", &dummy_function); m.def("dummy_function2", &dummy_function2); m.def("roundtrip", &roundtrip, py::arg("f"), py::arg("expect_none")=false); m.def("test_dummy_function", &test_dummy_function); // Export the payload constructor statistics for testing purposes:
m.def("payload_cstats", &ConstructorStats::get<Payload>);
m.def("func_accepting_func_accepting_base", func_accepting_func_accepting_base);
py::class_<MovableObject>(m, "MovableObject");
m.def("callback_with_movable", [](std::function<void(MovableObject &)> f) { auto x = MovableObject(); f(x); // lvalue reference shouldn't move out object
return x.valid; // must still return `true`
struct CppBoundMethodTest {}; py::class_<CppBoundMethodTest>(m, "CppBoundMethodTest") .def(py::init<>()) .def("triple", [](CppBoundMethodTest &, int val) { return 3 * val; }); });