#include <cstdio>
#include <sparsepp/spp.h>
using spp::sparse_hash_map; using namespace std;
class FileSerializer { public: // serialize basic types to FILE
// -----------------------------
template <class T> bool operator()(FILE *fp, const T& value) { return fwrite((const void *)&value, sizeof(value), 1, fp) == 1; }
template <class T> bool operator()(FILE *fp, T* value) { return fread((void *)value, sizeof(*value), 1, fp) == 1; }
// serialize std::string to FILE
// -----------------------------
bool operator()(FILE *fp, const string& value) { const size_t size = value.size(); return (*this)(fp, size) && fwrite(value.c_str(), size, 1, fp) == 1; }
bool operator()(FILE *fp, string* value) { size_t size; if (!(*this)(fp, &size)) return false; char* buf = new char[size]; if (fread(buf, size, 1, fp) != 1) { delete [] buf; return false; } new (value) string(buf, (size_t)size); delete[] buf; return true; }
// serialize std::pair<const A, B> to FILE - needed for maps
// ---------------------------------------------------------
template <class A, class B> bool operator()(FILE *fp, const std::pair<const A, B>& value) { return (*this)(fp, value.first) && (*this)(fp, value.second); }
template <class A, class B> bool operator()(FILE *fp, std::pair<const A, B> *value) { return (*this)(fp, (A *)&value->first) && (*this)(fp, &value->second); } };
int main(int, char* []) { sparse_hash_map<string, int> age{ { "John", 12 }, {"Jane", 13 }, { "Fred", 8 } };
// serialize age hash_map to "ages.dmp" file
FILE *out = fopen("ages.dmp", "wb"); age.serialize(FileSerializer(), out); fclose(out);
sparse_hash_map<string, int> age_read;
// read from "ages.dmp" file into age_read hash_map
FILE *input = fopen("ages.dmp", "rb"); age_read.unserialize(FileSerializer(), input); fclose(input);
// print out contents of age_read to verify correct serialization
for (auto& v : age_read) printf("age_read: %s -> %d\n", v.first.c_str(), v.second); }