You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
3.7 KiB

import time, re, sys, csv, os
from subprocess import call
from os import listdir, system
from os.path import isfile, join, getctime
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
ski_position_to_rgb_map = {1: "230, 138, 0", 2: "255,153,0", 3: "255, 184, 77", 4: "255, 194, 100", 5: "255, 194, 120", 6: "255, 210, 130", 7: "255, 210, 140", 8: "230, 204, 255", 9: "204, 153, 255", 10: "255, 102, 179", 11: "255, 51, 153", 12: "255, 0, 255", 13: "179, 0, 179", 14: "102, 0, 102"}
def importance_color(ranking_value):
low = 0x00ff00
high = 0xff0000
result = int(ranking_value * high + (1-ranking_value) * low)
return f"#{result:06x}"
def model_to_actual(ski_position):
if ski_position == 1:
return 1
elif ski_position in [2,3]:
return 2
elif ski_position in [4,5]:
return 3
elif ski_position in [6,7]:
return 4
elif ski_position in [8,9]:
return 5
elif ski_position in [10,11]:
return 6
elif ski_position in [12,13]:
return 7
elif ski_position == 14:
return 8
def convert(tuples):
return dict(tuples)
class State:
x: int
y: int
ski_position: int
def default_value():
return {'action' : None, 'choiceValue' : None}
class StateValue:
ranking: float
choices: dict = field(default_factory=default_value)
def exec(command, verbose=True):
if verbose: print(f"Executing {command}")
system(f"echo {command} >> list_of_exec")
return system(command)
def fillStateRanking(file_name, match=""):
state_ranking = dict()
with open(file_name, "r") as f:
file_content = f.readlines()
for line in file_content:
if match and skip_line.match(line): continue
stateMapping = convert(re.findall(r"([a-zA-Z_]*[a-zA-Z])=(\d+)?", line))
#print("stateMapping", stateMapping)
choices = convert(re.findall(r"[a-zA-Z_]*(left|right|noop)[a-zA-Z_]*:(-?\d+\.?\d*)", line))
#print("choices", choices)
ranking_value = float("Value:([+-]?(\d*\.\d+)|\d+)", line)[0].replace("Value:",""))
#print("ranking_value", ranking_value)
state = State(int(stateMapping["x"]), int(stateMapping["y"]), int(stateMapping["ski_position"]))
value = StateValue(ranking_value, choices)
state_ranking[state] = value
return state_ranking
except EnvironmentError:
print("TODO file not available. Exiting.")
ranking = fillStateRanking("action_ranking_simplified")
sorted_ranking = sorted(ranking.items(), key=lambda x: x[1].ranking)
draw_commands = {1: list(), 2:list(), 3:list(), 4:list(), 5:list(), 6:list(), 7:list(), 8:list()}
exec(f"cp images/empty_scaled_down.png full_first_try_safety.png")
markerSize = 1
for state in sorted_ranking[-500000:-1]:
if state[1].ranking < 0.09: continue
x = state[0].x
y = state[0].y
ski_position = state[0].ski_position
draw_commands[ski_position].append(f"-fill '{importance_color(state[1].ranking)}' -draw 'rectangle {x-markerSize},{y-markerSize} {x+markerSize},{y+markerSize}'") # {state[1].ranking}
for pos, marker in draw_commands.items():
destination = f"first_try_{pos:02}.png"
exec(f"cp images/empty_scaled_down.png {destination}")
while i < len(marker):
batch = marker[i:i+1000]
command = f"convert {destination} {' '.join(batch)} {destination}"
exec(command, verbose=False)
command = f"convert full_first_try_safety.png {' '.join(batch)} full_first_try_safety.png"
exec(command, verbose=False)
i = i+1000
exec(f"montage first_try*.png -geometry +0+0 -tile x1 tiled_first_try.png")