Browse Source

initial commit

after modifications for Importance Driven Testing
sp 2 years ago
  1. 34
  2. 22
  3. 171
  4. 8
  5. 229
  6. 63
  7. 102
  8. 32
  9. 13
  10. 681
  11. 91
  12. 15
  13. 83
  14. 62
  15. 1331


@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Prerequisites
# Compiled Object files
# Precompiled Headers
# Compiled Dynamic libraries
# Fortran module files
# Compiled Static libraries
# Executables


@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -D__FILENAME__='\"$(subst ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/,,$(abspath $<))\"'")
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0...3.22)
target_link_libraries(main pthread)


@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
#include "util/OptionParser.h"
#include "util/MinigridGrammar.h"
#include "util/Grid.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
#include <sstream>
std::vector<std::string> parseCommaSeparatedString(std::string const& str) {
std::vector<std::string> result;
std::stringstream stream(str);
while(stream.good()) {
std::string substr;
getline(stream, substr, ','); = std::toupper(;
return result;
struct printer {
typedef boost::spirit::utf8_string string;
void element(string const& tag, string const& value, int depth) const {
for (int i = 0; i < (depth*4); ++i) std::cout << ' ';
std::cout << "tag: " << tag;
if (value != "") std::cout << ", value: " << value;
std::cout << std::endl;
void print_info(boost::spirit::info const& what) {
using boost::spirit::basic_info_walker;
printer pr;
basic_info_walker<printer> walker(pr, what.tag, 0);
boost::apply_visitor(walker, what.value);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
popl::OptionParser optionParser("Allowed options");
auto helpOption = optionParser.add<popl::Switch>("h", "help", "Print this help message.");
auto inputFilename = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>>("i", "input-file", "Filename of the input file.");
auto outputFilename = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>>("o", "output-file", "Filename for the output file.");
auto agentsToBeConsidered = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("a", "agents", "Which parsed agents should be considered in the output. WIP.");
auto viewForAgents = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("v", "view", "Agents for which the 'view'('direction') variable should be included. WIP.");
auto probabilisticBehaviourAgents = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("p", "prob-beh", "Agents for which we want to include probabilistic actions");
auto probabilities = optionParser.add<popl::Value<std::string>, popl::Attribute::optional>("q", "probs", "The probabilities for which probabilistic actions should be added. WIP");
auto enforceOneWays = optionParser.add<popl::Switch>("f", "force-oneways", "Enforce encoding of oneways. This entails that slippery tiles do not allow turning and have prob 1 to shift the agent by one and makes turning impossible if in a one tile wide section of the grid.");
try {
optionParser.parse(argc, argv);
if(helpOption->count() > 0) {
std::cout << optionParser << std::endl;
} catch (const popl::invalid_option &e) {
return io::printPoplException(e);
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
std::cerr << "Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
GridOptions gridOptions = { {}, {} };
if(agentsToBeConsidered->is_set()) {
gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered = parseCommaSeparatedString(agentsToBeConsidered->value(0));
if(viewForAgents->is_set()) {
gridOptions.agentsWithView = parseCommaSeparatedString(viewForAgents->value(0));
if(enforceOneWays->is_set()) {
gridOptions.enforceOneWays = true;
if(probabilisticBehaviourAgents->is_set()) {
gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour = parseCommaSeparatedString(probabilisticBehaviourAgents->value(0));
for(auto const& a : gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour) {
std::cout << a << std::endl;
if(probabilities->is_set()) {
std::vector<std::string> parsedStrings = parseCommaSeparatedString(probabilities->value(0));
std::transform(parsedStrings.begin(), parsedStrings.end(), std::back_inserter(gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions), [](const std::string& string) {
return std::stof(string);
for(auto const& a : gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions) {
std::cout << a << std::endl;
} else {
throw std::logic_error{ "When adding agents with probabilistic behaviour, you also need to specify a list of probabilities via --probs." };
std::fstream file {outputFilename->value(0), file.trunc | file.out};
std::fstream infile {inputFilename->value(0),};
std::string line, content, background, rewards;
std::cout << "\n";
bool parsingBackground = false;
bool parsingStateRewards = false;
while (std::getline(infile, line) && !line.empty()) {
if( == '-' && - 1) == '-' && parsingBackground) {
parsingStateRewards = true;
parsingBackground = false;
} else if( == '-' && - 1) == '-') {
parsingBackground = true;
if(!parsingBackground && !parsingStateRewards) {
std::cout << "Reading :\t" << line << "\n";
content += line + "\n";
} else if (parsingBackground) {
std::cout << "Background:\t" << line << "\n";
background += line + "\n";
} else if(parsingStateRewards) {
rewards += line + "\n";
std::cout << "\n";
pos_iterator_t contentFirst(content.begin());
pos_iterator_t contentIter = contentFirst;
pos_iterator_t contentLast(content.end());
MinigridParser<pos_iterator_t> contentParser(contentFirst);
pos_iterator_t backgroundFirst(background.begin());
pos_iterator_t backgroundIter = backgroundFirst;
pos_iterator_t backgroundLast(background.end());
MinigridParser<pos_iterator_t> backgroundParser(backgroundFirst);
cells contentCells;
cells backgroundCells;
std::map<coordinates, float> stateRewards;
try {
bool ok = phrase_parse(contentIter, contentLast, contentParser, qi::space, contentCells);
// TODO if(background is not empty) {
ok &= phrase_parse(backgroundIter, backgroundLast, backgroundParser, qi::space, backgroundCells);
// TODO }
boost::escaped_list_separator<char> seps('\\', ';', '\n');
Tokenizer csvParser(rewards, seps);
for(auto iter = csvParser.begin(); iter != csvParser.end(); ++iter) {
int x = std::stoi(*iter);
int y = std::stoi(*(++iter));
float reward = std::stof(*(++iter));
stateRewards[std::make_pair(x,y)] = reward;
if(ok) {
Grid grid(contentCells, backgroundCells, gridOptions, stateRewards);
//grid.printToPrism(std::cout, prism::ModelType::MDP);
grid.printToPrism(file, prism::ModelType::MDP);
} catch(qi::expectation_failure<pos_iterator_t> const& e) {
std::cout << "expected: "; print_info(e.what_);
std::cout << "got: \"" << std::string(e.first, e.last) << '"' << std::endl;
std::cout << "Expectation failure: " << e.what() << " at '" << std::string(e.first,e.last) << "'\n";
} catch(const std::exception& e) {
std::cerr << "Exception '" << typeid(e).name() << "' caught:" << std::endl;
std::cerr << "\t" << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;


@ -0,0 +1,8 @@


@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
#include "Grid.h"
#include <algorithm>
Grid::Grid(cells gridCells, cells background, const GridOptions &gridOptions, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards)
: allGridCells(gridCells), background(background), gridOptions(gridOptions), stateRewards(stateRewards)
cell max = - 1);
maxBoundaries = std::make_pair(max.row - 1, max.column - 1);
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(walls), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Wall;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(lava), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Lava;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(floor), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Floor;
std::copy_if(background.begin(), background.end(), std::back_inserter(slipperyNorth), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::SlipperyNorth;
std::copy_if(background.begin(), background.end(), std::back_inserter(slipperyEast), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::SlipperyEast;
std::copy_if(background.begin(), background.end(), std::back_inserter(slipperySouth), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::SlipperySouth;
std::copy_if(background.begin(), background.end(), std::back_inserter(slipperyWest), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::SlipperyWest;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(lockedDoors), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::LockedDoor;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(goals), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Goal;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(keys), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Key;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(boxes), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Box;
agent = *std::find_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Agent;
std::copy_if(gridCells.begin(), gridCells.end(), std::back_inserter(adversaries), [](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Adversary;
agentNameAndPositionMap.insert({ "Agent", agent.getCoordinates() });
for(auto const& adversary : adversaries) {
std::string color = adversary.getColor(); = std::toupper(;
try {
if(gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered.size() != 0 && std::find(gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered.begin(), gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered.end(), color) == gridOptions.agentsToBeConsidered.end()) continue;
auto success = agentNameAndPositionMap.insert({ color, adversary.getCoordinates() });
if(!success.second) {
throw std::logic_error("Agent with " + color + " already present\n");
} catch(const std::logic_error& e) {
std::cerr << "Expected agents colors to be different. Agent with color : '" << color << "' already present." << std::endl;
for(auto const& color : allColors) {
cells cellsOfColor;
std::copy_if(background.begin(), background.end(), std::back_inserter(cellsOfColor), [&color](cell c) {
return c.type == Type::Floor && c.color == color;
if(cellsOfColor.size() > 0) {
backgroundTiles.emplace(color, cellsOfColor);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Grid& grid) {
int lastRow = 1;
for(auto const& cell : grid.allGridCells) {
if(lastRow != cell.row)
os << std::endl;
os << static_cast<char>(cell.type) << static_cast<char>(cell.color);
lastRow = cell.row;
return os;
cells Grid::getGridCells() {
return allGridCells;
bool Grid::isBlocked(coordinates p) {
return isWall(p) || isLockedDoor(p) || isKey(p);
bool Grid::isWall(coordinates p) {
return std::find_if(walls.begin(), walls.end(),
[p](cell cell) {
return cell.row == p.first && cell.column == p.second;
}) != walls.end();
bool Grid::isLockedDoor(coordinates p) {
return std::find_if(lockedDoors.begin(), lockedDoors.end(),
[p](cell cell) {
return cell.row == p.first && cell.column == p.second;
}) != lockedDoors.end();
bool Grid::isKey(coordinates p) {
return std::find_if(keys.begin(), keys.end(),
[p](cell cell) {
return cell.row == p.first && cell.column == p.second;
}) != keys.end();
bool Grid::isBox(coordinates p) {
return std::find_if(boxes.begin(), boxes.end(),
[p](cell cell) {
return cell.row == p.first && cell.column == p.second;
}) != boxes.end();
void Grid::printToPrism(std::ostream& os, const prism::ModelType& modelType) {
cells northRestriction;
cells eastRestriction;
cells southRestriction;
cells westRestriction;
cells walkable = floor;
walkable.insert(walkable.end(), goals.begin(), goals.end());
walkable.insert(walkable.end(), boxes.begin(), boxes.end());
walkable.insert(walkable.end(), adversaries.begin(), adversaries.end());
walkable.insert(walkable.end(), lava.begin(), lava.end());
for(auto const& c : walkable) {
if(isBlocked(c.getNorth())) northRestriction.push_back(c);
if(isBlocked(c.getEast())) eastRestriction.push_back(c);
if(isBlocked(c.getSouth())) southRestriction.push_back(c);
if(isBlocked(c.getWest())) westRestriction.push_back(c);
prism::PrismModulesPrinter printer(modelType, agentNameAndPositionMap.size(), gridOptions.enforceOneWays);
printer.printModel(os, modelType);
if(modelType == prism::ModelType::SMG) {
printer.printGlobalMoveVariable(os, agentNameAndPositionMap.size());
for(auto const &backgroundTilesOfColor : backgroundTiles) {
for(auto agentNameAndPosition = agentNameAndPositionMap.begin(); agentNameAndPosition != agentNameAndPositionMap.end(); ++agentNameAndPosition) {
printer.printBackgroundLabels(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, backgroundTilesOfColor);
cells noTurnFloor;
if(gridOptions.enforceOneWays) {
for(auto const& c : floor) {
cell east = c.getEast(allGridCells);
cell south = c.getSouth(allGridCells);
cell west = c.getWest(allGridCells);
cell north = c.getNorth(allGridCells);
if( (east.type == Type::Wall && west.type == Type::Wall) or
(north.type == Type::Wall && south.type == Type::Wall) ) {
for(auto agentNameAndPosition = agentNameAndPositionMap.begin(); agentNameAndPosition != agentNameAndPositionMap.end(); ++agentNameAndPosition) {
printer.printFormulas(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, northRestriction, eastRestriction, southRestriction, westRestriction, { slipperyNorth, slipperyEast, slipperySouth, slipperyWest }, lava, walls, noTurnFloor, slipperyNorth, slipperyEast, slipperySouth, slipperyWest);
printer.printGoalLabel(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, goals);
printer.printKeysLabels(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, keys);
std::vector<AgentName> agentNames;
[](const std::map<AgentNameAndPosition::first_type,AgentNameAndPosition::second_type>::value_type &pair){return pair.first;});
if(modelType == prism::ModelType::SMG) {
printer.printCrashLabel(os, agentNames);
size_t agentIndex = 0;
for(auto agentNameAndPosition = agentNameAndPositionMap.begin(); agentNameAndPosition != agentNameAndPositionMap.end(); ++agentNameAndPosition, agentIndex++) {
AgentName agentName = agentNameAndPosition->first;
bool agentWithView = std::find(gridOptions.agentsWithView.begin(), gridOptions.agentsWithView.end(), agentName) != gridOptions.agentsWithView.end();
bool agentWithProbabilisticBehaviour = std::find(gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour.begin(), gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour.end(), agentName) != gridOptions.agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour.end();
std::set<std::string> slipperyActions;
printer.printInitStruct(os, agentName);
if(agentWithProbabilisticBehaviour) printer.printModule(os, agentName, agentIndex, maxBoundaries, agentNameAndPosition->second, keys, backgroundTiles, agentWithView, gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions);
else printer.printModule(os, agentName, agentIndex, maxBoundaries, agentNameAndPosition->second, keys, backgroundTiles, agentWithView);
for(auto const& c : slipperyNorth) {
printer.printSlipperyMove(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::North);
if(!gridOptions.enforceOneWays) printer.printSlipperyTurn(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::North);
for(auto const& c : slipperyEast) {
printer.printSlipperyMove(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::East);
if(!gridOptions.enforceOneWays) printer.printSlipperyTurn(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::East);
for(auto const& c : slipperySouth) {
printer.printSlipperyMove(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::South);
if(!gridOptions.enforceOneWays) printer.printSlipperyTurn(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::South);
for(auto const& c : slipperyWest) {
printer.printSlipperyMove(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::West);
if(!gridOptions.enforceOneWays) printer.printSlipperyTurn(os, agentName, agentIndex, c.getCoordinates(), slipperyActions, getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(c), prism::PrismModulesPrinter::SlipperyType::West);
if(modelType == prism::ModelType::SMG) {
if(agentWithProbabilisticBehaviour) printer.printPlayerStruct(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, agentWithView, gridOptions.probabilitiesForActions, slipperyActions);
else printer.printPlayerStruct(os, agentNameAndPosition->first, agentWithView, {}, slipperyActions);
//if(!stateRewards.empty()) {
printer.printRewards(os, agentName, stateRewards, lava, goals, backgroundTiles);
std::array<bool, 8> Grid::getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(cell c) /* const */ {
return (std::array<bool, 8>)


@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include "MinigridGrammar.h"
#include "PrismModulesPrinter.h"
struct GridOptions {
std::vector<AgentName> agentsToBeConsidered;
std::vector<AgentName> agentsWithView;
std::vector<AgentName> agentsWithProbabilisticBehaviour;
std::vector<float> probabilitiesForActions;
bool enforceOneWays;
class Grid {
Grid(cells gridCells, cells background, const GridOptions &gridOptions, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards = {});
cells getGridCells();
bool isBlocked(coordinates p);
bool isWall(coordinates p);
bool isLockedDoor(coordinates p);
bool isKey(coordinates p);
bool isBox(coordinates p);
void printToPrism(std::ostream &os, const prism::ModelType& modelType);
std::array<bool, 8> getWalkableDirOf8Neighborhood(cell c);
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Grid &grid);
GridOptions gridOptions;
cells allGridCells;
cells background;
coordinates maxBoundaries;
cell agent;
cells adversaries;
AgentNameAndPositionMap agentNameAndPositionMap;
cells walls;
cells floor;
cells slipperyNorth;
cells slipperyEast;
cells slipperySouth;
cells slipperyWest;
cells lockedDoors;
cells boxes;
cells lava;
cells goals;
cells keys;
std::map<Color, cells> backgroundTiles;
std::map<coordinates, float> stateRewards;


@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#pragma once
#include "cell.h"
#include <vector>
#include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/struct.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix_operator.hpp>
#include <boost/variant/recursive_wrapper.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/support_line_pos_iterator.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phoenix = boost::phoenix;
typedef boost::spirit::line_pos_iterator<std::string::const_iterator> pos_iterator_t;
typedef std::vector<cell> row;
typedef std::vector<cell> cells;
(Type, type)
(Color, color)
template<typename It>
struct annotation_f {
typedef void result_type;
annotation_f(It first) : first(first) {}
It const first;
template<typename Val, typename First, typename Last>
void operator()(Val& v, First f, Last l) const {
do_annotate(v, f, l, first);
void static do_annotate(cell& c, It f, It l, It first) {
c.row = get_line(f) - 1;
c.column = get_column(first, f) / 2;
static void do_annotate(...) { std::cerr << "(not having LocationInfo)\n"; }
template <typename It>
struct MinigridParser : qi::grammar<It, row()>
MinigridParser(It first) : MinigridParser::base_type(row_), annotate(first)
using namespace qi;
("W", Type::Wall)
(" ", Type::Floor)
("D", Type::Door)
("L", Type::LockedDoor)
("K", Type::Key)
("A", Type::Ball)
("B", Type::Box)
("G", Type::Goal)
("V", Type::Lava)
("n", Type::SlipperyNorth)
("e", Type::SlipperyEast)
("s", Type::SlipperySouth)
("w", Type::SlipperyWest)
("X", Type::Agent)
("Z", Type::Adversary);
("R", Color::Red)
("G", Color::Green)
("B", Color::Blue)
("P", Color::Purple)
("Y", Color::Yellow)
(" ", Color::None);
cell_ = type_ > color_;
row_ = (cell_ % -qi::char_("\n"));
auto set_location_info = annotate(_val, _1, _3);
on_success(cell_, set_location_info);
phoenix::function<annotation_f<It>> annotate;
qi::symbols<char, Type> type_;
qi::symbols<char, Color> color_;
qi::rule<It, cell()> cell_;
qi::rule<It, row()> row_;
typedef boost::tokenizer< boost::escaped_list_separator<char> , std::string::const_iterator, std::string> Tokenizer;
//std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const row& r);


@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#include <iostream>
#include "popl.hpp"
#include "OptionParser.h"
namespace io {
int printPoplException(const popl::invalid_option &e) {
std::cerr << "Invalid Option Exception: " << e.what() << "\n";
std::cerr << "error: ";
if (e.error() == popl::invalid_option::Error::missing_argument) {
std::cerr << "missing_argument\n";
} else if (e.error() == popl::invalid_option::Error::invalid_argument) {
std::cerr << "invalid_argument\n";
} else if (e.error() == popl::invalid_option::Error::too_many_arguments) {
std::cerr << "too_many_arguments\n";
} else if (e.error() == popl::invalid_option::Error::missing_option) {
std::cerr << "missing_option\n";
if (e.error() == popl::invalid_option::Error::missing_option) {
std::string option_name(e.option()->name(popl::OptionName::short_name, true));
if (option_name.empty())
option_name = e.option()->name(popl::OptionName::long_name, true);
std::cerr << "option: " << option_name << "\n";
else {
std::cerr << "option: " << e.option()->name(e.what_name()) << "\n";
std::cerr << "value: " << e.value() << "\n";


@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include "popl.hpp"
#define INPUT_ERROR 1
#define INPUT_OK 0
namespace io {
int printPoplException(const popl::invalid_option &e);


@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
#include "PrismModulesPrinter.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
namespace prism {
PrismModulesPrinter::PrismModulesPrinter(const ModelType &modelType, const size_t &numberOfPlayer, const bool enforceOneWays)
: modelType(modelType), numberOfPlayer(numberOfPlayer), enforceOneWays(enforceOneWays) {
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printModel(std::ostream &os, const ModelType &modelType) {
switch(modelType) {
os << "mdp";
os << "smg";
os << "\n\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printBackgroundLabels(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::pair<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles) {
if(backgroundTiles.second.size() == 0) return os;
bool first = true;
std::string color = getColor(backgroundTiles.first); = std::toupper(;
os << "formula " << agentName << "On" << color << " = ";
for(auto const& cell : backgroundTiles.second) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
os << "label \"" << agentName << "On" << color << "\" = " << agentName << "On" << color << ";\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printRestrictionFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &cells) {
bool first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "CannotMove" << direction << " = " ;
for(auto const& cell : cells) {
if(first) first = false;
else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printIsOnSlipperyFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection, const cells &slipperyNorth, const cells &slipperyEast, const cells &slipperySouth, const cells &slipperyWest) {
if(std::find_if(slipperyCollection.cbegin(), slipperyCollection.cend(), [=](const std::reference_wrapper<cells>& c) { return !c.get().empty(); }) == slipperyCollection.cend()) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlippery = false;\n";
return os;
bool first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlippery = ";
for (const auto& slippery: slipperyCollection) {
for(const auto& cell : slippery.get()) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
if(enforceOneWays) {
first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlipperyNorth = ";
for (const auto& cell: slipperyNorth) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlipperyEast = ";
for (const auto& cell: slipperyEast) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlipperySouth = ";
for (const auto& cell: slipperySouth) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnSlipperyWest = ";
for (const auto& cell: slipperyWest) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printIsInLavaFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &lava) {
if(lava.size() == 0) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInLava = false;\n";
return os;
bool first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInLava = ";
for(auto const& cell : lava) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInLavaAndNotDone = " << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "Done;\n";
os << "label \"" << agentName << "IsInLavaAndNotDone\" = " << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "Done;\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printTurningNotAllowedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &noTurnFloor) {
if( (!enforceOneWays or noTurnFloor.size() == 0) or (noTurnFloor.size() == 0) ) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "CannotTurn = false;\n";
return os;
bool first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "CannotTurn = ";
for(auto const& cell : noTurnFloor) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << " | " << agentName << "IsOnSlippery;\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printIsFixedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsFixed = false;\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed = true;\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "SlipperyTurnRightAllowed = true;\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed = true;\n";
os << "label \"FixedStates\" = " << agentName << "IsFixed | !" << agentName << "SlipperyTurnRightAllowed | !" << agentName << "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed | !" << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed | " << agentName << "IsInGoal | " << agentName << "IsInLava";
if(enforceOneWays) {
os << " | " << agentName << "CannotTurn";
os << ";\n";
//os << "label \"FixedStates\" = " << agentName << "IsFixed | " << agentName << "IsOnSlippery | " << agentName << "IsInGoal | " << agentName << "IsInLava;\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printWallFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &walls) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsOnWall = ";
bool first = true;
for(auto const& cell : walls) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printFormulas(std::ostream& os,
const AgentName &agentName,
const cells &restrictionNorth,
const cells &restrictionEast,
const cells &restrictionSouth,
const cells &restrictionWest,
const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection,
const cells &lava,
const cells &walls,
const cells &noTurnFloor,
const cells &slipperyNorth,
const cells &slipperyEast,
const cells &slipperySouth,
const cells &slipperyWest) {
printRestrictionFormula(os, agentName, "North", restrictionNorth);
printRestrictionFormula(os, agentName, "East ", restrictionEast);
printRestrictionFormula(os, agentName, "South", restrictionSouth);
printRestrictionFormula(os, agentName, "West ", restrictionWest);
printIsOnSlipperyFormula(os, agentName, slipperyCollection, slipperyNorth, slipperyEast, slipperySouth, slipperyWest);
printIsInLavaFormula(os, agentName, lava);
printWallFormula(os, agentName, walls);
printTurningNotAllowedFormulas(os, agentName, noTurnFloor);
printIsFixedFormulas(os, agentName);
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printGoalLabel(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &goals) {
if(goals.size() == 0) {
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInGoal = false;\n";
return os;
bool first = true;
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInGoal = ";
for(auto const& cell : goals) {
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(x" << agentName << "=" << cell.column << "&y" << agentName << "=" << cell.row << ")";
os << ";\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "IsInGoalAndNotDone = " << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "Done;\n";
os << "label \"" << agentName << "IsInGoalAndNotDone\" = " << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "Done;\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printCrashLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames) {
os << "label crash = ";
bool first = true;
for(auto const& agentName : agentNames) {
if(agentName == "Agent") continue;
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "(xAgent=x" << agentName << ")&(yAgent=y" << agentName << ")";
os << ";\n\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printAvoidanceLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames, const int &distance) {
os << "label avoidance = ";
bool first = true;
for(auto const& agentName : agentNames) {
if(agentName == "Agent") continue;
if(first) first = false; else os << " | ";
os << "max(xAgent-x" << agentName << ",x" << agentName << "-xAgent)+";
os << "max(yAgent-y" << agentName << ",y" << agentName << "-yAgent) ";
os << ";\n\n";
return os;
// TODO this does not account for multiple agents yet, i.e. key can be picked up multiple times
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printKeysLabels(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys) {
if(keys.size() == 0) return os;
for(auto const& key : keys) {
int xKey = key.getCoordinates().first;
int yKey = key.getCoordinates().second;
std::string keyColor = key.getColor();
os << "label \"" << agentName << "PickedUp" << keyColor << "Key\" = " << agentName << "_has_" << keyColor << "_key = true;\n";
os << "formula " << agentName << "CanPickUp" << keyColor << "Key = ";
os << "((x" << agentName << "-1 = " << xKey << "&y" << agentName << " = " << yKey << "&view" << agentName << " = 1) |";
os << " (x" << agentName << "+1 = " << xKey << "&y" << agentName << " = " << yKey << "&view" << agentName << " = 3) |";
os << " (x" << agentName << " = " << xKey << "&y" << agentName << "-1 = " << yKey << "&view" << agentName << " = 0) |";
os << " (x" << agentName << " = " << xKey << "&y" << agentName << "+1 = " << yKey << "&view" << agentName << " = 2) ) &";
os << "!" << agentName << "_has_" << keyColor << "_key;";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printBooleansForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys) {
for(auto const& key : keys) {
os << "\t" << agentName << "_has_"<< key.getColor() << "_key : bool init false;\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printBooleansForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles) {
for(auto const& [color, cells] : backgroundTiles) {
if(cells.size() == 0) continue;
std::string c = getColor(color); = std::toupper(;
os << "\t" << agentName << "_picked_up_" << c << " : bool init false;\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printActionsForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys) {
for(auto const& key : keys) {
std::string keyColor = key.getColor();
os << "\t[pickup_" << keyColor << "_key] " << agentName << "CanPickUp" << keyColor << "Key -> ";
os << "(" << agentName << "_has_" << keyColor << "_key'=true);";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printActionsForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles) {
for(auto const& [color, cells] : backgroundTiles) {
if(cells.size() == 0) continue;
std::string c = getColor(color); = std::toupper(;
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_pickup_" << c << "] " << agentName << "On" << c << " & !" << agentName << "_picked_up_" << c << " -> ";
os << "(" << agentName << "_picked_up_" << c << "'=true);\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printInitStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName) {
os << "init\n";
os << "\t(!AgentIsInGoal & !AgentIsInLava & !AgentDone & !AgentIsOnWall)";
if(enforceOneWays) {
os << " & ( !AgentCannotTurn ) ";
} else {
os << " & ( !AgentIsOnSlippery ) ";
os << "\nendinit\n\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printModule(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &boundaries, const coordinates& initialPosition, const cells &keys, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities) {
os << "module " << agentName << "\n";
os << "\tx" << agentName << " : [1.." << boundaries.second << "];\n";
os << "\ty" << agentName << " : [1.." << boundaries.first << "];\n";
printBooleansForKeys(os, agentName, keys);
printBooleansForBackground(os, agentName, backgroundTiles);
os << "\t" << agentName << "Done : bool;\n";
if(agentWithView) {
os << "\tview" << agentName << " : [0..3];\n";
os << "\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_turn_right] " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " !" << agentName << "CannotTurn & " << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery -> (view" << agentName << "'=mod(view" << agentName << " + 1, 4)) " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_turn_left] " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " !" << agentName << "CannotTurn & " << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & view" << agentName << ">0 -> (view" << agentName << "'=view" << agentName << " - 1) " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_turn_left] " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " !" << agentName << "CannotTurn & " << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & view" << agentName << "=0 -> (view" << agentName << "'=3) " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
if(enforceOneWays) {
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_stuck] !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << agentName << "CannotTurn & view" << agentName << " = 0 & " << agentName << "CannotMoveEast -> true;\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_stuck] !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << agentName << "CannotTurn & view" << agentName << " = 1 & " << agentName << "CannotMoveSouth -> true;\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_stuck] !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << agentName << "CannotTurn & view" << agentName << " = 2 & " << agentName << "CannotMoveWest -> true;\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_stuck] !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << agentName << "CannotTurn & view" << agentName << " = 3 & " << agentName << "CannotMoveNorth -> true;\n";
} else {
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_turns] " << " !" << agentName << "CannotTurn & " << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " true -> (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << ")" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
printActionsForKeys(os, agentName, keys);
printActionsForBackground(os, agentName, backgroundTiles);
os << "\n";
printMovementActions(os, agentName, agentIndex, agentWithView);
for(auto const& probability : probabilities) {
printMovementActions(os, agentName, agentIndex, agentWithView, probability);
printDoneActions(os, agentName, agentIndex);
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printMovementActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const bool agentWithView, const float &probability) {
if(probability >= 1) {
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_north]" << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 3, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava &!" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveNorth -> (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << "-1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_east] " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 0, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava &!" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveEast -> (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << "+1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_south]" << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 1, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava &!" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveSouth -> (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << "+1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_west] " << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 2, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava &!" << agentName << "IsInGoal & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveWest -> (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << "-1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
} else {
std::string probabilityString = std::to_string(probability);
std::string percentageString = std::to_string((int)(100 * probability));
std::string complementProbabilityString = std::to_string(1 - probability);
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_north_" << percentageString << "] ";
os << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 3, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveNorth -> ";
os << probabilityString << ": (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << "-1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << " + ";
os << complementProbabilityString << ": (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << ") " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_east_" << percentageString << "] ";
os << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 0, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveEast -> ";
os << probabilityString << ": (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << "+1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << " + ";
os << complementProbabilityString << ": (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << ") " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_south_" << percentageString << "] ";
os << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 1, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveSouth -> ";
os << probabilityString << ": (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << "+1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << " + ";
os << complementProbabilityString << ": (y" << agentName << "'=y" << agentName << ") " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_move_west_" << percentageString << "] ";
os << moveGuard(agentIndex) << viewVariable(agentName, 2, agentWithView) << " !" << agentName << "IsFixed & " << " !" << agentName << "IsOnSlippery & !" << agentName << "IsInLava & !" << agentName << "CannotMoveWest -> ";
os << probabilityString << ": (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << "-1)" << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << " + ";
os << complementProbabilityString << ": (x" << agentName << "'=x" << agentName << ") " << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << ";\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printDoneActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex) {
os << "\t[" << agentName << "_done]" << moveGuard(agentIndex) << agentName << "IsInGoal | " << agentName << "IsInLava -> (" << agentName << "Done'=true);\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printSlipperyTurn(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation) {
constexpr std::size_t PROB_PIECES = 9, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS = 9;
std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> positionTransition = {
/* north */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
/* north east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
/* east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1)",
/* east south */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* south */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* south west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1)",
/* north west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
/* own position */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + ") & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + ")"
// view transition appdx in form (guard, update part)
// IMPORTANT: No mod() usage for turn left due to bug in mod() function for decrement
std::array<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, 3> viewTransition = {
/* turn to right */ std::make_pair(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnRightAllowed ", " & (view" + agentName + "'=mod(view" + agentName + " + 1, 4))"),
/* turn to left */ std::make_pair(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed & view" + agentName + ">0", " & (view" + agentName + "'=view" + agentName + " - 1)"),
/* turn to left */ std::make_pair(" & " + agentName + "SlipperyTurnLeftAllowed & view" + agentName + "=0", " & (view" + agentName + "'=3)")
// direction specifics
std::string actionName;
std::size_t remainPosIndex = 8;
std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir; // { n, ne, w, se, s, sw, w, nw, CURRENT POS }
switch (orientation)
case SlipperyType::North:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_north]";
prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
case SlipperyType::South:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_south]";
prob_piece_dir = { 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 /* <- R */ };
case SlipperyType::East:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_east]";
prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0 /* <- R */ };
case SlipperyType::West:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "turn_at_slip_west]";
prob_piece_dir = { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 /* <- R */ };
// override probability to 0 if corresp. direction is blocked
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1; i++) {
if (! = 0;
// determine residual probability (R) by replacing 0 with (1 - overall sum) = PROB_PIECES - std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0);
assert( <= 9 && >= 6 && "Value not in Range!");
assert(std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0) == PROB_PIECES && "Does not sum up to 1!");
// generic output (for every view transition)
for (std::size_t v = 0; v < viewTransition.size(); v++) {
os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first <<;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << "/" << PROB_PIECES << " : " << << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printSlipperyMove(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation) {
constexpr std::size_t PROB_PIECES = 9, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS = 8;
std::array<std::string, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> positionTransition = {
/* north */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
/* north east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)",
/* east */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1)",
/* east south */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "+1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* south */ "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* south west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "+1)",
/* west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1)",
/* north west */ "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + "-1) & (y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + "-1)"
// direction specifics
std::size_t straightPosIndex;
std::string actionName, specialTransition; // if straight ahead is blocked
std::array<std::size_t, ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS> prob_piece_dir; // { n, ne, w, se, s, sw, w, nw }
switch (orientation)
case SlipperyType::North:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_north]";
prob_piece_dir = { 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0 };
straightPosIndex = 4;
specialTransition = "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "+1)");
case SlipperyType::South:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_south]";
prob_piece_dir = { 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2 };
straightPosIndex = 0; // always north
specialTransition = "(y" + agentName + "'=y" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "-1)");
case SlipperyType::East:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_east]";
prob_piece_dir = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2 };
straightPosIndex = 6;
specialTransition = "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "-1)");
case SlipperyType::West:
actionName = "\t[" + agentName + "move_on_slip_west]";
prob_piece_dir = { 1, 2, 0 /* <- R */, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0 };
straightPosIndex = 2;
specialTransition = "(x" + agentName + "'=x" + agentName + (! ? ")" : "+1)");
// override probability to 0 if corresp. direction is blocked
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
if (! = 0;
// determine residual probability (R) by replacing 0 with (1 - overall sum)
if(enforceOneWays) {
prob_piece_dir = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
} = PROB_PIECES - std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0);
assert( <= 9 && >= 3 && "Value not in Range!");
assert(std::accumulate(prob_piece_dir.begin(), prob_piece_dir.end(), 0) == PROB_PIECES && "Does not sum up to 1!");
assert(orientation != SlipperyType::North || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery up should be impossible!"));
assert(orientation != SlipperyType::South || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery down should be impossible!"));
assert(orientation != SlipperyType::East || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery right should be impossible!"));
assert(orientation != SlipperyType::West || ( == 0 && == 0 && == 0 && "Slippery left should be impossible!"));
// special case: straight forward is blocked (then remain in same position) = specialTransition;
// generic output (for every view and every possible view direction)
os << actionName << moveGuard(agentIndex) << " x" << agentName << "=" << c.second << " & y" << agentName << "=" << c.first << " & " << agentName << "SlipperyMoveForwardAllowed ";
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS; i++) {
os << (i == 0 ? " -> " : " + ") << << "/" << PROB_PIECES << " : " << << moveUpdate(agentIndex) << (i == ALL_POSS_DIRECTIONS - 1 ? ";\n" : "\n");
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printEndmodule(std::ostream &os) {
os << "endmodule\n";
os << "\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printPlayerStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities, const std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions) {
os << "player " << agentName << "\n\t";
bool first = true;
std::list<std::string> allActions = { "_move_north", "_move_east", "_move_south", "_move_west" };
std::list<std::string> movementActions = allActions;
for(auto const& probability : probabilities) {
std::string percentageString = std::to_string((int)(100 * probability));
for(auto const& movement : movementActions) {
allActions.push_back(movement + "_" + percentageString);
if(agentWithView) {
} else {
for(auto const& action : allActions) {
if(first) first = false; else os << ", ";
os << "[" << agentName << action << "]";
for(auto const& action : slipperyActions) {
os << ", " << action;
os << "\nendplayer\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printGlobalMoveVariable(std::ostream &os, const size_t &numberOfPlayer) {
os << "\nglobal move : [0.." << std::to_string(numberOfPlayer - 1) << "] init 0;\n\n";
return os;
std::ostream& PrismModulesPrinter::printRewards(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards, const cells &lava, const cells &goals, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles) {
if(lava.size() != 0) {
os << "rewards \"SafetyNoBFS\"\n";
os << "\tAgentIsInLavaAndNotDone: -100;\n";
os << "endrewards\n";
os << "rewards \"SafetyNoBFSAndGoal\"\n";
if(goals.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInGoalAndNotDone: 100;\n";
if(lava.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInLavaAndNotDone: -100;\n";
os << "endrewards\n";
os << "rewards \"Time\"\n";
os << "\t!AgentIsInGoal : -1;\n";
if(goals.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInGoalAndNotDone: 100;\n";
if(lava.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInLavaAndNotDone: -100;\n";
os << "endrewards\n";
if(stateRewards.size() > 0) {
os << "rewards \"SafetyWithBFS\"\n";
if(lava.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInLavaAndNotDone: -100;\n";
for(auto const [coordinates, reward] : stateRewards) {
os << "\txAgent=" << coordinates.first << "&yAgent=" << coordinates.second << " : " << reward << ";\n";
os << "endrewards\n";
if(stateRewards.size() > 0) {
os << "rewards \"SafetyWithBFSAndGoal\"\n";
if(goals.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInGoalAndNotDone: 100;\n";
if(lava.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInLavaAndNotDone: -100;\n";
for(auto const [coordinates, reward] : stateRewards) {
os << "\txAgent=" << coordinates.first << "&yAgent=" << coordinates.second << " : " << reward << ";\n";
os << "endrewards\n";
for(auto const entry : backgroundTiles)
std::cout << getColor(entry.first) << " ";
for(auto const cell : entry.second){
std::cout << cell.getCoordinates().first << " " << cell.getCoordinates().second << std::endl;
if(backgroundTiles.size() > 0) {
os << "rewards \"TaxiReward\"\n";
os << "\t!AgentIsInGoal : -1;\n";
std::string allPassengersPickedUp = "";
bool first = true;
for(auto const [color, cells] : backgroundTiles) {
if(cells.size() == 0) continue;
if(first) first = false; else allPassengersPickedUp += "&";
std::string c = getColor(color); = std::toupper(;
std::string visitedLabel = agentName + "_picked_up_" + c;
allPassengersPickedUp += visitedLabel;
os << "[" << agentName << "_pickup_" << c << "] true : 100;\n";
if(goals.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInGoalAndNotDone & " << allPassengersPickedUp << " : 100;\n";
if(goals.size() != 0) os << "\tAgentIsInGoalAndNotDone & !(" << allPassengersPickedUp << ") : -100;\n";
os << "endrewards";
return os;
std::string PrismModulesPrinter::moveGuard(const size_t &agentIndex) {
return isGame() ? " move=" + std::to_string(agentIndex) + " & " : " ";
std::string PrismModulesPrinter::moveUpdate(const size_t &agentIndex) {
return isGame() ?
(agentIndex == numberOfPlayer - 1) ?
" & (move'=0) " :
" & (move'=" + std::to_string(agentIndex + 1) + ") " :
std::string PrismModulesPrinter::viewVariable(const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentDirection, const bool agentWithView) {
return agentWithView ? " view" + agentName + "=" + std::to_string(agentDirection) + " & " : " ";
bool PrismModulesPrinter::isGame() const {
return modelType == ModelType::SMG;


@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include "MinigridGrammar.h"
#include "PrismPrinter.h"
namespace prism {
class PrismModulesPrinter {
PrismModulesPrinter(const ModelType &modelType, const size_t &numberOfPlayer, const bool enforceOneWays = false);
std::ostream& printRestrictionFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::string &direction, const cells &cells);
std::ostream& printIsOnSlipperyFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection, const cells &slipperyNorth, const cells &slipperyEast, const cells &slipperySouth, const cells &slipperyWest);
std::ostream& printGoalLabel(std::ostream& os, const AgentName&agentName, const cells &goals);
std::ostream& printCrashLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames);
std::ostream& printAvoidanceLabel(std::ostream &os, const std::vector<AgentName> agentNames, const int &distance);
std::ostream& printKeysLabels(std::ostream& os, const AgentName&agentName, const cells &keys);
std::ostream& printBackgroundLabels(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::pair<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles);
std::ostream& printIsInLavaFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &lava);
std::ostream& printIsFixedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName);
std::ostream& printTurningNotAllowedFormulas(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &floor);
std::ostream& printWallFormula(std::ostream& os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &walls);
std::ostream& printFormulas(std::ostream& os,
const AgentName&agentName,
const cells &restrictionNorth,
const cells &restrictionEast,
const cells &restrictionSouth,
const cells &restrictionWest,
const std::vector<std::reference_wrapper<cells>> &slipperyCollection,
const cells &lava,
const cells &walls,
const cells &noTurnFloor,
const cells &slipperyNorth,
const cells &slipperyEast,
const cells &slipperySouth,
const cells &slipperyWest);
* Representation for Slippery Tile.
* -) North: Slips from North to South
* -) East: Slips from East to West
* -) South: Slips from South to North
* -) West: Slips from West to East
enum class SlipperyType { North, East, South, West };
* Prints Slippery on move action.
* @param neighborhood: Information of wall-blocks in 8-neighborhood { n, nw, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }. If entry is false, then corresponding neighboorhood position is a wall.
* @param orientation: Information of slippery type (either north, south, east, west).
std::ostream& printSlipperyMove(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation);
* Prints Slippery on turn action.
* @param neighborhood: Information of wall-blocks in 8-neighborhood { n, nw, e, se, s, sw, w, nw }. If entry is false, then corresponding neighboorhood position is a wall.
* @param orientation: Information of slippery type (either north, south, east, west).
std::ostream& printSlipperyTurn(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &c, std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions, const std::array<bool, 8>& neighborhood, SlipperyType orientation);
std::ostream& printModel(std::ostream &os, const ModelType &modelType);
std::ostream& printBooleansForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys);
std::ostream& printActionsForKeys(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const cells &keys);
std::ostream& printBooleansForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles);
std::ostream& printActionsForBackground(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles);
std::ostream& printInitStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName);
std::ostream& printModule(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const coordinates &boundaries, const coordinates& initialPosition, const cells &keys, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities = {});
std::ostream& printMovementActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex, const bool agentWithView, const float &probability = 1.0);
std::ostream& printDoneActions(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentIndex);
std::ostream& printEndmodule(std::ostream &os);
std::ostream& printPlayerStruct(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const bool agentWithView, const std::vector<float> &probabilities = {}, const std::set<std::string> &slipperyActions = {});
std::ostream& printGlobalMoveVariable(std::ostream &os, const size_t &numberOfPlayer);
std::ostream& printRewards(std::ostream &os, const AgentName &agentName, const std::map<coordinates, float> &stateRewards, const cells &lava, const cells &goals, const std::map<Color, cells> &backgroundTiles);
std::string moveGuard(const size_t &agentIndex);
std::string moveUpdate(const size_t &agentIndex);
std::string viewVariable(const AgentName &agentName, const size_t &agentDirection, const bool agentWithView);
bool isGame() const;
ModelType const& modelType;
const size_t numberOfPlayer;
bool enforceOneWays;


@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "cell.h"
typedef std::string AgentName;
typedef std::pair<std::string, coordinates> AgentNameAndPosition;
typedef std::map<AgentNameAndPosition::first_type, AgentNameAndPosition::second_type> AgentNameAndPositionMap;
namespace prism {
enum class ModelType {


@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "cell.h"
#include <stdexcept>
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const cell &c) {
os << static_cast<char>(c.type) << static_cast<char>(c.color);
os << " at (" << c.row << "," << c.column << ")";
return os;
cell cell::getNorth(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const {
auto north = std::find_if(grid.begin(), grid.end(), [this](const cell &c) {
return this->row - 1 == c.row && this->column == c.column;
if(north == grid.end()) {
throw std::logic_error{ "Cannot get cell north of (" + std::to_string(row) + "," + std::to_string(column) + ")"};
return *north;
cell cell::getEast(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const {
auto east = std::find_if(grid.begin(), grid.end(), [this](const cell &c) {
return this->row == c.row && this->column + 1 == c.column;
if(east == grid.end()) {
throw std::logic_error{ "Cannot get cell east of (" + std::to_string(row) + "," + std::to_string(column) + ")"};
return *east;
cell cell::getSouth(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const {
auto south = std::find_if(grid.begin(), grid.end(), [this](const cell &c) {
return this->row + 1 == c.row && this->column == c.column;
if(south == grid.end()) {
throw std::logic_error{ "Cannot get cell south of (" + std::to_string(row) + "," + std::to_string(column) + ")"};
return *south;
cell cell::getWest(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const {
auto west = std::find_if(grid.begin(), grid.end(), [this](const cell &c) {
return this->row == c.row && this->column - 1 == c.column;
if(west == grid.end()) {
throw std::logic_error{ "Cannot get cell west of (" + std::to_string(row) + "," + std::to_string(column) + ")"};
return *west;
coordinates cell::getCoordinates() const {
return std::make_pair(row, column);
std::string cell::getColor() const {
switch(color) {
case Color::Red: return "red";
case Color::Green: return "green";
case Color::Blue: return "blue";
case Color::Purple: return "purple";
case Color::Yellow: return "yellow";
case Color::None: return "transparent";
default: return "";
//case Color::Grey = 'G',
std::string getColor(Color color) {
switch(color) {
case Color::Red: return "red";
case Color::Green: return "green";
case Color::Blue: return "blue";
case Color::Purple: return "purple";
case Color::Yellow: return "yellow";
case Color::None: return "transparent";
default: return "";
//case Color::Grey = 'G',


@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
typedef std::pair<int, int> coordinates;
class Grid;
enum class Type : char {
Wall = 'W',
Floor = ' ',
Door = 'D',
LockedDoor = 'L',
Key = 'K',
Ball = 'A',
Box = 'B',
Goal = 'G',
Lava = 'V',
Agent = 'X',
Adversary = 'Z',
SlipperyNorth = 'n',
SlipperySouth = 's',
SlipperyEast = 'e',
SlipperyWest = 'w'
enum class Color : char {
Red = 'R',
Green = 'G',
Blue = 'B',
Purple = 'P',
Yellow = 'Y',
//Grey = 'G',
None = ' '
constexpr std::initializer_list<Color> allColors = {Color::Red, Color::Green, Color::Blue, Color::Purple, Color::Yellow};
std::string getColor(Color color);
class cell {
coordinates getNorth() const { return std::make_pair(row - 1, column); }
coordinates getSouth() const { return std::make_pair(row + 1, column); }
coordinates getEast() const { return std::make_pair(row, column + 1); }
coordinates getWest() const { return std::make_pair(row, column - 1); }
cell getNorth(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const;
cell getEast(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const;
cell getSouth(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const;
cell getWest(const std::vector<cell> &grid) const;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const cell& cell);
coordinates getCoordinates() const;
std::string getColor() const;
int row;
int column;
Type type;
Color color;

File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
