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import stormpy
import stormpy.simulator
#householdWaitCounter = [0,0]
householdWaitCounter = [0,0,0]
cumulativeDraw = 0
cumulativeRevenue = 0
maxWaitingTime = -1
def frame(i, observation, propertyForScheduling,labels):
global cumulativeDraw
global cumulativeRevenue
global maxWaitingTime
energyPrice = int(str(observation['energy_price']))
totalDraw = int(str(observation['power_draw1'])) + int(str(observation['power_draw2']))
rejected1 = str(observation["job_rejected1"]) == ("true")
rejected2 = str(observation["job_rejected2"]) == ("true")
scheduled1 = str(observation["job_scheduled1"]) == ("true")
scheduled2 = str(observation["job_scheduled2"]) == ("true")
executing1 = str(observation["job_executed1"]) == ("true")
executing2 = str(observation["job_executed2"]) == ("true")
cumulativeDraw += totalDraw
if rejected1:
householdWaitCounter[0] += 1
if maxWaitingTime < householdWaitCounter[0]:
maxWaitingTime = householdWaitCounter[0]
elif executing1:
householdWaitCounter[0] = 0
cumulativeRevenue += energyPrice
if rejected2:
householdWaitCounter[1] += 1
if maxWaitingTime < householdWaitCounter[1]:
maxWaitingTime = householdWaitCounter[1]
elif executing2:
householdWaitCounter[1] = 0
cumulativeRevenue += energyPrice
header = f" Timestep {i:03} Scheduler: {propertyForScheduling} ".center(80, '#')
return f"""
# #
# Current Draw : {totalDraw:02} Current Price : {energyPrice:02}{'#'.rjust(41)}
# Current Draw : {str('x'*totalDraw).ljust(20)}{'#'.rjust(42)}
# Current Price : {str('x'*energyPrice).ljust(20)}{'#'.rjust(42)}
{"Household 1:".ljust(30)}Household 2:
{"Scheduled".ljust(30) if scheduled1 else " ".ljust(30)} {"Scheduled".ljust(30) if scheduled2 else " ".ljust(30)}
{"Rejected".ljust(30) if rejected1 else " ".ljust(30)} {"Rejected".ljust(30) if rejected2 else " ".ljust(30)}
{"Executing".ljust(30) if executing1 else " ".ljust(30)} {"Executing".ljust(30) if executing2 else " ".ljust(30)}
Waiting Time: {str(householdWaitCounter[0]).ljust(15)} Waiting Time: {householdWaitCounter[1]}
Maximum Waiting Time : {maxWaitingTime}
Average Draw : {(cumulativeDraw / i):1.5f}
Revenue : {str(cumulativeRevenue).rjust(15)} Average Revenue per Timestep : {(cumulativeRevenue/i):1.5f}
# #
def frame3(i, observation, propertyForScheduling,labels):
global cumulativeDraw
global cumulativeRevenue
global maxWaitingTime
energyPrice = int(str(observation['energy_price']))
totalDraw = int(str(observation['power_draw1'])) + int(str(observation['power_draw2'])) + int(str(observation['power_draw3']))
rejected1 = str(observation["job_rejected1"]) == ("true")
rejected2 = str(observation["job_rejected2"]) == ("true")
scheduled1 = str(observation["job_scheduled1"]) == ("true")
scheduled2 = str(observation["job_scheduled2"]) == ("true")
executing1 = str(observation["job_executed1"]) == ("true")
executing2 = str(observation["job_executed2"]) == ("true")
rejected3 = str(observation["job_rejected3"]) == ("true")
scheduled3 = str(observation["job_scheduled3"]) == ("true")
executing3 = str(observation["job_executed3"]) == ("true")
cumulativeDraw += totalDraw
if rejected1:
householdWaitCounter[0] += 1
if maxWaitingTime < householdWaitCounter[0]:
maxWaitingTime = householdWaitCounter[0]
elif executing1:
householdWaitCounter[0] = 0
cumulativeRevenue += energyPrice
if rejected2:
householdWaitCounter[1] += 1
if maxWaitingTime < householdWaitCounter[1]:
maxWaitingTime = householdWaitCounter[1]
elif executing2:
householdWaitCounter[1] = 0
cumulativeRevenue += energyPrice
if rejected3:
householdWaitCounter[2] += 1
if maxWaitingTime < householdWaitCounter[2]:
maxWaitingTime = householdWaitCounter[2]
elif executing3:
householdWaitCounter[2] = 0
cumulativeRevenue += energyPrice
header = f" Timestep {i:03} Scheduler: {propertyForScheduling} ".center(80, '#')
return f"""
# #
# Current Draw : {totalDraw:02} Current Price : {energyPrice:02}{'#'.rjust(41)}
# Current Draw : {str('x'*totalDraw).ljust(20)}{'#'.rjust(42)}
# Current Price : {str('x'*energyPrice).ljust(20)}{'#'.rjust(42)}
{"Household 1:".ljust(20)}{"Household 2:".ljust(20)}Household 3:
{"Scheduled".ljust(20) if scheduled1 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Scheduled".ljust(20) if scheduled2 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Scheduled".ljust(20) if scheduled3 else " ".ljust(20)}
{"Rejected".ljust(20) if rejected1 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Rejected".ljust(20) if rejected2 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Rejected".ljust(20) if rejected3 else " ".ljust(20)}
{"Executing".ljust(20) if executing1 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Executing".ljust(20) if executing2 else " ".ljust(20)} {"Executing".ljust(20) if executing3 else " ".ljust(20)}
Waiting Time: {str(householdWaitCounter[0]).ljust(15)} Waiting Time: {householdWaitCounter[1]}
Maximum Waiting Time : {maxWaitingTime}
Average Draw : {(cumulativeDraw / i):1.5f}
Revenue : {str(cumulativeRevenue).rjust(15)} Average Revenue per Timestep : {(cumulativeRevenue/i):1.5f}
# #
def mdp():
global cumulativeDraw
global cumulativeRevenue
global maxWaitingTime
prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program("/media/mgm.prism")
# TODO: Add more properties here
formula_str = "R{\"energyPriceAndSatisfaction\"}max=? [ LRA ];"
formula_str += "Pmax=? [ G (totalDraw < 5) ];"
formula_str += "P=? [ F (job_rejected2 & job_rejected1) ];"
formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(formula_str, prism_program)
options = stormpy.BuilderOptions([p.raw_formula for p in formulas])
model = stormpy.build_sparse_model_with_options(prism_program, options)
initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
assert initial_state == 0
# TODO: Adapt here to change to different scheduling
propertyForScheduling = formulas[0]
result = stormpy.model_checking(model, propertyForScheduling, extract_scheduler=True)
print("Result: {}".format(
assert result.has_scheduler
scheduler = result.scheduler
assert scheduler.memoryless
assert scheduler.deterministic
dtmc = model.apply_scheduler(scheduler)
# TODO: Add more calls to 'stormpy.model_checking(dtmc, ...)' here to check multiple properties
result = stormpy.model_checking(dtmc, formulas[-1])
print("Probability to reject both: {} (in induced Markov Chain)".format(
simulator = stormpy.simulator.create_simulator(dtmc)
input("Hit enter to start the simulation.")
while True:
while i < 5000:
i += 1
observation, reward, labels = simulator.step()
input("Hit Enter to reset and start new run.")
householdWaitCounter = [0,0]
cumulativeDraw = 0
cumulativeRevenue = 0
maxWaitingTime = -1
if __name__ == '__main__':