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const int lanes = 5; // Counting the sidewalks as lanes
const int streetLength = 20;
const int maxVelocity = 3;
const int minVelocity = 1;
const int pedMove = 0;
const int car1Move = 1;
const int car1LaneInit = 2;
const double probCrossStreet = 0.2;
global move : [0..1] init 0;
formula ped_at_edge = ped_street_pos = 1 | ped_street_pos = streetLength;
formula car_at_end = car_street_pos = streetLength;
formula crash = (car_street_pos =ped_street_pos&car_lane_pos =ped_lane_pos);
label "crashed" = crash;
label "maxedOut" = velocity=maxVelocity;
module car
car_street_pos : [0..streetLength];
car_lane_pos : [2..lanes-1] init car1LaneInit;
velocity : [minVelocity..maxVelocity];
module pedestrian
ped_street_pos : [0..streetLength] init floor(streetLength/2);
ped_lane_pos : [1..lanes] init 1;