You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

77 lines
2.3 KiB

# coding: utf-8
import os, sys
from z3 import *
import string
# get the playground information
directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
fname = directory + "/" + "level0.txt"
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
fname = sys.argv[1]
with open(fname) as f:
playground =
playground = [[c for c in row] for row in playground.strip().split("\n")]
# get the playground size
size_y = len(playground)
assert(size_y != 0)
size_x = len(playground[0])
assert(size_x != 0)
for row in playground:
assert(len(row) == size_x)
bells = {}
for i in range(size_y):
for j in range(size_x):
c = playground[i][j]
if ord(c) in range(ord("1"), ord("9") + 1):
assert(int(c) not in bells.keys())
bells[int(c)] = (j, i)
################################### Maestria ###################################
print(f"Playground size : {size_x} x {size_y}")
print("\n".join(["".join(i) for i in playground]))
print("Bell positions:")
# create the solver
solver = Solver()
fudge_x, fudge_y = Ints("fudge_x fudge_y")
# call the solver and check satisfiability
while solver.check() == sat:
m = solver.model()
if fudge_x is not None and fudge_y is not None:
pos_x = m[fudge_x].as_long()
pos_y = m[fudge_y].as_long()
playground[pos_y][pos_x] = "F"
solver.add(Or(fudge_x != pos_x, fudge_y != pos_y))
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
cols = [Fore.BLUE, Fore.GREEN, Fore.RED, Fore.YELLOW, Fore.MAGENTA, Fore.CYAN]
tones = [Style.BRIGHT, Style.DIM]
cols = sum([[c + t for c in cols] for t in tones], [])
if sys.stdout.isatty():
for bell in sorted(list(bells.keys())):
x, y = bells[bell]
playground[y][x] = Back.BLACK + cols[bell - 1] + playground[y][x] + Style.RESET_ALL
for y in range(size_y):
for x in range(size_x):
c = playground[y][x]
if c == "_": playground[y][x] = Fore.BLACK + Back.WHITE + c + Style.RESET_ALL
if c == "X": playground[y][x] = Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK + c + Style.RESET_ALL
if c == "F": playground[y][x] = Fore.BLACK + Back.WHITE + c + Style.RESET_ALL
text = "\n".join(["".join([c for c in row]) for row in playground])