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FileName [dddmpNodeCnf.c]
PackageName [dddmp]
Synopsis [Functions to handle BDD node infos and numbering
while storing a CNF formula from a BDD or an array of BDDs]
Description [Functions to handle BDD node infos and numbering
while storing a CNF formula from a BDD or an array of BDDs.
Author [Gianpiero Cabodi and Stefano Quer]
Copyright [
Copyright (c) 2004 by Politecnico di Torino.
All Rights Reserved. This software is for educational purposes only.
Permission is given to academic institutions to use, copy, and modify
this software and its documentation provided that this introductory
message is not removed, that this software and its documentation is
used for the institutions' internal research and educational purposes,
and that no monies are exchanged. No guarantee is expressed or implied
by the distribution of this code.
Send bug-reports and/or questions to:
#include "dddmpInt.h"
/* Stucture declarations */
/* Type declarations */
/* Variable declarations */
/* Macro declarations */
/* Static function prototypes */
static int DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnfWithTerminalCheck(DdNode *f, int *cnfIds, int id);
#if 0
static int DddmpClearVisitedCnfRecur(DdNode *f);
static void DddmpClearVisitedCnf(DdNode *f);
static int NumberNodeRecurCnf(DdNode *f, int *cnfIds, int id);
static void DddmpDdNodesCheckIncomingAndScanPath(DdNode *f, int pathLengthCurrent, int edgeInTh, int pathLengthTh);
static int DddmpDdNodesNumberEdgesRecur(DdNode *f, int *cnfIds, int id);
static int DddmpDdNodesResetCountRecur(DdNode *f);
static int DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesRecur(DdNode *f);
static void RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf(DdManager *ddMgr, DdNode *f);
static void RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf(DdManager *ddMgr, DdNode *f);
static int DddmpPrintBddAndNextRecur(DdManager *ddMgr, DdNode *f);
/* Definition of exported functions */
/* Definition of internal functions */
Synopsis [Removes nodes from unique table and numbers them]
Description [Node numbering is required to convert pointers to integers.
Since nodes are removed from unique table, no new nodes should
be generated before re-inserting nodes in the unique table
SideEffects [Nodes are temporarily removed from unique table]
SeeAlso [RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf(), NumberNodeRecurCnf(),
DddmpNumberDdNodesCnf (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode **f /* IN: array of BDDs */,
int rootN /* IN: number of BDD roots in the array of BDDs */,
int *cnfIds /* OUT: CNF identifiers for variables */,
int id /* OUT: number of Temporary Variables Introduced */
int i;
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, f[i]);
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
id = NumberNodeRecurCnf (f[i], cnfIds, id);
return (id);
Synopsis [Removes nodes from unique table and numbers each node according
to the number of its incoming BDD edges.
Description [Removes nodes from unique table and numbers each node according
to the number of its incoming BDD edges.
SideEffects [Nodes are temporarily removed from unique table]
SeeAlso [RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf()]
DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesAndNumber (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode **f /* IN: Array of BDDs */,
int rootN /* IN: Number of BDD roots in the array of BDDs */,
int edgeInTh /* IN: Max # In-Edges, after a Insert Cut Point */,
int pathLengthTh /* IN: Max Path Length (after, Insert a Cut Point) */,
int *cnfIds /* OUT: CNF identifiers for variables */,
int id /* OUT: Number of Temporary Variables Introduced */
int i;
/*-------------------------- Remove From Unique ---------------------------*/
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, f[i]);
/*-------------------- Reset Counter and Reset Visited --------------------*/
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
(void) DddmpDdNodesResetCountRecur (f[i]);
/* Here we must have:
* cnfIndex = 0
* visitedFlag = 0
* FOR ALL nodes
fprintf (stdout, "###---> BDDs After Count Reset:\n");
DddmpPrintBddAndNext (ddMgr, f, rootN);
/*----------------------- Count Incoming Edges ----------------------------*/
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
(void) DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesRecur (f[i]);
/* Here we must have:
* cnfIndex = incoming edge count
* visitedFlag = 0 (AGAIN ... remains untouched)
* FOR ALL nodes
fprintf (stdout, "###---> BDDs After Count Recur:\n");
DddmpPrintBddAndNext (ddMgr, f, rootN);
/*------------------------- Count Path Length ----------------------------*/
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
DddmpDdNodesCheckIncomingAndScanPath (f[i], 0, edgeInTh,
/* Here we must have:
* cnfIndex = 1 if we want to insert there a cut point
* 0 if we do NOT want to insert there a cut point
* visitedFlag = 1
* FOR ALL nodes
fprintf (stdout, "###---> BDDs After Check Incoming And Scan Path:\n");
DddmpPrintBddAndNext (ddMgr, f, rootN);
/*-------------------- Number Nodes and Set Visited -----------------------*/
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
id = DddmpDdNodesNumberEdgesRecur (f[i], cnfIds, id);
/* Here we must have:
* cnfIndex = CNF auxiliary variable enumeration
* visitedFlag = 0
* FOR ALL nodes
fprintf (stdout, "###---> BDDs After Count Edges Recur:\n");
DddmpPrintBddAndNext (ddMgr, f, rootN);
return (id);
Synopsis [Restores nodes in unique table, loosing numbering]
Description [Node indexes are no more needed. Nodes are re-linked in the
unique table.
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpNumberDdNode()]
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode **f /* IN: array of BDDs */,
int rootN /* IN: number of BDD roots in the array of BDDs */
int i;
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, f[i]);
Synopsis [Prints debug information]
Description [Prints debug information for an array of BDDs on the screen]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso []
DddmpPrintBddAndNext (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode **f /* IN: Array of BDDs to be displayed */,
int rootN /* IN: Number of BDD roots in the array of BDDs */
int i;
for (i=0; i<rootN; i++) {
fprintf (stdout, "---> Bdd %d:\n", i);
fflush (stdout);
DddmpPrintBddAndNextRecur (ddMgr, f[i]);
Synopsis [Write index to node]
Description [The index of the node is written in the "next" field of
a DdNode struct. LSB is not used (set to 0). It is used as
"visited" flag in DD traversals.
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf(), DddmpSetVisitedCnf (),
DddmpVisitedCnf ()
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node */,
int id /* IN: index to be written */
if (!Cudd_IsConstant (f)) {
f->next = (struct DdNode *)((ptruint)id<<1);
Synopsis [Returns true if node is visited]
Description [Returns true if node is visited]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpSetVisitedCnf (), DddmpClearVisitedCnf ()]
DddmpVisitedCnf (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node to be tested */
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
return ((int)((ptruint)(f->next)) & (01));
Synopsis [Marks a node as visited]
Description [Marks a node as visited]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpVisitedCnf (), DddmpClearVisitedCnf ()]
DddmpSetVisitedCnf (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node to be marked (as visited) */
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
f->next = (DdNode *)(ptruint)((int)((ptruint)(f->next))|01);
Synopsis [Reads the index of a node]
Description [Reads the index of a node. LSB is skipped (used as visited
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf(), DddmpSetVisitedCnf (),
DddmpVisitedCnf ()]
DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node */
if (!Cudd_IsConstant (f)) {
return ((int)(((ptruint)(f->next))>>1));
} else {
return (1);
/* Definition of static functions */
Synopsis [Write index to node]
Description [The index of the node is written in the "next" field of
a DdNode struct. LSB is not used (set to 0). It is used as
"visited" flag in DD traversals. The index corresponds to
the BDD node variable if both the node's children are a
constant node, otherwise a new CNF variable is used.
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf(), DddmpSetVisitedCnf (),
DddmpVisitedCnf ()]
static int
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnfWithTerminalCheck (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node */,
int *cnfIds /* IN: possible source for the index to be written */,
int id /* IN: possible source for the index to be written */
if (!Cudd_IsConstant (f)) {
if (Cudd_IsConstant (cuddT (f)) && Cudd_IsConstant (cuddE (f))) {
/* If Variable SET ID as Variable ID */
f->next = (struct DdNode *)((ptruint)cnfIds[f->index]<<1);
} else {
f->next = (struct DdNode *)((ptruint)id<<1);
#if 0
Synopsis [Mark ALL nodes as not visited]
Description [Mark ALL nodes as not visited (it recurs on the node children)]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpVisitedCnf (), DddmpSetVisitedCnf ()]
static int
DddmpClearVisitedCnfRecur (
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD to be marked */
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
if (cuddIsConstant (f)) {
if (!DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
(void) DddmpClearVisitedCnfRecur (cuddT (f));
(void) DddmpClearVisitedCnfRecur (cuddE (f));
DddmpClearVisitedCnf (f);
Synopsis [Marks a node as not visited]
Description [Marks a node as not visited]
SideEffects [None]
SeeAlso [DddmpVisitedCnf (), DddmpSetVisitedCnf ()]
static void
DddmpClearVisitedCnf (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node to be marked (as not visited) */
f = Cudd_Regular (f);
f->next = (DdNode *)(ptruint)((int)((ptruint)(f->next)) & (~01));
Synopsis [Number nodes recursively in post-order]
Description [Number nodes recursively in post-order.
The "visited" flag is used with inverse polarity, because all nodes
were set "visited" when removing them from unique.
SideEffects ["visited" flags are reset.]
SeeAlso []
static int
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD to be numbered */,
int *cnfIds /* IN: possible source for numbering */,
int id /* IN/OUT: possible source for numbering */
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
if (!DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
return (id);
if (!cuddIsConstant (f)) {
id = NumberNodeRecurCnf (cuddT (f), cnfIds, id);
id = NumberNodeRecurCnf (cuddE (f), cnfIds, id);
id = DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnfWithTerminalCheck (f, cnfIds, id);
DddmpClearVisitedCnf (f);
return (id);
Synopsis [Number nodes recursively in post-order]
Description [Number nodes recursively in post-order.
The "visited" flag is used with the right polarity.
The node is assigned to a new CNF variable only if it is a "shared"
node (i.e. the number of its incoming edges is greater than 1).
SideEffects ["visited" flags are set.]
SeeAlso []
static void
DddmpDdNodesCheckIncomingAndScanPath (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node to be numbered */,
int pathLengthCurrent /* IN: Current Path Length */,
int edgeInTh /* IN: Max # In-Edges, after a Insert Cut Point */,
int pathLengthTh /* IN: Max Path Length (after, Insert a Cut Point) */
int retValue;
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
if (DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
if (cuddIsConstant (f)) {
retValue = DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf (f);
if ( ((edgeInTh >= 0) && (retValue > edgeInTh)) ||
((pathLengthTh >= 0) && (pathLengthCurrent > pathLengthTh))
) {
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (f, 1);
pathLengthCurrent = 0;
} else {
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (f, 0);
DddmpDdNodesCheckIncomingAndScanPath (cuddT (f), pathLengthCurrent,
edgeInTh, pathLengthTh);
DddmpDdNodesCheckIncomingAndScanPath (cuddE (f), pathLengthCurrent,
edgeInTh, pathLengthTh);
DddmpSetVisitedCnf (f);
Synopsis [Number nodes recursively in post-order]
Description [Number nodes recursively in post-order.
The "visited" flag is used with the inverse polarity.
Numbering follows the subsequent strategy:
* if the index = 0 it remains so
* if the index >= 1 it gets enumerated.
This implies that the node is assigned to a new CNF variable only if
it is not a terminal node otherwise it is assigned the index of
the BDD variable.
SideEffects ["visited" flags are reset.]
SeeAlso []
static int
DddmpDdNodesNumberEdgesRecur (
DdNode *f /* IN: BDD node to be numbered */,
int *cnfIds /* IN: possible source for numbering */,
int id /* IN/OUT: possible source for numbering */
int retValue;
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
if (!DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
return (id);
if (cuddIsConstant (f)) {
return (id);
id = DddmpDdNodesNumberEdgesRecur (cuddT (f), cnfIds, id);
id = DddmpDdNodesNumberEdgesRecur (cuddE (f), cnfIds, id);
retValue = DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf (f);
if (retValue >= 1) {
id = DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnfWithTerminalCheck (f, cnfIds, id);
} else {
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (f, 0);
DddmpClearVisitedCnf (f);
return (id);
Synopsis [Resets counter and visited flag for ALL nodes of a BDD]
Description [Resets counter and visited flag for ALL nodes of a BDD (it
recurs on the node children). The index field of the node is
used as counter.
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static int
DddmpDdNodesResetCountRecur (
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD whose counters are reset */
f = Cudd_Regular (f);
if (!DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
if (!cuddIsConstant (f)) {
(void) DddmpDdNodesResetCountRecur (cuddT (f));
(void) DddmpDdNodesResetCountRecur (cuddE (f));
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (f, 0);
DddmpClearVisitedCnf (f);
Synopsis [Counts the number of incoming edges for each node of a BDD]
Description [Counts (recursively) the number of incoming edges for each
node of a BDD. This number is stored in the index field.
SideEffects ["visited" flags remain untouched.]
SeeAlso []
static int
DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesRecur (
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD */
int indexValue;
f = Cudd_Regular (f);
if (cuddIsConstant (f)) {
if (Cudd_IsConstant (cuddT (f)) && Cudd_IsConstant (cuddE (f))) {
indexValue = DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf (f);
/* IF (first time) THEN recur */
if (indexValue == 0) {
(void) DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesRecur (cuddT (f));
(void) DddmpDdNodesCountEdgesRecur (cuddE (f));
/* Increment Incoming-Edge Count Flag */
DddmpWriteNodeIndexCnf (f, indexValue);
Synopsis [Removes a node from unique table]
Description [Removes a node from the unique table by locating the proper
subtable and unlinking the node from it. It recurs on on the
children of the node. Constants remain untouched.
SideEffects [Nodes are left with the "visited" flag true.]
SeeAlso [RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf()]
static void
RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD to be extracted */
DdNode *node, *last, *next;
DdNode *sentinel = &(ddMgr->sentinel);
DdNodePtr *nodelist;
DdSubtable *subtable;
int pos, level;
f = Cudd_Regular (f);
if (DddmpVisitedCnf (f)) {
if (!cuddIsConstant (f)) {
RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, cuddT (f));
RemoveFromUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, cuddE (f));
level = ddMgr->perm[f->index];
subtable = &(ddMgr->subtables[level]);
nodelist = subtable->nodelist;
pos = ddHash (cuddT (f), cuddE (f), subtable->shift);
node = nodelist[pos];
last = NULL;
while (node != sentinel) {
next = node->next;
if (node == f) {
if (last != NULL)
last->next = next;
nodelist[pos] = next;
} else {
last = node;
node = next;
f->next = NULL;
DddmpSetVisitedCnf (f);
Synopsis [Restores a node in unique table]
Description [Restores a node in unique table (recursive)]
SideEffects [Nodes are not restored in the same order as before removal]
SeeAlso [RemoveFromUnique()]
static void
RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD to be restored */
DdNodePtr *nodelist;
DdNode *T, *E, *looking;
DdNodePtr *previousP;
DdSubtable *subtable;
int pos, level;
DdNode *node;
DdNode *sentinel = &(ddMgr->sentinel);
f = Cudd_Regular(f);
if (!Cudd_IsComplement (f->next)) {
if (cuddIsConstant (f)) {
/* StQ 11.02.2004:
Bug fixed --> restore NULL within the next field */
/*DddmpClearVisitedCnf (f);*/
f->next = NULL;
RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, cuddT (f));
RestoreInUniqueRecurCnf (ddMgr, cuddE (f));
level = ddMgr->perm[f->index];
subtable = &(ddMgr->subtables[level]);
nodelist = subtable->nodelist;
pos = ddHash (cuddT (f), cuddE (f), subtable->shift);
/* verify uniqueness to avoid duplicate nodes in unique table */
for (node=nodelist[pos]; node != sentinel; node=node->next)
T = cuddT (f);
E = cuddE (f);
previousP = &(nodelist[pos]);
looking = *previousP;
while (T < cuddT (looking)) {
previousP = &(looking->next);
looking = *previousP;
while (T == cuddT (looking) && E < cuddE (looking)) {
previousP = &(looking->next);
looking = *previousP;
f->next = *previousP;
*previousP = f;
Synopsis [Prints debug info]
Description [Prints debug info for a BDD on the screen. It recurs on
node's children.
SideEffects []
SeeAlso []
static int
DddmpPrintBddAndNextRecur (
DdManager *ddMgr /* IN: DD Manager */,
DdNode *f /* IN: root of the BDD to be displayed */
DdNode *fPtr, *tPtr, *ePtr;
fPtr = Cudd_Regular (f);
if (Cudd_IsComplement (f)) {
fprintf (stdout, "sign=- ptr=%" PRIiPTR " ", ((ptrint) fPtr));
} else {
fprintf (stdout, "sign=+ ptr=%" PRIiPTR " ", ((ptrint) fPtr));
if (cuddIsConstant (fPtr)) {
fprintf (stdout, "one\n");
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stdout,
"thenPtr=%" PRIiPTR " elsePtr=%" PRIiPTR " BddId=%d CnfId=%d Visited=%d\n",
((ptrint) cuddT (fPtr)), ((ptrint) cuddE (fPtr)),
fPtr->index, DddmpReadNodeIndexCnf (fPtr),
DddmpVisitedCnf (fPtr));
tPtr = cuddT (fPtr);
ePtr = cuddE (fPtr);
if (Cudd_IsComplement (f)) {
tPtr = Cudd_Not (tPtr);
ePtr = Cudd_Not (ePtr);
(void) DddmpPrintBddAndNextRecur (ddMgr, tPtr);
(void) DddmpPrintBddAndNextRecur (ddMgr, ePtr);