The source code and dockerfile for the GSW2024 AI Lab.
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start, fuel
const int N;
const int fuelCAP = N-1;
const int axMAX = N;
const int ayMAX = N;
const int axMIN = 0;
const int ayMIN = 0;
const double slippery = 0.4;
const int ob1x = axMAX-1;
const int ob1y = ayMAX-1;
const int rf1x = axMIN;
const int rf1y = ayMIN;
const int rf2x = axMIN + ceil((axMAX - axMIN) / 3);
const int rf2y = ayMIN + ceil((ayMAX - ayMIN) / 3);
const int rf3x = axMIN + floor(2 * (axMAX - axMIN) / 3);
const int rf3y = ayMIN + floor(2 * (ayMAX - ayMIN) / 3);
formula northenabled = ax != axMIN;
formula southenabled = ax != axMAX;
formula westenabled = ay != ayMIN;
formula eastenabled = ay != ayMAX;
observable "cangonorth" = northenabled;
observable "cangosouth" = southenabled;
observable "cangowest" = westenabled;
observable "cangoeast" = eastenabled;
formula done = start & ax = axMAX & ay = ayMAX;
observable "amdone" = done;
formula crash = (ax = ob1x & ay = ob1y);
observable "hascrash" = crash;
formula atStation = (ax = rf1x & ay = rf1y) | (ax = rf2x & ay = rf2y) | (ax = rf3x & ay = rf3y);
formula canRefuel = atStation & fuel < fuelCAP;
observable "refuelAllowed" = canRefuel;
module master
start : bool init false;
[placement] !start -> (start'=true);
[north] start & !done -> true;
[south] start & !done -> true;
[east] start & !done-> true;
[west] start & !done -> true;
module tank
fuel : [0..fuelCAP] init fuelCAP;
[refuel] canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=fuelCAP);
[north] fuel > 0 & !canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=fuel-1);
[south] fuel > 0 & !canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=fuel-1);
[east] fuel > 0 & !canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=fuel-1);
[west] fuel > 0 & !canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=fuel-1);
[empty] fuel = 0 & !canRefuel -> 1:(fuel'=0);
module alice
ax : [axMIN..axMAX] init 0;
ay : [ayMIN..ayMAX] init 0;
[placement] true -> 1: (ax'=0) & (ay'=0); //+ 1/4: (ax'=1) & (ay'=1) + 1/4: (ax'=2) & (ay'=1) + 1/4: (ax'=1) & (ay'=3);
[west] northenabled -> (1-slippery): (ax'=max(ax-1,axMIN)) + slippery: (ax'=max(ax-2,axMIN));
[east] southenabled -> (1-slippery): (ax'=min(ax+1,axMAX)) + slippery: (ax'=min(ax+2,axMAX));
[south] eastenabled -> (1-slippery): (ay'=min(ay+1,ayMAX)) + slippery: (ay'=min(ay+2,ayMAX));
[north] westenabled -> (1-slippery): (ay'=max(ay-1,ayMIN)) + slippery: (ay'=max(ay-2,ayMIN));
rewards "steps"
[north] true : 1;
[south] true : 1;
[west] true : 1;
[east] true : 1;
rewards "refuels"
[refuel] true : 1;
rewards "costs"
[north] true : 1;
[south] true : 1;
[west] true : 1;
[east] true : 1;
[refuel] true : 3;
label "goal" = done;
label "traps" = crash;
label "stationvisit" = atStation;
label "notbad" = !crash & (fuel > 0 | canRefuel);