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/* graph.mod - graph visualization */
/* Written in GNU MathProg by Andrew Makhorin <> */
/* This model creates a picture in EPS format to visualize a graph. */
param file, symbolic, default "graph.eps";
/* output file to write the picture */
param R, default 2;
/* radius to draw vertices, in mm */
param n, integer, > 0;
/* number of vertices */
set V, default 1..n;
/* set of vertices */
set E, within V cross V;
/* set of edges */
param x{i in V}, default 50 * cos((i - 1) / card(V) * 8 * atan(1));
param y{i in V}, default 50 * sin((i - 1) / card(V) * 8 * atan(1));
/* x[i] and y[i] are coordinates of node i, in mm */
param x0 := (min{i in V} x[i]) - R - 3.0;
param y0 := (min{i in V} y[i]) - R - 3.0;
param x1 := (max{i in V} x[i]) + R + 3.0;
param y1 := (max{i in V} y[i]) + R + 3.0;
printf "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n" > file;
printf "%%%%BoundingBox: 0 0 %d %d\n",
(72 / 25.4) * (x1 - x0), (72 / 25.4) * (y1 - y0) >> file;
printf "/Helvetica findfont 6 scalefont setfont\n" >> file;
printf "/mm { 72 mul 25.4 div } def\n" >> file;
for {(i,j) in E}
{ printf "newpath\n" >> file;
printf "%g mm %g mm moveto\n", x[i] - x0, y[i] - y0 >> file;
printf "%g mm %g mm lineto\n", x[j] - x0, y[j] - y0 >> file;
printf "closepath\n" >> file;
printf "stroke\n" >> file;
for {i in V}
{ printf "newpath\n" >> file;
printf "%g mm %g mm %g mm 0 360 arc\n",
x[i] - x0, y[i] - y0, R >> file;
printf "closepath\n" >> file;
printf "gsave 1 1 1 setrgbcolor fill grestore\n" >> file;
printf "stroke\n" >> file;
printf "%g mm %g mm moveto\n",
x[i] - (if i <= 9 then 1.2 else 1.8) - x0,
y[i] - 0.8 - y0 >> file;
printf "( %d ) show\n", i >> file;
printf "showpage\n" >> file;
printf "%%%%EOF\n" >> file;
: V : x y :=
1 0 40
2 38 12
3 24 -32
4 -24 -32
5 -38 12
6 -19 26
7 19 26
8 31 -10
9 0 -32
10 -31 -10
11 -9 12
12 9 12
13 14 -5
14 0 -15
15 -14 -5
16 0 0 ;
set E :=
(1,*) 6 10 16 12 7
(2,*) 7 6 16 13 8
(3,*) 8 7 16 14 9
(4,*) 9 8 16 15 10
(5,*) 10 9 16 11 6
(6,*) 14
(7,*) 15
(8,*) 11
(9,*) 12
(10,*) 13
(11,*) 12 15
(12,*) 13
(13,*) 14
(14,*) 15 ;