/** @file @ingroup nanotrav @brief Functions to read in a boolean network. @author Fabio Somenzi @copyright@parblock Copyright (c) 1995-2015, Regents of the University of Colorado All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the University of Colorado nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. @endparblock */ #include "cuddInt.h" #include "bnet.h" /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Constant declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define MAXLENGTH 131072 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Stucture declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Type declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Variable declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char BuffLine[MAXLENGTH]; static char *CurPos; static int newNameNumber = 0; /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Macro declarations */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** \cond */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Static function prototypes */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static char * readString (FILE *fp); static char ** readList (FILE *fp, int *n); static void printList (char **list, int n); static char ** bnetGenerateNewNames (st_table *hash, int n); static int bnetDumpReencodingLogic (DdManager *dd, char *mname, int noutputs, DdNode **outputs, char **inames, char **altnames, char **onames, FILE *fp); #if 0 static int bnetBlifXnorTable (FILE *fp, int n); #endif static int bnetBlifWriteReencode (DdManager *dd, char *mname, char **inames, char **altnames, int *support, FILE *fp); static int * bnetFindVectorSupport (DdManager *dd, DdNode **list, int n); static int buildExorBDD (DdManager *dd, BnetNode *nd, st_table *hash, int params, int nodrop); static int buildMuxBDD (DdManager * dd, BnetNode * nd, st_table * hash, int params, int nodrop); static int bnetSetLevel (BnetNetwork *net); static int bnetLevelDFS (BnetNetwork *net, BnetNode *node); static BnetNode ** bnetOrderRoots (BnetNetwork *net, int *nroots); static int bnetLevelCompare (BnetNode **x, BnetNode **y); static int bnetDfsOrder (DdManager *dd, BnetNetwork *net, BnetNode *node); /** \endcond */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of exported functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Reads boolean network from blif file. @details A very restricted subset of blif is supported. Specifically: Caveat emptor: There may be other limitations as well. One should check the syntax of the blif file with some other tool before relying on this parser. @return a pointer to the network if successful; NULL otherwise. @sideeffect None @see Bnet_PrintNetwork Bnet_FreeNetwork */ BnetNetwork * Bnet_ReadNetwork( FILE * fp /**< pointer to the blif file */, int pr /**< verbosity level */) { char *savestring; char **list; int i, j, n; BnetNetwork *net; BnetNode *newnode; BnetNode *lastnode = NULL; BnetTabline *newline; BnetTabline *lastline; char ***latches = NULL; int maxlatches = 0; int exdc = 0; BnetNode *node; int count; /* Allocate network object and initialize symbol table. */ net = ALLOC(BnetNetwork,1); if (net == NULL) goto failure; memset((char *) net, 0, sizeof(BnetNetwork)); net->hash = st_init_table((st_compare_t) strcmp, st_strhash); if (net->hash == NULL) goto failure; savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; net->nlatches = 0; while (strcmp(savestring, ".model") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".inputs") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".outputs") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".latch") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".wire_load_slope") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".exdc") == 0 || strcmp(savestring, ".names") == 0 || strcmp(savestring,".end") == 0) { if (strcmp(savestring, ".model") == 0) { /* Read .model directive. */ FREE(savestring); /* Read network name. */ savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; if (savestring[0] == '.') { net->name = ALLOC(char, 1); if (net->name == NULL) goto failure; net->name[0] = '\0'; } else { net->name = savestring; } } else if (strcmp(savestring, ".inputs") == 0) { /* Read .inputs directive. */ FREE(savestring); /* Read input names. */ list = readList(fp,&n); if (list == NULL) goto failure; if (pr > 2) printList(list,n); /* Expect at least one input. */ if (n < 1) { (void) fprintf(stdout,"Empty input list.\n"); goto failure; } if (exdc) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) FREE(list[i]); FREE(list); savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; continue; } if (net->ninputs) { net->inputs = REALLOC(char *, net->inputs, (net->ninputs + n) * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) net->inputs[net->ninputs + i] = list[i]; } else net->inputs = list; /* Create a node for each primary input. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { newnode = ALLOC(BnetNode,1); memset((char *) newnode, 0, sizeof(BnetNode)); if (newnode == NULL) goto failure; newnode->name = list[i]; newnode->inputs = NULL; newnode->type = BNET_INPUT_NODE; newnode->active = FALSE; newnode->nfo = 0; newnode->ninp = 0; newnode->f = NULL; newnode->polarity = 0; newnode->dd = NULL; newnode->next = NULL; if (lastnode == NULL) { net->nodes = newnode; } else { lastnode->next = newnode; } lastnode = newnode; } net->npis += n; net->ninputs += n; } else if (strcmp(savestring, ".outputs") == 0) { /* Read .outputs directive. We do not create nodes for the primary ** outputs, because the nodes will be created when the same names ** appear as outputs of some gates. */ FREE(savestring); /* Read output names. */ list = readList(fp,&n); if (list == NULL) goto failure; if (pr > 2) printList(list,n); if (n < 1) { (void) fprintf(stdout,"Empty .outputs list.\n"); goto failure; } if (exdc) { for (i = 0; i < n; i++) FREE(list[i]); FREE(list); savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; continue; } if (net->noutputs) { net->outputs = REALLOC(char *, net->outputs, (net->noutputs + n) * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) net->outputs[net->noutputs + i] = list[i]; } else { net->outputs = list; } net->npos += n; net->noutputs += n; } else if (strcmp(savestring,".wire_load_slope") == 0) { FREE(savestring); savestring = readString(fp); net->slope = savestring; } else if (strcmp(savestring,".latch") == 0) { FREE(savestring); newnode = ALLOC(BnetNode,1); if (newnode == NULL) goto failure; memset((char *) newnode, 0, sizeof(BnetNode)); newnode->type = BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE; list = readList(fp,&n); if (list == NULL) goto failure; if (pr > 2) printList(list,n); /* Expect three names. */ if (n != 3) { (void) fprintf(stdout, ".latch not followed by three tokens.\n"); goto failure; } newnode->name = list[1]; newnode->inputs = NULL; newnode->ninp = 0; newnode->f = NULL; newnode->active = FALSE; newnode->nfo = 0; newnode->polarity = 0; newnode->dd = NULL; newnode->next = NULL; if (lastnode == NULL) { net->nodes = newnode; } else { lastnode->next = newnode; } lastnode = newnode; /* Add next state variable to list. */ if (maxlatches == 0) { maxlatches = 20; latches = ALLOC(char **,maxlatches); } else if (maxlatches <= net->nlatches) { maxlatches += 20; latches = REALLOC(char **,latches,maxlatches); } latches[net->nlatches] = list; net->nlatches++; savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; } else if (strcmp(savestring,".names") == 0) { FREE(savestring); newnode = ALLOC(BnetNode,1); memset((char *) newnode, 0, sizeof(BnetNode)); if (newnode == NULL) goto failure; list = readList(fp,&n); if (list == NULL) goto failure; if (pr > 2) printList(list,n); /* Expect at least one name (the node output). */ if (n < 1) { (void) fprintf(stdout,"Missing output name.\n"); goto failure; } newnode->name = list[n-1]; newnode->inputs = list; newnode->ninp = n-1; newnode->active = FALSE; newnode->nfo = 0; newnode->polarity = 0; if (newnode->ninp > 0) { newnode->type = BNET_INTERNAL_NODE; for (i = 0; i < net->noutputs; i++) { if (strcmp(net->outputs[i], newnode->name) == 0) { newnode->type = BNET_OUTPUT_NODE; break; } } } else { newnode->type = BNET_CONSTANT_NODE; } newnode->dd = NULL; newnode->next = NULL; if (lastnode == NULL) { net->nodes = newnode; } else { lastnode->next = newnode; } lastnode = newnode; /* Read node function. */ newnode->f = NULL; if (exdc) { newnode->exdc_flag = 1; node = net->nodes; while (node) { if (node->type == BNET_OUTPUT_NODE && strcmp(node->name, newnode->name) == 0) { node->exdc = newnode; break; } node = node->next; } } savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; lastline = NULL; while (savestring[0] != '.') { /* Reading a table line. */ newline = ALLOC(BnetTabline,1); if (newline == NULL) goto failure; newline->next = NULL; if (lastline == NULL) { newnode->f = newline; } else { lastline->next = newline; } lastline = newline; if (newnode->type == BNET_INTERNAL_NODE || newnode->type == BNET_OUTPUT_NODE) { newline->values = savestring; /* Read output 1 or 0. */ savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; } else { newline->values = NULL; } if (savestring[0] == '0') newnode->polarity = 1; FREE(savestring); savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; } } else if (strcmp(savestring,".exdc") == 0) { FREE(savestring); exdc = 1; } else if (strcmp(savestring,".end") == 0) { FREE(savestring); break; } if ((!savestring) || savestring[0] != '.') savestring = readString(fp); if (savestring == NULL) goto failure; } /* Put nodes in symbol table. */ newnode = net->nodes; while (newnode != NULL) { int retval = st_insert(net->hash,newnode->name,(char *) newnode); if (retval == ST_OUT_OF_MEM) { goto failure; } else if (retval == 1) { printf("Error: Multiple drivers for node %s\n", newnode->name); goto failure; } else { if (pr > 2) printf("Inserted %s\n",newnode->name); } newnode = newnode->next; } if (latches) { net->latches = latches; count = 0; net->outputs = REALLOC(char *, net->outputs, (net->noutputs + net->nlatches) * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { for (j = 0; j < net->noutputs; j++) { if (strcmp(latches[i][0], net->outputs[j]) == 0) break; } if (j < net->noutputs) continue; savestring = ALLOC(char, strlen(latches[i][0]) + 1); strcpy(savestring, latches[i][0]); net->outputs[net->noutputs + count] = savestring; count++; if (st_lookup(net->hash, savestring, (void **) &node)) { if (node->type == BNET_INTERNAL_NODE) { node->type = BNET_OUTPUT_NODE; } } } net->noutputs += count; net->inputs = REALLOC(char *, net->inputs, (net->ninputs + net->nlatches) * sizeof(char *)); for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { savestring = ALLOC(char, strlen(latches[i][1]) + 1); strcpy(savestring, latches[i][1]); net->inputs[net->ninputs + i] = savestring; } net->ninputs += net->nlatches; } /* Compute fanout counts. For each node in the linked list, fetch ** all its fanins using the symbol table, and increment the fanout of ** each fanin. */ newnode = net->nodes; while (newnode != NULL) { BnetNode *auxnd; for (i = 0; i < newnode->ninp; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash,newnode->inputs[i],(void **)&auxnd)) { (void) fprintf(stdout,"%s not driven\n", newnode->inputs[i]); goto failure; } auxnd->nfo++; } newnode = newnode->next; } if (!bnetSetLevel(net)) goto failure; return(net); failure: /* Here we should clean up the mess. */ (void) fprintf(stdout,"Error in reading network from file.\n"); return(NULL); } /* end of Bnet_ReadNetwork */ /** @brief Prints to stdout a boolean network created by Bnet_ReadNetwork. @details Uses the blif format; this way, one can verify the equivalence of the input and the output with, say, sis. @sideeffect None @see Bnet_ReadNetwork */ void Bnet_PrintNetwork( BnetNetwork * net /**< boolean network */) { BnetNode *nd; BnetTabline *tl; int i; if (net == NULL) return; (void) fprintf(stdout,".model %s\n", net->name); (void) fprintf(stdout,".inputs"); printList(net->inputs,net->npis); (void) fprintf(stdout,".outputs"); printList(net->outputs,net->npos); for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { (void) fprintf(stdout,".latch"); printList(net->latches[i],3); } nd = net->nodes; while (nd != NULL) { if (nd->type != BNET_INPUT_NODE && nd->type != BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE) { (void) fprintf(stdout,".names"); for (i = 0; i < nd->ninp; i++) { (void) fprintf(stdout," %s",nd->inputs[i]); } (void) fprintf(stdout," %s\n",nd->name); tl = nd->f; while (tl != NULL) { if (tl->values != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout,"%s %d\n",tl->values, 1 - nd->polarity); } else { (void) fprintf(stdout,"%d\n", 1 - nd->polarity); } tl = tl->next; } } nd = nd->next; } (void) fprintf(stdout,".end\n"); } /* end of Bnet_PrintNetwork */ /** @brief Frees a boolean network created by Bnet_ReadNetwork. @sideeffect None @see Bnet_ReadNetwork */ void Bnet_FreeNetwork( BnetNetwork * net) { BnetNode *node, *nextnode; BnetTabline *line, *nextline; int i; FREE(net->name); /* The input name strings are already pointed by the input nodes. ** Here we only need to free the latch names and the array that ** points to them. */ for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { FREE(net->inputs[net->npis + i]); } FREE(net->inputs); /* Free the output name strings and then the array pointing to them. */ for (i = 0; i < net->noutputs; i++) { FREE(net->outputs[i]); } FREE(net->outputs); for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { FREE(net->latches[i][0]); FREE(net->latches[i][1]); FREE(net->latches[i][2]); FREE(net->latches[i]); } if (net->nlatches) FREE(net->latches); node = net->nodes; while (node != NULL) { nextnode = node->next; if (node->type != BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE) FREE(node->name); for (i = 0; i < node->ninp; i++) { FREE(node->inputs[i]); } if (node->inputs != NULL) { FREE(node->inputs); } /* Free the function table. */ line = node->f; while (line != NULL) { nextline = line->next; FREE(line->values); FREE(line); line = nextline; } FREE(node); node = nextnode; } st_free_table(net->hash); if (net->slope != NULL) FREE(net->slope); FREE(net); } /* end of Bnet_FreeNetwork */ /** @brief Builds the %BDD for the function of a node. @details Builds the %BDD for the function of a node and stores a pointer to it in the dd field of the node itself. The reference count of the %BDD is incremented. If params is BNET_LOCAL_DD, then the %BDD is built in terms of the local inputs to the node; otherwise, if params is BNET_GLOBAL_DD, the %BDD is built in terms of the network primary inputs. To build the global %BDD of a node, the BDDs for its local inputs must exist. If that is not the case, Bnet_BuildNodeBDD recursively builds them. Likewise, to create the local %BDD for a node, the local inputs must have variables assigned to them. If that is not the case, Bnet_BuildNodeBDD recursively assigns variables to nodes. @return 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect Sets the dd field of the node. */ int Bnet_BuildNodeBDD( DdManager * dd /**< %DD manager */, BnetNode * nd /**< node of the boolean network */, st_table * hash /**< symbol table of the boolean network */, int params /**< type of %DD to be built */, int nodrop /**< retain the intermediate node DDs until the end */) { DdNode *func; BnetNode *auxnd; DdNode *tmp; DdNode *prod, *var; BnetTabline *line; int i; if (nd->dd != NULL) return(1); if (nd->type == BNET_CONSTANT_NODE) { if (nd->f == NULL) { /* constant 0 */ func = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(dd); } else { /* either constant depending on the polarity */ func = Cudd_ReadOne(dd); } Cudd_Ref(func); } else if (nd->type == BNET_INPUT_NODE || nd->type == BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE) { if (nd->active == TRUE) { /* a variable is already associated: use it */ func = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,nd->var); if (func == NULL) goto failure; } else { /* no variable associated: get a new one */ func = Cudd_bddNewVar(dd); if (func == NULL) goto failure; nd->var = func->index; nd->active = TRUE; } Cudd_Ref(func); } else if (buildExorBDD(dd,nd,hash,params,nodrop)) { func = nd->dd; } else if (buildMuxBDD(dd,nd,hash,params,nodrop)) { func = nd->dd; } else { /* type == BNET_INTERNAL_NODE or BNET_OUTPUT_NODE */ /* Initialize the sum to logical 0. */ func = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(dd); Cudd_Ref(func); /* Build a term for each line of the table and add it to the ** accumulator (func). */ line = nd->f; while (line != NULL) { #ifdef BNET_DEBUG (void) fprintf(stdout,"line = %s\n", line->values); #endif /* Initialize the product to logical 1. */ prod = Cudd_ReadOne(dd); Cudd_Ref(prod); /* Scan the table line. */ for (i = 0; i < nd->ninp; i++) { if (line->values[i] == '-') continue; if (!st_lookup(hash,nd->inputs[i],(void **)&auxnd)) { goto failure; } if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { if (auxnd->active == FALSE) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } var = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,auxnd->var); if (var == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(var); if (line->values[i] == '0') { var = Cudd_Not(var); } } else { /* params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD */ if (auxnd->dd == NULL) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } if (line->values[i] == '1') { var = auxnd->dd; } else { /* line->values[i] == '0' */ var = Cudd_Not(auxnd->dd); } } tmp = Cudd_bddAnd(dd,prod,var); if (tmp == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(tmp); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,prod); if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,var); } prod = tmp; } tmp = Cudd_bddOr(dd,func,prod); if (tmp == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(tmp); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,func); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,prod); func = tmp; line = line->next; } /* Associate a variable to this node if local BDDs are being ** built. This is done at the end, so that the primary inputs tend ** to get lower indices. */ if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD && nd->active == FALSE) { DdNode *auxfunc = Cudd_bddNewVar(dd); if (auxfunc == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(auxfunc); nd->var = auxfunc->index; nd->active = TRUE; Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,auxfunc); } } if (nd->polarity == 1) { nd->dd = Cudd_Not(func); } else { nd->dd = func; } if (params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD && nodrop == FALSE) { /* Decrease counters for all faninis. ** When count reaches 0, the DD is freed. */ for (i = 0; i < nd->ninp; i++) { if (!st_lookup(hash,nd->inputs[i],(void **)&auxnd)) { goto failure; } auxnd->count--; if (auxnd->count == 0) { Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,auxnd->dd); if (auxnd->type == BNET_INTERNAL_NODE || auxnd->type == BNET_CONSTANT_NODE) auxnd->dd = NULL; } } } return(1); failure: /* Here we should clean up the mess. */ return(0); } /* end of Bnet_BuildNodeBDD */ /** @brief Orders the %BDD variables by DFS. @return 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect Uses the visited flags of the nodes. */ int Bnet_DfsVariableOrder( DdManager * dd, BnetNetwork * net) { BnetNode **roots; BnetNode *node; int nroots; int i; roots = bnetOrderRoots(net,&nroots); if (roots == NULL) return(0); for (i = 0; i < nroots; i++) { if (!bnetDfsOrder(dd,net,roots[i])) { FREE(roots); return(0); } } /* Clear visited flags. */ node = net->nodes; while (node != NULL) { node->visited = 0; node = node->next; } FREE(roots); return(1); } /* end of Bnet_DfsVariableOrder */ /** @brief Writes the network BDDs to a file in dot, blif, or daVinci format. @details If "-" is passed as file name, the BDDs are dumped to the standard output. @return 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ int Bnet_bddDump( DdManager * dd /**< %DD manager */, BnetNetwork * network /**< network whose BDDs should be dumped */, char * dfile /**< file name */, int dumpFmt /**< 0 -> dot */, int reencoded /**< whether variables have been reencoded */) { int noutputs; FILE *dfp = NULL; DdNode **outputs = NULL; char **inames = NULL; char **onames = NULL; char **altnames = NULL; BnetNode *node; int i; int retval = 0; /* 0 -> failure; 1 -> success */ /* Open dump file. */ if (strcmp(dfile, "-") == 0) { dfp = stdout; } else { dfp = fopen(dfile,"w"); } if (dfp == NULL) goto endgame; /* Initialize data structures. */ noutputs = network->noutputs; outputs = ALLOC(DdNode *,noutputs); if (outputs == NULL) goto endgame; onames = ALLOC(char *,noutputs); if (onames == NULL) goto endgame; inames = ALLOC(char *,Cudd_ReadSize(dd)); if (inames == NULL) goto endgame; /* Find outputs and their names. */ for (i = 0; i < network->nlatches; i++) { onames[i] = network->latches[i][0]; if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->latches[i][0],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } outputs[i] = node->dd; } for (i = 0; i < network->npos; i++) { onames[i + network->nlatches] = network->outputs[i]; if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->outputs[i],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } outputs[i + network->nlatches] = node->dd; } /* Find the input names. */ for (i = 0; i < network->ninputs; i++) { if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->inputs[i],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } inames[node->var] = network->inputs[i]; } for (i = 0; i < network->nlatches; i++) { if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->latches[i][1],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } inames[node->var] = network->latches[i][1]; } if (reencoded == 1 && dumpFmt == 1) { altnames = bnetGenerateNewNames(network->hash,network->ninputs); if (altnames == NULL) { retval = 0; goto endgame; } retval = bnetDumpReencodingLogic(dd,network->name,noutputs,outputs, inames,altnames,onames,dfp); for (i = 0; i < network->ninputs; i++) { FREE(altnames[i]); } FREE(altnames); if (retval == 0) goto endgame; } /* Dump the BDDs. */ if (dumpFmt == 1) { retval = Cudd_DumpBlif(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames, network->name,dfp,0); } else if (dumpFmt == 2) { retval = Cudd_DumpDaVinci(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 3) { retval = Cudd_DumpDDcal(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 4) { retval = Cudd_DumpFactoredForm(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 5) { retval = Cudd_DumpBlif(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames, network->name,dfp,1); } else { retval = Cudd_DumpDot(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } endgame: if (dfp != stdout && dfp != NULL) { if (fclose(dfp) == EOF) retval = 0; } if (outputs != NULL) FREE(outputs); if (onames != NULL) FREE(onames); if (inames != NULL) FREE(inames); return(retval); } /* end of Bnet_bddDump */ /** @brief Writes an array of BDDs to a file in dot, blif, DDcal, factored-form, daVinci, or blif-MV format. @details The BDDs and their names are passed as arguments. The inputs and their names are taken from the network. If "-" is passed as file name, the BDDs are dumped to the standard output. The encoding of the format is: @return 1 in case of success; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ int Bnet_bddArrayDump( DdManager * dd /**< %DD manager */, BnetNetwork * network /**< network whose BDDs should be dumped */, char * dfile /**< file name */, DdNode ** outputs /**< BDDs to be dumped */, char ** onames /**< names of the BDDs to be dumped */, int noutputs /**< number of BDDs to be dumped */, int dumpFmt /**< 0 -> dot */) { FILE *dfp = NULL; char **inames = NULL; BnetNode *node; int i; int retval = 0; /* 0 -> failure; 1 -> success */ /* Open dump file. */ if (strcmp(dfile, "-") == 0) { dfp = stdout; } else { dfp = fopen(dfile,"w"); } if (dfp == NULL) goto endgame; /* Initialize data structures. */ inames = ALLOC(char *,Cudd_ReadSize(dd)); if (inames == NULL) goto endgame; for (i = 0; i < Cudd_ReadSize(dd); i++) { inames[i] = NULL; } /* Find the input names. */ for (i = 0; i < network->ninputs; i++) { if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->inputs[i],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } inames[node->var] = network->inputs[i]; } for (i = 0; i < network->nlatches; i++) { if (!st_lookup(network->hash,network->latches[i][1],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } inames[node->var] = network->latches[i][1]; } /* Dump the BDDs. */ if (dumpFmt == 1) { retval = Cudd_DumpBlif(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames, network->name,dfp,0); } else if (dumpFmt == 2) { retval = Cudd_DumpDaVinci(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 3) { retval = Cudd_DumpDDcal(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 4) { retval = Cudd_DumpFactoredForm(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } else if (dumpFmt == 5) { retval = Cudd_DumpBlif(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames, network->name,dfp,1); } else { retval = Cudd_DumpDot(dd,noutputs,outputs, (char const * const *) inames, (char const * const *) onames,dfp); } endgame: if (dfp != stdout && dfp != NULL) { if (fclose(dfp) == EOF) retval = 0; } if (inames != NULL) FREE(inames); return(retval); } /* end of Bnet_bddArrayDump */ /** @brief Reads the variable order from a file. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect The BDDs for the primary inputs and present state variables are built. */ int Bnet_ReadOrder( DdManager * dd, char * ordFile, BnetNetwork * net, int locGlob, int nodrop) { FILE *fp; st_table *dict; int result; BnetNode *node; char name[MAXLENGTH]; if (ordFile == NULL) { return(0); } dict = st_init_table((st_compare_t) strcmp,st_strhash); if (dict == NULL) { return(0); } if ((fp = fopen(ordFile,"r")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Unable to open %s\n",ordFile); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } while (!feof(fp)) { result = fscanf(fp, "%s", name); if (result == EOF) { break; } else if (result != 1) { st_free_table(dict); return(0); } else if (strlen(name) > MAXLENGTH) { st_free_table(dict); return(0); } /* There should be a node named "name" in the network. */ if (!st_lookup(net->hash,name,(void **)&node)) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Unknown name in order file (%s)\n", name); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } /* A name should not appear more than once in the order. */ if (st_is_member(dict,name)) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Duplicate name in order file (%s)\n", name); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } /* The name should correspond to a primary input or present state. */ if (node->type != BNET_INPUT_NODE && node->type != BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"%s has the wrong type (%d)\n", name, node->type); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } /* Insert in table. Use node->name rather than name, because the ** latter gets overwritten. */ if (st_insert(dict,node->name,NULL) == ST_OUT_OF_MEM) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory in Bnet_ReadOrder\n"); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } result = Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,node,net->hash,locGlob,nodrop); if (result == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Construction of BDD failed\n"); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } } /* while (!feof(fp)) */ result = fclose(fp); if (result == EOF) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Error closing order file %s\n", ordFile); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } /* The number of names in the order file should match exactly the ** number of primary inputs and present states. */ if (st_count(dict) != net->ninputs) { (void) fprintf(stderr,"Order incomplete: %d names instead of %d\n", st_count(dict), net->ninputs); st_free_table(dict); return(0); } st_free_table(dict); return(1); } /* end of Bnet_ReadOrder */ /** @brief Prints the order of the %DD variables of a network. @details Only primary inputs and present states are printed. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ int Bnet_PrintOrder( BnetNetwork * net, DdManager *dd) { char **names; /* array used to print variable orders */ int level; /* position of a variable in current order */ BnetNode *node; /* auxiliary pointer to network node */ int i,j; int retval; int nvars; nvars = Cudd_ReadSize(dd); names = ALLOC(char *, nvars); if (names == NULL) return(0); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { names[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < net->npis; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash,net->inputs[i],(void **)&node)) { FREE(names); return(0); } if (node->dd == NULL) { FREE(names); return(0); } level = Cudd_ReadPerm(dd,node->var); names[level] = node->name; } for (i = 0; i < net->nlatches; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash,net->latches[i][1],(void **)&node)) { FREE(names); return(0); } if (node->dd == NULL) { FREE(names); return(0); } level = Cudd_ReadPerm(dd,node->var); names[level] = node->name; } for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if (names[i] == NULL) continue; if ((j%8 == 0)&&j) { retval = printf("\n"); if (retval == EOF) { FREE(names); return(0); } } retval = printf("%s ",names[i]); if (retval == EOF) { FREE(names); return(0); } j++; } FREE(names); retval = printf("\n"); if (retval == EOF) { return(0); } return(1); } /* end of Bnet_PrintOrder */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of internal functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Definition of static functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** @brief Reads a string from a file. @details The string can be MAXLENGTH-1 characters at most. readString allocates memory to hold the string. @return a pointer to the result string if successful. It returns NULL otherwise. @sideeffect None @see readList */ static char * readString( FILE * fp /**< pointer to the file from which the string is read */) { char *savestring; int length; while (!CurPos) { if (!fgets(BuffLine, MAXLENGTH, fp)) return(NULL); BuffLine[strlen(BuffLine) - 1] = '\0'; CurPos = strtok(BuffLine, " \t"); if (CurPos && CurPos[0] == '#') CurPos = (char *)NULL; } length = strlen(CurPos); savestring = ALLOC(char,length+1); if (savestring == NULL) return(NULL); strcpy(savestring,CurPos); CurPos = strtok(NULL, " \t"); return(savestring); } /* end of readString */ /** @brief Reads a list of strings from a line of a file. @details The strings are sequences of characters separated by spaces or tabs. The total length of the list, white space included, must not exceed MAXLENGTH-1 characters. readList allocates memory for the strings and creates an array of pointers to the individual lists. Only two pieces of memory are allocated by readList: One to hold all the strings, and one to hold the pointers to them. Therefore, when freeing the memory allocated by readList, only the pointer to the list of pointers, and the pointer to the beginning of the first string should be freed. @return the pointer to the list of pointers if successful; NULL otherwise. @sideeffect n is set to the number of strings in the list. @see readString printList */ static char ** readList( FILE * fp /**< pointer to the file from which the list is read */, int * n /**< on return, number of strings in the list */) { char *savestring; int length; char *stack[8192]; char **list; int i, count = 0; while (CurPos) { if (strcmp(CurPos, "\\") == 0) { CurPos = (char *)NULL; while (!CurPos) { if (!fgets(BuffLine, MAXLENGTH, fp)) return(NULL); BuffLine[strlen(BuffLine) - 1] = '\0'; CurPos = strtok(BuffLine, " \t"); } } length = strlen(CurPos); savestring = ALLOC(char,length+1); if (savestring == NULL) return(NULL); strcpy(savestring,CurPos); stack[count] = savestring; count++; CurPos = strtok(NULL, " \t"); } list = ALLOC(char *, count); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) list[i] = stack[i]; *n = count; return(list); } /* end of readList */ /** @brief Prints a list of strings to the standard output. @details The list is in the format created by readList. @sideeffect None @see readList Bnet_PrintNetwork */ static void printList( char ** list /**< list of pointers to strings */, int n /**< length of the list */) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { (void) fprintf(stdout," %s",list[i]); } (void) fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } /* end of printList */ /** @brief Generates n names not currently in a symbol table. @details The pointer to the symbol table may be NULL, in which case no test is made. The names generated by the procedure are unique. So, if there is no possibility of conflict with pre-existing names, NULL can be passed for the hash table. @return an array of names if succesful; NULL otherwise. @sideeffect None @see */ static char ** bnetGenerateNewNames( st_table * hash /* table of existing names (or NULL) */, int n /* number of names to be generated */) { char **list; char name[256]; int i; if (n < 1) return(NULL); list = ALLOC(char *,n); if (list == NULL) return(NULL); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { do { sprintf(name, "var%d", newNameNumber); newNameNumber++; } while (hash != NULL && st_is_member(hash,name)); list[i] = util_strsav(name); } return(list); } /* bnetGenerateNewNames */ /** @brief Writes blif for the reencoding logic. @sideeffect None */ static int bnetDumpReencodingLogic( DdManager * dd /**< %DD manager */, char * mname /**< model name */, int noutputs /**< number of outputs */, DdNode ** outputs /**< array of network outputs */, char ** inames /**< array of network input names */, char ** altnames /**< array of names of reencoded inputs */, char ** onames /**< array of network output names */, FILE * fp /**< file pointer */) { int i; int retval; int nvars = Cudd_ReadSize(dd); int *support = NULL; support = bnetFindVectorSupport(dd,outputs,noutputs); if (support == NULL) return(0); /* Write the header (.model .inputs .outputs). */ retval = fprintf(fp,".model %s.global\n.inputs",mname); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," %s", inames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } /* Write the .output line. */ retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.outputs"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < noutputs; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," %s", onames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp,"\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; /* Instantiate main subcircuit. */ retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.subckt %s", mname); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } if (support[i] == 1) { retval = fprintf(fp," %s=%s", inames[i], altnames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } } for (i = 0; i < noutputs; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," %s=%s", onames[i], onames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp,"\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; /* Instantiate reencoding subcircuit. */ retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.subckt %s.reencode",mname); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," %s=%s", inames[i], inames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } if (support[i] == 1) { retval = fprintf(fp," %s=%s", altnames[i],altnames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } } retval = fprintf(fp,"\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; /* Write trailer. */ retval = fprintf(fp,".end\n\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; /* Write reencoding subcircuit. */ retval = bnetBlifWriteReencode(dd,mname,inames,altnames,support,fp); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; FREE(support); return(1); failure: if (support != NULL) FREE(support); return(0); } /* end of bnetDumpReencodingLogic */ /** @brief Writes blif for the truth table of an n-input xnor. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ #if 0 static int bnetBlifXnorTable( FILE * fp /**< file pointer */, int n /**< number of inputs */) { int power; /* 2 to the power n */ int i,j,k; int nzeroes; int retval; char *line; line = ALLOC(char,n+1); if (line == NULL) return(0); line[n] = '\0'; for (i = 0, power = 1; i < n; i++) { power *= 2; } for (i = 0; i < power; i++) { k = i; nzeroes = 0; for (j = 0; j < n; j++) { if (k & 1) { line[j] = '1'; } else { line[j] = '0'; nzeroes++; } k >>= 1; } if ((nzeroes & 1) == 0) { retval = fprintf(fp,"%s 1\n",line); if (retval == 0) return(0); } } return(1); } /* end of bnetBlifXnorTable */ #endif /** @brief Writes blif for the reencoding logic. @details Exclusive NORs with more than two inputs are decomposed into cascaded two-input gates. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ static int bnetBlifWriteReencode( DdManager * dd, char * mname, char ** inames, char ** altnames, int * support, FILE * fp) { int retval; int nvars = Cudd_ReadSize(dd); int i,j; int ninp; /* Write the header (.model .inputs .outputs). */ retval = fprintf(fp,".model %s.reencode\n.inputs",mname); if (retval == EOF) return(0); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } retval = fprintf(fp," %s", inames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } /* Write the .output line. */ retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.outputs"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { if ((i%8 == 0)&&i) { retval = fprintf(fp," \\\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } if (support[i] == 1) { retval = fprintf(fp," %s", altnames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; } } retval = fprintf(fp,"\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; /* Instantiate exclusive nors. */ for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { char *in1 = NULL; char *in2 = NULL; char **oname; if (support[i] == 0) continue; ninp = 0; for (j = 0; j < nvars; j++) { if (Cudd_ReadLinear(dd,i,j)) { switch (ninp) { case 0: in1 = inames[j]; ninp++; break; case 1: in2 = inames[j]; ninp++; break; case 2: oname = bnetGenerateNewNames(NULL,1); retval = fprintf(fp,".names %s %s %s\n11 1\n00 1\n", in1, in2, oname[0]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; in1 = oname[0]; in2 = inames[j]; FREE(oname); break; default: goto failure; } } } switch (ninp) { case 1: retval = fprintf(fp,".names %s %s\n1 1\n", in1, altnames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; break; case 2: retval = fprintf(fp,".names %s %s %s\n11 1\n00 1\n", in1, in2, altnames[i]); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; break; default: goto failure; } } /* Write trailer. */ retval = fprintf(fp,"\n.end\n\n"); if (retval == EOF) goto failure; return(1); failure: return(0); } /* end of bnetBlifWriteReencode */ /** @brief Finds the support of a list of DDs. @sideeffect None */ static int * bnetFindVectorSupport( DdManager * dd, DdNode ** list, int n) { DdNode *support = NULL; DdNode *scan; int *array = NULL; int nvars = Cudd_ReadSize(dd); int i; /* Build an array with the support of the functions in list. */ array = ALLOC(int,nvars); if (array == NULL) return(NULL); for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) { array[i] = 0; } /* Take the union of the supports of each output function. */ for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { support = Cudd_Support(dd,list[i]); if (support == NULL) { FREE(array); return(NULL); } Cudd_Ref(support); scan = support; while (!Cudd_IsConstant(scan)) { array[scan->index] = 1; scan = Cudd_T(scan); } Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,support); } return(array); } /* end of bnetFindVectorSupport */ /** @brief Builds %BDD for a XOR function. @details Checks whether a function is a XOR with 2 or 3 inputs. If so, it builds the %BDD. @return 1 if the %BDD has been built; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ static int buildExorBDD( DdManager * dd, BnetNode * nd, st_table * hash, int params, int nodrop) { int check[8]; int i; int nlines; BnetTabline *line; DdNode *func, *var, *tmp; BnetNode *auxnd; if (nd->ninp < 2 || nd->ninp > 3) return(0); nlines = 1 << (nd->ninp - 1); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) check[i] = 0; line = nd->f; while (line != NULL) { int num = 0; int count = 0; nlines--; for (i = 0; i < nd->ninp; i++) { num <<= 1; if (line->values[i] == '-') { return(0); } else if (line->values[i] == '1') { count++; num++; } } if ((count & 1) == 0) return(0); if (check[num]) return(0); line = line->next; } if (nlines != 0) return(0); /* Initialize the exclusive sum to logical 0. */ func = Cudd_ReadLogicZero(dd); Cudd_Ref(func); /* Scan the inputs. */ for (i = 0; i < nd->ninp; i++) { if (!st_lookup(hash, nd->inputs[i], (void **) &auxnd)) { goto failure; } if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { if (auxnd->active == FALSE) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } var = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,auxnd->var); if (var == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(var); } else { /* params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD */ if (auxnd->dd == NULL) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } var = auxnd->dd; } tmp = Cudd_bddXor(dd,func,var); if (tmp == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(tmp); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,func); if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,var); } func = tmp; } nd->dd = func; /* Associate a variable to this node if local BDDs are being ** built. This is done at the end, so that the primary inputs tend ** to get lower indices. */ if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD && nd->active == FALSE) { DdNode *auxfunc = Cudd_bddNewVar(dd); if (auxfunc == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(auxfunc); nd->var = auxfunc->index; nd->active = TRUE; Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,auxfunc); } return(1); failure: return(0); } /* end of buildExorBDD */ /** @brief Builds %BDD for a multiplexer. @details Checks whether a function is a 2-to-1 multiplexer. If so, it builds the %BDD. @return 1 if the %BDD has been built; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect None */ static int buildMuxBDD( DdManager * dd, BnetNode * nd, st_table * hash, int params, int nodrop) { BnetTabline *line; char *values[2]; int mux[2] = {0, 0}; int phase[2] = {0, 0}; int j; int nlines = 0; int controlC = -1; int controlR = -1; DdNode *func, *f, *g, *h; BnetNode *auxnd; if (nd->ninp != 3 || nd->f == NULL) return(0); for (line = nd->f; line != NULL; line = line->next) { int dc = 0; if (nlines > 1) return(0); values[nlines] = line->values; for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (values[nlines][j] == '-') { if (dc) return(0); dc = 1; } } if (!dc) return(0); nlines++; } if (nlines != 2) return(0); /* At this point we know we have: ** 3 inputs ** 2 lines ** 1 dash in each line ** If the two dashes are not in the same column, then there is ** exaclty one column without dashes: the control column. */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (values[0][j] == '-' && values[1][j] == '-') return(0); if (values[0][j] != '-' && values[1][j] != '-') { if (values[0][j] == values[1][j]) return(0); controlC = j; controlR = values[0][j] == '0'; } } assert(controlC != -1 && controlR != -1); /* At this point we know that there is indeed no column with two ** dashes. The control column has been identified, and we know that ** its two elelments are different. */ for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (j == controlC) continue; if (values[controlR][j] == '1') { mux[0] = j; phase[0] = 0; } else if (values[controlR][j] == '0') { mux[0] = j; phase[0] = 1; } else if (values[1-controlR][j] == '1') { mux[1] = j; phase[1] = 0; } else if (values[1-controlR][j] == '0') { mux[1] = j; phase[1] = 1; } } /* Get the inputs. */ if (!st_lookup(hash, nd->inputs[controlC], (void **) &auxnd)) { goto failure; } if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { if (auxnd->active == FALSE) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } f = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,auxnd->var); if (f == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(f); } else { /* params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD */ if (auxnd->dd == NULL) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } f = auxnd->dd; } if (!st_lookup(hash, nd->inputs[mux[0]], (void **) &auxnd)) { goto failure; } if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { if (auxnd->active == FALSE) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } g = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,auxnd->var); if (g == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(g); } else { /* params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD */ if (auxnd->dd == NULL) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } g = auxnd->dd; } g = Cudd_NotCond(g,phase[0]); if (!st_lookup(hash, nd->inputs[mux[1]], (void **) &auxnd)) { goto failure; } if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { if (auxnd->active == FALSE) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } h = Cudd_ReadVars(dd,auxnd->var); if (h == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(h); } else { /* params == BNET_GLOBAL_DD */ if (auxnd->dd == NULL) { if (!Bnet_BuildNodeBDD(dd,auxnd,hash,params,nodrop)) { goto failure; } } h = auxnd->dd; } h = Cudd_NotCond(h,phase[1]); func = Cudd_bddIte(dd,f,g,h); if (func == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(func); if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD) { Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,f); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,g); Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,h); } nd->dd = func; /* Associate a variable to this node if local BDDs are being ** built. This is done at the end, so that the primary inputs tend ** to get lower indices. */ if (params == BNET_LOCAL_DD && nd->active == FALSE) { DdNode *auxfunc = Cudd_bddNewVar(dd); if (auxfunc == NULL) goto failure; Cudd_Ref(auxfunc); nd->var = auxfunc->index; nd->active = TRUE; Cudd_IterDerefBdd(dd,auxfunc); } return(1); failure: return(0); } /* end of buildExorBDD */ /** @brief Sets the level of each node. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect Changes the level and visited fields of the nodes it visits. @see bnetLevelDFS */ static int bnetSetLevel( BnetNetwork * net) { BnetNode *node; /* Recursively visit nodes. This is pretty inefficient, because we ** visit all nodes in this loop, and most of them in the recursive ** calls to bnetLevelDFS. However, this approach guarantees that ** all nodes will be reached ven if there are dangling outputs. */ node = net->nodes; while (node != NULL) { if (!bnetLevelDFS(net,node)) return(0); node = node->next; } /* Clear visited flags. */ node = net->nodes; while (node != NULL) { node->visited = 0; node = node->next; } return(1); } /* end of bnetSetLevel */ /** @brief Does a DFS from a node setting the level field. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect Changes the level and visited fields of the nodes it visits. @see bnetSetLevel */ static int bnetLevelDFS( BnetNetwork * net, BnetNode * node) { int i; BnetNode *auxnd; if (node->visited == 1) { return(1); } node->visited = 1; /* Graphical sources have level 0. This is the final value if the ** node has no fan-ins. Otherwise the successive loop will ** increase the level. */ node->level = 0; for (i = 0; i < node->ninp; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash, node->inputs[i], (void **) &auxnd)) { return(0); } if (!bnetLevelDFS(net,auxnd)) { return(0); } if (auxnd->level >= node->level) node->level = 1 + auxnd->level; } return(1); } /* end of bnetLevelDFS */ /** @brief Orders network roots for variable ordering. @return an array with the ordered outputs and next state variables if successful; NULL otherwise. @sideeffect None */ static BnetNode ** bnetOrderRoots( BnetNetwork * net, int * nroots) { int i, noutputs; BnetNode *node; BnetNode **nodes = NULL; /* Initialize data structures. */ noutputs = net->noutputs; nodes = ALLOC(BnetNode *, noutputs); if (nodes == NULL) goto endgame; /* Find output names and levels. */ for (i = 0; i < net->noutputs; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash,net->outputs[i],(void **)&node)) { goto endgame; } nodes[i] = node; } util_qsort(nodes, noutputs, sizeof(BnetNode *), (DD_QSFP)bnetLevelCompare); *nroots = noutputs; return(nodes); endgame: if (nodes != NULL) FREE(nodes); return(NULL); } /* end of bnetOrderRoots */ /** @brief Comparison function used by qsort. @details Used to order the variables according to the number of keys in the subtables. @return the difference in number of keys between the two variables being compared. @sideeffect None */ static int bnetLevelCompare( BnetNode ** x, BnetNode ** y) { return((*y)->level - (*x)->level); } /* end of bnetLevelCompare */ /** @brief Does a DFS from a node ordering the inputs. @return 1 if successful; 0 otherwise. @sideeffect Changes visited fields of the nodes it visits. @see Bnet_DfsVariableOrder */ static int bnetDfsOrder( DdManager * dd, BnetNetwork * net, BnetNode * node) { int i; BnetNode *auxnd; BnetNode **fanins; if (node->visited == 1) { return(1); } node->visited = 1; if (node->type == BNET_INPUT_NODE || node->type == BNET_PRESENT_STATE_NODE) { node->dd = Cudd_bddNewVar(dd); if (node->dd == NULL) return(0); Cudd_Ref(node->dd); node->active = TRUE; node->var = node->dd->index; return(1); } fanins = ALLOC(BnetNode *, node->ninp); if (fanins == NULL) return(0); for (i = 0; i < node->ninp; i++) { if (!st_lookup(net->hash, node->inputs[i], (void **) &auxnd)) { FREE(fanins); return(0); } fanins[i] = auxnd; } util_qsort(fanins, node->ninp, sizeof(BnetNode *), (DD_QSFP)bnetLevelCompare); for (i = 0; i < node->ninp; i++) { /* for (i = node->ninp - 1; i >= 0; i--) { */ int res = bnetDfsOrder(dd,net,fanins[i]); if (res == 0) { FREE(fanins); return(0); } } FREE(fanins); return(1); } /* end of bnetLevelDFS */