Getting Started {#getting_started} ======= Download -------- We mirror our master branch to If you want to use the newest bleeding edge version, you can checkout from Although we try to keep the master branch stable, there is a chance that the current revision is broken. You can check [here]( if the current revision compiles and all the unit tests work. We regularly tag reasonably stable versions. You can find them at Quick installation guide -------------------------------------------- - Make sure all @subpage dependencies "dependencies" are available. - Download the latest release or clone the git repository from - Prepare the build. @code{.sh} $ mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../ @endcode - Build carl (with tests and documentation). @code{.sh} $ make $ make test doc @endcode Sample installations: - @subpage ubuntu_1404_lts - @subpage windows_7_msvc2014 Using CArL -------------------------------------------- CArL registers itself in the CMake system, hence to include CArL in any other CMake project, just use `find_package(carl)`. To use CArL in other projects, link against the shared or static library created in `build/`. Supported platforms -------------------------------------------- We have tested carl successfully on the following platforms: - Arch Linux with Clang 3.9.1 and GCC 6.2.1 - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with several compilers on [Travis CI]( - OS X 10.11 with several compilers on [Travis CI]( We usually support at least all `clang` and `gcc` versions starting from those shipped with the latest Ubuntu LTS or Debian stable releases. As of now, this is `clang-3.8` and newer and `gcc-5` and newer. Advanced building topics -------------------------------------------- - @subpage build_cmake Troubleshooting -------------------------------------------- If you're experiencing problems, take a look at our @subpage troubleshooting section. If that doesn't help you, feel free to contact us.