README file for the test program of the DDDMP-2.0 package Revision: Version 2.0.2, February 01, 2004 WHAT IS TESTDDDMP ================= testdddmp is a test program for the dddmp package. Practically, it is a naive user interface to load, store and execute operations with BDDs. It is included to provide a sanity check for the installation of the package and an easy tool to play with BDDs and BDD on files. MAKE TESTDDDMP ============== Run "make testdddmp". This should produce the testdddmp executable file. TEST DDDMP ========== Run the runAllTest.script file in the exp directory. This should run all the test?.script files in the same directory. Each of them is specifically written to check a particular feature of the package (e.g., store and load of BDDs, store of CNF formulas and retrieval, etc.). Each test?.script should terminate with a comparison with a previously generated set of files, then with the following set of messages: Files 0or1.bdd and 0or1.bdd2 are identical Files 2and3.bdd and 2and3.bdd2 are identical ... If so everything is OK. Notice that mismatches may be caused by the presence of CR - LF characters at the end of each BDD file line. WORK WITH DDDMPTEST =================== To work with dddmptest (once the executable file has been built) it is enough to run it (no parameter is necessary). The help command print out the main commands available. For each command further inputs are eventually required on an interactive basis. BDDs and ADDs can be loaded from files by choosing the file name or they can be directly created (randomly for example). They can be maintained into the main memory trough an array of BDD pointers. Operations (logical and re-ordering) can be performed on any BDD into this array. Eventually any of them can be stored in a file giving the file name. BDDs can also be stored in a CNF format using three different possible solution to store them. FEEDBACK ======== Send feedback to: Gianpiero Cabodi and Stefano Quer Politecnico di Torino Dip. Automatica e Informatica Duca degli Abruzzi 24 I-10129 Torino Italy E-mail: {gianpiero.cabodi,stefano.quer} WEB page:{gianpiero.cabodi,stefano.quer}