# - Try to find libz3 # Once done this will define # LIBZ3_FOUND - System has libz3 # LIBZ3_INCLUDE_DIRS - The libz3 include directories # LIBZ3_LIBRARIES - The libraries needed to use libz3 # dependencies # -- TODO -- needed? # find include dir by searching for a concrete file, which definitely must be in it find_path(Z3_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES z3++.h PATHS ENV PATH INCLUDE "${Z3_ROOT}/include" "/usr/include/z3" "/usr/local/include/z3/" ) # find library find_library(Z3_LIBRARY NAMES z3 PATHS ENV PATH INCLUDE "${Z3_ROOT}/lib" ) find_program(Z3_EXEC NAMES z3 PATHS ENV PATH INCLUDE "${Z3_ROOT}/bin" ) # set up the final variables set(Z3_LIBRARIES ${Z3_LIBRARY}) set(Z3_INCLUDE_DIRS ${Z3_INCLUDE_DIR}) set(Z3_SOLVER ${Z3_EXEC}) # set the LIBZ3_FOUND variable by utilizing the following macro # (which also handles the REQUIRED and QUIET arguments) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) find_package_handle_standard_args(Z3 DEFAULT_MSG Z3_LIBRARY Z3_INCLUDE_DIR) IF (NOT Z3_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found Z3: ${Z3_LIBRARY}") ENDIF (NOT Z3_FIND_QUIETLY) # debug output to see if everything went well #message(${Z3_INCLUDE_DIR}) #message(${Z3_LIBRARY}) # make the set variables only visible in advanced mode mark_as_advanced(Z3_LIBRARY Z3_INCLUDE_DIR Z3_SOLVER, Z3_EXEC)