*NAME: FURNACE *ROWS: 18 *COLUMNS: 18 *NONZERO: 90 *OPT SOLN: 2141.923551 *SOURCE: Linear Programming--Electric-Arc Furnace Steelmaking * Data Processing Application. N.Y.: IBM Corp. *APPLICATION: Electric-Arc Furnace Steelmaking *COMMENTS: fixed MPS format * encoded by Andrew Makhorin * NAME FURNACE ROWS N VALUE $ Price per pound (of initial charge materials) E CR $ Chromium E MN $ Manganese E SI $ Silicon E C $ Carbon E FE $ Iron E TOTCHG $ Total elements charged E CRSLAG $ Chromium-oxidized-to-slag relationship E TOTCRS $ Total modified chromium specification constraint E MN/CR $ Total manganese specification constraint E FESLAG $ Iron-oxidized-to-slag relationship G ENDFE $ Total iron specification constraint L CSPEC $ Total carbon specification constraint E BASE $ Basicity relationship L SISPEC $ Total silicon specification constraint G TOTAL $ Total end metal L TOTRS4 $ Inventory limitation on 430 grade scrap L TOTRCF $ Inventory limitation on low-carbon ferrochrome COLUMNS * Steel scrap STSCP VALUE .02 CR 0 MN .01 SI .002 C .006 FE .982 * 430 grade scrap SP430 VALUE .075 CR .16 MN .01 SI .0095 C .0012 FE .8143 TOTRS4 1 * High-carbon ferrochrome HCFCR VALUE .27 CR .556 MN 0 SI .02 C .08 FE .334 * Low-carbon ferrochrome LCFCR VALUE .40 CR .65 MN 0 SI .01 C .0009 FE .3391 TOTRCF 1 * Chromium initially charged CRIT VALUE 0 CR -1 TOTCHG 1 CRSLAG 1 * Manganese initially charged MNIT VALUE 0 MN -1 TOTCHG 1 CRSLAG 1 MN/CR .98 * Silicon initially charged SIIT VALUE 0 SI -1 TOTCHG 1 CSPEC -5 BASE 2.14 TOTAL -1 * Carbon initially charged CEIT VALUE 0 C -1 TOTCHG 1 TOTAL -1 * Iron initially charged FEIT VALUE 0 FE -1 TOTCHG 1 ENDFE 1 * Total initial charge weight TICW VALUE 0 TOTCHG -1 CRSLAG -.074 TOTCRS .074 FESLAG .075 CSPEC 5 TOTAL 1 * Modified chromium in the slag ISCR VALUE 0 CRSLAG -1 TOTCRS .95 FESLAG -1 CSPEC -.25 SISPEC -.395 TOTAL -.05 * Chrome silicide additive at refining stage CRSI VALUE .27 TOTCRS .39 ENDFE .18 BASE 2.7606 SISPEC .43 TOTAL .57 * 430 grade scrap at refining stage RS430 VALUE .075 TOTCRS .17 MN/CR .01 ENDFE .8143 CSPEC 12 SISPEC .0095 TOTAL 1 TOTRS4 1 * Low-carbon ferrochrome at refining stage RCFCR VALUE .40 TOTCRS .65 ENDFE .3391 CSPEC 9 SISPEC .01 TOTAL 1 TOTRCF 1 * Iron in the slag ISFE VALUE 0 FESLAG -1 ENDFE -.05 CSPEC -.25 SISPEC -.238 TOTAL -.05 * Lime at refining stage LIME VALUE .01 BASE -2 * Low-carbon ferrochrome at finishing stage FCFCR VALUE .40 TOTCRS .65 ENDFE .3391 CSPEC 9 SISPEC .01 TOTAL 1 TOTRCF 1 * Slack in the chromium and manganese specifications SIS VALUE 0 TOTCRS 1 MN/CR 1 RHS TOTCRS 3400 MN/CR 200 ENDFE 16200 CSPEC 100000 SISPEC 200 TOTAL 20000 TOTRS4 2000 TOTRCF 2000 BOUNDS UP HCFCR 2000 ENDATA