cpptempl ================= This is a template engine for C++. Copyright ================== Author: Ryan Ginstrom MIT License Syntax ================= Variables:: {$variable_name} Loops:: {% for person in people %}Name: {$person.name}{% endfor %} If:: {% if person.name == "Bob" %}Full name: Robert{% endif %} Usage ======================= Define a template:: string text = "{% if item %}{$item}{% endif %}\n" "{% if thing %}{$thing}{% endif %}" ; Set up data:: cpptempl::data_map data ; data["item"] = "aaa" ; data["thing"] = "bbb" ; Parse the template and data:: string result = cpptempl::parse(text, data) ; Lists, nested maps ======================== Example:: cpptempl::data_map person_data ; person_data["name"] = "Bob" ; person_data["occupation"] = "Plumber" ; cpptempl::data_map content ; content["person"] = person_data ; content["friends"].push_back("Alice") ; content["friends"].push_back("Bob") ;